

[1] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[2] House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 9.

[3] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General and Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison, Minister for Justice and Customs, 'Commonwealth to set up independent national anti-corruption body', Joint media release E73/03, 16 June 2004.

[4] Sue Harris Rimmer, Client Memorandum – Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bills, 21 April 2006, p. 3.

[5] G.A. Kennedy AO QC, Royal Commission into whether there has been any corrupt or criminal conduct by Western Australian police officers – Interim Report, December 2002, pp 57-58.

[6] Corruption and Crime Commission of Western Australia, (accessed on 30 April 2006).

[7] Complaints (Australian Federal Police Act) 1981; Dr A.J. Brown, 'Federal anti-corruption Policy takes a new turn...but which way? Issues and options for a Commonwealth integrity agency', Public Law Review, 2005, vol. 16, no. 89, p. 93.

[8] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), pp 1-2.

[9] Australian Law Reform Commission, Integrity: but not by trust alone: Australian Federal Police and National Crime Authority complaints and disciplinary systems, 1996, ALRC Report No. 82, Recommendation 6.

[10] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 3.

[11] Federal Agent Alan Scott, Professional Standards – charting the way forward, Platypus Magazine (Australian Federal Police), No. 82, March 2004, p. 36.

[12] Australian Federal Police, Submission 3, p. 1.

[13] Australian Law Reform Commission, Integrity: but not by trust alone: Australian Federal Police and National Crime Authority complaints and disciplinary systems, 1996, ALRC Report No. 82, p. 15.

[14] Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee, Order in the law – The report of the Inquiry into the Management Arrangements and Adequacy of Funding of the Australian Federal Police and the National Crime Authority, 28 August 2001, p. 137.

[15] The Hon. W.K. Fisher AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 97.

[16] The Hon. W.K. Fisher AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 59.

[17] The Hon. Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 6.

[18] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[19] The Hon. Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 9.

[20] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 3.

[21] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12.

[22] See also Attorney-General's Department, Submission 10, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 2.

[23] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clauses 18, 19 and 23.

[24] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 18.

[25] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 18.

[26] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, pp 19-20.

[27] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 24.

[28] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, pp 38-39.

[29] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 49.

[30] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 49.

[31] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clause 143.

[32] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

[33] The Hon. Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 7.

[34] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[35] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[36] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[37] The AFP Commissioner may, by writing, issue orders with respect to the general administration of, and the control of the operations or, the AFP (section 38, Australian Federal Police Act 1979).

[38] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12.

[39] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 6; The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General and Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison, Minister for Justice and Customs, 'Commonwealth to set up independent national anti-corruption body', Joint media release E73/03, 16 June 2004.

[40] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment C), p. 67; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 3.

[41] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 6.

[42] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 5.

[43] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 6.

[44] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 3.10, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[45] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 3.10, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[46] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 4.1, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[47] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 4.3, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[48] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 4.4, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[49] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 4; Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), pp 3-5.

[50] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 30.

[51] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 4.

[52] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 5-6.

[53] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 29.

[54] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment B), p. 92.

[55] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 6; Mr Bruce Barbour, The Ombudsman and the rule of law, AIAL Forum, No. 44, 6 November 2004.

[56] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 5.

[57] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, subclause 3(1).

[58] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 3.

[59] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 8.

[60] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment B), p. 92.

[61] Mr Glenn Ross, Submission 1, p. 1.

[62] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 6.

[63] House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 6.

[64] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General and Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison, Minister for Justice and Customs, 'Commonwealth to set up independent national anti-corruption body', Joint media release E73/03, 16 June 2004.

[65] Mr Craig Harris, Assistant Secretary, National Law Enforcement Policy Branch, Criminal Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 30.

[66] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 96; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 6-7.

[67] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 7.

[68] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 96; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 6-7.

[69] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 30.

[70] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 7, p. 4.

[71] Mr Craig Harris, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 29.

[72] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 4.

[73] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 4.

[74] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment B), pp 92-93 and p. 96.

[75] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment A), p. 96.

[76] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 2.

[77] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 2.

[78] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 30.

[79] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 3; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 7.

[80] The Hon. Justice James Wood, 8th International Anti-Corruption Conference – The Papers, 'Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service', paragraph 4.4, (accessed 28 April 2005).

[81] See also the comments of the Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 3; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11; Police Federation of Australia, Submission 7.

[82] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 13.

[83] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clause 140.

[84] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, subparagraph 140(2)(a)(i).

[85] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clause 139; Explanatory Memorandum, p. 75.

[86] Crimes Act 1914, Part IAA, Divisions 4 and 5.

[87] Commissioner the Hon. Justice J.R.T. Wood, Final Report of the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service, May 1997, p. 161.

[88] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 7, p. 8.

[89] Mr Michael Manning, Principal Legal Officer, National Law Enforcement Police Branch, Criminal Justice Division, Attorney-General’s Department, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 39; Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 75.

[90] Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 39.

[91] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 6.

[92] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 8.

[93] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 8.

[94] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 7.

[95] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 41.

[96] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 7.

[97] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 27.

[98] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 27.

[99] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 5.

[100] Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, pp 1-3.

[101] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clauses 29-30; Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 1; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 10.

[102] Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 1; Mr Allan Kearney, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 10.

[103] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 10.

[104] Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 2; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11 and 13.

[105] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clauses 142 and 148.

[106] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11.

[107] Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 2; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11.

[108] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clause 19; Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, pp 2-3; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11.

[109] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 11.

[110] Committee Hansard , 27 April 2006, p. 11.

[111] Police Integrity Commission, Submission 2, p. 3.

[112] Mr Craig Harris, Assistant Secretary, National Law Enforcement Policy Branch, Criminal Justice Division, Attorney-General's Department, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 31.

[113] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 4.

[114] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 4.

[115] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006, item 42; Submission 4, p. 5.

[116] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 5; Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 25.

[117] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, pp 5-6.

[118] Dr Vivienne Thom, Deputy Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 25.

[119] Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 32.

[120] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 7.

[121] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 7.

[122] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 7.

[123] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 7.

[124] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 79.

[125] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 7, p. 8.

[126] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 9.

[127] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 9.

[128] PJC on the ACC, Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, pp 74 & 78.

[129] PJC on the ACC, Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, p. 86 (Recommendation 12).

[130] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 8.

[131] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 8; Mr Craig Harris, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 35.

[132] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 8.

[133] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 8.

[134] PJC on the ACC, Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, pp 74-78.

[135] Section 61A

[136] Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, clause 5.

[137] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 2.

[138] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 2.

[139] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 2.

[140] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 21-22.

[141] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 7, pp 4-5.

[142] Independent Commission Against Corruption, What we mean by corruption, (accessed 1 May 2006); Senator J. Ludwig, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 12.

[143] Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 33.

[144] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 1; Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 33.

[145] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 1.

[146] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 1.

[147] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 33.

[148] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003.

[149] The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney-General, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 March 2006, p. 7.

[150] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 35.

[151] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 97.

[152] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 97.

[153] Australian Federal Police, Submission 3, p. 3; Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 26.

[154] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 9.

[155] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, clause 40RD.

[156] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1; Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 2.

[157] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006 p. 32.

[158] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 13.

[159] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 13.

[160] Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 26.

[161] The new AFP complaints and disciplinary system allows all complaints to be categorised by level of seriousness. The types of matters that fall within each of the categories are described in very general terms in the Bill, with specific matters within each category to be agreed between the AFP Commissioner and the Commonwealth Ombudsman; Dr Vivienne Thom, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 23.

[162] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 3.

[163] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, item 2.

[164] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, item 13.

[165] Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 26.

[166] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 3; Dr Vivienne Thom, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 23.

[167] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 2; Dr Vivienne Thom, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 23.

[168] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, pp 3-4.

[169] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 2.

[170] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 17.

[171] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 5.

[172] Australian Federal Police Association, Supplementary Submission 6A, Answers to Questions on Notice, p. 3; AFPA argued strongly for the inclusion of AFP regulation 24 review mechanisms within the AFP Act.

[173] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 5.

[174] Australian Federal Police Association, Supplementary Submission 6A, Answers to Questions on Notice, pp 2-3.

[175] Mr James Torr, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 21.

[176] Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 35-36.

[177] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 99.

[178] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 15.

[179] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 15.

[180] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 15.

[181] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 10.

[182] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 10.

[183] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 11.

[184] Federal Agent Allan Scott, Manager, People Strategies, Australian Federal Police, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 37.

[185] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 3; Mr Ian Phillips, Director Legal, Australian Federal Police Association, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 20.

[186] Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006, clause 40TC.

[187] Mr James Torr and Mr Ian Phillips, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 20.

[188] Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 38.

[189] Mr Craig Harris, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 38.

[190] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 16.

[191] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 16.

[192] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 16.

[193] Attorney General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 16.

[194] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, pp 38-39.

[195] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, pp 66-67.

[196] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 68.

[197] The Hon. W.K. Fisher, AO QC, A Review of Professional Standards in the Australian Federal Police, Commonwealth of Australia, 2003, p. 75.

[198] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 3.

[199] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 4.

[200] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, pp 4-5; Mr James Torr, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 17.

[201] Mr James Torr, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 17.

[202] Mr Ian Phillips, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 18, Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, pp 14-15.

[203] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 18; Mr Ian Phillips, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 21.

[204] Mr Michael Manning, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 36.

[205] Australian Federal Police Act 1979, sections 28 and 40K; Federal Agent Alan Scott, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 37.

[206] Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 37.

[207] Commissioner Mick Keelty, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 37.

[208] Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 4, p. 4.

[209] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 25.

[210] Mr Craig Harris, Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 32.

[211] Australian Federal Police Association, Submission 6, p. 8.

[212] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8 (Attachment B), p. 92.

[213] The Attorney-General's Department stated that the Bill implements recommendations 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. It implements recommendations 7, 9 and 15 with some variation. Recommendations 3 and 17 will be implemented by administrative action. Recommendations 12, 16 and 23 will be implemented in part by the Bill and in part by administrative action (Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 15).

[214] Attorney-General's Department, Submission 11, Answers to Questions on Notice, Question 15 – Attachment A, p. 15.

[215] Dr A.J. Brown, Submission 8, p. 2.

[216] Committee Hansard, 27 April 2006, p. 30.