Inquiry into the Provisions of the Sex Discrimination Amendment Bill (No.1) 2000

Inquiry into the Provisions of the Sex Discrimination Amendment Bill (No.1) 2000

Table of Contents

Membership of the Committee (Word format) (PDF format)

Foreword (Word format) (PDF format)

Chapter 1 (Word format) (PDF format)

Conduct of the Inquiry
Notes on References

Chapter 2 (Word format) (PDF format)

Purpose of the Bill
Effect of the Proposed Amendments

Chapter 3 (Word format) (PDF format)

The Basis of the Commonwealth Government's Approach

Chapter 4 (Word format) (PDF format)

The Legal Basis of the Government's Argument
The Relevance and Use of International Conventions
Can the Bill Achieve its Objective?

Chapter 5 (Word format) (PDF format)


Appendix 1 (Word format) (PDF format)

Organisations that Provided the Committee with Submissions

Appendix 2 (Word format) (PDF format)

Witnesses Who Appeared Before the Committee

Appendix 3 (Word format) (PDF format)

The Situation in South Australia and Western Australia

Appendix 4 (Word format) (PDF format)

The Incidence and Costs of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Procedures

Appendix 5 (Word format) (PDF Forma)

Press Release by the Prime Minister - 17 August 2000

Appendix 6 (Word format) (PDF Forma)

Press Release by the Attorney-General - 17 August 2000

Additional Comments by Labor Senators Jim McKiernan and Joe Ludwig (Word format) (PDF format)

Additional Comments by Senator Brian Greig (Word format) (PDF format)

Additional Comments by Senators Brett Mason and Helen Coonan (Word format) (PDF format)

Dissenting Report by Senators John Hogg and Jacinta Collins (Word format) (PDF format)

Dissenting Report by Senator Brian Harradine (Word format) (PDF format)