ANDERSON, Ms Adrienne, Policy Officer and Solicitor and Migration Agent, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre

DOUGLAS, Mr Kenneth, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Infrastructure and Services Division, Department of Immigration and Citizenship

FLETCHER, Mr Adam, Manager, Accountability Project, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

GORDON, Associate Professor Amanda, Honorary Fellow; Convenor, Refugee Issues and Psychology Interest Group, Australian Psychological Society

GRIDLEY, Ms Heather, Manager, Public Interest, Australian Psychological Society

KARAPANAGIOTIDIS, Mr Kon, OAM, Chief Executive Officer, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

LIONS, Ms Tamara, Government Relations Adviser, Amnesty International Australia

MANNE, Mr David, Executive Director, Principal Solicitor and Migration Agent, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre

NEWMAN, Professor Louise, Fellow, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

PARKER, Ms Vicki, First Assistant Secretary, Expert Panel Report Implementation, Refugee, Humanitarian and International Policy Division, Department of Immigration and Citizenship

PENOVIC, Ms Tania, Deputy Director, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

SCOTT, Ms Ellisa, Case Worker, Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project

SINGLETON, Dr Gillian, Fellow, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

TRIGGS, Professor Gillian, President, Australian Human Rights Commission

YONG, Dr Choong-Siew, Psychiatry representative, Australian Medical Association (AMA) Federal Council; Deputy Chair, Child and Youth Health Committee, AMA

ZWI, Associate Professor Karen, Fellow, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

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