

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 2, 31 August 2016, pp.75–76; The Immigration and Border Protection portfolio was replaced by the Home Affairs portfolio as of 12 February 2018, see: Journals of the Senate, No. 84, 12 February 2018, pp. 2668–2669.

[2]        Senate Hansard, 8 December 1987, pp. 2632–2645.

[3]        Also referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement.

[4]        Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 8; Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 136: Annual reports for corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 7.

[5]        Acts Interpretation Act 1901, s. 34.

[6]        The table also includes reports on the operation of acts or programs, reports tabled in accordance with agencies' legislative requirements, and reports on the work of Royal Commissions, which have been referred to the committee.

[7]        Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 8; Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 136: Annual reports for corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 7.

Chapter 1 - Annual reports of statutory agencies

[1]        Also referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement.

[2]        Section 7(1A) of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 allows the agency to be known by one or more names. As a result, the change of the agency's name did not affect its empowering legislation.

[3]        Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Annual Report 2017–18, p. 14 ('ACIC Annual Report 2017–18').

[4]        ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 14.

[5]        Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, section 7(3)(b).

[6]        ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[7]        ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[8]        ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[9]        ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[10]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 10.

[11]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 10.

[12]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 11.

[13]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 12.

[14]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 1213.

[15]      Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Corporate Plan 2017-18 to 2020-21, p. 18 ('Corporate Plan').

[16]      Corporate Plan, p. 18.

[17]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 21.

[18]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 22.

[19]      Portfolio Budget Statement 2017-18, p. 82.

[20]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 42.

[21]      Corporate Plan, p. 20; Portfolio Budget Statement 2017-18, p. 82.

[22]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 2056.

[23]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 4247.

[24]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 4850.

[25]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 5456.

[26]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies, and other Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entities, 25 June 2015, p. 4.

[27]      Australian National Audit Office, The Australian Government Performance Measurement and Reporting Framework – Pilot Project to Audit Key Performance Indicators, Report No. 28
201213, 23 April 2013, p. 20.

[28]      Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement, Examination of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Annual Report 2016-17, April 2019, pp. 33–39 ('PJCLE report').

[29]      PJCLE report, p. 34.

[30]      See: Australian National Audit Office, The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission's Administration of the Biometric Identification Services Project, Audit-General Report No. 24 201819, 21 January 2019 ('ANAO report').

[31]      ANAO report, p. 8.

[32]      ANAO report, p. 9.

[33]      ANAO report, p. 8.

[34]      PJCLE report, p. 39.

[35]      PJCLE report, p. 39.

[36]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 48.

[37]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 49.

[38]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 50.

[39]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 169.

[40]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 189.

[41]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 190.

[42]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 190.

[43]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 191.

[44]      ACIC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 40.

[45]      Australian Transaction and Reporting Analysis Centre Annual Report 2017–18, p. 14 ('AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18') p. 15.

[46]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 15.

[47]      Australian Transaction and Reporting Analysis Centre Corporate Plan 2017–21 ('AUSTRAC Corporate Plan'), pp. 16–20; Portfolio Budget Statement 2017–18, pp. 149–151.

[48]      Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, section 209(4)(b).

[49]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 8.

[50]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[51]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 9.

[52]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 910.

[53]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 10.

[54]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 10.

[55]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 10.

[56]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 11.

[57]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 1112.

[58]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 3031.

[59]      Portfolio Budget Statement 2017-18, p. 151.

[60]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 33.

[61]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 3334.

[62]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 34.

[63]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 3435.

[64]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 3436.

[65]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, pp. 3637.

[66]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 57.

[67]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 57.

[68]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 75.

[69]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 75.

[70]      AUSTRAC Annual Report 2017–18, p. 57.

Chapter 2 - Reports on the operation of acts and programs

[1]        My Health Records Act 2012 (My Health Records Act), subsections 106(3) and (4); Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010 (Healthcare Identifiers Act), subsections 30(2) and (3).

[2]        See Appendix 1.

[3]        Annual Report of the Australian Information Commissioner's Activities in relation to Digital Health 2017–18, p. 3.

[4]        Annual Report of the Australian Information Commissioner's Activities in relation to Digital Health 2017–18, p. 8.

[5]        Annual Report of the Australian Information Commissioner's Activities in relation to Digital Health 2017–18, pp. 8–9.

[6]        Annual Report of the Australian Information Commissioner's Activities in relation to Digital Health 2017–18, p. 3.

[7]        Source: Annual Report of the Australian Information Commissioner's Activities in relation to Digital Health 2017–18, p. 6.