

[1]        Senate Hansard, 8 December 1987, pp. 2632–45.

[2]        Also stands referred to the Joint Committee on Law Enforcement.

[3]        Presented out of session on 21 October 2016 and subsequently not available for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 17 and 18 October.

[4]        Presented out of session on 28 October 2016 and subsequently not available for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 17 and 18 October.

[5]        Presented out of session on 31 October 2016 and subsequently not available for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 17 and 18 October.

[6]        Presented out of session on 31 October 2016 and subsequently not available for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 17 and 18 October.

[7]        Senate Hansard, 11 October 2016, pp. 1506-7.

[8]        Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 8.

[9]        Acts Interpretation Act 1901, s. 34.

[10]      The table also includes reports on the operation of acts or programs that have been referred to the committee.

[11]      See Appendix 1.

[12]      Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, p. 8.

Chapter 1 - Annual reports of departments

[1]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 2.

[2]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 2-3.

[3]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 2.

[4]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 3.

[5]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 3.

[6]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 5.

[7]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 5.

[8]        Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 5.

[9]        Portfolio Budget Statements 2015–16, Attorney-General's Portfolio, pp. 24-37.

[10]      Attorney-General's Department Corporate Plan 2015–16, pp. 11-21.

[11]      Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2015–16, Attorney-General's Portfolio, pp. 20-8.

[12]      Portfolio Budget Statements 2016–17, Attorney-General's Portfolio, p. 22.

[13]      An eighth strategic priority around the Arts outcome has been removed following the machinery-of-government change in September 2015.

[14]      Attorney-General's Department Corporate Plan 2015–16, pp. 11-21.

[15]      Australian National Audit Office, Audit Report No. 5 2011-12, Performance Audit, Development and Implementation of Key Performance Indicators to Support the Outcomes and Programs Framework, p. 53.

[16]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 23.

[17]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 43.

[18]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 14.

[19]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 15.

[20]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 79-162.

[21]      Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule), p. 27.

[22]      Attorney-General's Department Annual Report 2015–16, p. 178.

[23]      PGPA Rule compilations containing the list of requirements were published on 13 May 2016 and 1 July 2016 prior to the tabling of the annual report.

[24]      Estimates Hansard, 17 October 2016, p. 91.

[25]      Estimates Hansard, 17 October 2016, pp. 91-2.

[26]      Estimates Hansard, 17 October 2016, p. 92.

[27]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16 corrigendum – Report on Financial Performance,–16 (accessed 10 March 2017).

[28]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 2-4.

[29]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 6-9.

[30]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 28, 34.

[31]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 35.

[32]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 39.

[33]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 43.

[34]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 46.

[35]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 46.

[36]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 64.

[37]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 80.

[38]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 85.

[39]      Estimates Hansard, 17 October 2016, pp. 92-3.

[40]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Response to Question on Notice SE16-107.

[41]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Response to Question on Notice SE16-107, Attachment A.

[42]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Response to Question on Notice SE16-107, [p. 2].

[43]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 90; Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16 corrigendum – Report on Financial Performance.

[44]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 90; Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16 corrigendum – Report on Financial Performance.

[45]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 92.

[46]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 90; Estimates Hansard, 17 October 2016, p. 92.

[47]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 295.

[48]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 295.

[49]      Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Annual Report 2014–15, p. 45.

[50]      Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Annual Report 2014–15, p. 62.

[51]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, p. 295.

[52]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 148-151.

[53]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 158-163.

[54]      Department of Immigration and Border Protection Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 292-294.

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of agencies

[1]        Also stands referred to the Joint Committee on Law Enforcement.

[2]        See Preface, p. xi.

[3]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 10.

[4]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 10.

[5]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. iii.

[6]        See Appendix 1.

[7]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 2-3.

[8]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 3-4.

[9]        Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 4-5.

[10]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 6-7.

[11]      Department of Finance, Resource Management Guide No. 135: Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities, Appendix A, pp. 37-8.

[12]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 20-2.

[13]      Portfolio Budget Statements 2015–16, Attorney-General's Portfolio, p. 66.

[14]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 20.

[15]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 22.

[16]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 20-1.

[17]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 21.

[18]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 22, 39.

[19]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, p. 23.

[20]      Administrative Appeal Tribunal Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 22-3, 64.

[21]      See Appendix 1.

[22]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 11-13.

[23]      Portfolio Budget Statements 2015–16, Attorney-General's Portfolio, p. 455.

[24]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 11-13.

[25]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 14-17.

[26]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, Table 1, pp. 31-5.

[27]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 32-5.

[28]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, p. 35.

[29]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 90-121.

[30]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, p. 95.

[31]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 95-6.

[32]      PGPA Rule, pp. 20-1.

[33]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, p. 174.

[34]      Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report 2015–16, pp. 79-83.

Appendix 1

[1] Forwarded to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee also.

[2] Submitted to and received by both the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Justice.