Appendix 2

Additional information

Additional Information

Mr Laurence Burt, Chief Executive Officer of MADEC - Correspondence and attachment in response to a letter from the Chair, Senator Tony Sheldon (received 10 February 2022)
Mr Laurence Burt, Chief Executive Officer of MADEC - Correspondence to the committee including correspondence from Ms Lieta Sauiluma-Duggan (received 17 February 2022)
Mr Matthew Collard, Sunny Ridge Farms - Supplementary information (received 9 March 2022)
Mr Stuart Levitt, Senior Partner of Levitt Robinson - Response to perceived adverse reflection at a public hearing on 10 March 2022 (received 15 March 2022).
Karen Bentley, Chief Executive Officer of the Women's Services Network - Correction to The job insecurity report (received 28 February 2021)
Michael Outram APM, Commissioner of the Australian Border Force - Letter of correction (received 29 March 2022)

Answers to Questions on Notice

Australian Workers Union - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 2 February 2022, Canberra (received 14 February 2022)
Institute of Public Affairs - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 3 February 2022, Canberra (received 14 February 2022)
Palladium - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 10 March 2022, Canberra (received 17 March 2022)
Ms Lieta Sauiluma-Duggan - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 10 March 2022, Canberra (received 17 March 2022)
Sunny Ridge Farms - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 10 March 2022, Canberra (received 17 March 2022)
MADEC - Answers to questions taken on notice, public hearing, 10 March 2022, Canberra (received 17 March 2022)
Sunny Ridge Farms - Answers to written questions taken on notice from Senator Sheldon (received 18 March 2022)
MADEC - Answers to written questions taken on notice from Senator Sheldon (received 18 March 2022)
Palladium - Answers to written questions taken on notice from Senator Sheldon (received 30 March 2022)

Tabled Documents

A series of documents concerning temporary visa holders in the horticulture industry (tabled by Senator Sheldon at a public hearing on 2 February 2022)
Pacific Labour Scheme Factsheet, “Payroll deduction explained”, translated into several languages (tabled by Ms Danielle Heinecke, First Assistant Secretary, Labour and Connectivity Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 10 March 2022).
Membership lists for the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Advisory Group, Meat Processing Committee, Agriculture Committee and Care Committee (tabled by Ms Danielle Heinecke, First Assistant Secretary, Labour and Connectivity Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 10 March 2022)
A series of documents regarding the seasonal worker programme (tabled by Senator Sheldon at a public hearing on 10 March 2022)

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