Submissions and additional information
1 Ms
Wendy Jackson
2 Mr
Tom Murkin
Supplementary to submission 2
3 Ms
Jacqueline Ohlin
4 Ms
Melissa Iocco-Fischer
5 Mrs
Judith Polkinghorne
6 Ms
Christine Jones
7 Mrs
Sandra Woods
8 Ms
Linda Ferguson
9 Pancare
10 Ms
Dianne Pooley
11 Mrs
Emma Bhatti
12 Mr
Troy Bevan
13 Mrs
Michelle Patterson
14 Mrs
Natalie Bunworth
15 Mr
Brendan Spain
16 Mrs
Amanda Marriott
17 Ms
Bonnie Palmer
18 Mrs
Suzanne Turpie
19 Mrs
Margaret Shonk
20 Mrs
Judith Hearn
Supplementary to submission 20
21 Ms
Lisa Wolker
22 Mrs
Victoria Bushby
23 Ms
Fiona Smith
24 Mr
Stefan Testi
25 Ms
Raquel Oliveira
26 Ms
Karen Lloyd
27 Dr
Sigrid Denehey
28 Mr
Derek Maule
29 Mrs
Rita Potenza
30 Asbestos
Council of Victoria/GARDS
31 Mr
Alex Cullen
32 Ms
Jacqueline Walling
33 Mrs
LeShae Harrison
34 Garvan
Institute of Medical Research/Garvan Research Foundation
35 Mrs
Madeline Bishop
36 Ms
Helen Atkinson
37 Mrs
Marj Salter
38 Mr
David Stratton
39 Mr
Graham Wells
40 Mrs
Isabella Borghese
41 Mrs
Marcella Zemanek
42 Mrs
Joanna Wilson
43 Mr Tim
44 Mrs
Teresa Briggs
45 Mr
Dustin Perry
46 Mrs
Therese Townsend
47 Mrs
Natalie Wainman
Sydney & SPHERE
49 Centre
for Community-Driven Research
50 Rare
Cancers Australia
51 Professor
Guy Eslick
52 Mrs T.
53 Mrs
Raechel Burgett
54 Mrs
Deborah Dunkley
55 Mrs
Julie Brown
56 Mr
Brendan Donohoe
57 Mr
Thomas Smith
58 Ms
Laura Kennedy
59 Ms
Nadine Walsh
60 Brain
Cancer Discovery Collaborative
61 Cancer
Voices Australia
62 Mr
Philippe Pierson
63 Mr
Jason Spriggs
64 Mr
Steven Coote
65 Mrs
Kate Peacock
66 Mrs
Maureen Fogarty
67 Mr
Paul Jones
68 Ms
Helen Cassidy
69 Mrs
Kathryn Winsor-Harris
70 Mrs
Sue Hohnke
71 Ms
Georgina O'Brien
72 Mrs
Yvonne Anthoney
73 The
Cure Starts Now (Australia)
74 Prof.
Richard Scolyer, Melanoma Institute Australia
75 Ms
Kate Wenban
76 Ms
Ruth Churchill
77 Mrs
Lyndal Lean
78 Ms
Elizabeth Perry
79 Mr
Brett Withington
Berghofer Medical Research Institute
81 Ms
Julia Barker
82 Mrs
Susan Kay
83 Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare
Supplementary to submission 83
84 Ethan
Davies Fellowship
85 Australasian
Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
86 Ms
Julie Butel
87 National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
88 Children's
Cancer Research Unit, The Children's Hospital at Westmead
89 Lung
Foundation Australia
90 Low
Survival Cancers Alliance
91 Mrs
Jane Gordon
92 Mr
Andrew Jakeman
93 Miss
Lolita Rahi
94 Mr
Paul Bird
95 Ms
Tanya Cardamone
96 Mr
Justin Benson
97 Mrs
Sheree Gover
98 Mr
Denis Strangman AM
Supplementary to submission 98
99 Mr
Jonathan Karl Fretwell
100 Mrs
Rachel Furniss
101 The
Unicorn Foundation
102 Pancreatic
Cancer Alliance
103 Thoracic
Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ)
Supplementary to submission 103
104 Associate
Professor Prue Cormie
105 Mr Jon
106 Mrs
Jessica Bennett
107 Mr
Brian Holloway
108 Ms
Michelle Bradley
109 Ms
Barbara Purcell
110 Mr
Khang Chiem
111 Mrs
Kellie Carroll
112 Medical
Oncology Group of Australia
113 Mark
Hughes Foundation
114 Victorian
Comprehensive Cancer Centre
115 MSD
Merck Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd
116 Mrs
Carly Gray
117 Mr
Simon Gray
118 Mr
Martin Lister
119 Brain
Cancer Biobanking Australia
120 LOVE
121 Australasian
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group
122 Research
124 Roche
Products Pty Limited
National Patient and Carer Advisory Group
126 The
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
127 Brain
Tumour Alliance Australia
128 CanTeen
129 Cancer
130 Sydney
Neuro-Oncology Group
131 The
Isabella and Marcus Paediatric Brainstem Tumour Fund
132 The
University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute
133 Queensland
Brain Institute (UQ)
134 Rare
Voices Australia
135 Braver
Stronger Smarter Inc
136 The
Kids' Cancer Project
137 Cancer
Council Australia & the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia
138 Cooperative
Trials Group for Neuro-Oncololgy (COGNO)
139 Cure
Brain Cancer Foundation
140 checkyourtackle
141 Medicines
142 Mr
Andrew Hamilton
143 Ms
Belinda Peden
144 Mr
Graham Smith
145 Mrs
Christine Goodman
146 Mr
Steven Neller
147 Ms Anne
148 Ms
Jessica Annetts
149 Ms
Susanne Casimaty
150 Mr
Benjamin Leske
151 The
Adnum Family
152 Mrs
Bridget Marker
153 Miss
Kaela Gray
154 Mrs
Kathy Farrell
155 Mrs
Leah Lane
156 Mr
Bruce Stewart
157 Mr
Anthony Gray
158 Mrs
Jennifer Swain
159 Mrs
Sarah McGoram
160 Mrs
Dominique Holden
161 Professor
Mary-Louise McLaws
162 Miss
Melanie Johnston
163 Mr
Myles Brewster
164 Ms Lyn
165 Mr
Thomas Greenaway
166 Mrs
Mary Cranston
167 Australia
and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group
168 Mrs
Fleur Kay
169 Mrs K.
170 Ms
Robin Berthelsen
171 Ms
Brianna Armstead
172 Mrs
Katherine Landers
173 Ms
Kathie Griffiths
174 Mr Nick
175 The
Dullard Family
176 Mr Gino
177 Mr Leo
178 Mrs Soo
Fong Hamilton
179 Mrs
Amanda Stork
180 Mrs
Lyndall Bates
181 Mrs
Pauline Stanistreet
182 Mr Norman
183 Mr Hugo
184 Mr
Robert Perkins
185 Mrs
Karyn Harris
186 Ms Anna
187 Cancer
Drugs Alliance
188 Ms Anne
189 Ms
Diane Dunn
190 Ms
Morgana Ryan
191 Ms
Kylie Newton
192 Ms
Evangeline Lim
193 Mr Jake
194 Ms
Helen Jones
195 Ms
Leanne Lindsay
196 Ms N.
197 Mr
Geoff Webster
198 Ms
Sophie Briggs
199 Mr
Manuel Graeber
200 Mr Ward
201 Mr
Michael Buckland
202 Ms
Andrea Ward
203 Ms
Krystyna Zerger-Daddow
205 School
of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
206 Mrs
Deirdre Ross
207 Mr Tom
208 Mrs
Rebecca Bidstrup
209 Ms
Belinda Suttor
210 Ms
Cynthia Sargent
211 Mrs
Faith Mantzounis
212 Mr Tom
213 Miss
Maddy Clohessy
214 Mrs
Natasha Osborne
215 Mrs
Sara Wilson
216 Dr
Fiona Reid
217 Mrs
Lisa Harries
218 Mrs
Catherine Mitchell
219 Mrs
Jackie Barreau
220 Mrs
Debra Ponder
221 Mr Ian
222 Mr
Donald Kennedy
223 Mrs
Tami Collins
224 Mrs
Rose McKenzie
225 Mr
Sydney Rudd-Schmidt
226 Ms
Kylie Rupil
227 Mr
Daniel Robinson
228 Mr
Christopher Hicks
229 Dr
Rachel Harris
230 Mrs
Lisa Judd
231 Mrs
Michelle Armstrong
232 Ms
Susan Pitt
233 Mr
Leigh Armstrong
234 Ms
Monika Schmidt
235 Mr
Cameron Rowick
236 Miss
Elyse Chant
237 Australian
and New Zealand Children's Haematology and Oncology Group (ANZCHOG)
238 Mrs
Helen Pegler
239 Mr Sam
240 Mr Phil
241 Ms
Marilyn Nelson
242 Ovarian
Cancer Australia
243 Robert
Connor Dawes Foundation
244 Bourne and
245 Mr
William Williams
246 Mr
Colin Bienke
247 Ms
Suzanne Cahill
248 Ms Anna
249 Name
250 Mr
Frane Vidovic
251 Mrs
Stephanie Vaughan
252 Professor
Terrance Johns
253 Ms
Caroline Greenaway
254 Mr
Matthew Hirst
255 Ms
Denise Brown
256 Mrs
Anna-Marie Griffith
257 Ms
Nyree Waterson
258 Mrs
Emilie Prendergast
259 Mrs
Amanda Fintan
261 Ms
Poppy Mosses
262 Mr
Richard Hoopmann
263 Mrs
Carol Rodgers
264 Ms
Catherine Cantlon
265 Ms
Frances Burrows
266 Ms
Clare Stuparich
267 Mr Tony
La Ferrara
268 Ms
Sarah Mamalai
269 Professor
David Walker
270 Confidential
271 Centre
for Cancer Biology
272 Ms
Katrina Hill
273 Mrs
Alice Findlay
274 Children's
Hospital Foundation
275 Mr
Michael Mestrovic
276 Ms
Sherrin Bell
277 Ms
Rhonda Stubbins
278 Mr
Peter Ramstadius
279 Ms
Annabelle Wilson
280 Children's
Hospital Foundation/Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation
281 Ms Jo
282 Dr
Andrew Haydon (an identical submission was also received from Dr Alan Pham)
283 Mr Tony
284 Ms Jo
285 Ms
Louise Casamento
286 Confidential
287 Mr John
288 Mr
Martin Shafron
289 Bristol-Meyer
290 Name
291 Name
292 Name
293 Name
294 Name
295 Name
296 Name
297 Name
298 Name
299 Name
300 Name
301 Beyond
302 Name
303 Name
304 Name
305 Name
306 Name
307 Name
308 Name
309 Name
310 Name
311 Name
312 Name
313 Confidential
314 Confidential
315 Confidential
316 Confidential
317 Confidential
318 Confidential
319 Confidential
320 Confidential
321 Ms
Paula McKelvie
322 Mrs
Jessica Nightingall
323 Mr
Roger Renshaw
324 Mr
Scott Thomson
325 Ms
Rachel Cutler
326 Mrs
Trudy Fittler
Tabled documents
1 Documents
tabled by the Australian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group at public hearing on 18
May 2017 - Research Infrastructure Funding
2 Document
tabled by Associate Professor Michael Buckland at public hearing on 18 May
2017 - The Utility of Expert Diagnosis in Surgical Neuropathology
3 Documents
tabled by Ms Marilyn Nelson at public hearing on 6 June 2017 - Documents
4 Document
tabled by Ms Catherine Peacock at public hearing on 7 June 2017 - Document
5 Document
tabled by Professor David Thomas at public hearing on 8 June 2017 - Document
6 Documents
tabled by the Brain Tumour Alliance Australia at public hearing on 8 June
2017 - List of documents tabled
7 Document
tabled by Ovarian Cancer Australia at a public hearing on 4 August 2017 -
National action plan for ovarian cancer research
8 Document
tabled by Department of Health at a public hearing on 29 August 2017 - Medical
Research Future Fund, Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity (LCTRC)
Grant Guidelines
9 Document
tabled Department of Health at a public hearing on 29 August 2017 - Medical
Research Future Fund: Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy
2016-2021 and Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2016-2018
10 Document
tabled by the Department of Health at a public hearing on
29 August 2017 - Medical Research Future Fund information sheets
Answers to questions on notice
1 Australian
Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) - answer to a written question
on notice (received 27 February 2017)
2 CanTeen
Australia - answers to questions taken on notice from public hearing
19 May 2017, Sydney (received 9 June 2017)
3 Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - answers to questions taken on notice
from public hearing 8 June 2017, Canberra and written QoN dated 14 June
2017 (received 3 July 2017)
4 National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - answers to questions taken on
notice from public hearing 29 August 2017, Canberra (received 19 September
5 Department
of Health - answer to question taken on notice from public hearing
29 August 2017, Canberra (received 22 September 2017)
6 Cancer
Australia - answer to question taken on notice from public hearing
29 August 2017, Canberra (received 22 September 2017)
7 Cancer
Council Victoria - answers to questions taken on notice from public hearing 18
May 2017, Sydney (received 18 October 2017
8 Medicines
Australia - answers to questions taken on notice from public hearing
8 June 2017, Canberra (received 20 October 2017)
Additional information
1 Summary
of the Australian Genomic Cancer Medicine Program and costing breakdown
2 Garvan
Institute - Proposal: national genomic cancer medicine program for rare and
less common cancers (received 6 September 2017)
3 Finding
Myself In Your Hands -The Reality of Brain Tumour Treatment and Care
4 Losing
Myself - The Reality of Life with a Brain Tumour
1 Letter
of correction to evidence given by Associate Professor Clare Scott at public
hearing in Melbourne, 4 August 2017
2 Letter
of correction to evidence given on behalf of Cancer Australia at the public
hearing in Canberra, 29 August 2017
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