The Select Committee wishes to express its appreciation to all those organisations and individuals who made submissions, and to those who gave oral evidence at public hearings in Canberra, Jabiru, Darwin, Perth, Parrngurr, Roxby Downs and Adelaide.

Submissions and public hearings were major avenues whereby the Committee not only assembled much essential information for its report, but also learnt about the great diversity of opinion in the Australian community about this important subject.

The Committee wishes to place on record the cooperation it received from State and Territory governments. Whilst the federal character of our nation was clearly in evidence in reviewing administration of policies about uranium mining and milling, the smooth conduct of the inquiry itself was a working example of cooperative federalism.

The Committee also acknowledges the valuable contribution made by the various authors of the research papers which are published in Volume 2. These papers considerably enhance the utility of the inquiry in providing material for informed analysis and discussion of policies regarding uranium.

The Committee's secretariat has carried out its allotted tasks of organising its business, arranging public hearings and assisting in preparation of the report attentively and diligently. The usual expressions of thanks are particularly appropriate in the case of staff support for this inquiry.