Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation)
Bill 2000 extension of deadline for submissions
On 10 May, the provisions of the Family Law Legislation Amendment
(Superannuation) Bill 2000 were referred to the Committee for inquiry
and report. The Bill will amend the Family Law Act 1975 to provide
for the division of superannuation interests on marriage breakdown.
The Committee advertised the inquiry last month, calling
for submissions to be received by 5 June. However, the Committee has
now sought an extension of time in which to report to 31 October, and
has therefore extended the date by which submissions should be lodged
to the end of August. Interested persons and organisations are
invited to contact the Committee Secretary to discuss the lodgement
of submissions.
The reason for extending the deadline for receipt of
submissions is to allow interested persons and organisations the opportunity
to comment on the package of reform, including the consequential regulations
and amendments to other legislation which are in development.
For comment: |
Senator John Watson
02 6277 3685 (Canberra) or
03 6331 4544 (Launceston, TAS) |
For information: |
Sue Morton
02 6277 3458 or
0416278258 |
Internet access: | |
Email: | |
8 June 2000