Appendix D

Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997
Table of Contents

Appendix D

Institute of Actuaries of Australia

Effect of Monthly Versus Annual Contributions


Accumulated Amount ($) Accumulated Amount ($)

9% p.a. interest 8% p.a. interest

Period ____________________________________________________________

(Years) Monthly Annual Monthly Annual

Contributions Contributions Contributions Contributions


5 7,473 7,182 7,294 7,040
10 18,972 18,232 18,012 17,384
15 36,664 35,233 33,761 32,583
20 63,885 61,392 56,900 54,914
25 105,769 101,641 90,899 87,727
30 170,211 163,569 140,855 135,940
35 269,364 258,853 214,527 206,780
40 421,924 405,459 322,108 310,868

The amounts in the table represent the amount accumulated at the end of the period shown using the following assumptions:

In each case the accumulated amount based on monthly contributions is approximately 3.5% or 4% higher than the accumulated amount based on annual contributions after all time periods.