Appendix B

Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997
Table of Contents

Appendix B

List of Witnesses at Public Hearing

Sydney, 27 April 1998

Miss Sue-Anne Burnley, Industrial Officer, Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association

Mr Joseph de Bruyn, National Secretary-Treasurer, Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association

Mr Philip Drever, Assistant Secretary, Labour Relations Policy Branch, Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business

Ms Naomi Knight, Adviser, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia

Mr Mark Paterson, Chief Executive, ACCI

Ms Kerry Rehn, Assistant Secretary, Legislation Policy and Services Branch, Departmenr of Workplace Relations and Small Business

Ms Linda Rubinstein, Senior Industrial Officer, ACTU

Ms Philippa Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia