Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997
Table of Contents


7.1 The Australian Democrats do not support this bill for similar reasons to those expressed by the Labor senators. Superannuation is an essential part of remuneration arrangements, and has been recognised as an industrial matter in several landmark High Court cases dating back for more than a decade.

7.2 In our agreement with the Commonwealth Government prior to the passage of the Workplace Relations Act, we made it clear that we would review the continuation of superannuation as an allowable matter when the Government's choice legislation was released. In particular, we foreshadowed we would seek to ensure that workers are not made worse off as a result of any overriding or repeal of award superannuation clauses.

7.3 The evidence to this committee in this inquiry and its previous inquiry on choice of fund have failed to satisfy us that workers would not be made worse off as a result of these legislation. Therefore, we will not support the repeal of superannuation as an allowable award matter.

7.4 However, the Democrats believe that more choice should be provided for employees within award clauses. While industry funds provide by and large a superior product to master trust funds and many other superannuation products, the Democrats do believe that workers should have the choice of exiting a fund which is not performing to their satisfaction. Many award clauses already provide this by allowing for choice between more than one fund within the award clause. However, many do not.

7.5 The Democrats, in the Committee stage, will move to require the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to review all awards by July 1 2000 to ensure that they provide workers with a choice of at least two industry-based superannuation funds. Such a choice will retain the benefits of industry based superannuation provision, while also giving employees the option of exiting funds which are not performing in a “managed choice” regime.

7.6 The Democrats have also moved amendments to the choice regime to allow workers moving between employers to retain membership of an industry fund which they are happy with. The Workplace Relations Act may also need to be amended to ensure that such flexibility in interpretation of award clauses can be allowed.

The Democrats recommend:

That superannuation be retained as an allowable award matter.

That the Act be amended to require the Commission to review all award superannuation clauses by July 1 2000 to ensure that employees are given a choice of at least two industry based superannuation funds.

That the Act be amended if necessary to ensure that workers moving between employers have the option of retaining membership of their former superannuation scheme if the employer consents.


Senator Lyn Allison