Chapter 1 - Background

Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997
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Chapter 1 - Background

Origin of the reference

1.1 On 25 March 1998, the Selection of Bills Standing Committee resolved that the Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997 be referred to the Select Committee on Superannuation for inquiry and report by 8 April 1998.

1.2 The Committee subsequently sought and was granted two extensions of time, until 14  May 1998 and subsequently to 26 May 1998, to report on this Bill.

Conduct of the inquiry

1.3 Several submissions to the Committee's preceding inquiry into Choice of Fund [1] also addressed the provisions of this Bill. The Committee wrote to the organisations that made these submissions seeking their agreement that they be considered as submissions to this inquiry. The Committee also wrote to a number of other organisations, including the Business Council of Australia and the Metal Trades Industry Association, inviting them to participate in the inquiry.

1.4 The Committee conducted a public hearing in Sydney on Monday 27 April 1998. The names of those who gave evidence at the public hearing are listed in Appendix B.



[1] Twenty-eighth report, Choice of Fund, tabled March 1998.