
Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997
Table of Contents


This report on the Workplace Relations Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 1997 sets out the Government's reasons for introducing the bill and summarises the range of views expressed by witnesses during the inquiry.

The Committee is anxious to ensure that readers in the wider community understand the Committee's approach in structuring this report.

In the initial chapters, the Committee has sought to present and analyse the evidence in a balanced, constructive manner. The concluding three chapters outline the different approaches adopted by the major political parties towards the proposed legislation. The different approaches often reflect the parties' positions prior to consideration of the detailed arguments on the Bill in the Senate. The matters raised may subsequently lead some, or all of the parties to amend their previous positions.

The Committee expresses its appreciation to those who made submissions and gave evidence as witnesses. Preparation of submissions takes time and effort, and appearing as a witness requires a considerable sacrifice of time and resources. The value of the Committee's report and ongoing work is enhanced by the quality of the material presented to it. Without doubt, the superannuation industry and wider community are similarly grateful for the contributions made by all concerned to this and previous inquiries.