
3.1 In its submission to the Committee the Australian Bankers' Association identified a number of problems it saw in the Bills. The more significant of these involved:

3.2 Also, the Committee particularly noted the problems in the Bills identified in the submission from the Life Investment and Superannuation Association of Australia (LISA). Significant among these were:

3.3 Submissions made to the Committee by other organisations also raised technical issues similar to those referred to above.


The Government's amendments

3.4 On the afternoon of its final public hearing on this matter on 25 February 1997, the Committee received the amendments which the Government would be introducing into Parliament during the passage of these Bills.

3.5 The amendments to the RSA Bill are aimed at:

3.6 Amendments to the Consequential Amendments Bill seeks to:

3.7 As the Committee did not receive the amendments until shortly before its final hearing, it has not been able to examine in detail whether the amendments to be moved by the Government to these bills adequately address the technical issues and anomalies identified by the ABA, LISA and other organisations. The Committee sought information from the ISC about the extent to which the amendments addressed these problems.

3.8 The Committee also independently examined the amendments. The Government members of the Committee are satisfied that they appear to resolve what it found to be the main difficulties with this legislation arising out of the submissions and oral evidence.


Conclusions and Recommendations

3.9 The market for RSA products may be somewhat limited, as it is likely that the interest paid on deposits in RSAs will probably be significantly less in the longer term than the rates paid by most superannuation funds. Nonetheless, risk aversive investors such as those approaching retirement and persons who prefer a simpler product than conventional superannuation will find RSAs attractive.

3.10 While proponents and opponents of this legislation have given the concept of RSAs a mixed reception, the Government members of the Committee consider that on balance, RSAs will be a useful addition to the range of retirement savings products and add to the choices that are available.



The Government members of the Committee recommend that the Bills be passed with the Government amendments as presented to the Committee.


Senator John Watson (Chairman) Senator Alan Ferguson Senator Julian McGauran