Appendix 7

Appendix 7

Attachment F to Submission 43 received from
the Hon Grant Tambling



1.          The Department of Transport & Regional Services be required to develop a Strategic Plan against which government issues pertaining to Norfolk Island – including Norfolk Island Government requests for federal funding and assistance – can be assessed and coordinated.

2.          The Department of Transport & Regional Services be proactive and be required to analyse and report to federal Ministers periodically on the Norfolk Island Government's performance in critical areas of asset, budgetary and financial management.  Data is available, but no comparative and critical analysis is apparent in areas crucial to management of the Australian Government's contingent risks and liabilities in Norfolk Island.

3.          Following the next Federal election, portfolio responsibility for External Territories be transferred to the Special Minister of State (or the Minister holding responsibility for Commonwealth-State Financial Relations).

4.          The Australian Government assume full and complete responsibility for all Customs, Quarantine & Immigration functions.  The Norfolk Island system of residential and entry permits be abolished.

5.          The Australian Government act to extend to Norfolk Island the following federal laws which the Norfolk Island Government agreed in 2006 could extend to the Island: corporations, financial services, trade practices, bankruptcy, census & statistics, and food standards.

6.          The Australian Public Service Commissioner extend support to the Norfolk Island Administration, particularly in regard to management systems.

7.          The Australian Government act promptly to ensure that the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption or its Queensland equivalent assumes jurisdiction to respond to complaints of corruption on Norfolk Island – particularly those involving NI Ministers. This will not happen if left to the Norfolk Island Government.  The service delivery and application of laws regime for the Jervis Bay Territory and the Indian Ocean Territories provide ample precedent for such a federal initiative.

8.          The Australian Government act to require the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman to operate on Norfolk Island, with powers to investigate the Norfolk Island Administration and GBEs.

9.          The Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee (National Capital & External Territories) be given a special reference on vulnerabilities in the provision of Health & Welfare Services on Norfolk Island.

10.         Current Memorandums of Understanding (KAVHA, Policing, Legal Aid, Education) be replaced with contemporary Intergovernmental Financial Agreements.  Replacement of the KAVHA MOU must be subject to recommendation 13 below.

11.         Federal loans and direct grants to the Norfolk Island Government be tied to outcomes in governance and financial reform.

12.         The Norfolk Island Government be required to privatise all GBEs (including Norfolk Air).

13.         The Australian Government review the administrative and management arrangements for the Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area [KAVHA] as soon as its proposed world heritage listing is resolved.  The review must have two aims; to consolidate and streamline the competing and ineffectual land and heritage management arrangements applying to this small area and to ensure effective Australian Government oversight and involvement in its management and conservation.

14.         Once world heritage listing is resolved, responsibility for KAVHA and Commonwealth land with KAVHA be transferred from Department of Transport & Regional Services to the Department of Environment & Water Resources or Parks Australia.

15.         Tourism Australia be required to give priority consideration to tourism support for Norfolk Island.

16.         All Norfolk Island residents holding Australian citizenship currently registered on the Norfolk Island (Legislative Assembly) Electoral Roll be also transferred to an Australian electorate – and compelled to vote in Federal Government elections.

Norfolk Island has an affinity with the Lord Howe Island community and faces similar issues as that Island community.  There could be merit in Norfolk Island being including in the same federal electorate as Lord Howe Island and having the same federal Members and Senators to speak on its behalf.

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