Public Hearing - Perth, Thursday 12 June 2008
Legislative Assembly Committee Office
Meeting Room 1
WA Parliament House
Harvest Terrace
(opposite Parliament House)
9:15 am |
Dr Steve Thomas, MLA Member for Capel Shadow Treasurer |
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10:00 am |
WA Department of Treasury and Finance
Mr Timothy Marney
Mr Michael Barnes, Executive Director of Finance |
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10:45 am |
Mr John Nicolaou Chief Economist Chamber of Commence and Industry of Western Australia |
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11:30 am |
Adjournment |
Times allocated are indicative only. Senators, staff, departments and others should liaise with the Secretariat on the progress of the hearing. The Chair, Senator Ian Macdonald, may be contacted on 07 4771 3066. The Committee Secretariat may be contacted on 0412 240 599.
For further information, contact:
Committee Secretary
Select Committee on State Government Financial Management
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600