Senate Select Committee on Scrutiny of New Taxes
Information about the Inquiry
On 30 September 2010, the Select Committee on New Taxes initiated an inquiry into the following matter:
(a) new taxes proposed for Australia, including:
(i) the minerals resource rent tax and expanded petroleum resource rent tax,
(ii) a carbon tax, or any other mechanism to put a price on carbon, and
(iii) any other new taxes proposed by Government, including significant changes to existing tax arrangements;
(b) the short and long term impact of those new taxes on the economy, industry, trade, jobs, investment, the cost of living, electricity prices and the Federation;
(c) estimated revenue from those new taxes and any related spending commitments;
(d) the likely effectiveness of these taxes and related policies in achieving their stated policy objectives;
(e) any administrative implementation issues at a Commonwealth, state and territory level;
(f) an international comparison of relevant taxation arrangements;
(g) alternatives to any proposed new taxes, including direct action alternatives; and
(h) any other related matter.
For further information, contact:
Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600