

Chapter 1 - Background

[1]        Senate Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions], March 2009.

[2]        House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment, Advisory report on the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010, November 2010.

[3]        Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

Chapter 2 - Concerns in the community

[1]        Senate Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions], March 2009, p. 21.

[2]        Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, (accessed 4 February 2011).

[3]        Miss Sasha Uher, President, Australian Liberal Students Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December  2010, p.18.

[4]        Miss Sasha Uher, President, Australian Liberal Students Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December  2010, p. 19.

[5]        Ms Carla Drakeford, National President, National Union of Students, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December  2010, 9/12/2010, p. 9.

[6]        Senate Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions], March 2009, p. 22.

[7]        See, for example, Mr James Hicks, Submission 28, p. 1.

[8]        Australian Democrats Youth Poll 2008, p. 8, (accessed 11 January 2011).

[9]        Australian Liberal Students' Federation, Submission 30, pp 10–11.

[10]      Miss Sasha Uher, President, Australian Liberal Students' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 19.

[11]      Mr Grant Ross, Submission 3, p. 1.

[12]      Mr Craig Buchanan, Submission 13, p. 1.

[13]      The University of Queensland Union, Submission 50, p. 11.

[14]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Students: 2008 Summary of Higher Education Statistics, p. 38.

[15]      Ms Alyson Richards, Submission 42, p. 1. 

[16]      Australian Liberal Students' Federation, Submission 30, p. 4.

[17]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51, p. 3.

[18]      Universities Australia, Submission 33, p. 2.

[19]      Proposed subsection 19-38(4).

[20]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest No. 8 of 2010, 27 October 2010, p. 39.

[21]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51, p. 2.

[22]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 36.

[23]      Australian Liberal Students' Federation, Submission 30, pp 7–8.

[24]      Australian Liberal Students' Federation, Submission 30, p. 9.

[25]      Ms Carla Drakeford, President, National Union of Students, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 14.

[26]      Ms Carla Drakeford, President, National Union of Students, Proof Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 6.

Government Senators' Dissenting Report

[1]        Dr Rosemary Laing, Clerk of the Senate, The Committee's Terms of Reference, Advice to the Select Committee on the Scrutiny of New Taxes, 11 October 2010.

[2]        Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51, p. 1.

[3]        Mr Graham Hastings, Education Research Officer, National Union of Students, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 4.

[4]        National Tertiary Education Union, Submission 4, p. 2.

[5]        Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 33.

[6]        Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, The Impact of Voluntary Student Unionism on Services, Amenities and Representation for Australian University Students Summary Report, April 2008, p. 2.

[7]        Australian University Sport and the Australian Campus Union Managers Association, Joint Submission 55, p. 2.

[8]        National Union of Students, Submission 27, pp 11–42.

[9]        University of Sydney, Submission 57, pp 1–2.

[10]      Australian Liberal Students Federation, Submission 30, p. 12.

[11]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 32.

[12]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 38.

[13]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 41.

[14]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51- Attachment A, p. 1.

[15]      National Union of Students, Submission 27, p. 27.

[16]      Australian Liberal Students Federation, Submission 30, p. 7.

[17]      Australian Liberal Students Federation, Submission 30, p. 8.

[18]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51, p. 2.

[19]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 33.

[20]      Australian Liberal Students Federation, Submission 30, p. 4.

[21]      Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 51, p. 3.

[22]      Ms Carla Drakeford, President, National Union of Students, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 2.

[23]      Dr Glenn Withers, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia, Committee Hansard, 9 December 2010, p. 34.

[24]      Universities Australia, Submission 33, p. 2.

[25]      The Group of Eight Ltd, Submission 2, p. 1.

[26]      National Union of Students, Submission 27, p. 19.

[27]      National Tertiary Education Union, Submission 4, p. 3.