Dissenting Report by Senator John Madigan

Dissenting Report by Senator John Madigan

I strongly object to the introduction of any carbon tax or carbon trade scheme.

1.1       The passing of this bill will only further damage already struggling rural and regional Australian communities.

The loss of jobs in manufacturing in these areas because of this bill will further fuel the very real feelings of desperation, despair and hopelessness felt in these communities.

1.2       While the bill has been debated rigorously between parties in the chamber, the needs of Australian workers, families and communities have been forgotten.

This has sent a clear message that region and rural communities, livelihoods and families in this country are simply not important.

1.3       The devastating effects on rural and regional communities by this tax has simply not been taken into account.

Recent visits to the Latrobe Valley, Mackay, Geelong and Tamworth have given me a first-hand look at what the passing of this bill would do to communities.

Once the major energy producer for the state of Victoria and an absolute industry powerhouse, the Latrobe Valley was first destroyed by privatisation and will receive the final blow by this carbon tax.

Thousands of jobs will be lost in the already struggling communities.

The St Vincent de Paul branch in the town of Moe in the Latrobe Valley has given out more than $17,000 worth of food vouchers in the past three months.

This figure does not include assistance given for utility bills. The organisation expects this number to rise. This is simply one indication of one assistance group in one town.

Thousands of jobs will be lost in the already struggling communities.

Similar scenes are playing out right now across the country.

1.4       Communities have an air of desperation about them. Shops are closing and small businesses are leaving. Along with them leave the opportunities for apprenticeships and jobs. Families are deserting the communities. The towns have experienced rises in unemployment and suicide rates.

All Australian’s have the right to paid employment. To be able to earn a wage, support a family, a community and have self respect.

This bill is ignoring the rights of Australians around the country and is simply killing communities.

Over 75 per cent of the nation has spoken out against this tax. I cannot support a tax so strongly opposed to by the Australian public.


Senator John Madigan
Democratic Labor Party Senator for Victoria

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