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Senate Select Committee on Scrutiny of New Taxes

43rd Parliament

Membership of the committee

Senator Mathias Cormann, Chair                                      Western Australia, LP

Senator Doug Cameron                                                       New South Wales, ALP

Deputy Chair from 22.07.11

Senator Matt Thistlethwaite                                               New South Wales, ALP

Deputy Chair from 07.07.11 to 15.07.11

Senator David Bushby                                                        Tasmania, LP

Senator Mitch Fifield                                                          Victoria, LP

Senator John Madigan, from 07.07.11                              Victoria, DLP

Senator John Williams                                                        New South Wales, NATS


Substitute Members

Senator Ron Boswell to replace Senator David Bushby for 23 to 24 September 2011

42nd Parliament


Senator Mathias Cormann, Chair                                      Western Australia, LP

Senator Steve Hutchins, Deputy Chair to 30.06.11        New South Wales, ALP

Senator David Bushby                                                        Tasmania, LP

Senator Doug Cameron                                                       New South Wales, ALP

Senator Mitch Fifield                                                          Victoria, LP

Senator John Williams                                                        New South Wales, NATS


Participating members for this inquiry

Senator Ron Boswell                                                                       Queensland, NATS

Senator Michaelia Cash                                                                  Western Australia, LP

Senator Gary Humphries                                                                ACT, LP

Senator Brett Mason                                                                                    Queensland, LP

Senator Nick Xenophon                                                                  South Australia, IND

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