[1] Mr John Olsen, Committee
Hansard 27 July 2005, p. 76.
[2] Dr Simon Bridge, Committee Hansard 5 August 2005, p. 76.
[3] Ms Leanne Pethick, Committee Hansard 5 July 2005, pp. 82–86.
[4] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard
4 July 2005, p. 4.
[5] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness, AGPS,
Canberra, 1993, p. 7.
[6] Department of Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs, On the move to improve – DIMA’s
progress on Palmer,
(accessed March 2006).
[7] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness – Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
Canberra 1993.
[8] Mental Health Council of Australia and the Brain
and Mind Research Institute, Not For
Service: Experiences of Injustice and Despair in Mental Health Care in
Australia, Mental Health Council of Australia, Canberra, 2005.
[9] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan
2003-2008, 2003, p. 5.
[10] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008, 2003, p. 5.
[11] Data about mental illness is available from
numerous sources, including SANE Australia, Facts
and Figures about Mental Illness, fact sheet, 2005,
(accessed February 2006).
[12] There is a useful discussion of the terminology
used in discussing mental illness in J. Meagher, Partnership or Pretence, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, NSW,
[13] See for example, insane australia, Submission 2, p. 2.
[14] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness, AGPS,
Canberra, 1993, p. 908.
[15] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan
2003–2008, 2003, p. 6.
[16] National Mental Health Strategy Evaluation Steering Committee, Evaluation of the National Mental
Health Strategy Final Report, 1997, p. 1.
[17] National Mental Health Strategy Evaluation Steering Committee, Evaluation of the National Mental
Health Strategy Final Report, 1997, p. 1.
[18] Steering Committee for the Evaluation of the
Second National Mental
Health Plan, Evaluation of the Second National Mental
Health Plan, 2003,
p. 3.
[19] G.
Groom, I. Hickie, and T. Davenport. ‘Out
of Hospital, Out of Mind!’ A report detailing mental health services in
Australia in 2002 and community priorities for national mental health policy
for 2003-2008, Canberra, Mental Health
Council of Australia, 2003. p. ii.
[20] Mental Health Council of Australia and the Brain and Mind Research
Institute, Not For Service: Experiences
of Injustice and Despair in Mental Health Care in
Australia: Summary, Mental Health Council of Australia, Canberra, 2005, p. 12.
[21] SANE Australia, Dare to Care! SANE Mental Health Report 2004, p. 1,
(accessed January 2006).
[22] New
South Wales, Parliament. Legislative Council. Select Committee on Mental Health, Inquiry into
mental health services in New South Wales, 2002,!OpenDocument
(accessed January 2006).
[23] New South Wales, Auditor General, Performance Audit: Emergency Mental
Health Services,
October 2005,
(accessed January 2006).
[24] Victoria, Auditor General, Mental
Health Services for People in Crisis, October 2002,
(accessed January 2006).
[25] Banscott Health Consulting, Report of the Review of the Northern Territory Department of Health and
Community Services, 2003,
(accessed January 2006).
[26] South Australian Ombudsman, Annual Report 2001-02: Section 26 Reports.
[27] South Australia, Legislative Council, Select Committee inquiry into Assessment and
Treatment Services for People with Mental
Health Disorders, Interim Report, 16 February 2006,
(accessed February 2006).
[28] C.D.J.
Holman, J.S. Titmus, J. Rapp, The Way
Forward. Synthesis of the Review of the Mental
Health Act 1996.
Perth: Government of Western Australia, 2003,
(accessed January 2006).
[29] Western Australia, Legislative Council. Standing
Committee on Environment and Public Affairs, 2004, A Petition on the Provision of Mental
Health services in Western Australia - Interim Report, Tabled Paper No. 2899.
[30] Tasmania, Department of Health and Human
Services, Bridging the Gap: Review of Mental
Health Services,
October 2004,
(accessed January 2006).
[31] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 7.
[32] Mr Philip Davies, Acting Secretary, Department of
Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard,
7 October 2005, p. 53.
[33] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: The
Personal, Social and Economic Benefits of Good Mental health – Summary,
December 2004, p. 9.
[34] See for example, Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 1992, April
1992, Section 2.
[35] An example visited by the committee was the
partnership between the Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria and the Goulburn
Valley Area Health Service, at Shepparton.
[36] Examples include the Homeless and Drug Dependency
Trial initiated in Melbourne by Hanover Welfare Services, the Salvation Army
and St Vincent de Paul. Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, pp. 9–10.
[37] Mental Illness Education ACT, Submission 354; Dr Simon Bridge, Submission 500.
[38] depressioNet, Submission
475; ANU Centre for Mental
Health Research, Submission 186; beyondblue, Submission 363; beyondblue,
(accessed March 2006).
[39] Many of the NGO programs included consumers as
consumer researchers, consultants and advocates.
[40] Professor Anthony Jorm and Ms Betty Kitchener, Submission 47.
[41] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 1.
[42] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005,
p. 21.
[43] Submission
476, p. 18.
[44] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 52.
[45] Submission
476, pp.10–11, 33.
[46] Submission
476, p. 3.
[47] Submission
476, p. 3.
[48] Submission
476, p. 1.
[49] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, pp. [6,] [11].
[50] Submission
445, p. [6].
[51] Submission
445, p. [12].
[52] Submission
445, p. [9].
[53] Submission
445A, p. [3].
[54] Queensland Government, Submission 377A, p. 74.
[55] Queensland Government, Submission 377, pp.24–25, 29.
[56] Submission
377A, p. 74.
[57] Submission
377A, pp. 23–5, 74.
[58] Submission
377A, p. 4; Submission 377, p. 13.
[59] Submission
377A, p. 65.
[60] Submission
377A, pp. 12, 74.
[61] Submission
377A, p. 10.
[62] Submission
377, p. 33.
[63] Department of Health – Government of Western Australia,
Submission 376, p. 6.
[64] Submission
376, p. 6.
[65] Submission
376, p. 8.
[66] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 25.
[67] Submission
393, pp. 31–32.
[68] Submission
393, p. 32.
[69] Submission
393, p. 31.
[70] Submission
393, p. 31.
[71] Mr Jon Stanhope, Chief Minister Australian
Capital Territory, Forensic Mental
Health Model Takes Step Forward, 16 February 2006.
[72] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165, pp. 2–3; Minister for
Health – ACT Government, Submission 165A,
p. 5.
[73] Submission
165, p. 3.
[74] Submission
165, p. 4.
[75] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165, p. 4.
[76] Submission
165, p. 5.
[77] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165A, p. 15.
[78] Submission
165, pp. 5–6.
[79] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 6.
[80] Submission
470, p. 18.
[81] Submission
470, p. 31.
[82] Submission
470, p. 41.
[83] Submission
470, p. 42.
[84] Submission
470, p. 32.
[85] Submission
470, p. 50.
[86] Submission
470, p. 7.
[87] Department of Health – South Australia Government,
Submission 506, p. 3.
[88] Submission
506, p. 4. More details were given in Department of Health – South
Australia Government, Submission 506A.
[89] Submission
506, p. 4.
[90] Submission
506, p. 6.
[91] Submission
506, p. 10.
[92] Submission
506, p. 16. See Magistrates Court of South Australia Submission 175 for more detail on this initiative.
[93] Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, p. 7.
[94] Submission
502, pp. 7–8.
[95] Ruth Pollard, 'Out of the wilderness for mental
health', Sydney Morning Herald, 26 January
2006, p. 2.
[96] The Mental Health Consumers Outcomes Task Force, Mental Health statements of rights and
responsibilities. AGPS, 2000, Foreword.
[97] Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, Submission 368, p. 1.
[98] Submission
368, pp. 2–3.
[99] National
Standards for Mental Health Services, Commonwealth of Australia, January
1997, Foreword.
[100] National
Standards for Mental Health Services, Commonwealth of Australia, January 1997, pp 7–8.
[101] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 15.
[102] Human Rights and Equal opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 15.
[103] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 6.
[104] Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission,
Submission 368, pp. 4–5.
[105] Submission
368, p. 4.
[106] Mental Health
Legal Centre, Submission 314, pp. 6–7.
(The Australian Government stated that by June 2003 the National Standards for Mental Health Services were being used by 90 percent of all public
sector mental health services. See Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 2.)
[107] insane australia, Submission 2, p.2.
[108] Submission
2, pp. 3–4. The submission lists a
third category – discharge from services – which, while not discussed further
here, is addressed in Chapter 8.
[109] The Mental Health Consumers Outcomes Task Force,
Mental Health statements of rights and
responsibilities. AGPS, 2000, p. 7.
[110] Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission,
Submission 368, p. 5.
[111] insane australia, Submission 2, pp. 2–3.
[112] Submission
2, p. 3.
[113] Submission
2, p. 3.
[114] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 6.
[115] Centre for Psychiatric Nursing and Practice, Submission 217, p. 4.
[116] South Australian Division of General Practice
Inc., Submission 88, p. 11.
[117] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 72.
[118] Submission
476, p. 2.
[119] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 19.
[120] The National Community Advisory Group on Mental Health (NCAG), comprising consumers and carers, was
established under the first National Mental Health Plan and reported directly to the Minister for
[121] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 8.
[122] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission
322, p. 33.
[123] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262,
p. 10.
[124] Dr Simon Bridge, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 76.
[125] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, p. i.
[126] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, p. 60.
[127] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, pp. 59–60.
[128] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, pp. 59–60.
[129] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, p. 61.
[130] Public Health Association of Australia Inc., Submission 212, p. 5.
[131] Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, Submission 267, p. 8.
[132] Forensic patients are persons charged with an
indictable offence who have been found not fit for trial or who have been
acquitted on grounds of mental impairment. People in mainstream mental health
services who are a significant danger to others and who require the involvement
of a specialist mental health service may also be considered forensic patients.
[133] Professor Paul Mullen, Clinical Director,
Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 44.
[134] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 10.
[135] Submission
207, p. 17.
[136] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 21.
[137] Mental Health Association NSW Inc., Submission 230, p. 10.
[138] Submission
322, p. 56.
[139] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 11.
[140] Canberra Schizophrenia Fellowship, Submission 103, p. 10.
[141] St Vincents & Mater Health, Submission 390, p. 2.
[142] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 41.
[143] Mr Glen Minahan, Submission 477, p. 1.
[144] Ms Catherine Roper, Mr David Webb, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, pp.
[145] Name withheld, Submission 113, p. 4.
[146] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission.
[147] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission, pp 7-8.
[148] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission, p. 8.
[149] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission, p. 43.
[150] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission, p. 38.
[151] Minkowitz, T. (2006) No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry. Wellington:
Mental Health Commission, p. 7.
[152] insane australia, Submission 2, p. 4.
[153] Submission
2, p. 4.
[154] Names withheld, Submissions 27, 31, 49, 367;
Sharon Ponder, Submission 84.
[155] The Mental Health Consumers Outcomes Task Force,
Mental Health statements of rights and
responsibilities. AGPS, 2000, p. 17.
[156] The Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 19.
[157] Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, p. 4.
[158] Name withheld, Submission 28, p. 4.
[159] Office of the Public Advocate Victoria, Submission 172, p. 3.
[160] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of
Adults, Australia, 1997, AGPS, Canberra, p. 5.
[161] See for example, Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 11.
[162] The Richmond Fellowships of Australia, Submission 234, p. 7.
[163] Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, Submission 267, p. 12.
[164] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 16.
[165] Submission
267, pp. 13–14.
[166] The Richmond Fellowships of Australia, Submission 234, p. 2.
[167] Centre for Psychiatric Nursing Research and
Practice, Submission 217, p. 6.
[168] Dr Barbara Tooth, Submission 453, p. 7.
[169] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Discussion Paper: Living Wills,
(accessed March 2006).
[170] HREOC submitted that in the time since the
release of the Burdekin Report it has
not had sufficient resources to continue a detailed monitoring role on mental
health issues. See Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Submission 368, p. 4.
[171] Ms Merinda Epstein, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 28.
[172] Ms Merinda Epstein, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 28.
[173] The Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 11.
[174] Dr M Smith, Living
Wills for People with a Psychiatric Disability, Proceedings of the
Conference, Mental Health for All:
What's the Vision, the University of
Newcastle, 13-15 February 1997, p. 127.
[175] Dr M Smith, Living
Wills for People with a Psychiatric Disability, Proceedings of the
Conference, Mental Health for All:
What's the Vision, the University of
Newcastle, 13-15 February 1997, pp 127-128.
[176] Dr M Smith, Living
Wills for People with a Psychiatric Disability, Proceedings of the
Conference, Mental Health for All:
What's the Vision, the University of
Newcastle, 13-15 February 1997, p. 128.
[177] Dr M Smith, Living
Wills for People with a Psychiatric Disability, Proceedings of the
Conference, Mental Health for All:
What's the Vision, the University of
Newcastle, 13-15 February 1997, p. 127.
[178] Dr P Bartlett, Human Rights? Of course ... but what does that mean? in No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of
Psychiatry, Wellington: Mental
Health Commission, p.
[179] Submission
314, p. 11.
[180] Submission
314, p. 11.
[181] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness – Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
vol 1, Canberra 1993, p. 137.
[182] Mental Health
Association of Queensland, Submission 312,
p. 2.
[183] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport. Investing in Australia's future: Summary,
December 2004, p. 9. See also DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005:
Summary of Ten Years of Reform in Australia's Mental
Health Services under the National Mental
Health Strategy 1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia, 2005.
[184] C.
Mathers, T. Vos & C. Stevenson, The
Burden of Disease and Injury in Australia. AIHW Cat. No. PHE 17, Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, 1999.
[185] C. Mathers, T. Vos & C. Stevenson, The Burden of Disease and Injury in
Australia. AIHW Cat. No. PHE 17, Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare, Canberra, 1999, p. 63. YLL: years of life lost (to death). YLD: years
lost due to disability.
[186] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 2.
[187] Access Economics, Bipolar Disorder Costs: An analysis of the burden of bipolar disorder
and related suicide in Australia, Report for SANE Australia, 2003.
[188] Access Economics, Schizophrenia Costs: An analysis of the burden of schizophrenia and
related suicide in Australia, Report for SANE Australia, 2003.
[189] Mr Philip Davies, Acting Secretary, Department
of Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard,
7 October 2005, p. 2.
[190] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2005: Summary of Ten Years of Reform in
Australia's Mental Health Services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2003, Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2005, p. 20.
[191] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 2, p. 3.
[192] Australian Health Insurance Association, Submission 292, p. 4.
[193] Lifeline Australia Inc., Lifeline in Mental Health: A
Perspective on the Mental Health Needs of the
Australian Community 2002, p. 9.
[194] Lifeline Australia Inc., Submission 329, p. 3.
[195] Mental Health
Council of Australia in partnership with the Carers Association of Australia
Inc, June 2000, Carers of People with
Mental Illness Project Final Report, pp. 4, 12, 54.
[196] Mental Health Carers Network Inc, Submission 286, p. 4.
[197] Mental Health Carers Network Inc, Submission 286, p. 5.
[198] Name withheld, Submission 144, p. 2.
[199] Name withheld, Submission 518, p. 2.
[200] Carer quoted in Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT Consumer Caucus, Submission 214, pp. 6–7.
[201] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 1.
[202] Dr Choong-Siew Yong, AMA, 'Mental Health Care in
Australia in the 21st Century – 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind'', Press
Release, 19 October 2005.
[203] Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council
(VMIAC), Submission 267, p. 2. See also evidence from VMIAC,
Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p.
[204] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australian Inc., Submission 402, p. 2.
[205] The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 323, p. 3.
[206] Medicines Australia, Submission 389, p. 3.
[207] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 2.
[208] Standard letter, Submission 154.
[209] Name withheld, Submission 55, p. 1. See
also Submissions 251, 375.
[210] C. Mihalopoulos, L. Kiropoulos, S. T-F Shih, J.
Gunn, G. Blashki and G. Meadows, 'Exploratory economic analyses of two primary
care mental health projects: implications for sustainability', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 183,
no. 10, p. S75.
[211] Dr Gil Anaf, Submission
265, p. 2.
[212] National Association of Practising Psychiatrists,
Submission 202, p. 34.
[213] Raymond Rudd and Professor Henry Jackson, Submission 401, p. 6.
[214] Doctors Reform Society, Submission 220, p. 2.
[215] Name withheld, Submission 251, p. 1.
[216] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 11.
[217] Australian College of Psychological Medicine, Submission 411, p. 6.
[218] bluevoices, Submission
259, p. 22.
[219] Submission
259, p. 22.
[220] AMA, Submission
167, p. 1.
[221] Standard Letter, Submission 154, p. 1.
[222] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p.
[223] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 4.
[224] Queensland Government, Submission 377A, p. 13.
[225] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. [5].
[226] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's future,
December 2004, p. 32.
[227] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, pp. 6, 11.
[228] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission
376, p. 16.
[229] Centre for Mental Health Research, Submission
186, p. 2.
[230] Mr Philip Davies, Acting Secretary, Department
of Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard,
7 October 2005, p. 53.
[231] insane australia, Submission 2, p. 1.
[232] insane australia, Submission 2, p. 8.
[233] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262A, p. 1.
[234] NT Mental Health Coalition, Submission
409, p. 4.
[235] St. Luke's Anglicare Limited, Submission 345, p. 1.
[236] Submission
345, p. 2.
[237] SA Divisions of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 4.
[238] See for example, Council to Homeless Persons, Submission 315, p. 6; Mental Health Council of Tasmania Inc, Submission 455, p. 1; Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 18.
[239] Centre for Eating & Dieting Disorders, Submission 307.
[240] Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. 2.
[241] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262A, p. 1.
[242] St Vincent de Paul Society, National Mental
Health and Homelessness Advisory Committee, Submission
478, p. 12.
[243] Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 323, p. 3.
[244] Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 323A, pp. 1–2.
[245] Submission
323A, p. 2.
[246] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 2.
[247] Submission
262, p. 11.
[248] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284b, p. 10.
[249] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284b, p. 10.
[250] Australian Council of Social Service, Submission 457, p.2.
[251] MHCA, Submission
262, p. 4.
[252] Dr Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 11.
[253] Dr Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 11.
[254] V. Gerrand, 'Can Deinstitutionalisation Work?
Mental health Reform from 1993 to 1998 in Victoria, Australia', Health Sociology Review, vol. 14, no. 3,
2005, p. 267; Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2000: Sixth Annual Report, Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra, 2000.
[255] M. Hazelton, 'Mental Health Reform, Citizenship and human Rights in Four
Countries', Health Sociology Review,
vol. 14, no. 3, p. 235.
[256] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 10.
[257] Boystown, Submission
107, p. 2.
[258] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental
Health Report 2004: Eighth Report – Summary of changes in
Australia's Mental Health services
under the National Mental Health Strategy
1993-2002. Commonwealth of Australia,
Canberra, 2003, p. i.
[259] C. Pyne, States stand condemned over their
failure to deliver on mental health care [media release], Canberra: Australian
Government Department of Health and Ageing, 24 February 2005,,
(accessed March 2006).
[260] G. Andrews, The
crisis in mental health: the chariot needs one horseman, Medical Journal of
Australia, vol. 182, no. 8, 2005, p. 372.
[261] St Vincent de Paul Society, National Mental Health and Homelessness Advisory Committee, Submission 478, p. 7.
[262] Office of the Public Advocate – Queensland, Submission 303, p. 9.
[263] AMA, Submission
167, p. 1.
[264] Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission
60, p. 6.
[265] Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 323, p. 5.
[266] Submission
323, p. 5.
[267] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 4.
[268] AMA, Submission
167, p. 19.
[269] The Australian Psychological Society Ltd, Submission 50A, p. 11.
[270] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 14.
[271] The Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 6.
[272] Professor Anthony Jorm, Submission 178, p. 3.
[273] Submission
178, p. 3.
[274] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 16.
[275] AMA, Submission
167, p. 28.
[276] A. Rosen, P. McGorry, G. Groom, I. Hickie, R.
Gurr, B. Hocking, M. Leggatt, A. Deveson, K. Wilson, D. Holmes, V. Miller, L.
Dunbar and F. Stanley, 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11.
[277] 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 217.
[278] 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 217.
[279] The Commission became a separate Crown entity
with the enactment of the Mental Heath
Commission Act 1998, which was amended to extend it from 2001 to 2004. It
was recently further extended until 2007.
'Australia Needs a Mental
Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 214.
[280] 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 217.
[281] 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 217.
[282] 'Australia
Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 218.
[283] Resulting an increase of funding to 250 percent
of the average per capita expenditure in Australia and considerably more than
public and private mental heath per capita expenditure combining public and
private expenditure. 'Australia Needs a Mental Health Commission', Additional
Information: item 11, p. 216 and see table in Additional Information: item 11, p. 214.
[284] The Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission
314, p. 6.
[285] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, pp. 37–38.
[286] Including Centre for Psychiatric Nursing
Research and Practice, Submission 217,
p. 5; insane australia, Submission 2, p. 1.
[287] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 38.
[288] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 38.
[289] American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders—DSM-IV-TM, Fourth Edition Revised, Washington, 1997, p. xxi.
[290] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008: Australian Government, 2003, p. 5.
[291] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003-2008: Australian Government, 2003, p. 5.
[292] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003-2008: Australian Government, 2003, p. 5.
(accessed April 2005).
(accessed April 2005).
[295] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 1.
[296] Break the Psycle, Submission 183, p. 1
[297] Black Dog Institute, Submission 170, p. 1.
[298] Mr Brian Haisman, Submission 114 , p. 3.
[299] Dr Ruth Vine, Director of Mental Health,
Department of Human Services of Victoria, Committee
Hansard, 7 July 2006, p. 37.
[300] Dr Ruth Vine, Director of Mental Health,
Department of Human Services of Victoria, Committee
Hansard 7 July 2006, p. 35.
[301] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, pp. 13–14.
[302] Submission
470, pp. 13–14.
[303] Dr Ruth Vine, Director of Mental Health,
Department of Human Services of
Victoria, Committee Hansard 7 July
2006, p. 38.
[304] SA Divisions of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 3; see also, Western Australia Section of the College of
Clinical Psychologists – Australian Psychological Society, Submission 101, p. 1.
[305] Professor Patrick McGorry, Director, ORYGEN
Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 7
July 2006, p. 2.
[306] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 21.
[307] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008: 2003,
p. 36.
[308] See for example, Autism Aspergers Advocacy
Australia, Submission 92.
[309] See for example, Queensland Government, Submission 377, pp. 17–18; Victorian
Minister for Health – Victorian Government, Submission
445, p. 1; Professor Henry Brodaty, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2004, p. 72.
[310] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Committee Hansard 2 August
2006, p. 73.
[311] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 65.
[312] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Committee
Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.
[313] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 66.
[314] Submission
476, p. 66.
[315] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. [3].
[316] Office of the Public Advocate, Submission 172, p. 11.
[317] Australian Division of General Practice, Submission 308, p. 38.
[318] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Statement
in support of Submission 374, tabled
Melbourne Public Hearing, 6 July 2005, p. 2.
[319] Australian Government, Submission 476, Part 1
[320] Probation and
Community Corrections Officers' Association Incorporated, Submission 503, quoting NSW Health,
2000b, pp. 4, 15.
[321] See for example, Department of Psychiatric
Medicine, Children's Hospital Westmead and Tamworth (CAMHS), Submission 99, p. 1.
[322] Fr Peter Norden, Policy Director, Jesuit Social
Services, 'Prison Is Not A Healthy Place': ANEX Harm
Reduction Conference, July 2004, quoted in Catholic Health Australia,
Submission 276,
p. 14.
[323] Dr Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 17
[324] AMA , Submission 167, p. 1.
[325] Mental Health Legal Centre – Victoria,
Submission 314, p. 17.
[326] Queensland Centre for Intellectual and
Developmental Disability Mater Hospital, Submission
463, p. 1, and see attachments.
[327] Autism Aspersers Advocacy Australia, Submission 92, pp. 3–4.
[328] Submission
463, p. 1, and see attachments.
[329] Submission
92, p. 3.
[330] See Chapter 4, Quality and Equity in Aged Care, Senate Community Affairs Reference
Committee, June 2005.
[331] Submission
92, p. 9.
[332] Submission
92, p. 9.
[333] Autism Aspersers Advocacy Australia, Submission 92, p. 8.
[334] Submission
92, pp. 8–9.
[335] Submission
92, pp. 8–9.
[336] The key feature is the requirement for more one
to one intensive interaction. See Submission
92, pp. 10–11.
[337] Submission
92, p.5.
[338] Name withheld, Submission 418, pp. 1-2.
[339] Steering Committee for the Evaluation of the
Second National Mental health Plan 1998-2003, Evaluation of the Second National Mental Health Plan, p. 17.
[340] Victorian Office of the Public Advocate, Submission 172, p. 11.
[341] Submission
172, p. 11.
[342] See for example, Mental Health Community
Coalition of the ACT Consumer and Carer Caucus, Submission 214, p. 7; Council to Homeless Persons, Submission 315, p. 20; Mental Illness
Fellowship of Victoria, Submission 388,
p 12; Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207;
Australian Mental Health Consumer Network , Submission 322, p. 18.
[343] World Health Organisation, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems, 10th Revision,,
(accessed March 2006).
[344] World Health Organisation, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems, 10th Revision,,
(accessed March 2006).
[345] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 3; Australian Mental
Health Consumer Network, Submission 322,
p. 18.
[346] Mental Health Care Legal Centre, Submission 314, pp. 7–8.
[347] Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 7.
[348] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 13.
[349] C. Deans and E. Meocevic, 'Attitudes of
Registered Psychiatric Nurses Towards Patients Diagnosed with Borderline
Personality Disorder', Contemporary Nurse,
2006, vol. 21, no. 1, pp 43–49.
[350] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 13.
[351] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 4.
[352] Submission
207, p. 4.
[353] Dr Andrew Gunn, Submission 52, p. 1.
[354] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission
322, p. 18.
[355] Ms Merinda Epstein, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 36.
[356] Ms Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 17.
[357] Submission
207, p. 17.
[358] Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders, Submission 307, p. 1.
[359] E. Harris, B. Barraclough, 'Excess mortality of
mental disorder', British Journal of
Psychiatry, 173, 1998.
[360] Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders, Submission 307, pp. 8–9.
[361] Name withheld, Submission 13, p. 1.
[362] Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders, Submission 307, p. 10.
[363] Anxiety and Depression Support Group –
Albury-Wodonga, Submission 151, p.
[364] Name withheld, Submission 499, p. 4.
[365] Anxiety & Depression Support Group – Albury
Wodonga, Submission 151, Attachment 1, p. 7.
[366] Name withheld, Submission 162, p. 4.
[367] Name withheld, Submission 196, p. 1.
[368] Submission
162, p. 5.
[369] Brisbane Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support
Group, Submission 197, p. 2.
[370] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 3.
[371] Broken Rites (Australia) Collective Inc, Submission 340, p. 5.
[372] B. Hardy and R. Rhodes, 'Beliefs and
Institutional Change: The UK National Health Service', in I. Holland and J.
Fleming (eds.), Government Reformed:
Values and New Political Institutions, 2003, Ashgate Publishing, England
and USA, p. 71.
[373] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003-2008: 2003, p. 3.
[374] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003-2008: 2003, p. 4.
[375] Office of the Public Advocate, Submission 172, p. 7.
[376] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: the personal,
social and economic benefits of good mental health, December 2004, Brain & Mind Research Institute and Mental
Health Council of Australia, p. 69.
[377] insane australia, Submission 2, p.5.
[378] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: the
personal, social and economic benefits of good mental health, Brain & Mind Research Institute and Mental
Health Council of Australia, December 2004, p. 69.
[379] Victoria, Office of the Public Advocate, Mental
Health Services Community Visitors Annual Report 2003/04, Office of the Public Advocate, October 2004, p. 3.
[380] Dr Jillian Horton-Hausknecht, Submission 337, p. 16.
[381] Dr Jillian Horton-Hausknecht, Submission 337, p. 16.
[382] Western Australia Section of the College of
Clinical Psychologists – Australian Psychological Society, Submission 101, p. 3.
[383] Professional Psychotherapy Centre, Submission 30, p. 2.
[384] Mental Health Foundation (ACT) Inc, Submission 112, p. 4.
[385] National Health and Medical Research Council, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
NH&MRC, Canberra, 1997.
[386] Western Australian Legislative Council,
Education and health Standing Committee, Attention
Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Western
Australia, 2004.
[387] L. Buckmaster, 'Medication for Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): an analysis by Federal Electorate', Research Brief, no. 2, 2004–05,
Parliament House, Canberra.
[388] National
Health and Medical Research Council, Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 1997, NH&MRC, Canberra.
[389] DFADS, Submission
334, p. [2].
[390] LADS, Submission
202, p. 3.
[391] RANZCP, Submission
323, p. 2.
[392] See for example, insane australia, Submission 2 and attachments.
[393] Dr Julie Johnstone, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 18.
[394] Ms Pearl Bruhn, Submission 147, p. 2.
[395] Name withheld, Submission 449, p. 4.
[396] Mental Health Council of Australia, Not for Service: Experiences of Injustice
and Despair in Mental Health Care in Australia – Summary, 2005, p. 13.
[397] Mental Health Foundation ACT Inc., Submission 112, p. 4.
[398] Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 36
[399] Mr John Olsen, Committee Hansard, 27 July 2005, pp. 59–60.
[400] Name withheld, Submission 131, p.2.
[401] Dr Julian Freidin, President, RANZCP, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 90.
[402] Dr Julian Freidin, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 90.
[403] The Australian Psychological Society, Submission 50A, p. 6.
[404] 'Evidence-based' practice refers to
psychological interventions that have been identified through research evidence
as the most effective for different conditions across a range of patient
groups. Australian Psychological Society, Submission
50A, p. 15.
[405] The Australian Psychological Society, Submission 50A, p. 15.
[406] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 2.
[407] The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of
Australia, Submission 383, p. 5.
[408] Submission
383, p. 5.
[409] Submission
383, p. 2.
[410] Submission
383, pp 2-3.
[411] Submission
383, p. 3.
[412] AMHCN, Submission
322, p. 12.
[413] GROW, Submission
224, p. 2.
[414] GROW, Submission
224, pp. 13–14.
[415] L. Finn and B. Bishop, Mutual help: An important gateway to wellbeing and mental health,
(accessed 23 March 2006).
[416] Albury-Wodonga Anxiety and Depression Support
Group, Submission 151, Attachment A, p. 13.
[417] BOCD, Submission
197, p. 2.
[418] Centre for Psychiatric Nursing Research and
Practice, Submission 217, p. 16.
[419] Submission
217, p. 16.
[420] Submission
217, p. 6.
[421] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 11.
[422] Submission
176, p. 11.
[423] Bio-Balance Health Association, Submission 378, p. 1.
[424] Submission
378, p. 3.
[425] Submission
378, p. 2.
[426] Bio-Balance Health Association, Submission 378, p. 3.
[427] Submission
378, p. 4.
[428] Mr Douglas McIver, Submission 317, p. 1.
[429] Submission
317, p. 4.
[430] Mr Douglas McIver, Submission 317, pp 7-8.
[431] V. Kotsirilos, 'Psychotic illness: Does
complementary medicine have a role in management?', Australian Family Physician, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 115–116, 2006.
[432] Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Inquiry into services and treatment options
for persons with cancer, June 2005, Recommendation 22.
[433] Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Response
to the recommendations directed to the National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC),,
(accessed March 2006).
[434] Dr Robert Di Nicolantonio, Submission 526a, p. 7.
[435] AMHCN, Submission
322, p. 5.
[436] GROW, Submission
224, p. 13.
[437] Dr Jillian Horton-Hausknecht, Submission 337, p. 2.
[438] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: the
personal, social and economic benefits of good mental health, December
2004, Brain & Mind Research
Institute and Mental Health Council of Australia, p. 69.
[439] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: the
personal, social and economic benefits of good mental health, December
2004, Brain & Mind Research
Institute and Mental Health Council of Australia, p. 69.
[440] I. Hickie, G. Groom and T. Davenport, Investing in Australia's Future: the
personal, social and economic benefits of good mental health, December
2004, Brain & Mind Research
Institute and Mental Health Council of Australia, p. 73.
[441] Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists (RANZCP), Submission 323, p. 2.
[442] Submission
323, p. 2.
[443] Australian College of Psychological Medicine
(ACPM), Submission 411, pp. 6–7.
[444] Submission
323, p. 3.
[445] Dr Martin Nothling, Federal Councillor,
Australian Medical Association (AMA), Committee
Hansard, 19 May 2005, p. 68.
[446] See, for example, Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p.
[447] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2005, p. 28.
[448] AMA, Submission
167, p. 2.
[449] Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee,
Annual Report 2002–03, AMWAC Report
2003.4, September 2003, pp. 15–19,,
(accessed March 2006).
[450] Committee
Hansard, 19 May 2005, p. 64.
[451] National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA), Submission 181, p. 19.
[452] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW) 2005, Mental Health Services in Australia
2002-03, Canberra, AIHW (Mental
Health Series No. 6), p. 199.
[453] Ms Jane Halton, Secretary of the Department of
Health and Ageing has indicated that ' there is a particularly high concentration
of psychiatrists on the north shore of Sydney and east Melbourne.' Estimates Hansard, Senate Community
Affairs Legislation Committee, 2 November 2005, p. 62.
[454] Dr Julian Freidin, President, RANZCP, Committee Hansard 6 July 2005, p. 87.
[455] Dr Jennifer May, Secretary, NRHA, Committee Hansard 4 July 2005, p. 80.
[456] See, for example, insane australia, Submission 2 and attachments.
[457] Dr Julie Johnstone, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 18.
[458] Mrs Pearl Bruhn, Submission 147, p. 2.
[459] Name withheld, Submission 449, p. 4.
[460] Mental Health Foundation ACT, Submission 112, p. 4.
[461] Dr Anthony Llewellyn, in Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 36.
[462] Mr John Olsen, Committee Hansard, 27 July 2005, pp. 59-60.
[463] Name withheld, Submission 131, p.2.
[464] Dr Julian Freidin, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 90.
[465] Committee
Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 90.
[466] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW) 2005, Mental Health Services in Australia
2002-03, Canberra, AIHW (Mental Health Series No. 6), p. 199.
[467] Australian Rural Nurses (AARN), the Australian
and New Zealand College of Mental
Health Nurses (ANZCMHN)
and Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA), Submission 321, p. 5.
[468] AARN, ANZCMHN and RCNA, Submission 321, p. 6.
[469] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW) 2005, Mental Health Services in Australia
2002-03, Canberra, AIHW (Mental
Health Series No. 6), p. 11.
[470] Mr Jon Chesterson, Submission 177, p. 3.
[471] Dr Anthony Llewellyn, in Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 14.
[472] AARN, ANZCMHN and RCNA, Submission 321, p. 5.
[473] NSW Nurses' Association, Submission 391, p. 7.
[474] See, for example, Submission 321, p. 15; Mr
Jon Chesterson, Submission 177, p. 6; AMA, Submission 167, p. 21.
[475] Submission
167, p. 21.
[476] James Fletcher Hospital Psychiatric Emergency
Centre and Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, Overt
Aggression Survey, Mr M Witkowycz (RN), Submission
349 (Attachment 1), p. 24.
[477] Submission
321, p. 5.
[478] Australian
Health Workforce Advisory Committee (2003), Australian
Mental Health Nurse
Supply, Recruitment and Retention,
AHWAC Report 2003.2, Sydney.
[479] Australian Health Workforce Advisory Committee
(2003), Australian Mental
Health Nurse Supply, Recruitment and Retention, AHWAC Report 2003.2, Sydney, p. 19.
[480] Victorian
Government Department of Human Services, Victorian
Taskforce on Nurses Preparation for Mental
Health Work Report,
Melbourne, September 2005.
[481] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW), Mental Health Services in Australia
2002-03, Canberra, AIHW (Mental Health Series No. 6), 2005, p. 200.
[482] Australian Psychological Society (APS), Submission 50A, p. 4.
[483] Submission
50A, p. 4
[484] Mr Raymond Rudd and Professor Henry Jackson, Submission 401, p. 4.
[485] Victorian Section, APS, Submission 479, p. 4.
[486] Submission
479, p. 3.
[487] Dr Jillian Horton, Submission 337, p. 16.
[488] Western Australia Section of the College of Clinical
Psychologists – APS, Submission 101, p. 3.
[489] Beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 2.
[490] Black Dog Institute; Black Dog Institute fact
sheets, available at
, (accessed December 2005). See also Anxiety and Depression Support Group
Albury Wodonga, Submission 151.
[491] Mental Health Association
NSW, Submission 230, p. 12.
[492] Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 212, p. 3.
[493] Victorian Section, APS, Submission 479, p. 4.
[494] Private health Insurance for Psychiatric
Services is discussed in more detail in Chapter 12.
[495] See, for example, General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC), Submission 320, p. 3; Australian Divisions of General Practice (ADGP), Submission 308, p. 10.
[496] AMA, Submission
167, p. 9.
[497] Submission
308, p. 10.
[498] SA Divisions of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 1.
[499] Dr Rob Walters, Chairman, ADGP, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, pp.
[500] See, for example, Royal Australian College of
General Practitioners (RACGP), Submission
311, p. 5.
[501] AMA, Submission
167, p. 9.
[502] ACPM, Submission
411, p. 7.
[503] Submission 167, p. 41.
[504] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry Into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, pp. 194–195.
[505] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry Into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, pp. 194–195.
[506] See, for example, see GPMHS, Submission 320, p. 6.
[507] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 3.
[508] See, for example, AMA, Submission 167, p. 41;
RACGP, Submission 311, p. 5; ACPM, Submission 411, p. 7.
[509] Submission
311, p. 5.
[510] Submission
411, p. 7.
[511] Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of
Australia (PACFA), Submission 383, p. 3.
[512] Submission
383, p. 5.
[513] Submission
383, p. 4.
[514] Professor Anthony Jorm and Ms Betty Kitchener, Submission 47, p. 1.
[515] Submission
47, p. 6.
[516] Mr Gordon Gregory, Executive Director, NRHA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 71;
Ms Brianna Casey, Senior Policy Manager, NSW Farmers Association, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 16.
[517] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 33.
[518] Submission
476, p. 33.
[519] Medicare Benefits Schedule Item 2725.
[520] Submission
476, p. 34.
[521] Evaluating
the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Better Outcomes in Mental
Health Initiative; Fourth Interim Evaluation Report, Program Evaluation Unit, The University of
Melbourne, April 2005, p. 11.
[522] Evaluating
the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Better Outcomes in Mental
Health Initiative; Fourth Interim Evaluation Report, Program Evaluation Unit, The University of
Melbourne, April 2005, p. 10.
[523] Evaluating
the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Better Outcomes in Mental
Health Initiative; Fourth Interim Evaluation Report, Program Evaluation Unit, The University of
Melbourne, April 2005, p. 2.
[524] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 19.
[525] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 34;
ADGP, Submission 308, p. 19; GPMHSC, Submission
320, p. 3.
[526] Submission
308, p. 19.
[527] Submission
308, p. 41.
[528] Submission
308, p. 42.
[529] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 45.
[530] Dr Rob Walters, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 84.
[531] Dr Carole Castles, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 46.
[532] Department of Health and Ageing, answer to
question on notice, 2 November 2005.
[533] Department of Health and Ageing, General Practice in Australia 2004, p.
[534] Mr David Learmonth, First Assistant Secretary,
Primary Care Division, Department of Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 69.
[535] Mr D Learmonth, Estimates Hansard, Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee,
2 November 2005, p. 55.
[536] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 34.
[537] SA Divisions of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 9.
[538] GPMHSC, Submission
320, p. 4.
[539] Submission
320, p. 4.
[540] General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration, Level One General Practitioner
Registration Form: Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care.
[541] ACPM, Submission
411, p. 9.
[542] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 86.
[543] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 16.
[544] AMA, Submission
167, p. 24.
[545] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 43.
[546] Submission
308, p. 8.
[547] APS, Submission
50A, p. 9.
[548] Association for Counselling Psychologists, Submission 452, p. [5].
[549] Submission
452, p. [1].
[550] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard 28 October 2005, p. 94.
[551] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 41.
[552] Submission
308, p. 41.
[553] See, for example, Association for Counselling
Psychologists, Submission 452, p. [4].
[554] Dr Jillian Horton, Submission 337, p. 13.
[555] APS, Submission
50A, p. 10.
[556] SA Divisions of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 9.
[557] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 44.
[558] Submission
88, p. 9.
[559] 'Money's too tight to mention', Australian Doctor, 19 October 2005,
, (accessed November 2005).
[560] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 86.
[561] Mr David Learmonth, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 70.
[562] AMA, Submission
167, p. 25.
[563] Submission
308, p. 7; see also APS, Submission 50A, p. 10.
[564] ADGP, Submission
308, pp. 43–44.
[565] Dr Leanne Rowe, Councillor, RACGP, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p.
[566] Association for Counselling Psychologists, Submission 452, p. [5].
[567] ACPM, Submission
411, pp. 8–9.
[568] Bluevoices, Submission
259, pp 22–23.
[569] Mr Phillip Davies, Acting Secretary, Department
of Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard
7 October 2005, p. 34.
[570] Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. [7].
[571] NSW Nurses' Association, Submission 391, p. 9.
[572] Black Dog Institute; Black Dog Institute fact
sheets, available at
, (accessed December 2005).
[573] Mr Keith Wilson, Chair, MHCA, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p.
[574] Mr David Learmonth, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 35.
[575] Mr Keith Wilson, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 93.
[576] Mr David Learmonth, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 68.
[577] Professor John Horvath, Chief Medical Officer,
Department of Health and Ageing, Committee
Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 69.
[578] Australian Government, Department of Health and
Ageing, Guidelines for the More Allied
Health Services Program, Divisions of General Practice Program, update as
at July 2004, p. 8.
[579] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 36.
[580] Australian Government, Department of Health and
Ageing, Guidelines for the More Allied
Health Services Program, Divisions of General Practice Program, update as
at July 2004, p. 13.
[581] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 20.
[582] Australian Government, Submission 476,
Attachment 8.
[583] Top End Division of General Practice website,,
(accessed December 2005).
[584] Australian Government, Department of Health and
Ageing, Guidelines for the More Allied
Health Services Program, Divisions of General Practice Program, update as
at July 2004, p. 5.
[585] Evaluation
of the Better Outcomes in Mental Health and More Allied Health Services
Initiatives; Final Report; Limestone
Coast Division of General Practice (LCDGP), June 2005, p. 1. Available at
, (accessed December 2005).
[586] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard 28 October 2005, pp 91–92.
[587] Cambridgeshire Mental Health Info factsheet, available at,
(accessed 1December 2005).
[588] Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 10.
[589] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 95.
[590] Professor Harvey Whiteford, Clinical Mental
Health Advisor, Department of Health and Ageing, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 67.
[591] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 95.
[592] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, pp. 94–95.
[593] Mr Keith Wilson, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 93.
[594] APS, Submission
50A, p. 10.
[595] Senate Select Committee on Medicare, First
report, Inquiry into Medicare: Medicare -
healthcare or welfare, October 2003, pp. 143–144.
[596] Senate Select Committee on Medicare, First
report, Inquiry into Medicare: Medicare -
healthcare or welfare, October 2003, p. 144.
[597] Productivity Commission 2005, Australia's Health Workforce, Position
Paper, Canberra.
[598] Dr Jillian Horton, Submission 337, p. 14.
[599] Professor Ian Hickie, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 94.
[600] Review of the Role of Divisions of General
Practice, The Future Role of the Divisions
Network, June 2003,,
(accessed March 2006); Commonwealth Government, Divisions of General Practice: Future Directions. Government Response
to the Report of the review of the role of Divisions of General Practice,
April 2004,$FILE/fut_dir.pdf,
(accessed March 2006).
[601] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a
Monograph, Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department
of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, p. 99.
[602] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a
Monograph, Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department
of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, p. 104.
[603] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a Monograph, Mental
Health and Special
Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, p.
[604] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a
Monograph, Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department
of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, p. 30.
[605] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a
Monograph, Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department
of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, pp. 32–33.
[606] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, National Action Plan for Promotion,
Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental
Health, Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department
of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, p. 4.
[607] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, National Action Plan for Promotion,
Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health, Mental Health and Special
Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra.
[608] Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
2000, Promotion, Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental Health – a Monograph, Mental Health and Special
Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra.
[609] Auseinet, Submission
441, pp. 3–4.
[610] See for example, Australian Infant, Child,
Adolescent and Family Mental
Health Association
(AICAFMA), Submission 83, p. 5.
[611] Auseinet, Submission
441, p. 5.
[612] NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 399, p. 1.
[613] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, pp. 8–9.
[614] The Cairnmillar Institute, Submission 204, p. 1.
[615] PPEI Action Plan, p. 1.
[616] Ms Fay Jackson, Submission 534, p. [4].
[617] Mr Peter Hutton, Submission 185, p. 11.
[618] depressioNet, Submission 475, p. 11.
[619] depressioNet, Submission 475, p. 7.
[620] Ms Merinda Epstein, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 39.
[621] Name withheld, Submission 76, p. 5.
[622] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 8.
[623] Catholic Welfare Australia, Submission 302, p. 17.
[624] Richmond Fellowship of NSW, Submission 266, p. 7.
[625] Probation and Community Corrections Officers
(PACCOA), Submission 503, p. 4, and see 'NSW: Judge Criticises Health System for Releasing
Schizophrenic', 24 March 2005; Australian
General News; Story No. 9081.
[626] Mental Health
Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 23.
[627] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 6.
[628] Name withheld, Submission 20, p. [1].
[629] NCOSS, Submission
274, p. 9.
[630] Dr Julie Johnson, Submission 4, Attachment 2,
p. 14, and see Women and Mental
Health Inc (WAMH), Submission 310, pp. 8–9.
[631] Youth Mental Health Coalition, Submission
284, case study: JOLAN’S STORY, pp. 14–15.
[632] Public Advocate South Australia, Submission
268, p. 13.
[633] AICAFMHA, Submission 83, p. 6.
[634] Association of Australian Rural Nurses
Australian and New Zealand College of Nursing, Submission 321, p. 16.
[635] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, pp. 3–4.
[636] For comments on actors see Nicci Wall, Submission 44, p. 2.
[637] insane australia, Submission 2, p. 2.
[638] See,for example, Australian Divisions of General
Practice, Submission 308, p. 29.
[639] Monograph 2000, pp. 14–16.
[640] Australian
Association for Infant Mental
Health and NIFTeY, Submission 301, p. 1; Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Association (AICAFMA), Submission 83, p. 7.
[641] Monograph 2000, p. 16.
[642] Submission 301, p. 2.
[643] PANDA, Mood changes,,
(accessed March 2006).
[644] PANDA, Submission
544, Appendix A, p. 9.
[645] PANDA, Submission
544, p. 2.
[646] Submission
544, Attachment 1, p. 4.
[647] Submission
544, Attachment 1, p. 3.
[648] Submission
544, Attachment 1, p. 11.
[649] Submission
544, Attachment 1, p. 9.
[650] beyondblue, About
the PND Program: About PND,,
(accessed March 2006).
[651] beyondBlue, About
the PND Program: PND Program Outcomes,,
(accessed March 2006).
[652] PANDA, Submission
544, Attachment 1, p. 37.
[653] Submission
544, p. 4.
[654] AICAFMHA, Submission
83, p. 19.
[655] Professor Anthony Jorm, Committee Hansard, 1 February 2006, pp. 56–57.
[656] Submission
83, p. 12.
[657] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 4.
[658] AMHCN, Submission
322, p. 13
[659] Mental Health
Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 8.
[660] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 4, p. 1.
[661] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284.
[662] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 32.
[663] Mr Jeff Kennett, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, pp. 1, 9; and
see NSW
Farmers Association, Submission 410.
[664] Mr Kieran Wicks, Submission 104, p. 8.
[665] Victorian Suicide Prevention Task Force, Report, 1997, p. 56,,
(accessed March 2006).
[666] Professor Debra Rickard, Committee Hansard, 27 September 2005, p. 57.
[667] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 32.
[668] West Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Advisory Committee, Submission 24, Section (c).
[669] AGCA, Submission
413, p. 2.
[670] Submission
413, p. 2.
[671] AGCA, Submission
413, pp. 2–3.
[672] Australian Divisions of General Practice, Submission 308, p. 32.
[673] Submission
413, p. 2.
[674] Submission
308, p. 26.
[675] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 3.
[676] Submission
457, p. 2.
[677] AMHCN, Submission
322, p. 12.
[678] Illawarra Institute for Mental Health, Improving NSW mental health care: evidence
got the unique role of Lifeline's 24-hour telephone service, February 2005,
p. 1.
[679] Lifeline, Submission
328, Attachment 1, p. 3.
[680] Lifeline, Annual
Report 2004-05, p. 10.
[681] Lifeline, Annual
Report 2004-05, p. 21.
[682] Lifeline, Annual
Report 2004-05, pp. 9, 14–15, 19–20.
[683] Submission
329, Attachment 6, p.3.
[684] Boystown, Submission
107, p. 4.
[685] Kids Help Line, "Kids Help Line 2004",
Kids Help Line Infosheet 2, (accessed 10 March 2006).
[686] NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 399, p. 2.
[687] Boystown, Submission
107, p. 1.
[688] Boystown, How
you can support Kids Help Line,
(accessed March 2006).
[689] Boystown, Submission
107, p. 5.
[690] Centre for Mental Health Research, Submission 186, p. 15.
[691] Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, p. 6.
[692] The Australian National University, The MoodGYM Training Program Mark II, (accessed
March 2006).
[693] Centre for Mental Health Research, Submission 186, p. 17.
[694] Boystown, Submission
107, p. 14.
[695] Submission
107, p. 14.
[696] Reach Out!, Frequently
Asked Questions, (accessed March 2006).
[697] Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, p. 4.
[698] depressioNet, Submission 475, p. 2.
[699] depressioNet, Partners in health, (accessed March 2006).
[700] Mr Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 10.
[701] Australian Principals Associations Professional
Development Council, Submission 120, p. 2; Mr Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 10; Submission
308, p. 22.
[702] Ms Susan Boucher, Chief Executive Officer,
APAPDC, Committee Hansard, 27
September 2005, p. 21.
[703] Australian Divisions of General Divisions, Submission 308, pp. 47, 33.
[704] Mr Don Zoellner, Chair of the MindMatters
National Reference Committee, Committee
Hansard, pp. 21–22.
[705] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 32.
[706] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284, p. 2.
[707] ORYGEN Research Centre, Report 2004 & 2005, p. 21.
[708] Submission
284, p. 3.
[709] Prime Minister of Australia, Youth Mental Health Foundation, (accessed March 2006).
[710] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284B, pp.
[711] See AICAFMHA, Submission 83, pp. 7–9; beyondblue, Submission 363, p. 9; Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, pp. 3–4.
[712] Queensland Government, Submission 377A, p. 10.
[713] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission 376, p. 20.
[714] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 4.
[715] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 5.
[716] Submission
363, p. 19.
[717] Suicide Prevention Australia, Submission 425, p. 3.
[718] Auseinet, Submission
441, p. 14.
[719] Suicide Prevention Australia, Submission 425, pp. 13, 15, 16, 17, 19,
20, 22, 27, 27.
[720] ORYGEN Research Centre, Report 2004 & 2005, p. 22.
[721] Auseinet, Submission
441, p. 5.
[722] Australian Health Promotion Association, Submission 187, p. 3.
[723] Victorian Section, Australian Psychological
Society, Submission 479, p. 4;
Australian College of Psychological Medicine (ACPM), Submission 411, p. 6.
[724] Submission
441, p. 10.
[725] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 12.
[726] Australian Divisions of General Practice, Submission 308, p. 29.
[727] Suicide Prevention Australia, Submission 425, p. 5.
[728] Dr Jennifer May, NRHAC, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 80.
[729] Ms Jennie Parham, Auseinet, Committee Hansard, 27 September 2005, p. 55.
[730] Auseinet, Submission
441, p. 10.
[731] Submission
441, p. 10.
[732] Ms Jennifer Parham, Auseinet, Committee Hansard, 27 September 2005, p.
[733] Submission
441, p. 10.
[734] Professor Debra Rickwood, Auseinet, Committee Hansard, 27 September 2005, p.
[735] Australian Divisions of General Practice, Submission 308, p. 30.
[736] Professor Debra Rickwood, Auseinet, Committee Hansard, 27 September 2005, p.
[737] Australian Health Promotion Association, Submission 187, p. 10.
[738] Australian Guidance and Counselling Association, Submission
413, p. 3.
[739] Boystown, Males
and Help Seeking Behaviour,
(accessed March 2006).
[740] Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, p. 4.
[741] Australian Health Promotion Association, Submission 187, p. 10.
[742] Name withheld, Submission 251, p. 6.
[743] Name withheld, Submission 251, p. 6.
[744] Submission
251, p. 6.
[745] AICAFMA, Submission
83, p. 6.
[746] Other initiatives would be in expansion mental
health first aid education programs, see Professor Anthony Jorm and Mrs Betty
Kitchener, Submission 47, and
introduction of work experience programs to improve both consumer and employer
confidence. Ms Elizabeth Crowther, Committee
Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 97. See discussion of the Flat Bottle initiative,
pp. 94, 97.
[747] Name withheld, Submission 375, p. 8.
[748] See for example, Ms Isabell Collins, Director,
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 72.
[749] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 38.
[750] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 38; K. Richmond and P. Savy, 'In Sight, In Mind: Mental Health Policy in an Era of Deinstitutionalisation', Health Sociology Review, vol. 14, no. 3,
2005, p. 217.
[751] See for example, Victoria. Office of Psychiatric
Services, Audit of Standards of Treatment
and Care in Psychiatric Hospitals in the State of Victoria, 1992, Health
Department Victoria, Melbourne.
[752] The committee recognises that closure of
institutions does not occur in isolation, but in conjunction with development
of other modes of care.
[753] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, pp. 120, 160.
[754] V. Gerrand, 'Can Deinstitutionalisation Work?
Mental Health Reform from 1993 to 1998 in Victoria, Australia', Health Sociology Review, vol. 14, no. 3,
2005, p. 265.
[755] See for example, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97; Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484.
[756] Associate Professor Brian Boettcher, Submission 1, p. 4.
[757] Mental Health
Association of Queensland, Submission 312.
[758] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. 3.
[759] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 23.
[760] Mental Health Council of Australia and the Brain
and Mind Research Institute, Not For
Service: Experiences of Injustice and Despair in Mental Health Care in
Australia, Mental Health Council of Australia, Canberra, 2005, p. 46
[761] South Australia, Legislative Council. Select
Committee inquiry into Assessment and Treatment Services for People with Mental Health Disorders, Interim Report, 16 February 2006,
accessed February 2006.
[762] Western
Australia, Legislative Council. Standing Committee on Environment and Public
Affairs, 2004, A Petition on the
Provision of Mental Health services in
Western Australia - Interim Report,
Tabled Paper No. 2899.
[763] ARAFMI National Council Inc, Submission 23, p. 1.
[764] Name withheld, Submission 122, p. 3.
[765] Name withheld, Submission 55, pp. 2-3.
[766] Name withheld, Submission 49, p. 1, emphasis in original.
[767] NSW Nurses' Association, Submission 391, p. 4.
[768] Dr Philip Morris, Executive Director, Gold Coast
Institute of Mental Health, Committee
Hansard, 2 February 2006, pp. 2–3.
[769] Queensland Government, Submission 377A, p.19.
[770] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 6
[771] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission
376, p. 7.
[772] Australian Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 5.
[773] Dr Julian Freidin, President, Royal Australian
and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Committee
Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 86.
[774] Ms Sheelah Egan, Submission 113, p. [4].
[775] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 14.
[776] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. [7];
NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission
470, pp 5-6; Queensland Government, Submission
377a, p. 19; Department of Health – South Australia Government, Submission 506, p. 6; Department of
Health – Government of Western Australia, Submission 376, pp. 9 and 19; Tasmanian
Government, Submission 502, pp 7-8;
Northern Territory Government, Submission
393, pp. 20 and 30; Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165, pp 4-6.
[777] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. 11.
[778] Healthscope Ltd, Submission 82, p. 2.
[779] See for example, Dr Simon Byrne, Submission 3; Mr John Clayer, Submission 532; Friends of Callan Park, Submission 250.
[780] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Policy, 1992, p.
[781] Dr Simon Byrne, Submission 3, p. 1.
[782] Dr Simon Byrne, Submission 3, p. 2.
[783] Dr Philip Morris, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 6.
[784] Name withheld, Submission 518.
[785] Dr Julian Freidin, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, pp. 85, 93.
[786] See for example, Name withheld, Submission 123, p. 1.
[787] Name withheld, Submission 54, p. 2.
[788] Mental Health
Legal Centre, Submission 314, pp.
[789] Ms Sherry Watson, Submission 504, Attachment 1, pp[ 4–5].
[790] Mr Stephen Corry, Submission 440, pp 2–3.
[791] Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, Submission 267, p. 6.
[792] Ms Isabell Collins, VMIAC, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 73.
[793] Ms Cath Roper, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 29.
[794] The Australia Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 5.
[795] For example, Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, pp 7-8.
[796] Name withheld, Submission 195, p. 3.
[797] Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, p. 6.
[798] Auditor-General Victoria, 2002, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis,
p. 6.
[799] NSW Nurses' Association, Submission 391, p. 4; also Dr Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p. [2].
[800] ARAFMI National Council Inc, Submission 23, p. 1.
[801] Mrs Jan Kealton, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 77.
[802] NSW Nurses' Association, Submission 391, p. 5.
[803] Dr Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p. [2].
[804] South Australian Ombudsman, Annual Report 2001/02, Section
26 Reports, 'Treatment of Mental Health Patients: Shackling and other forms
of restraint', p. 60.
[805] For example, Dr Philip Morris, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006; Dr
Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p.
[806] Dr Philip Morris, Committee
Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 4.
[807] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, pp. 24–25.
[808] Dr Philip Morris, Gold Coast Institute of Mental Health, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p.
[809] Dr Philip Morris, Committee
Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 2.
[810] Dr Philip Morris, Committee
Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 3
[811] Mr David Webb, Chair, VMIAC, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 81.
[812] Name withheld, Submission 244, p. 4.
[813] Ms Isabell Collins, VMIAC, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 77.
[814] Auditor-General Victoria, 2002, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis,
p. 65
[815] Auditor-General Victoria, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis, 2002, p. 66
[816] T. Wand and P. Schaecken, 'Consumer evaluation
of a mental health liaison nurse service in the Emergency Department', Contemporary Nurse, 2006, vol 21, Issue
1, p. 18.
[817] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 19.
[818] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005,
pp 23 and 34.
[819] Auditor-General Victoria, Follow-up of selected performance audits in 2002 and 2003, 2005, p.
[820] Ms Sharon Ponder, Submission 84, p. [9].
[821] Ms Christine Couzens, Submission 71, p. [4].
[822] Ms Jean Charlton, correspondence 19 September
[823] Lifeline Australia, Submission 329, Attachment 6, p. 7.
[824] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 94.
[825] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 94; Minister for Health –
ACT Government, Submission 165, p. 2.
[826] See for example, Name withheld, Submission 62, p. 2; Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, p. 3.
[827] Name withheld, Submission 122, p. 3.
[828] Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, p. 3.
[829] Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council, Submission 267, p. 5.
[830] Name withheld, Submission 129, p. 1.
[831] Ms Elizabeth Crowther, Chief Executive, Mental Illness
Fellowship Victoria, Committee Hansard,
5 July 2005. pp 95-96.
[832] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 24.
[833] Council of Australian Governments, Communique 10 February 2006,,
(accessed February 2006).
[834] Ms Sheelah Egan, Submission 113, p. [4].
[835] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. [6].
[836] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. [3].
[837] Auditor-General Victoria, Mental Health Services for People in Crisis, 2002, p. 6.
[838] New
South Wales, Audit Office, Performance
Audit: Emergency Mental Health Services, NSW Department of Health, May
2005, p. 2.
[839] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. [6].
[840] Dr Philip Morris, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, pp. 3–4.
[841] Dr Scott-Orr, Submission 58, p. 2.
[842] Dr Julian Freidin, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 92.
[843] See for example, Mental Health Council of
Australia, Submission 262; Australian
Medical Association, Submission 167.
[844] Lifeline Australia, 2002, Lifeline in Mental Health, A Perspective on the Mental Health Needs of
the Australian Community, Submission
329 Attachment 1, p. 15.
[845] A. Rosen, L. Newton and K. Barfoot,
'Evidence-based community alternatives to institutional psychiatric care', Medicine Today, September 2003, vol. 4,
no. 9 (Submission 108A Attachment 3, p. 1).
[846] Name withheld, Submission 76, p. 1.
[847] Australian Health Ministers, 1992, National Mental Health Policy, p. [8].
[848] Australian Health Ministers, 1992, National Mental Health Policy, p. [10].
[849] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Policy, p. [10]; National Mental Health Plan 1992, p.
[21]; The Second National Mental Health
Plan, p. [27]; National Mental Health
Plan 2003-2008, p. [20].
[850] Australian Health Ministers, 1992, National Mental Health Policy, p. [9].
[851] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Policy, 1992, p.
[852] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 1992, p.
[853] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 13.
[854] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 4.
[855] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, pp 34, 91, 94–95.
[856] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, p. 107.
[857] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 15.
[858] Victorian Government, Submission 445, p. 2.
[859] Australian Health Ministers, 1992, National Mental Health Policy, p. [8].
[860] Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary, Comprehensive
Area Service Psychiatrists Network, Committee
Hansard, 3 August 2006, pp. 66–68.
[861] Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary, Comprehensive
Area Service Psychiatrists Network, Committee
Hansard, 3 August 2006, p. 68.
[862] Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary, Comprehensive
Area Service Psychiatrists Network, Committee
Hansard, 3 August 2006, p. 67.
[863] Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary, Comprehensive
Area Service Psychiatrists Network, Committee
Hansard, 3 August 2006, p. 67–68.
[864] Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer Network,
Submission 60, p. 5.
[865] A. Rosen, and L. Manns, 'Who owns Callan Park? A
cautionary tale.' Australasian Psychology,
vol 11, No.4, p.449; SANE Australia, Submission
133 – Attachment 1, p.8.
[866] Blue Care, Submission
353, p. 3.
[867] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 15.
[868] See
for example, Lifeline Australia, Submission
329 Attachment 6; Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97; Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists Special
Interest Group, Submission 108, p.1; Mental Health Foundation ACT Inc., Submission 112, p.4; SANE Australia, Submission 133 Attachment A, p.1; insane
australia, Submission 2, p.5; ARC
Group, Submission 14, p.1; Australian
Healthcare Association, Submission 169,
p.8; Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, Ms
Sheelah Egan, Submission 113;
Australian Medical Association, Submission
[869] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 1.
[870] Submission
262, p. 12.
[871] ARC Group, Submission
14, p. 1.
[872] Mr Peter Hutten, Submission 185, p. 3.
[873] Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 18.
[874] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 7.
[875] Southern Suburbs Taskforce, Submission 191, p. 2.
[876] Name withheld, Submission 102, p. 1.
[877] Mental Illness Fellowship of Victoria,
Specialist Residential Rehabilitation Service (SRRP) and Prevention and
Recovery Care (PARC on Maude),
(accessed March 2006).
[878] Mr Mark Millard, Service Development
Coordinator, Cairns Integrated Mental Health
Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August
2005, p. 10.
[879] Mr Mark Millard, Service Development
Coordinator, Cairns Integrated Mental Health Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 10.
[880] Mr Mark Millard, Service Development
Coordinator, Cairns Integrated Mental Health Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 10.
[881] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173, Attachment 4, p. 17.
[882] Name withheld, Submission 59, p. 1.
[883] Australian Medical Association, Submission 152, p. 1.
[884] Name withheld, Submission 55, p. 3.
[885] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173 - Attachment 4, p. 15.
[886] Submission
173, Attachment 4, p. 16.
[887] Mental Illness Fellowship of Victoria,
Specialist Residential Rehabilitation Service (SRRP) and Prevention and
Recovery Care (PARC on Maude),
(accessed March 2006).
[888] Mental Health
Coordinating Council, Submission 173 –
Attachment 4, p. 18.
[889] National Rural Health Alliance, Submission 181, p. 25.
[890] For example: Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 18; Australian Rotary
Health Research Fund, Submission 68, p. 1–2; Mental Health Coordinating
Council, Submission 173 Attachment 4, p.
12; National Rural Health Alliance Inc, Submission
181, p. 25.
[891] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173, p. 6.
[892] Southern Suburbs Taskforce, Submission 191, p. 2.
[893] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 2.
[894] The Australian Psychological Society Ltd, Submission 50, p. 4.
[895] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173 - Attachment 1, p. 28.
[896] Micah Projects Inc, Submission 67, p. 5.
[897] Health Services Union and Health and Community
Services Union, Submission 223, p.
[898] A. Rosen, L. Newton and K. Barfoot,
'Evidence-based community alternatives to institutional psychiatric care', Medicine Today, September 2003, vol. 4,
no. 9; p. 91.
[899] A. Rosen, L. Newton and K. Barfoot,
'Evidence-based community alternatives to institutional psychiatric care', Medicine Today, September 2003, vol. 4,
no. 9; p. 91.
[900] See for example, A. Rosen & M. Teesson,
'Does case management work? The evidence and the abuse of evidence-based
medicine', Australasian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 35,
2001; David Mechanic, 'Policy Challenges in Improving Mental health Services:
Some Lessons for the Past', Psychiatric
Services, vol. 54, no. 9, 2003; A. Rosen, L. Newton and K. Barfoot, 'Evidence-based
community alternatives to institutional psychiatric care', Medicine Today, September 2003, vol. 4, no. 9.
[901] A. Rosen & M. Teesson, 'Does case management
work? The evidence and the abuse of evidence-based medicine', Australasian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, vol. 35, 2001, p.
[902] A. Rosen & M. Teesson, 'Does case management
work? The evidence and the abuse of evidence-based medicine', Australasian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry, vol. 35, 2001, p.
[903] NSW Department of Health, Submission 470, p. 25; Western Australia Department of Health, Submission 376, p. 20; ACT Health, Submission 165, p. 4.
[904] Name withheld, Submission 76, p. 1.
[905] West Australian Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Services Advisory Committee, Submission
24, p. 2.
[906] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 9.
[907] Name withheld, Submission 55, p. 3.
[908] ACROD, Submission
335, p. 4.
[909] beyondblue: the national depression initiative, Submission 363, p. 8; Lifeline
Australia, Submission 329 Attachment 6,
p. 5
[910] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173 - Attachment 4, p. 17.
[911] National Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 28.
[912] Submission
262, p. 10.
[913] Australian Health Ministers, 2003, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008, p.
[914] Australian Health Ministers, 2003, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008, p.
[915] See, for example: Southern Suburbs Taskforce, Submission 191, p. 2; Mental Health
Coordinating Council, Submission 173
Attachment 4, p. 14; SANE Australia, Submission
133 Attachment A, p. 16.
[916] Australian Health Ministers, 2003, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008,
p. 19.
[917] Australian Mental Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 2.
[918] Australian Mental Consumer Network, Submission 322, p. 19.
[919] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173 - Attachment 4, p. 9.
[920] Richmond Fellowship of New South Wales, Submission 266, p. 4.
[921] Submission
266, pp 4–6.
[922] ARC Group, Submission
14, p. 3.
[923] Miss Margaret Burton, Submission 35, p. 1.
[924] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173 - Attachment 4, p. 15.
[925] Lorenzo Burti, ‘Italy: radical reform of mental
health policy and its consequences’, in P. Morrall and M. Hazelton (eds.), Mental health: global policies and human
rights, Whurr Publishers, London, 2004, p. 75.
[926] Lorenzo Burti, ‘Italy: radical reform of mental
health policy and its consequences’, in P. Morrall and M. Hazelton (eds.), Mental health: global policies and human
rights, Whurr Publishers, London, 2004, p. 74.
[927] L. Burti, ‘Italy: radical reform of mental
health policy and its consequences’, in P. Morrall and M. Hazelton (eds.), Mental health: global policies and human
rights, Whurr Publishers, London, 2004, p. 74.
[928] Graeme Smith, ‘The Italian experience’, Meanjin, vol. 63, no. 4, 2004, pp. 81–2.
[929] For details, see the Chair's report on the
visit at Appendix 3.
[930] Name withheld, Submission 123, p. 2.
[931] See for example, Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 7; Queensland Alliance, Submission 288; Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) Homeless
Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41;
Australian Council of Social Services, Submission
457; Professor Ian Webster Submission 458, p. 33; Mission
Australia, Submission 199
[932] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003-2008,
2003, p. 13.
[933] See for example, Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262; Australian Council of Social Services, Submission 457; Mission Australia, Submission 199.
[934] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 1.
[935] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 4.
[936] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262
[937] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p.
[938] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p.
[939] Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, p. 18.
[940] Mental Health
Association NSW Inc, Submission 230, p.
[941] Name withheld, Submission 244, p. 5.
[942] Submission
403, p. 7.
[943] Ms Ellen Wood, Section Manager, Homeless Policy
and Assistance, FaCSIA, Committee Hansard,
7 October 2005, p. 91.
[944] Western Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Advisory Committee, Submission 24, [p.] 9.
[945] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262,p.
[946] ACROD, Submission
335, p. 12.
[947] Catholic Social Services Victoria, Submission 381, p. 7.
[948] Submission
381, p. 17.
[949] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 17.
[950] The Richmond Fellowship of Australia, Submission 234, p. 5.
[951] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human
Rights and Mental Illness: Report of the National Inquiry into the Human Rights
of People with Mental Illness, AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 919.
[952] Name withheld, Submission 124, p. 2.
[953] Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless
Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41,
p. 7.
[954] Submission
41, p. 7.
[955] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 33.
[956] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 47.
[957] Australian Government, Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2005, p.
[958] Report on
Government Services 2005, p. 16.8.
[959] Australian Government, Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2005, pp.
[960] Australian Government, Submission 476, pp. 47–48.
[961] Submission
476, Attachment 20, p. 2.
[962] Supported Accommodation Assistance Program
2000-2005, Memorandum of Understanding,
(accessed December 2005).
[963] Report on
Government Services 2005, p. 15.40.
[964] Ms Ellen Wood, Section Manager, Homeless Policy
and Assistance, DFACS, Committee Hansard,
7 October 2005, pp. 92, 95.
[965] See for example, Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, p. 2, Public Interest
Law Clearing House (PILCH) Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41, p. 5; Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, p.29; St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 3
[966] Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH)
Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission
41, p. 6.
[967] Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, p. 17.
[968] ABS, Cat. no. 6416.0, Table 10, House Price Indexes, Established Houses -
Index Numbers Quarterly, September 2005.
[969] Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless
Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41,
p. 8.
[970] St Vincent de Paul, Submission 478, p. 13.
[971] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 9.
[972] 2003 Commonwealth State Housing Agreement,
Clause 4(6).
[973] Submission
457, p. 9.
[974] Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, p. 18.
[975] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 4.
[976] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 33; Queensland
Government, Submission 377, p. 19.
[977] Queensland Government, Submission 377, p. 19.
[978] Hanover Welfare Services, Submission 403, p. 19.
[979] Queensland Public Tenants Association Inc, Submission 505, p. 1.
[980] Submission
505, p. 3.
[981] Submission
505, p. 1.
[982] AIHW, Demand
for SAAP assistance by homeless people 2003-04, SAAP National Data Collection
Agency Report Series 9, p. 59.
[983] NSW Ombudsman, 2004, Summary report: Assisting homeless people – the need to improve their
access to accommodation and support services, p. 40.
[984] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 20, p. 2.
[985] Submission
476, Attachment 20, p. 2.
[986] Submission
476, Attachment 20, p. 4.
[987] Queensland Health, Submission 377, p. 20.
[988] Submission
377, p. 20.
[989] For example: ACOSS, Submission 457; PILCH Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic; Submission 41.
[990] Combined Community Legal Centres' Group (NSW)
Inc. Submission 232
[991] Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Report on poverty and financial hardship,
March 2004, p. 138.
[992] Combined Community Legal Centres' Group (NSW)
Inc. Submission 232, p. 11.
[993] Submission
232, p. 12.
[994] Submission
232, p. 15.
[995] Dr Yun-Hee Jeon, Submission 25, p.2.
[996] St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 15.
[997] NSW Health – NSW Government Submission 470, p. 33.
[998] Submission
470, p. 33.
[999] Queensland Government, Submission 377a, pp. 23-24.
[1000] Queensland Alliance, Submission 288, p 17.
[1001] Submission
288, Attachment Two ' Evaluation of 'Project 300', p. 17.
[1002] Submission
288, Attachment Two ' Evaluation of 'Project 300', p. 25.
[1003] Submission
288, Attachment Two ' Evaluation of
'Project 300', p. 25.
[1004] Submission
288, p. 1.
[1005] Submission
288, p. 8.
[1006] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p.
[1007] Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Specialist
Residential Rehabilitation Service (SRRP)and Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC
on Maude),,
accessed January 2006.
Cairns District Health Service, Cairns Integrated Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Service, Additional Information Received 12.
[1009] Queensland Public Tenants Association, Submission 505, p. 5.
[1010] Queensland Public Tenants Association, Submission 505, p. 5.
[1011] See for example, Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 25.
[1012] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Promoting
Supportive Workplaces for People with Mental Illness Employer Forums, Report to
DEWR, August 2005, p. 3.
[1013] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Submission 262, p.
[1014] Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), Submission 228, p. 6.
[1015] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 10, p. 1.
[1016] Senate Community Affairs References Committee, A hand up not a hand out: Renewing the fight
against poverty, Report on poverty and financial hardship (hereafter
'Report on poverty and financial hardship') March 2004, pp 65-69.
[1017] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 13, p. 1.
[1018] Submission
476, Attachment 13, p. 1.
[1019] Submission
476, Attachment 13, p. 1.
[1020] Submission
476, Attachment 13, p. 2.
[1021] Mr Barry Sandison, Acting Group Manager,
Working Age Policy, DEWR, Committee
Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 81.
[1022] Submission
476, Attachment 13, p. 2.
[1023] Australian Government, (accessed December 2005).
[1024] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 43.
[1025] Submission
476, p. 43.
[1026] Submission
476, p. 44.
[1027] Australian Government, Workplace Subsidy Scheme Guidelines,
(accessed December 2005).
[1028] Submission
476, p. 44.
[1029] Mill Park Family Support Group, Submission 72, p. 2.
[1030] Name withheld, Submission 238, p. 1.
[1031] MHCA, Submission
262, pp 32-33.
[1032] Submission
262, p. 33.
[1033] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, Attachment 1.
[1034] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, Attachment 1, p. 19.
[1035] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 6.
Transforming Disability into Ability,
OECD, 2003, pp.108–112.
[1037] Ms Catherine O'Toole, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 23.
[1038] DEWR, Report
on the Next Steps for Disability Open Employment Services consultations, February
2005, pp. 3–4.
[1039] DEWR, Next
steps for disability open employment services, Questions and Answers,7
February 2005, p.7.
[1040] Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 26.
[1041] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 7.
[1042] Mr John Mendoza, Mental
Health Council of
Australia, Committee Hansard, 28
October 2005, p. 89.
[1043] Mission Australia, Submission 199, p. 5.
[1044] Mission Australia, Submission 199, p. 6.
[1045] Department of Families, Community Services and
Indigenous Affairs, Improving Employment
Opportunities for People with a Disability, Report of the Review of the
Employer Incentives Strategy, March 2003, pp. 19–20.
[1046] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Promoting
Supportive Workplaces for People with Mental Illness Employer Forums, Report to
DEWR, August 2005, p. 10.
[1047] ACROD, Submission
335, p. 8.
[1048] ACROD, Submission
335, p. 8.
[1049] Submission
335, p. 6.
[1050] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, attachment 1, p. 30.
[1051] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, Attachment 1, pp. 30–31;
Professor Bond, Committee Hansard, 19
May 2005, pp. 78–81.
[1052] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, Attachment 1, p. 34.
[1053] Mr Geoff Waghorn, Research Scientist,
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and Mental Illness Fellowship of
Australia, Committee Hansard, 19 May
2005, p. 89.
[1054] CofFEE, Submission
228, p. 5.
[1055] CofFEE, Submission
228, p. 4.
[1056] Submission
228, p. 9.
[1057] Submission
228, p. 4.
[1058] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Promoting
Supportive Workplaces for People with Mental Illness Employer Forums, Report to
DEWR, August 2005, p. 4.
[1059] Mental Health
Council of Australia, Promoting Supportive
Workplaces for People with Mental Illness Employer Forums, Report to DEWR,
August 2005, p. 4.
[1060] Ms Catherine O'Toole, Manager, Advance
Employment Inc., Committee Hansard, 5
August 2005, p. 27.
[1061] Name withheld, Submission 518, p. 2.
[1062] Name withheld, Submission 208, p. 5.
[1063] Mr Geoff Waghorn, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2005, p. 83.
[1064] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, attachment 1, pp. 12,
[1065] G. Waghorn and C. Lloyd, The Employment of People with Mental Illness: A discussion document
prepared for the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, 2005: Submission 253, Attachment 1, p. 12.
[1066] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 4.
[1067] Australian Government, Submission 476, pp. 39–41.
[1068] Submission
476, p. 40.
[1069] Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee,
Provisions of: Employment and Workplace
Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Other Measures) Bill 2005,
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005,
November 2005, [hereafter 'Welfare to
[1070] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 11, p. 1.
[1071] Submission
476, Attachment 11, p. 1; Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Welfare to Work, November 2005, p. 19.
[1072] Refer to;;,
(accessed March 2006).
[1073] Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee,
Report, Welfare to Work, November
2005, p. 20.
[1074] Report, Welfare
to Work, November 2005, p. 69.
[1075] Report, Welfare
to Work, November 2005, p. 32.
[1076] Report, Welfare
to Work, November 2005, pp. 6, 29-30.
[1077] Report, Welfare
to Work, November 2005, pp. 41–42.
[1078] Report, Welfare
to Work, November 2005, p. 58.
[1079] Report, Welfare
to Work, p. November 2005, 93.
[1080] Australian Government,
(accessed March 2006).
[1081] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 12, p. 1.
[1082] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 12, p. 1.
[1083] Submission
476, Attachment 12, p. 2.
[1084] Submission
476, Attachment 12, p. 3.
[1085] Submission
476, Attachment 12, p. 3.
[1086] Submission
476, Attachment 13, p. 1.
[1087] Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 31.
[1088] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 12, p. 2.
[1089] Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41, p.32. See also ACOSS, Submission 457, p.5.
[1090] ACOSS, Submission
457, p.6.
[1091] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 4.
[1092] Submission
464, pp 20-26.
[1093] Brother of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 6.
[1094] Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Report on poverty and financial hardship,
March 2004, p. 34.
[1095] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 13.
[1096] Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41, p. 34.
[1097] Name withheld, Submission 124, p. 5.
[1098] Name withheld, Submission 237, p. 2.
[1099] Name withheld, Submission 62, p. 3.
[1100] Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, pp. 30, 32–33.
[1101] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 12, p. 2.
[1102] St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 6.
[1103] Submission
478, p. 12.
[1104] Professor Gary Bond, Visiting
International Speaker for Schizophrenia Awareness Week, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2005, p. 74.
[1105] Name withheld, Submission 63, p. 1.
[1106] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 2003-2008, p.
[1107] National Network of Private Psychiatric Sector
Consumers and Their Carers, Submission
189, p. 10.
[1108] Diane Williams, Submission 184, p. 2.
[1109] Name withheld, Submission 62, p. 1.
[1110] The Association for Australian Rural Nurses,
the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses and the Royal
College of Nursing Australia, Submission
321, pp. 12–13.
[1111] Name withheld, Submission 132, p. 3.
[1112] Confidential, Submission 489, p. 2.
[1113] Associate Professor Brian Boettcher, Submission 1, p. 12.
[1114] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 17.
[1115] National Network of Private Psychiatric Sector
Consumers and Their Carers, Submission
189, p. 10.
[1116] Ms Sharon Ponder, Submission 84, p. 9.
[1117] The Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer
Network, Submission 60, p. 14.
[1118] Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, pp 4–5.
[1119] Mr Graeme Bond, Submission 484, p. 5.
[1120] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, p. 5.
[1121] Name withheld, Submission 375, pp 8–9.
[1122] See for example, Name withheld, Submission 53, p. 1; Mill Park Family
Support Group, Submission 72, p. 3;
Name Withheld, Submission 75, p. 2;
National Network of Private Psychiatric Sector Consumers and Their Carers, Submission 189, p. 10. Consumers and
Carers from the NSW Far South Coast, Submission
5, p. 2; Brian Haisman, Submission
114, p. 2; Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, p. 5.
[1123] MHCA, Submission
262, p. 30.
[1124] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, p. 5.
[1125] The Northern beaches Mental Health Consumer
Network, Submission 60, p. 14;
[1126] Mill Park Family Support Group, Submission 72, p. 3.
[1127] Ms Sheelah Egan, Submission 113, p. [7].
[1128] Name withheld, Submission 9, p. 1.
[1129] Name withheld, Submission 375, p. 3.
[1130] VICSERV (Psychiatric Disability Services of
Victoria), Submission 347, p. 21.
[1131] Name withheld, Submission 38, p. 2.
[1132] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 16.
[1133] Name withheld, Submission 100, p. 2.
[1134] Canberra Schizophrenia Fellowship, Submission 103, p. 6.
[1135] DepressioNet, Association for the Relatives and
Friends of the Mentally Ill (ARAFMI),,
(accessed March 2006).
[1136] MIFA, Submission
402, p. 2.
[1137] Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 172, p. 10.
[1138] Submission
172, p. 6.
[1139] Mildura Mental Health Services, Submission 96, pp 1–2.
[1140] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, Attachment 1, Farnan, S.,
Crowther, L. and Springgay, M. 2004, 'Well Ways – a traveller's guide to
wellbeing for families of people with mental illness, A multi-family peer
psycho-educational program', p. 3.
[1141] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, Attachment 1, Farnan, S.,
Crowther, L. and Springgay, M. 2004, 'Well Ways – a traveller's guide to
wellbeing for families of people with mental illness, A multi-family peer
psycho-educational program', p. 15.
[1142] Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc, Submission 402, Attachment 1, Farnan, S.,
Crowther, L. and Springgay, M. 2004, 'Well Ways – a traveller's guide to
wellbeing for families of people with mental illness, A multi-family peer
psycho-educational program', p. 16.
[1143] Mr Brain Haisman, Submission 114, p. 2.
[1144] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 31.
[1145] Mill Park Family Support Group, Submission 72, p. 3.
[1146] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 31.
[1147] Mental Carers Network Inc, Submission 286, p. 4; Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 31–32.
[1148] National Network of Private Psychiatric Sector
Consumers and Their Carers, Submission
189, p. 10.
[1149] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 32.
[1150] Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT
Consumer and Carer Caucus, Submission
214, p. 7.
[1151] Ms Paola Mason, Submission 142, p. 5.
[1152] Name withheld, Submission 144, p. 1.
[1153] See, for example: Name withheld, Submission 61, p.1; Name withheld, Submission 144, p. 2.
[1154] National Rural health Alliance Inc, Submission 181, p. 25.
[1155] Name withheld, Submission 56, p.1.
[1156] Ms Vicki Cowling and Dr Adrian Falkov, Submission 386, p. 4.
[1157] Ms Vicki Cowling and Dr Adrian Falkov, Submission 386, p. 5.
[1158] Submission
386, pp 2–3.
[1159] MHCA, Submission
262, p. 20.
[1160] Ms Janine Anderson, Submission 210, p. 3.
[1161] Submission
210, p. 3.
[1162] AICAFMHA, Submission
83; City of Port Phillip, Submission
326, p. 17; Health Coordinating Council, Submission 172.
[1163] The Network of Carers for People with a Mental
Illness, Submission 227, pp. 1–2.
[1164] Mill Park Family Support Group, Submission 72, pp. 3–4.
[1165] Name withheld, Submission 100, p. 2.
[1166] Mr Peter Hutten, Submission 185, p. 19.
[1167] Ms Sue Koningen, Submission 538, p. 7.
[1168] The Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer
Network, Submission 60, p. 14.
[1169] Professor Anthony Jorm, Committee Hansard, 1 February 2006, p. 57.
[1170] Name withheld, Committee Hansard (in camera),3 August 2005, p. 10. Agreed for
citation with the witness.
[1171] Ms Sue Koningen, Submission 538, p. 2.
[1172] Submission
538, p. 7.
[1173] Submission
538, pp 11–12.
[1174] Ms Sue Koningen, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 59.
[1175] Miss Katherine Frances, Committee Hansard, 1 September 2005, p. 64.
[1176] M. Sanders, Markie-Dadds, C. and Turner, M.
"Theoretical, Scientific and Clinical Foundations of the Triple P-Positive
Parenting Program: A Population Approach to the Promotion of Parenting
Competence", Parenting Research and
Practice Monograph No. 1, p. 3.
[1177] Queensland Government, Submission 377, p. 36.
[1178] Australian Divisions of General Practice, Submission 308, p. 5.
[1179] Learning and Attentional Disorders Society of
WA Inc, Submission 202, p. 9.
[1180] MHCA, Submission
262, p. 18.
[1181] City of Port Phillip, Submission 326, p. 18.
[1182] ACPM, Submission
411, p. 11.
[1183] Ms Vicki Cowling OAM and Dr Adrian Falkov, Submission 386, p. 4.
[1184] Catholic Welfare, Submission 302, p. 15.
[1185] Catholic Welfare, Submission 302, p. 16.
[1186] City of Port Phillip, Submission 326, p. 18.
[1187] Submission
326, p. 17.
[1188] Origins Inc Supporting People Separated by
Adoption, Submission 420, pp [5–10].
[1189] Submission
420, pp 15–18; Name withheld, Submission
180, p. 2.
[1190] Submission
420, p. 18; Origins Victoria Inc, Submission
[1191] Name withheld, Submission 512, p. 2–3.
[1192] Name withheld, Submission 512, p. 2.
[1193] Name withheld, Submission 145, p. 1.
[1194] Origins Victoria Inc, Submission 105, p. 11.
[1195] Submission
370, p. 1 (received from 182 care leavers).
[1196] Broken Rites (Australia) Collective Inc., Submission 340, p. [5].
[1197] Submission
370, p. 1 (received from 182 care leavers).
[1198] Submission
370, p. 1 (received from 182 care leavers).
[1199] Australian Government, Australian Government Response to the Committee's Reports: Forgotten
Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or
out-of-home care as children and Protecting Vulnerable Children: A national
challenge. Second report on the inquiry into children in institutional or out
of home care, p. 3.
[1200] Australian Government, Australian Government Response to the Committee's Reports: Forgotten
Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or
out-of-home care as children and Protecting Vulnerable Children: A national
challenge. Second report on the inquiry into children in institutional or out
of home care, pp 10 and 12.
[1201] The Senate, Journals,
29 November 2005, p. 1442.
[1202] Broken Rites (Australia) Collective Inc., Submission 340, p. [6].
[1203] Submission
340, p. [4].
[1204] AICAFMHA, Submission
83, p. 18.
[1205] Ms Anne Matheson and Dr Anthony Marinac, Submission 40, p. 1.
[1206] Submission 40, p. 5.
[1207] Submission
40, p. 7.
[1208] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 4; Merinda Epstein, Submission 207, p. 15; Newtown WDVCAS:
Marrickville Legal Centre, Submission 51,
p. 2; Rob Moodie, The health Costs of
Violence – A Summary of Findings, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, 2004.
[1209] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 3.
[1210] Broken Rites (Australia) Collective Inc., Submission 340, p. [7].
[1211] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 2.
[1212] AICAFMHA, Submission
83, p. 18.
[1213] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 5.
[1214] Name withheld, Submission 95, p. 1.
[1215] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 6.
[1216] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 6.
[1217] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental Health Plan 2003‑2008,
2003, p. 10.
[1218] Doctors Reform Society, Submission 220, p. 1.
Dr Andrew Chanen, Consultant Psychiatrist and Senior Lecturer, ORYGEN Youth
Health and ORYGEN Research Centre, Committee
Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 7.
[1220] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Mental Health Services in Australia 2002‑2003,
Canberra, AIHW Mental Health Series no. 6, pp. 124–25. Data refer to hospital
separations for patients who received specialised psychiatric care.
[1221] Healthscope Ltd, Submission 82, p. 4.
[1222] Australian Private Hospitals Association (APHA),
Submission 143, p. 2.
[1223] Mental Health
Community Coalition of the ACT Consumer and Carer Caucus, Submission 214, p. 3.
[1224] Australian Government, National Mental Health Report 2005, pp. 56; 160. Stand-alone private psychiatric
hospitals were defined as those private hospitals in which psychiatric beds
made up more than 75 per cent of all available beds. See Mental
Health Report 2005,
p. 157.
[1225] APHA, Submission
143, p. 2.
[1226] National Network of Private Psychiatric Sector
Consumers and their Carers, Submission
189, p. 14.
[1227] APHA, Submission
143, p. 3.
[1228] Australian Healthcare Association (AHA), Submission 169, p. 11.
[1229] AHA, Submission
169, p. 11.
[1230] Name withheld, Submission 208, p. 3.
[1231] The Australian Council of Social Services
(ACOSS), Submission 457, p. 11.
[1232] Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer Network, Submission
60, p. 8.
[1233] Micah Projects Inc, Submission 67, p. 6.
[1234] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 11.
[1235] Anglicare Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 19.
[1236] Micah Projects Inc, Submission 67, p. 6.
[1237] Membership Statistics, Australian Government,
Private Health Insurance Administration Council,,
(accessed 14 September 2005).
[1238] The Private Health Insurance Ombudsman (PHIO), The State of the Health Funds Report—2004,
p. 8.
[1239] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 1, p. 1.
[1240] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 1, p. 1.
[1241] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 1, p. 1.
[1242] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 34.
[1243] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 35.
[1244] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 36.
[1245] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health Expenditure Australia 2003–04, p.
(accessed March 2006).
[1246] Name withheld, Submission 78.
[1247] Name withheld, Submission 208.
Ms Christine Gee, Vice-President, Australian Private Hospitals Association;
Chair, Psychiatry Committee, Australian Private Hospitals Association, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 51.
Ms Linda Addison, Assistant Secretary, Private Health Insurance Branch,
Department of
and Ageing (DoHA), Committee Hansard,
7 October 2004, p. 73.
[1250] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 47.
[1251] Ms Linda Addison, Assistant Secretary, Private
Health Insurance Branch, DoHA, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2004, p. 73.
[1252] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 53.
[1253] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, p. 57.
[1254] The National Network of Private Psychiatric
Sector Consumers and Carers (NNPPSCC), Submission
189, p.7.
[1255] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 19.
[1256] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 20.
[1257] blueVoices, Submission
259, p. 4.
[1258] ACOSS, Submission
457, p. 3.
[1259] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 1, p. 1.
[1260] Submission
476, Attachment 1, p. 2.
[1261] Submission
476, Attachment 1, p. 2.As at 1 July 2005 the default amount was set at
approximately $261 for overnight treatment in a shared ward and $157 per day
for outreach services, although these figures are subject to adjustment and may
now be higher. See Department of Health and Ageing, Private Health Insurance Circular—PHI 45/05, 29 September 2005.
[1262] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 1, p. 2.
[1263] Submission
476, Attachment 1, p. 2.
[1264] Submission
476, Attachment 1, p. 2.
[1265] Submission
476, Attachment 1, p. 2.
[1266] House
Hansard, 21 April 1988, p. 1991.
[1267] House
Hansard, 21 April 1988, p. 1991.
[1268] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, Box 3.19, p. 53.
[1269] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 63.
[1270] Access Economics Pty Ltd, Enshrining Portability of Health Insurance, Final Report for the
Australian Private Hospitals Association, June 2005, p. 2.
[1271] Industry Commission (Productivity Commission), Private Health Insurance, Report No. 57,
28 February 1997, Box 3.19 p. 53.
[1272] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 63.
[1273] APHA, Submission
143, pp. 3–4.
[1274] Private Health Insurance Complaints
Commissioner (PHICC), Annual Report
1997, p. 9.
[1275] To allow the PHIO to 'arbitrate disputes between
private hospitals and health funds regarding second-tier benefits payable in
respect of health fund members', PHIO, Annual
Report 2001, p. 13.
[1276] PHIO cited in Access Economics Pty Ltd, Enshrining Portability of Health Insurance,
Final Report for the Australian Private Hospitals Association, June 2005, p.
[1277] PHIO, Annual
Report 2001, p. 8.
[1278] PHIO, Annual
Report 2001, p. 8.
[1279] PHIO, Annual
Report 2004, p. 7.
[1280] Mr John Powlay, Private Health Insurance
Ombudsman (PHIO), Committee Hansard,
28 October 2005, p. 15.
[1281] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 15.
[1282] Dr Wayne Chamley, Submission 339, p. 10.
[1283] NNPPSCC, Submission
189, p. 7.
[1284] PHIO, Annual
Report 2001, p. 10.
[1285] ARAFEMI Victoria Inc, Submission 536, p. 5.
[1286] Dr Michael Coglin, Chief Medical Officer (CMO),
Healthscope Ltd, Committee Hansard ,
5 July 2005, pp. 16–17.
[1287] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 62.
[1288] Ms Susan Williams, National Program Manager,
Psychiatry, Healthscope Ltd, Committee
Hansard , 5 July 2005, pp. 18–19.
[1289] PHIO, Annual
Report 2004, p. 7.
[1290] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 16.
[1291] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 16.
[1292] APHA, Submission
143A, p. 3.
[1293] Access Economics Pty Ltd, Enshrining Portability of Health Insurance, Final Report for the
Australian Private Hospitals Association, June 2005, p. 23.
[1294] APHA, Submission
143A, pp. 2–3.
[1295] PHIO pamphlet, The Right to Change—Portability in Health Insurance,,
(accessed September 2005).
[1296] PHIO pamphlet, The Right to Change—Portability in Health Insurance,,
(accessed September 2005).
[1297] PHIO, The
State of the Health Funds Report—2004, p. 6.
[1298] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 15.
[1299] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, pp. 15–16.
[1300] Ms Christine Gee, Vice-President, APHA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 51.
[1301] NNPPSCC, Submission
189, p. 8.
[1302] NNPPSCC, Submission
189, p. 8.
[1303] Information provided to the Committee by the
PHIO, 26 August 2005, unpublished.
[1304] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthscope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 16.
[1305] Ms Linda Addison, Assistant Secretary, Private
Health Insurance Branch, DoHA, Committee
Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 73.
[1306] Ms Linda Addison, Assistant Secretary, Private
Health Insurance Branch, DoHA, Committee
Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 73.
[1307] Ms Linda Addison, Assistant Secretary, Private
Health Insurance Branch, DoHA, Committee
Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 74.
[1308] DoHA, Private
Health Insurance Circular—PHI 45/05, 29 August 2005.
[1309] DoHA, Private
Health Insurance Circular—PHI 45/05 (Attachment A), 29 August 2005.
[1310] DoHA, Private
Health Insurance Circular—PHI 45/05 (Attachment A), 29 August 2005.
[1311] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 17.
[1312] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 22.
[1313] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 15.
[1314] PHIO pamphlet, The Right to Change – Portability in Health Insurance,,
(accessed September 2005).
[1315] APHA, Submission
143A, p. 3.
[1316] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 16.
[1317] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 20.
[1318] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 20.
[1319] National
Health Act 1953, Schedule 1, para. 1(bf).
[1320] National
Health Act 1953, Schedule 1, para. 1(ja).
[1321] PHIO pamphlet, The Right to Change – Portability in Health Insurance,,
(accessed September 2005)
[1322] Ms Christine Gee, Vice-President, APHA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 51.
[1323] NNPPSCC, Submission
189, p. 8.
[1324] The Ministerial default amount as at 1 July
2005 is $261 for overnight treatment in a shared ward and $157 per day for
outreach services. DoHA, Private Health
Insurance Circular—PHI 45/05, 29
September 2005.
[1325] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, pp.
[1326] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 16.
[1327] Ms Christine Gee, Vice-President, APHA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 51.
[1328] Healthscope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, pp. 20–21.
[1329] Ms Susan Williams and Dr Michael Coglin,
Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5
July 2005, p. 21.
[1330] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 21.
[1331] Dr Michael Coglin, CMO, Healthcope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 21.
[1332] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 59.
[1333] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 59.
[1334] Mr Russell Schneider, CEO, AHIA, Committee Hansard, 4 July 2005, p. 60.
[1335] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 21.
[1336] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 21.
[1337] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 21.
[1338] Hon. Dr Michael Armitage, CEO, AHIA, Submission 292a, p. 3.
[1339] Hon. Dr Michael Armitage, CEO, AHIA, Submission 292a, p. 3.
[1340] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 16.
[1341] Mr John Powlay, PHIO, Committee Hansard, 28 October 2005, p. 17.
[1342] Dr Wayne Chamley, Submission 339, p. 11.
[1343] Ramsay Health Care, quoted in AHIA, Submission 292a, p. 3.
[1344] ALRC Issues Paper 29, Sentencing of Federal Offenders, Chapter 14, p. 8. Information
regarding the various legislative provisions were submitted in evidence and may
be accessed in the relevant submissions. See Submissions 165, 343, 376, 377, 445, 470, 476, 502 and 506.
[1345] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness – Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
Canberra 1993, p p. 753.
[1346] National Statement of Principles for Forensic
Mental Health 2002, p. 18.
[1347] Queensland Government, Submission 377, Part II,
p. 49.
[1348] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 16.
[1349] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p.7.
[1350] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165AA, p. 14.
[1351] Mental Health Legal Centre Inc., Submission 314, p. 3.
[1352] Submission
314, p. 3.
[1353] Submission
314, p. 5.
[1354] Dr Janet Ransley, Senior Lecturer, School of
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 66.
[1355] Queensland Government, Submission 377, Part 2,
pp. 72–73.
[1356] Dr Janet Ransley, Senior Lecturer, School of
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 61.
[1357] Dr Janet Ransley, Senior Lecturer, School of
Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p. 61.
[1358] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 50.
[1359] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p.16.
[1360] Australian Institute of Criminology, Submission 166, p. 5.
[1361] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Consolidating and Strengthening Clinical
Programs: Addressing Dual Diagnosis and Offending Behaviour in Forensic
services, 2004, p. 9.
[1362] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003.
[1363] Victorian
Prisoner Health Study, Department of Justice, Government of Victoria, 2003.
[1364] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003,
p. 2.
[1365] Victorian
Prisoner Health Study, Department of Justice, Government of Victoria, 2003,
p. 28.
[1366] See for example, T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales
Prisoners, New South Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003, p. 6, and
accompanying footnotes.
[1367] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003,
p. 19.
[1368] Victorian
Prisoner Health Study, Department of Justice, Government of Victoria, 2003,
p. 30.
[1369] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 14.
[1370] T. Butler and S. Allnut, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South Wales
Corrections Health Service, 2003, p. 2.
[1371] T. Butler and S. Allnut, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South Wales
Corrections Health Service, 2003, p. 14, Table 3.
[1372] Substance use disorders describe abuse if, and
dependence on substances. They refer to the misuse of substance to the extent
that the person's functioning is affected. See
T. Butler and S. Allnut, Mental
Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South Wales Corrections Health
Service, 2003, p. 30.
[1373] T. Butler and S. Allnut, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South Wales
Corrections Health Service, 2003, p. 30.
[1374] Australian Bureau of Statistics, .Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of
Adults, Australia 1997.
[1375] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of
Adults, Australia 1997, p. 1.
[1376] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mental Health and Wellbeing: Profile of
Adults, Australia 1997, p. 5.
[1377] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003,
p. 2.
[1378] For a more comprehensive list of probable
causes for the high number of mentally ill people in prison see Butler and
Allnutt, Mental Illness among New South
Wales Prisoners, p. 49.
[1379] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993,p. 758.
[1380] Public Interest Law Clearing House Homeless
Persons' Legal Clinic, Submission 41, p. 36. The project referred to in
this quotation was a law reform project undertaken to identify the difficulties
that homeless people face in the court process and to examine options to
address those difficulties.
[1381] Professor Christopher Puplick, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 43.
[1382] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 6.
[1383] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 758.
[1384] Sister Inside, Submission 283, p. 43.
[1385] Professor Christopher Puplick, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 40.
[1386] Professor Christopher Puplick, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 40
[1387] S. Henderson, Mental illness and the Criminal Justice System, Mental Health
Co-ordinating Council, 2003, p. 9.
[1388] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, p. 757.
[1389] Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer
Network, Submission 60, p. 20.
[1390] Probation and Community Corrections Officers'
Association Inc., Submission 503, p. 5.
[1391] Mental Health Council of Australia, Submission 262, p. 24.
[1392] See for example, Sisters Inside, Submission 258, and Justice Action,
Submission 174.
[1393] Justice Action, Submission 174, p. 4.
[1394] Ms Michelle Tanin, Committee Hansard, 4 August 2005, pp. 77–87.
[1395] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003,
p. 2.
[1396] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 12.
[1397] Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission and the
Northern Territory Community Visitor Program, Submission 348, p. 13.
[1398] Professor Christopher Puplick, Submission 226, p. 10.
[1399] Office of the Public Advocate – Queensland, Preserving life and dignity in distress,
Discussion Paper 4, March 2005, p. 32.
[1400] Office of the Public Advocate – Queensland, Preserving life and dignity in distress,
Discussion Paper 4, March 2005, p. 32.
[1401] Combined Legal Centres' Group (NSW) Inc., Submission 232, p. 16.
[1402] Ms Vivienne Topp, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 27.
[1403] White Wreath Association, Submission 91, p. 16.
[1404] See for example, Ms Elizabeth Crowther, Mental
Illness Fellowship, Committee Hansard,
5 July 2005, pp. 95-96.
[1405] Name withheld, Submission 15, p. 1.
[1406] Mill Park Family Support Group, Submission 72, p. 3.
[1407] Ms Elizabeth Crowther, Mental Illness
Fellowship, Committee Hansard, 5 July
2005, p. 96.
[1408] Mr Michael Strutt, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 95.
[1409] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 254, pp. 4–5.
[1410] Submission
254, p. 13.
[1411] Queensland Government, Submission 37, Part II,
p. 12; Mr L Irons, Senior Research Officer, Office of the Public Advocate,
Queensland, Committee Hansard, 4
August 2005, p. 99. A possible model for a police response team, the Memphis
Crisis Intervention Team, may be found at pp. 25–31 of the Public Advocate's
Discussion Paper 4, Appended to Submission
[1412] For more details of these issues, see Police
Federation of Australia, Submission 254.
[1413] Submission
254, pp. 14–15.
[1414] Submission
254, p. 8.
[1415] Mrs Jan Kealton, Submission 537, p. 4.
[1416] Health Consumers of Rural and Remote Australia,
Submission 106, p. 3.
[1417] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 254, p. 16.
[1418] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 65.
[1419] Submission
476, p. 65.
[1420] National Statement of Principles for Forensic
Mental Health 2002, pp. 3-4.
[1421] Magistrates Court of South Australia, Submission 175, p. 2.
[1422] See figures quoted earlier by Professor
Christopher Puplick, Submission 226.
[1423] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental Health Report 2004,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, Table A-21, p. 77.
[1424] See for example, Minister for Health – ACT
Government, Submission 165 AA, p. 14.
[1425] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, pp. 2-3.
[1426] Submission
306, p. 5.
[1427] Dr Theresa Flower and Dr Robert Adler, Submission 263.
[1428] Submission
306, p. 4.
[1429] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 5.
[1430] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 50, Tasmanian
Government, Submission 502, pp. 9-10;
Department of Health – South Australia Government, Submission 506, p. 16.
[1431] Queensland Government, Submission 377, Part I, p. 10. Victorian Institute of Forensic
Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 4.
[1432] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 22.
[1433] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission 376, p. 19.
[1434] Professor Christopher Puplick, Submission 226, p. 8.
[1435] Professor Paul Mullen, Clinical Director,
Victroian Institute of Forensic Mental Health Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 40.
[1436] Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Women in Prison, March 2006, p. 96.
[1437] Professor Paul Mullen, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 40.
[1438] Professor Paul Mullen, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 41.
[1439] Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Women in Prison, March 2006, pp. 5–6.
[1440] Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Women in Prison, March 2006, pp. 12–13.
[1441] Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland, Women in Prison, March 2006, p. 15.
[1442] Department of Health and Ageing, National Mental Health Report 2004,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, Table A-21, p. 78.
[1443] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 23.
[1444] Professor Christopher Puplick, Submission 226, p. 11.
[1445] Submission
226, p. 11.
[1446] National
Statement of Principles for Forensic Mental Health 2002, p. 8.
[1447] Queensland Government, Submission 377, Part II,
p. 47.
[1448] NSW Health – NSW Government Submission 470, p. 50.
[1449] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, 2003, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, p. 50.
[1450] National
Statement of Principles for Forensic Mental Health 2002, p. 8.
[1451] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165, p. 14.
[1452] National
Statement of Principles for Forensic Mental Health 2002, p. 6.
[1453] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 50.
[1454] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 19.
[1455] Ms Debbie Kilroy, OAM, Director, Sisters
Inside, Committee Hansard, 4 August
2005, p. 92.
[1456] Professor Christopher Puplick, Submission 226, p. 8.
[1457] Submission
226, p. 9.
[1458] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176A, p. 1.
[1459] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 12.
[1460] Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Submission 373, p. 14.
[1461] Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 23.
[1462] Australian Doctors' Fund, Submission 356, p. 1.
[1463] Professor Gavin Andrews, Supplementary Submission 176,
p. 1.
[1464] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. 9.
[1465] Professor Christopher Puplick, Submission 226, p. 8.
[1466] Professor Paul Mullen, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 50.
[1467] Sisters Inside, Submission 283, pp.
[1468] Dr Tracy Schrader, Submission 396, p. 4.
[1469] Mr Michael Strutt, Researcher and Spokesperson
on Forensic and Cirminiological Issues, Justice Action, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 97.
[1470] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, New South
Wales Corrections Health Service, 2003,
p. 19.
[1471] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 7.
[1472] Professor Gavin Andrews, Supplementary Submission 176,
p. 1.
[1473] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 14.
[1474] Submission
306, p. 15.
[1475] Submission
176, p. 12.
[1476] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Submission 368, p. 2.
[1477] Justice Action, Submission 174, p. 9.
[1478] Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, p. 10.
[1479] Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Human Rights and Mental Illness: Report of
the National Inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness,
AGPS, Canberra, 1993, pp. 942–943.
[1480] T. Walsh, Incorrections:
Investigating prison release practices and policy in Queensland and its impact
on community safety, Faculty of Law QUT, November 2004, Chapter 2.3, pp.
[1481] T. Walsh, Incorrections:
Investigating prison release practices and policy in Queensland and its impact
on community safety, Faculty of Law QUT, November 2004, p. 100.
[1482] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 5.
[1483] T. Walsh, Incorrections:
Investigating prison release practices and policy in Queensland and its impact
on community safety, Faculty of Law QUT, November 2004, pp. 73-75.
[1484] T. Walsh, Incorrections:
Investigating prison release practices and policy in Queensland and its impact
on community safety, Faculty of Law QUT, November 2004, p. 66.
[1485] St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 14.
[1486] Forensicare, Submission 306, p. 19.
[1487] VICSERVE, Submission
347, pp. 23–24.
[1488] Professor Gavin Andrews, Submission 176, p. 7.
[1489] See for example, Public Interest Advocacy
Centre, Submission 373, p. 15.
[1490] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 18.
[1491] Submission
306, p. 19.
[1492] T. Butler and S. Allnutt, Mental Illness Among New South Wales Prisoners, NSW Corrections
Health Service, 2003. ISBN: 0 7347 3559 6, p. 50.
[1493] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 10.
[1494] Submission
306, pp. 19-21.
[1495] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 20.
[1496] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Consolidating and Strengthening Clinical
Programs: Addressing Dual Diagnosis and Offending Behaviour in Forensic
services, 2004, p. 25.
[1497] Submission
306, p. 10.
[1498] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 16.
[1499] S. Henderson, Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System, Mental Health
Co-ordinating Council, May 2003, p. 8.
[1500] Queensland Government, Submission 377, Part I,
p. 16.
[1501] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Consolidating and Strengthening Clinical
Programs: Addressing Dual Diagnosis and Offending Behaviour in Forensic
services, 2004, p. 42.
[1502] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Consolidating and Strengthening Clinical
Programs: Addressing Dual Diagnosis and Offending Behaviour in Forensic
services, 2004, p. 38.
[1503] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Consolidating and Strengthening Clinical
Programs: Addressing Dual Diagnosis and Offending Behaviour in Forensic
services, 2004, p. 42.
[1504] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 62.
[1505] ALRC Issues Paper 29, Sentencing of Federal Offenders, Chapter 14.
[1506] A federal
offender is someone who is charged with, and convicted of, an offence
against a law of the Australian Government.
[1507] ALRC Issues Paper 29, Sentencing of Federal Offenders, Chapter 14, p. 8.
[1508] Ms Samantha Robertson, Committee Hansard, 7 October 2005, p. 65.
[1509] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian Government,
Submission 445, p. 11.
[1510] Minister for Health, Mr R Hunt MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 20 May
1976, p. 2349.
[1511] NSW Department of Correctional Services, Annual Report 2004-2005, p. 97.
[1512] Professor Paul Mullen, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 47.
[1513] Professor Paul Mullen, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 47.
[1514] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 63.
[1515] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Statement
in support of Submission 374, tabled
Melbourne Public Hearing, 6 July 2005, p. 2.
[1516] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 17.
[1517] The American Heritage Stedman's Medical
Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.
[1518] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 17.
[1519] See for example Queensland Centre for
Intellectual and Developmental Disability Mater Hospital, Submission 463 and
[1520] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 17.
[1521] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 17.
[1522] Drawn from Ms Nene Henry, Submission 282, p. 1.
[1523] Ms Nene Henry, Submission
282, p. 1.
[1524] The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and
Research, Jesuit Social Services, Submission
358, p. 8.
[1525] Connexions staff interview, 2005, Jesuit Social
Services, The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and Research, Submission 358, p. 8.
[1526] Professor Ian Webster, AO, Emeritus Professor
of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Submission 458, p. 29.
[1527] Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, Submission 281, p. 4.
[1528] Kay-Lambkin Centre for Mental Health Studies at the University
of Newcastle, 2004, quoted in
Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform, Submission 319, p. 8.
[1529] The Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users
League, Submission 281, p. 4.
[1530] Ms Nene Henry, Submission 282, p. 3.
[1531] Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission 314, p. 18.
[1532] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 23.
[1533] Police Federation of Australia, Submission 254, pp. 5–7.
[1534] Drug Action Information Exchange (DAIE) (Wollongong
Illawarra) Submission 222, pp. 1–2.
[1535] Cited in Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 23.
[1536] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission
306, pp. 9–10.
[1537] Cited in Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 23. Other evidence suggests that people with schizophrenia
and no substance disorder may exhibit less criminal tendencies than those with
other forms of mental illness, such as people with personality disorder. See Submission 319, p.
[1538] 'Current' means symptoms occurring within the
past month.
[1539] Select Committee on the Increase in the
Prisoner population 2001, quoted in Submission
300, Centre for Social Justice, p.
[1540] Statistics 2001, Youth Mental Health Coalition, Submission 285, p. 7.
Submission 300, Attachment 1: Tamara
Walsh, INCORRECTIONS: Investigating Prison Release Practice and Policy in
Queensland and Its Impact on Community Safety, Faculty of Law, Queensland
University of Technology, 2004, p. 6.
[1542] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission
306, p. 10.
[1543] Father Peter
Norden, Policy Director, Jesuit Social Services, 'Prison Is Not
A Healthy Place': ANEX Harm Reduction Conference, July 2004 ,
quoted in Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 14.
[1544] Centre for Social Justice,
Submission 300, Submission 319 and Australian Injecting and Illicit
Drug Users
League, Submission 281, p. 5. NSW has a methadone maintenance program, see
Prof. Chris Puplick, Submission 226, p. 113.
[1545] Mr Michael Gavin Burt, CEO, Victorian Institute
of Forensic Mental Health, Committee
Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 47.
[1546] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 6.
[1547] See ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284, pp. 1–2 for discussion.
[1548] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW, Submission 109, p. 1; and
see Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission
374, p. 19.
[1549] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW, Submission 109, p. 1.
[1550] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 18.
[1551] Black Dog Institute, Submission 170, p. 1.
[1552] Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 8.
[1553] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 19.
[1554] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276, p. 17.
[1555] Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 16.
[1556] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284, pp.
[1557] Australian Divisions of General Practice (ADGP),
Submission 308, p. 38.
[1558] Bipolar II manifests as long periods of
profound depression, without the severely manic 'high' episodes characterising
Bipolar I (previously known as manic depression). These states drive suicidal preoccupations
and, on occasions, violence and have associated substance disorder.
[1559] The Black Dog Institute, Submission 170, p. 3.
[1560] Name withheld, Submission 456.
[1561] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 3.
[1562] St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 18.
[1563] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 46.
[1564] Australian Infant, Child Adolescent Family Mental Health Association (AICAFMHA), Submission 83, pp. 20; 26.
[1565] See for example, Department of Psychiatric
Medicine, Children's Hospital Westmead and Tamworth (CAMHS), Submission 99, p. 1.
[1566] Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform, Submission 319, p. 5.
[1567] Gold Coast Drug Council, Submission 553, p. 5; Families
and Friends for Drug Law Reform, Submission
319, p. 5.
[1568] Mr Gary Croton, Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Committee
Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 16.
[1569] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 1.
[1570] A NSW Health publication, quoted by Probation
and Community Correction's Officers Association Incorporated (PACCOA), Submission 503, p. 4.
[1571] Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, p. 20.
[1572] Sisters Inside, Submission 283, p. 7.
[1573] Submission
283, p. 7.
[1574] Submission
283, Attachment 1, p. 4.
[1575] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW, Submission 109, p. 1.
[1576] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 6.
[1577] Western Australian Network Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (WANADA) Submission 171, p. 2. See also, Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service,
Submission 374, p. 6.
[1578] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 19.
B. Dickey
and H.
Azeni, 'Persons with
dual diagnosis of substance abuse and major mental illness: their excess
costs of psychiatric care', American
Journal of Public Health, vol. 86,
pp. 973–97,
1996, cited in Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 23.
[1580] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Submission
109, p. 1.
[1581] Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 8.
Dickey, Normand, Weiss, Drake, and Azeni, 'Medical Morbidity, Mental Illness,
and Substance Use Disorders', Psychiatric
Services, vol. 53, pp. 861–867, 2002, quoted in Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis
Service, Submission 374, p. 23.
[1583] The South Australian Division of General
Practice, Submission 88, pp. 9–10.
[1584] Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform, Submission 319, p. 2.
[1585] Dr Roderick George McKay, on behalf of the New South Wales Branch of the
Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. 6.
[1586] Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, p.
[1587] Mr Jeff Kennett and Ms Leonie Young,
beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July
2006, pp. 2; 6–7.
[1588] Healthscope Ltd, Submission 82, p. 1, and Australian
Health Insurance Association Ltd (AHIA), Submission
292, p. 6.
Dr Ruth Vine, Department of Human Services, Victoria, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 32.
[1590] Healthscope Ltd, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2006, p. 19.
[1591] Healthscope Ltd, Submission 82, p. 1.
[1592] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 38.
[1593] The Mental Health Coordinating Council, Submission 173, p. 5.
[1594] Catholic Health Australia, Submission 276A, p. 4.
[1595] Professor Ian Webster, Submission 458, pp. 33; 36.
[1596] Of the total number of DSP customers at June
2004, those with a psychiatric/psychological condition were the second largest
customer group (25.4 per cent) behind
those with musculo‑skeletal and connective tissue conditions (34.0 per
[1597] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 43,
and see note b.
[1598] Name withheld, Submission 251, p. 5.
[1599] Dr Andrew Gunn, Submission 52, p. 1.
[1600] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 40.
[1601] Professor Patrick McGorry, ORYGEN Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 19.
[1602] State and territory mental health legislation
tightly defines the nature of mental illness and sets out reasonable grounds
for assessing whether involuntary admission might be required. In each case, the definitions state that a
person is not to be considered mentally ill because they are affected by alcohol
and other substances, although the Queensland legislation allows that a 'person
my have a mental illness caused by the taking of drugs or alcohol'. Schedule 2,
section 12(3) (2) (i), Queensland Mental Health Act 2000.
[1603] See Professor Ian W Webster, Submission 458, pp. 16–18 for discussion.
[1604] This is not a new phenomenon. In 1993 the Burdekin
Report observed that 'increasing specialisation and exclusivity of services'
has erected significant barriers to clients experiencing multiple needs
simultaneously across distinct service systems. See YSAS, Submission 211, p. 6.
[1605] Consumers and Carers NSW Far South Coast, Submission 5, p. 3.
[1606] Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 16.
[1607] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 5.
[1608] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 5.
[1609] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 3.
[1610] Ms Mary Alcorn, Executive Director, Gold Coast Drug Council Inc., Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006,
pp. 15–16.
[1611] The White Wreath Association, Submission 91, p. 9.
[1612] The Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent and
Family Mental Health Association (AICAFMHA), Submission 83, pp. 14–15.
[1613] Professor Patrick McGorry, ORYGEN Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 8.
[1614] Youth Mental Health Coalition Submission
284, case study, Jolans' story, pp. 14–15.
[1615] The Mental Health Legal Centre, Submission
314, p. 18.
[1616] For example, NCOSS—Council of Social Service of
New South Wales, Submission 274, p. 9.
[1617] Ms Jolan Tobias, ORYGEN Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p.
[1618] Dr Dan Lubman, Consultant
and Senior Psychiatrist, ORYGEN Youth Health and ORYGEN Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 9.
[1619] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 32.
[1620] Ms Mary Alcorn, Executive Director, Gold Coast
Drug Council, Committee Hansard, 7
July 2006, p. 17.
[1621] Gold Coast Drug Council Inc, Submission 553, p. 5.
[1622] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 5
[1623] Dr Phillip Morris, Executive Director, Gold
Coast Institute of Mental
Health, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2006, p.
[1624] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 284, p. 11.
[1625] Victorian Government, Submission 445, p. 6; and
Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission
374, p. 30.
[1626] Victorian Government, 2005, quoted in Eastern
Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission
374, p. 30.
[1627] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 4.
[1628] Queensland Government, Submission 377, p. 20.
[1629] Associate Professor Des Graham, Tasmanian
Department of Health and Human Services, Committee
Hansard, 1 February 2006, pp. 76; 19.
[1630] The Northwest Mental Health Service and
Kimberley Community Drug Service Team provides community based mental health
services in both regions,
and AOD
services in the Kimberley. See
Department of Health, Western Australia at:,
(accessed March 2006).
[1631] The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and
Research, Jesuit Social Services, Submission
358, p. 6.
[1632] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 35.
[1633] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 35.
[1634] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 6, WANADA Submission 171, p. 2,
St Vincent de Paul Society, Submission 478, p. 11.
[1635] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 35.
[1636] Ms Nene Henry, Submission 282, p. 4.
[1637] Ms Nene Henry, Submission 282, p. 4.
[1638] SA Division of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 8.
[1639] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 6.
[1640] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 5.
[1641] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 5.
[1642] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 27.
[1643] Submission
374, p. 27.
[1644] Submission
374, p. 28.
[1645] Submission
374, p. 9.
[1646] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Consultant Psychiatrist to
Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service and Clinical Director to Southern Hume
Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 22.
[1647] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 20.
[1648] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 67.
[1649] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 29.
[1650] Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform,
Submission 319, p. 2.
[1651] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 9.
[1652] The Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 34.
[1653] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 27.
[1654] UnitingCare NSW, Submission 279, pp. 11–12.
[1655] WANADA, Submission
171, pp. 4–5.
[1656] See Queensland Submission 377, p. 20;
and see The
Drug Action Information Exchange (DAIE) Wollongong, Submission 222, p. 8 for discussion of regional implementation of NSW health
guidelines under the Illawarra Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2000‑2005.
[1657] Office of the Public Advocate—Queensland, Submission 303, p. 9.
[1658] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Consultant Psychiatrist to
Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service and Clinical Director to Southern Hume
Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 22.
[1659] Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, Submission 281, p. 5.
[1660] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Consultant Psychiatrist to
Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service and Clinical Director to Southern Hume
Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 22.
[1661] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Consultant Psychiatrist to
Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service and Clinical Director to Southern Hume
Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 22.
[1662] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 39.
[1663] For example, the Burdekin Report's finding,
which concluded that 'increasing specialisation and exclusivity of services'
has erected significant barriers to clients experiencing multiple needs
simultaneously across distinct service systems. See YSAS, Submission 211, p. 6.
[1664] NCOSS—Council of Social Service of New South
Wales, Submission 274, p. 9.
[1665] Association for Australian Rural Nurses (AARN),
the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses (ANZCMHN) and Royal College of Nursing
Australia (RCNA), Submission 321, p. 8.
[1666] AARN, ANZCMHN and RCNA, Submission 321,
p. 8.
[1667] ADGP, Submission
308, p. 40.
[1668] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Eastern Hume and South Hume
Dual Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 23.
[1669] Dr A Gunn, Submission
52, p. 1.
[1670] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 37; AARN, ANZCMHN and RCNA, Submission 321, p. 8.
[1671] For example, Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 15.
[1672] Australian Medical Association, Submission 167, p. 34.
[1673] The SA Division of General Practice Inc, Submission 88, pp. 9–10.
[1674] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 37.
[1675] NCOSS, Submission
274, p. 9.
[1676] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 38.
[1677] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 33.
[1678] AICAFMHA, Submission
83, p. 18, and Ms Jenine Bailey, Submission 93, p. 3.
[1679] The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and
Research, Jesuit Social Services, Submission
358, pp. 3–4, citing NSW
Association for Adolescent Health, Caught
in the Gap: Dual Diagnosis and Young People, A Report on Issues, August
Eighty-three per cent of all patients see GPs each year; 5 per cent of these
patients have alcohol dependence; 10 per cent of these patients have other AOD
problems. See AMA, Submission 167, p. 29.
[1681] The Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and
Research, Jesuit Social Services, Submission
358, p. 3.
[1682] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 15.
[1683] YSAS, Submission
211, p. 8.
[1684] See for example, Australian Polish Community
Services, Submission 168, p. 2.
[1685] Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, p. 8.
[1686] The Centre for Psychiatric Nursing Research and
Practice, Submission 217, p. 14.
[1687] Ms Janine Anderson, Submission 210, pp. 2;
[1688] National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Submission
109, p. 3.
[1689] Dr Timothy Rolfe, Eastern Hume and South Hume
Dual Diagnosis Service, Committee Hansard,
6 July 2005, p. 23.
[1690] NCOSS,
Submission 274, p. 5.
[1691] Carers WA, Submission
297, Attachment 2, p. 2.
[1692] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, p. 28.
[1693] Outline of the proposal drawn from Eastern Hume
Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, pp. 37–38.
[1694] Eastern Hume Dual Diagnosis Service, Submission 374, pp. 37–38.
[1695] Professor Patrick McGorry, ORYGEN, Committee
Hansard, 7 July 2005, pp. 19–20.
[1696] Ms Mary Alcorn, Executive Director, Gold Coast Drug Council, Committee Hansard, 2 February, 2006, p. 21.
[1697] Outline drawn from Gold Coast Drug Council, Submission 533, pp. 7–8.
[1698] Gold Coast Drug Council, Submission 533, p. 7.
[1699] Submission
533, p. 8.
[1700] See also Centre for Social Justice, Qld, Submission 300, Attachment 1: Tamara Walsh, INCORRECTIONS: Investigating Prison Release Practice and Policy in
Queensland and Its Impact on Community Safety, Faculty of Law, Queensland
University of Technology, 2004, p. 6.
[1701] Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League, Submission 281, p. 5.
[1702] Centre for Social Justice, Qld, Submission 300,
Attachment 1, pp. 23; 146–47.
[1703] Charity organisations also provide assistance,
including housing and other support.
[1704] NCOSS, Submission
274, p. 10.
[1705] Committee
Hansard, 2 February 2006, pp. 15–16.
[1706] GCDC, Submission
533, pp. 12–13.
[1707] Ms Mary Alcorn, GCDC, Committee Hansard,
2 February 2006, p. 18.
[1708] GCDC, Submission
533, p. 9.
[1709] GCDC, Submission 533, p. 9.
[1710] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 98, p. [3].
[1711] Council of Social Service of New South Wales (NCOSS),
Submission 274, p. 9.
[1712] Public Advocate, South Australia, Submission 268, p. 21.
[1713] Dr Andrew Chanen, Consultant Psychiatrist and
Senior lecturer, ORYGEN Youth Health and ORYGEN Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, p. 14.
[1714] Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 22.
[1715] Health Services Union, Submission 223, p. 23.
[1716] See quote: Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 8.
[1717] Mr Jon Chesterson, Submission 177, p. 15.
[1718] Background information provided to the
committee, 18 January 2006.
[1719] Healthscope, Submission 82, p. 1, and
Australian Health Insurance, Submission
292, p. 6.
[1720] Australian Government, Submission 476, Part 10,
p. 71.
[1721] People with co-morbid disorders, otherwise
termed dual diagnosis, and those in the criminal justice system are treated in separate
chapters. This reflects the growing prevalence of co-morbidity, and the
significant influx of people with mental health disorders into the criminal
justice system.
[1722] Comprehensive analysis of the circumstances of
detainees has been undertaken during the Palmer Inquiry into the Circumstances
of the Immigration Detention of Cornelia Rau, and most recently by the Senate
Legal and Constitutional References Committee in its report on the
administration and operation of the Migration
Act 1958 (March 2006).
[1723] Women and Mental Health Inc, Submission 310, p. 3.
[1724] See discussion, Professor Fiona Stanley,
'Before the Bough Breaks: Children in Contemporary Australia', Kenneth Myer
Lecture 2003, National Library of Australia,,
(accessed 10 March 2006).
[1725] Findings of the Child and Adolescent Component
of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (Sawyer et al., 2000) and
the Western Australian Child Health Survey: Developing Health and Wellbeing in
the Nineties, Quoted in Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family Mental
Health Association (AICAFMHA), Submission
83, p. 10.
[1726] Professor Fiona Stanley, 'Before the Bough
Breaks: Children in Contemporary Australia', Kenneth Myer Lecture 2003,
National Library of Australia,,
(accessed 10 March 2006).
[1727] National Mental Health Plan 2003–08, p. 6.
[1728] See National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHW) 1997, quoted above in AICAFMHA, Submission 83, p. 11.
[1729] Australian Divisions of General Practice (ADGP),
Submission 308, p. 31.
[1730] AICAFMHA, Submission
83, p. 9.
[1731] Western
Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Advisory Committee,
(CAHMSAC), Submission 24, p. [2].
[1732] AICAFMHA, Submission 83, pp. 3, 4,
[1733] Australian Government, Submission 466, Attachment 4, p. 2.
[1734] Submitter's italics, Professor Margot Prior,
Professorial Fellow, School of Health
and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Submission 32, p. 2.
[1735] Professor Margot Prior, Submission 32, p. 2.
[1736] The NSW Commission for Children and Young
People, Submission 399, p. 3.
[1737] Submission
399, p. 1.
[1738] Professor Margot Prior, Submission 32, p. 2.
[1739] Professor Margot Prior, Submission 32, p. 1.
[1740] Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Submission 557, p. 1.
[1741] beyondblue,
Submission 363, p. 8.
[1742] The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. [8].
[1743] beyondblue, Submission 363, p. 7.
[1744] Comments on
Judge Ellis' summing up the in the matter of REGINA v DANIELA DAWES, 04/21/1041 NSW District Court, Parramatta, quoted
in A4 Autism Aspersers Advocacy Australia, Submission 92, p. 4.
[1745] Submission 92, p. 4.
[1746] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 9.
[1747] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 4, p. 1.
[1748] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 4, p. 1.
The suicide rate recorded by the NMHS in 1997 was 15.2 deaths per 100,000 young
people. Suicide rates are now 23 percent below that. See 'Suicide Rate Falls',
The Australian, 15 March 2006.
[1750] These are double the rate of the rest of the
population. NSW Farmers Association, Submission
410, p. 4.
[1751] Submission
476, Attachment 4, p. 1.
[1752] ADGP, Submission 308, p. 31.
[1753] CAHMSAC, Submission 24, pp. [4].
[1754] See for example, Ms Jolan Tobias, Platform Team Member, ORYGEN
Youth Health, Committee Hansard, 7 July 2005, pp.22–23 and Anglicare
Tasmania, Submission 464, p. 28.
[1755] insane australia, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2006,
p. 28.
[1756] Mr Jurgen Hemmerling, Submission 366, p. 1.
[1757] Submission 366, p. 1.
[1758] beyondblue, Submission
363, p. 9.
[1759] Dr Georgina Phillips, Committee Hansard, 6 July 2005, p. 16.
[1760] Mr Jurgen Hemmerling, Submission 366, p. 1.
[1761] Dr Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p. [3].
[1762] NSW Commission for Children and Young People, Submission 399 , p. 2.
[1763] The Youth Mental Health Coalition, Submission 285, p. 9.
[1764] ORYGEN Research Centre, Submission 184, p. 11.
[1765] AICAFMHA, Submission 83, p. 5.
[1766] Submission
285: case study: Jolan’s Story, p. 15.
[1767] Professor Peter Birleson, Director, Eastern
Health CAMHS, Adjunct Professor in Psychology, Deakin University Submission 429, Attachment 1, pp. 16–17.
[1768] Submission
429, Attachment 1, p. 17.
[1769] AICAFMHA Submission
83, p. 10.
[1770] The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Parliamentary
Secretary, Minister for Health and Ageing, National Youth Mental Health
Foundation, Media Release, CP70/05,
December 2005.
[1771] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, passim.
[1772] Australian Government, Submission 476, Part 10,
p. 65.
[1773] A. F. Jorm, 'Does Anxiety Reduce Anxiety and
Depression? A Review of Epidemiological Studies Across the Lifespan', Psychological Medicine, vol. 200, no.
30, pp. 11–12.
[1774] Submission
476, Part 10, p. 65.
[1775] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, pp. [1–2], quoting
Draper and Koschera, 2001.
[1776] Which aims to 'to progress the health and
wellbeing key result area of the Commonwealth, State and Territory Strategy on
Healthy Ageing'. See Australian Government, Submission
476, Part 10, p. 65.
[1777] Australian Government, Submission 476, Part 10, p. 65.
[1778] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. [2].
[1779] Submission 219, p.
[1780] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, pp. [2; 5‑6.]
[1781] Australian Government, Submission 476, Part 10, p. 65.
[1782] Professor Henry Brodaty, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 72.
[1783] SA Division of General Practice, Submission 88, pp. 7–8.
[1784] Dr Roderick George McKay, on behalf of the New South Wales Branch of the
Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. [5].
[1785] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 26, p. 1.
[1786] Depression
in Residents of Aged Care Homes, The Final Report of the Challenge Depression
Project (Challenge Depression: Final Report), Report to the Department of Health
and Ageing by The Hammond Care Group, March 2004, p. vii.
[1787] blueVoices, Submission 259, p. 9.
[1788] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. [2].
[1789] Dr Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p. [4].
[1790] NSW Department of Health, Submission 470, pp.38–39.
[1791] Submission
470, p. 23.
[1792] Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, p. 7.
[1793] Professor Henry Brodaty, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 72.
[1794] Dr Georgina Phillips, Submission 255, p. [4].
[1795] Australian Rotary Health Research Fund, Submission 68, p. [2].
[1796] Dr Roderick George McKay, New South Wales
Branch of the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Submission 219, p. [5].
[1797] Submission 219, p.
[1798] Professor Henry Brodaty, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p. 71.
[1799] 21.9 per cent of Australians reporting in the
2001 Census as having been born overseas, and 13.3 per cent born in non-English
speaking countries. See Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, p. 1, and Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, p. 1.
[1800] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, pp.3, 10.
[1801] Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of
Torture and Trauma (FASST), Submission
397, p. 4.
[1802] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, p. 20, and FASST, Submission
397, p. 8.
[1803] Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, pp. 8–10.
[1804] National Network for Private Psychiatric Sector
Consumers and their Carers, Submission 189,
p. 15.
[1805] Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, p. 9.
[1806] FASST, Submission
397A, p. 15.
[1807] Social isolation, lack of family support,
intergenerational tensions and language difficulties are problems, particularly
for the young, the aged and single mothers. Unemployment, low income, migration
and acculturation problems, domestic violence, parental problems, gambling or
drug addiction are other stressors within the Vietnamese community. The
Ignatius Centre for Social Policy and Research, Jesuit Social Services, Submission 358, p. [13].
[1808] Submission
358, p. [13].
[1809] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, p. 16.
[1810] Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, p. 13.
[1811] Mr David Han Yan, Submission 473, p. [1].
[1812] Australian Polish Community Services, Submission 168, p. 3.
[1813] Submission
473, p. [2].
[1814] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, pp. 14, 17.
[1815] Prof Anthony Jorm and Ms Betty Kitchener, Submission 47, p. 5.
[1816] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission
200, pp. 9–10.
[1817] FASSTT, Submission
397, p. 5.
[1818] Australian Polish Community Services, Submission 168, p. 2.
[1819] Mr David Han Yan, Submission 473, p.
[1820] Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, p. 9.
[1821] FASSTT, Submission
397, p. 9.
[1822] Submission
473, p. [2].
[1823] Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Submission 200, p. 11.
[1824] Eastern and Central Africa Communities of
Victoria Inc, (EACACOV), Submission 394,
p. 1.
[1825] Report on
the Review of Settlement Services for Migrants and Humanitarian Entrants,
May 2003, Chapter 8, p. 169; (accessed February 2006).
[1826] The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of
Torture found that 80 per cent of refugees assessed in 2003–04 had experienced
psychological or physical violence of some kind; a study of refugees who settled
in NSW found that 25 per cent had been subjected to severe trauma and torture. FASSTT,
Submission 397, p. 2.
[1827] FASSTT, Submission
397, p. 1.
[1828] FASST, Submission
397A, p. 6.
[1829] Submission
397A, p. 2.
[1830] Submission
397A, p. 4.
[1831] Report on
the Review of Settlement Services for Migrants and Humanitarian Entrants,
May 2003, Chapter 8, pp. 163; 167,,
(accessed February 2006).
The TPV provides three years’ temporary residence in Australia for unauthorised
arrivals who are subsequently found to be refugees. See Report on the Review of Settlement Services for Migrants and
Humanitarian Entrants, May 2003, pp. 167–8.
[1833] FASSTT, Submission
397, pp. 1, 3–4.
[1834] Submission
397, p.4.
[1835] Eastern and Central Africa Communities of
Victoria Inc, (EACACOV), Submission 394, p. 2.
[1836] FASSTT, Submission
397, p. 4.
[1837] The proportion of children and young people in the
Humanitarian program has increased from 38 per cent in the year 2000 to 53 per
cent in 2004. This increase has been
particularly significant in the 0–9 age group. See Submission 397A, pp. 8–9.
[1838] Submission 397A, p.11.
[1839] Submission 397A, pp. 10, 15.
[1840] Submission
397, p. 9.
[1841] Submission
379A, p. 15.
[1842] Submission
379A, p. 11–12.
[1843] Submission
379A, p. 19.
[1844] IHSS services are currently available in
regional areas such as the Coffs Harbour, Wagga Wagga and Newcastle areas of
New South Wales; Geelong in Victoria; Townsville, Cairns, Toowoomba and the
Logan, Beenleigh and Gold Coast region
in Queensland; and in the Northern Region of Tasmania. Unlinked refugees can be
and are sent to these areas. see . Report on the Review of Settlement Services
for Migrants and Humanitarian Entrants, May 2003, Chapter 8, p. 177,
(accessed February 2006).
[1845] Hume City Council, Submission 298, p. 7.
[1846] EACACOV, Submission
394, p. 2.
[1847] Submission
394, p. 2.
[1848] The Mental Health Foundation ACT, Submission
112, p. 6.
[1849] Suicide Prevention Australia, Submission 425, pp. 24–25.
[1850] Submission 425, pp. 24–25.
[1851] Mental Health Foundation ACT, Submission 112, p. 6.
[1852] Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, Submission 216, pp. 6–7.
[1853] SAVE, Submission
483, p. 2.
'Tender for New Client Focused Detention Service Arrangements', On the Move to Improve DIMA's Progress on Palmer,
Fact Sheet:, (accessed
1 March 2006).
[1855] Former head of border control, Philippa Godwin,
for example, contradicted the department's previously held position by
acknowledging that conditions at Woomera had led to mental illness experienced
by Shayan. Dan Box, 'Boy, 11, Wins Payout Over Detention Trauma', The Australian, 3 March 2006, p. 3.
[1856] Mr Alan Clifton, former operations manager,
confirmed that Woomera's private detention centre operator, Australian
Correctional Management, had not honoured requirements and falsified reports to
the government that it was providing education to children and leisure and well
being courses to adults as required. Rebecca Gilsenan, 'In Denial over Living
Hell', The Australian, 7 March 2006,
p. 12.
[1857] DIMA, Immigration detention, Baxter Immigration
Detention Facility (BIDF) - Port Augusta (SA),
(accessed March 2006).
'Stronger Focus on Mental Health', and
'Tender for New Client Focussed Detention Service Arrangements' On the Move to Improve DIMA's Progress on
Palmer, Fact Sheet,
(accessed 1 March 2006)
[1859] Suicide Prevention Australia, Submission 425, p. 26
[1860] Australian Government Submission 476, Part 10,
p. 59.
[1861] Australian Government Submission 476, Part 10, p. 61.
[1862] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 4.
[1863] Health Consumers of Rural and Remote Australia (HCRRA), Submission 106, p. [3].
[1864] SA Division of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 9.
New South Wales Farmers Association, Submission
410, p. 3.
[1866] HCRRA, Submission 106, p. [5].
[1867] Mr Alan Brown, Board Member and Chair, Rural Affairs Committee, NSW
Association, Committee Hansard, 2
August 2005, pp. 15–16.
[1868] National Rural Health Alliance Inc (NRHA), Submission 181, p. 3.
[1869] National Council of Women of Australia Inc Ltd,
Submission 435, p. 5.
[1870] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 3;
NRHA, Submission 181, p. 10.
[1871] Health Consumers of Rural and Remote Australia,
Submission 106, p. 5.
[1872] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 4.
[1873] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 9.
[1874] Professor Brian Hickie, 'Reducing the Burden of
Depression: Are We Making Progress in Australia?', Medical Journal of Australia, 181 (7), 4 October 2004, pp. S4, 5.
Quoted in NRHA, Submission 181, note ix, p. 9.
[1875] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 10.
[1876] See discussion of the findings of the Western
Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS), below.
[1877] HCRRA, Submission
106, p.[1].
[1878] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 9.
[1879] Dr Simone Fulgar, Submission 235, Women's Recovery from Depression Research Project
2004-05, Attachment 1, p. 1.
[1880] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 26.
[1881] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 1.
[1882] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 5; HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [4].
[1883] Mr Alan Brown, Board Member and Chair, Rural
Affairs Committee, NSW
Farmers Association, Committee
Hansard, 2 August 2005,
p. 20.
Ms Brianna Casey, Senior Policy Manager, Rural Affairs, NSW Farmers
Association, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 19.
[1885] Mr Noel Trevaskis, Submission 523, p. 1.
[1886] Mr Noel Trevaskis, Submission 523, p.1.
[1887] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [3]
[1888] Australian Rotary Health Research Fund,
Submission 68, p. 2.
[1889] Rotary's rural van has travelled the outback
and convened over 350 rural fora focussing on depression and mental illness
since 2000, Australian
Rotary Health Research Fund, Submission
68, p. 1.
[1890] Ms Brianna Casey, Senior Policy Manager, Rural
NSW Farmers Association, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 19.
[1891] blueVoices, Submission
259, p.20.
ARAFMI [Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill ] Hunter, Submission 231, pp. 5–6.
[1893] blueVoices, Submission
259, pp. 20‑21.
[1894] The Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, p. 4.
[1895] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [1].
[1896] See discussion of the population health model
[1897] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman,
beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July
2005, p. 11.
[1898] Rural training and staffing issues are
discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.
[1899] Quoted in Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family
Mental Health Association (AICAFMHA), Submission 83, p. 20.
[1900] The West Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Advisory Committee, (CAMHSAC), Submission 24, p. 2.
[1901] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. 5.
[1902] Consumers and Carers from the NSW Far South
Coast, Submission 5, p. 2.
[1903] Consumers and Carers from the NSW Far South
Coast, Submission 5, p. 1.
[1904] Committee
Hansard, 2 August 2005, p. 13.
[1905] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [2].
[1906] Name withheld, Submission 244, p. 4.
[1907] Brotherhood of St Laurence, Submission 97, p. 3.
[1908] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [2].
[1909] Albury Wodonga Anxiety and Depression Support
Group, Submission 151, p. 13.
[1910] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 6.
[1911] SA Divisions of General Practices, Submission 88, p. 9.
[1912] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [3].
[1913] Mr Alan Brown, Board Member and Chair, Rural
Affairs Committee, NSW Farmers Association, Committee
Hansard, 2 August 2005, pp. 16–17.
[1914] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 410, p. 4.
[1915] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [3].
[1916] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [4].
[1917] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [4].
[1918] HCRRA, Submission 106, p. [3].
[1919] Consumers and Carers from the NSW Far South, Submission
5, p. 5; HCRRA, Submission 106, p. [3], and see Professor Anthony
Jorm and Ms Betty Kitchener, Submission 47.
[1920] blueVoices, Submission
259, pp. 20–21.
[1921] CAMHSAC, Submission 24, p. 2.
Ms Jenine Bailey, Indigenous Researcher, Rural Health Research Unit, James Cook
University, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, pp. 38‑39.
[1923] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 36.
[1924] blueVoices, Submission
259, pp. 20‑21.
[1925] The Inspire Foundation reports that a recent
review of telecounselling found that the average cost of delivering counselling
to one person via a phone service ranged from $19.87 to $58.89. By contrast,
during the 12 months to the end of June 2005, the cost of one person accessing
the Reach Out! website, which provides mental health information and may
provide comparable benefits, was $1.12. See Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, pp. 4–6.
[1926] depressioNet, Submission 475, p.1 reports
that was the most visited Australian health website within
four months from conception with no promotion or advertising.
[1927] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [1].
[1928] Inspire Foundation, Submission 491, p. 4.
[1929] The program trains rural and remote young
people to respond to calls from their peers, Boystown, Submission 107, p. 10.
[1930] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 11.
[1931] National Rural Health Alliance and National
Rural Health Policy Forum, 'Healthy Horizons', 1999 and update sub-committee
[1932] NRHA, Submission
181, pp. 13–14.
[1933] HCRRA, Submission
106, p. [3].
[1934] NSW Farmers Association, Submission 181, pp. 6–7.
[1935] AICAFMHA,
83, p. 20.
[1936] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 17.
[1937] AMA, Submission
167, p. 1.
[1938] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 23.
[1939] The Royal Australian and New Zealand Congress of
Psychiatrists (RANZCP), Position
statement 2002.
[1940] Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
(RACGP), Submission 311, p. 6.
[1941] Australian Government, Submission 476,
Attachment 24, p. 1.
[1942] Australian Government, Submission 476,
Attachment 24, p. 1.
[1943] Australian Bureau of Statistics for 1998–2001,
quoted in Association for Australian Rural Nurses, Submission 321, p. 12.
[1944] Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey
(WAACHS)—The Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal Children and Young
People found
that 20 per cent of Indigenous children had experienced seven or more of life
stresses during the previous 12 months, compared with 0.2 per cent of non
indigenous children. Life stresses assessed included family death,
hospitalisation, a family member being imprisoned and loss of employment. 'Aboriginal
Health'—Health Report ABC, 7 November
2005, p. 5, and see Auseinet, Submission
441, p. 12.
[1945] One contributing factor is that 20 per cent of Indigenous
drinkers consume at higher risk levels compared with 10 per cent of other
drinkers. Department of Psychiatric Medicine Children's Hospital Westmead and
Tamworth (CAMHS), Submission 99, p.
[1946] Department of Psychiatric medicine Children's
Hospital Westmead and Tamworth (CAMHS), Submission
99, p. 1.
[1947] WAACHS, Australian Government, Submission
476, pp. 53–56.
[1948] Australian Institute of Health, 2004, quoted in
Auseinet, Submission 441, p. 12.
[1949] Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Health (OATSIH), Australian
Government Submission 476, Attachment
24, pp. 7–8.
[1950] Ms Leanne Knowles, Manager, Social Health Unit,
Wuchopperen Health Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 42.
[1951] National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working
Party, A National Aboriginal Health Strategy, 1989, quoted in the Aboriginal
Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales, Submission 406, p. 3.
[1952] The framework was agreed to out of session by
the Australia Health Ministers Advisory Council in 2004. See OATSIH,
Australian Government Submission 476, Attachment 24, p. 7.
[1953] The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,
368, Attachment 1, p. [7]
for release date and OATSIH, Australian Government Submission 476, Attachment 24, p. 7.
[1954] The National Aboriginal Health Strategy- An
Evaluation, Evaluation Committee, December, 1994 stated that the NAHS was ‘never effectively implemented’ and
that ‘governments have grossly under-funded NAHS initiatives in
remote and rural areas.’. Quoted in the Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission, Submission
368, Attachment 1, p. [3].
[1955] Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council
of New South Wales, Submission 406, p. 3.
[1956] NRHA, Submission
181, p. 23.
[1957] The Central Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. 5.
[1958] The NHMRC noted in 2002, mental health research
on Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders features in only 1 per cent of mental
health research publications and attracts only two per cent of mental
health research funding, despite the
high and growing incidence of mental health problems and associated negative
social outcomes. See OATSIH, Australian Government Submission 476, Attachment 24, p. 3.
[1959] See for example, Victorian Institute of
Forensic Mental Health, Submission 306, pp.8–9.
[1960] The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,
368, Attachment 1, p. [9];
Catholic Health Australia , Submission 276 p. 13.
Combined Community Legal Centres Group NSW, Submission
232, p. 14.
Ms Jenine Bailey, Indigenous Researcher, Rural Health Research Unit, James Cook
University, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 31.
Ms Jenine Bailey, Indigenous Researcher, Rural Health Research Unit, James Cook
University, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 32.
[1964] See The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,
368, Attachment 1, p. [10].
[1965] See NRHA, Submission
181, p. 10, and as discussed below
and in the previous section on Rural and Remote.
[1966] See 'Aboriginal Health'—Health
Report ABC, 7 November 2005, p. 6.
[1967] It has been suggested that in remote settings,
traditional family connections have remained comparatively intact, with fewer
individuals had been subject, or exposed thorough family connections, to
forcible removal policies See 'Aboriginal Health'—Health
Report ABC, 7 November 2005, p. 6.
Ms Jenine Bailey, Indigenous Researcher, Rural Health Research Unit, James Cook
University, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, pp. 34–35.
[1969] Dr Roger Crib, Submission 261, pp. 3–5.
[1970] Submission
261, p. 5.
Ms Jenine Bailey, Indigenous Researcher, Rural Health Research Unit, James Cook
University, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 35.
[1972] For shortages in rural and remote areas see
HCRRA, Submission 106, p. 5.
[1973] The Central Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. 7.
[1974] Ms Leanne Knowles, Manager, Social Health Unit,
WuChopperen Health Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2006, p.
[1975] Descendent of the Kuku Uulangi tribe, between
Mosman and Cooktown (on his father and grandmothers side), and the Ngapuhi Te
Autu of Aukland NZ (from his grandmother on his mother’s side). Mr Jonathan
Link, Community Liaison and development Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2006, p. 47.
[1976] He flies fortnightly services to four Indigenous
communities, taking a medical officer on a weekly run, a psychiatrist on three
monthly visits, and delivers a psychologist who services eleven communities in
total. See Committee Hansard, 5 August 2006, pp. 47–48.
[1977] Mr Jonathan Link, Community Liaison and Development
Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2006, pp. 48.
[1978] Mr Jonathan Link, Community Liaison and Development
Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2006, pp. 53–56.
[1979] Mr Jonathan Link, Community Liaison and Development
Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2006, p. 51.
[1980] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p.11.
[1981] Mr Jeff Kennett, Chairman, beyondblue, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2005, p. 10
[1982] Mr Jonathan Link, Community Liaison and development
Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2006, p. 49, and see
for example, Consumers and Carers from the NSW Far South Coast , p. 3.
[1983] See discussion of 'Seasonal Worker Syndrome' in
Tom Brideson and Len Kanowski, 'The Struggle for Systemic' adulthood' for
Aboriginal Mental Health in the Mainstream: the Djirruwang Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Program' in Jane Havleka, Charles Sturt
University, Submission 438.
[1984] No Shame
Job, Careers in Health, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2002.
[1985] Indigenous
Vocational Education and Training: at a Glance, National Centre for
Vocational Education Research, Novermber 2005,
(accessed 16 March 2006).
[1986] Mr Jonathan Link, Community Liaison and development
Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Committee
Hansard, 5 August 2006, p. 52.
[1987] Ms Leanne Knowles,
Manager, Social Health Unit, WuChopperen Health Service, Committee Hansard, 5 August 2005, p. 41.
[1988] Brideson and Kanowski, 'The Struggle for
Systemic' adulthood' for Aboriginal Mental Health in the Mainstream: the
Djirruwang Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Program' in Jane
Havleka, Charles Sturt University, Submission
[1989] See for example, Ms Jane Havleka, Charles Sturt
University, Submission 438, [np].
[1990] The Probation and Community Corrections
Officers’ Association Incorporated (PACCOA), Submission 503, p. 4.
[1991] Currently the subject of an inquiry by the
Senate Community Affairs References Committee.
[1992] SA Division of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 8.
[1993] National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working
Group, National Aboriginal Health Strategy, AGPS, Canberra, 1989, p. ix, quoted
in HREOC, Submission 368, Attachment
1,pp. 9–10.
[1994] NCOSS —Council of
Social Service of New South Wales, Submission
274, p. 8.
[1995] SA Division of General Practice, Submission 88, p. 8.
[1996] The Central Aboriginal Congress, Submission 486, p. 7.
[1997] Submission
486, p. 7.
[1998] There are no services, for example, to support
itinerant indigenous youth with social and emotional well being disorders in Alice Springs; there are no such services in existence. See Submission 486, p. 7.
[1999] The committee notes in this regard Department
of Health and Ageing advice that its Indigenous Mental Health program,
comprising Social and Wellbeing Regional Centre, and the Bringing Them Home
programs are not funded beyond annual allocations. Funding for some Social and
Wellbeing programs are supplied annually 'subject to previous compliance'. The
Link Up program, an integral response to the 'stolen generations', is now
another program to be resourced by OATSIH Answers to Questions on Notice, Submission 476A, p. 5.
Consultation Paper for the Development of
the National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Mental Health and Social and Emotional Well Being 2004-2009, Canberra,
2003, p. 11.
[2001] Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council
of New South Wales, Submission 406, pp. 9–10.
[2002] The Aids Council of NSW Inc (ACON), Submission 531, p. 3.
[2003] Submission
531, pp 3-4.
[2004] Submission
531, p. 6.
[2005] Submission
531, p. 5.
[2006] Submission
531, p. 6.
Jorm, K. Griffiths, H. Christensen and J. Medway, 'Research priorities in
mental health, Part 1: an evaluation of the current research effort against the
criteria of disease burden and health system costs', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 36, 2002, p.
[2008] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003–2008,
2003, p. 5.
accessed 14/04/05.
[2010] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003‑2008, 2003, p. 5.
[2011] Australian Health Ministers, National Mental
Health Plan 2003‑2008, 2003, p. 5.
[2012] World Health Organisation (WHO), International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10),,
(accessed 15 April 2005).
[2013] WHO, ICD-10,,
(accessed 15 April 2005).
[2014] WHO, ICD-10,,
(accessed 15 April 2005).
[2015] AllPsych Online, DSM-IVR,,
(accessed 15 April 2005).
[2016] The list and descriptions of mental
disorders in the following paragraphs have been reproduced from AllPsych
ONLINE: The Virtual Psychology Classroom,,
(accessed 15 March 2006).
[2017] The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW), Australia's Health 2004,
Canberra, p. 228.
[2018] AIHW, Australia's
Health 2004, Canberra, p. 228.
[2019] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 14.
[2020] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 3.
[2021] Submission
476, p. 20.
[2022] Submission
476, p. 4.
[2023] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 10.
[2024] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 14.
[2025] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 14.
[2026] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 11.
[2027] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 11 and Attachment
2, p. 3.
[2028] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 14.
[2029] Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA), National Mental Health Report:
Eighth Report— Summary of Changes in Australia's Mental Services under the
National Mental Health Strategy 1993‑2002, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2003, p. 103.
[2030] Australian Government, Submission 476, p. 25.
[2031] Submission
476, p. 25.
[2032] Submission
476, p. 25.
[2033] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 2, p. 9.
[2034] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 14.
[2035] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 19.
[2036] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 13.
[2037] Australian Government, Submission 476, Attachment 2, p. 15.
[2038] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 19.
[2039] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 15.
[2040] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 17.
[2041] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 5.
[2042] Submission
476, Attachment 2, p. 7.
[2043] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005:
Summary of Ten Years of Reform in Australia's Mental
Health Services under the National Mental
Health Strategy 1993‑2003, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005.
[2044] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005.
p. 23.
[2045] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005.
p. 5.
[2046] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005.
p. 111.
[2047] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005,
p. 3.
[2048] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005,
p. 23.
[2049] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005, p. 24.
[2050] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2005,
p. 34.
[2051] DoHA, National
Mental Health Report 2005,
Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra
2005, p. 5.
[2052] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. 6.
[2053] Submission
445, p. 6.
[2054] Submission
445, p. 6.
[2055] Submission
445, p. 6.
[2056] Victorian Minister for Health – Victorian
Government, Submission 445, p. 6.
[2057] Queensland Government, Submission 377A, p. 7.
[2058] Submission
377, pp. 17; 35; 60.
[2059] Submission
377, p. 17
[2060] Submission
377A, p. 54.
[2061] Submission
377, p. 30.
[2062] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission 376, p. 9.
[2063] Submission
376, p. 19.
[2064] Submission
376, p. 19.
[2065] Submission
376, p. 19.
[2066] Submission
376, pp. 19‑20.
[2067] Department of Health – Government of Western
Australia, Submission 376, p. 20.
[2068] Submission
376, p. 20.
[2069] Submission
376, p. 20.
[2070] Submission
376, p. 20.
[2071] Submission
376, p. 20.
[2072] Submission
376, p. 20.
[2073] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 2.
[2074] Submission
393, p. 30.
[2075] Submission
393, p. 20
[2076] Submission
393, p. 23.
[2077] Submission
393, p. 32
[2078] Northern Territory Government, Submission 393, p. 30.
[2079] Submission
393, p. 30.
[2080] Submission
393, p. 31.
[2081] Submission
393, p. 31.
[2082] Minister for Health – ACT Government, Submission 165, p. 3.
[2083] Submission
165, p. 5.
[2084] Submission
165A, p. 13.
[2085] Submission
165, p. 6.
[2086] Submission
165, p. 6.
[2087] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 5.
[2088] Premier Morris Iemma, 'Meeting on Mental Health
is Overdue', Daily Telegraph, 11
January 2006, p. 27.
[2089] Premier Morris Iemma, 'Meeting on Mental Health
is Overdue', Daily Telegraph, 11
January 2006, p. 27.
[2090] NSW Health – NSW Government, Submission 470, p. 6.
[2091] Premier Morris Iemma, 'Meeting on Mental Health
is Overdue', Daily Telegraph, 11
January 2006, p.27.
[2092] Submission
470, p. 6.
[2093] Submission
470, p.25.
[2094] Submission
470, p.56-57.
[2095] Department of Health – South Australia
Government, Submission 506, p. 24.
[2096] Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, p. 3.
[2097] Tasmanian Government, Submission 502, p. 7.