Media Release - 29 July 2005

Media Release - 29 July 2005

Senate Inquiry into Mental Health
Public Hearings in Sydney

The Senate Select Committee on Mental Health will hold public hearings in Sydney on 2 and 3 August 2005 .

The Committee will hear from many individuals and organisations experienced in mental health care, policy and research. They will include representatives of:

The hearings will be held at the Corinthian Room, Sydney Masonic Centre, Corner of Castlereagh and Goulburn Streets, and will be open to the public from 9.00am each day. The programs for the hearings are attached.

Senator Lyn Allison
Committee Chair

Further inquiries to Ian Holland, Committee Secretary, on (02) 6277 3019 or 0411 026 208.

For general information about the hearing or the inquiry contact the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3034.


Senate Select Committee on Mental Health

Public Hearing - Sydney, Tuesday 2 August 2005

Corinthian Room
Sydney Masonic Centre
Corner of Castlereagh and Goulburn Streets

9:00 – 9:40

S A V E - Australia Inc (Submission 483)
Mr Maqsood Alshams, Spokesperson

9:40 – 10:20

NSW Farmers Association (Submission 410)
Mr Alan Brown, Chair, Rural Affairs Committee
Mr Shaughn Morgan, General Manager, Policy and Government Relations
Ms Brianna Casey, Senior Policy Manager, Rural Affairs

10:20 – 10:35

Morning Tea

10.35 – 11.15

Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) (Submission 281)
Ms Nicky Bath, Policy Manager

11.15 – 11:55

Professor Christopher Puplick AM (Submission 226)  

11:55 – 12:35

Centre for Eating & Dieting Disorders NSW (Submission 307)
Ms Sarah Maguire, Eating Disorder Service Development Officer for NSW
Associate Professor Janice Russell, Director Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Eating Disorder Program and Northside Private Clinic Eating Disorder Program
Dr Michael Kohn, Paediatrician, Westmead Childrens Hospital
Ms Judith Leahy, Coordinator, Central Coast Early Intervention Outpatient Service
Ms Amanda Jordan, Chairperson Eating Disorders Foundation of NSW

12:35 – 1:30


1:30 – 2:10

Multicultural Mental Health Australia (Submission 200)
Ms Meg Griffiths, National Program Manager
Associate Professor Nicholas Procter, Division of Health Science, University of South Australia (MMHA Advisor)
Ms Maria Cassaniti, NSW Transcultural Mental Health Centre (MMHA Consortium Member)

2:10 – 2:50

Dr Roderick McKay (Submission 219)
New South Wales Branch of the Faculty Of Psychiatry of Old Age within the Royal Australian and New Zealand College Of Psychiatrists.

Professor Henry Brodaty (Submission 398)

2:50 – 3:30

Australian Council of Social Services (Submission 457)
Mr Gregor Macfie, Policy Officer

3:30 – 3:45

Afternoon Tea

3:45 – 4:35

Justice Action (Submission 174)
Mr Michael Strutt, Spokesperson on forensic and criminological issues
Mr Brett Collins, Spokesperson

4:35 – 5:15

Care Leavers of Australian Network (CLAN) (Submission 400)
Dr Joanna Penglase, President
Ms Leonie Sheedy, Office Manager

Broken Rites ( Australia ) (Submission 340)
Dr Wayne Chamley, Treasurer

Senate Select Committee on Mental Health

Public Hearing - Sydney, Wednesday 3 August 2005

Corinthian Room
Sydney Masonic Centre
Corner of Castlereagh and Goulburn Streets

9:00 9:45

Public Interest Advocacy Centre (Submission 373)
Mr Simon Moran, Principal Solicitor
Ms Emma Golledge, Coordinator, Homeless Persons Legal Clinic

Combined Community Legal Centres' Group (NSW) Inc (Submission 392)
Ms Helen Campbell

Welfare Rights Centre (Submission 351)
Ms Linda Forbes

9:45 10:25

Professor Gavin Andrews (Submission 176)
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre, University of NSW at St Vincent 's Hospital, Sydney

10:25 10:40

Morning Tea 

10.40 11.20

Northern Beaches Mental Health Consumer Network (Submission 60)
Ms Desley Casey, Consumer Coordinator
Ms Sue Marsh, Fundraising Officer and Network Administration Worker
Mr Mark McMahon, Co Consumer Coordinator.

11.20 11:50

Mr Stephen Corry (Submission 440/ 440A))

11:50 12:25

Mr Graham Brereton (Submission 379)

12:25 1:25


1:25 2:05

Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill. (ARAFMI) Hunter (Submission 231)
Mr Lindsay Skillen, carer
Ms Liz Dunleavy, Family Support Worker

2:05 2:55

In camera (closed session)

2.55 3:10

Afternoon Tea

3:10 3:50

Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists Special Interest Group (Submission 108)
Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary
Dr Roger Gurr, Chair, Policy Committee

3:50 5:00

NSW Health Department (Submission 470)
Mr Eugene McGarrell, Acting Director, Centre for Mental Health

For further information, contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899