Media Release - 26 October 2005

Media Release - 26 October 2005

Senate Inquiry into Mental Health
Public Hearing in Canberra

The Senate Select Committee on Mental Health will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Friday 28 October 2005.

The Committee will hear from many individuals and organisations experienced in mental health care and policy. They will include representatives of the:

  • Commonwealth Ombudsman;
  • Private Health Insurance Industry Ombudsman
  • Probation and Community Corrections Officers' Association; and
  • Mental Health Council of Australia.

The hearing will be held at Parliament House in Committee room 2 S 3, and will be open to the public from 8:45am. The program for the hearing is attached.

Senator Lyn Allison                                                                                                                   
Committee Chair                                                                                                                      

Further inquiries to Ian Holland, Committee Secretary, on (02) 6277 3019 or 0411 026 208.

For general information about the hearing or the inquiry contact the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3034.



Senate Select Committee on Mental Health

Public Hearing - Canberra, Friday, 28 October 2005

Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House Canberra

8:45 – 9:30

Commonwealth Ombudsman (No submission)
Professor John McMillan, Ombudsman

9:30 – 10:15

Private Health Insurance Industry Ombudsman (No submission)
Mr John Powlay, Ombudsman

10:15 – 11:00

Medicines Australia (Submission 389)
Dr Brendan Shaw, Senior Manager, Policy and Research
Mr David Grainger, Chair, Health Policy Development Strategic Committee (also a director at Ely Lilly Pharmaceuticals)

11:00 – 11:15

Morning Tea

11.15 – 12:00

Australian College of Psychological Medicine (Submission 411)
Dr Carole Castles, President

12:00 – 12:45

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (Submission 311)
Dr Leanne Rowe, Member, RACGP Council

12:45 – 1:45


1:45 – 2:30

Probation and Community Corrections Officers' Association Incorporated (PACCOA) (Submission 503)
Ms Dale Kift, Member, State Executive
Mr Brian Norman, Member, State Executive, immediate past President

2:30 – 3.15

Mr Douglas McIver and Mrs Janice McIver (Submission 317)

3:15 – 3:30

Afternoon tea

3:30 – 4:30

Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA) (Submission 262)
Mr John Mendoza, Chief Executive Officer
The Hon Mr Keith Wilson, MHCA Chair
Professor Ian Hickie, Director of the Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI) and Clinical Advisor to the MHCA
Ms Ingrid Ozols, Consumer and MHCA Board Executive Member
Mr Sebastian Rosenberg, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

For further information, contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899