Media Release - 26 July 2005

Media Release - 26 July 2005

Senate Inquiry into Mental Health
Public Hearing in Canberra

The Senate Select Committee on Mental Health will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Wednesday 27 July 2005.

The Committee will hear from many individuals and organisations experienced in mental health care, policy and research.
They will include representatives of:

The hearing will be held at Parliament House, and will be open to the public from 9.00am. The program for the hearing is attached.

Senator Lyn Allison
Committee Chair

Further inquiries to Ian Holland, Committee Secretary, on (02) 6277 3019 or 0411 026 208.

For general information about the hearing or the inquiry contact the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3034.


Senate Select Committee on Mental Health

Public Hearing - Canberra Wednesday, 27 July 2005

9.00am – 4:25pm
Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House, Canberra


9:00 – 9:40


Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT Consumer and Carer Caucus (Submission 214)
Ms Winsome Willow, Chair

9:40 – 10:20


Mental Illness Education ACT (Submission 354)
Ms Margie Wylde-Browne, Executive Officer
Mr Keith Mahar, President
Ms Libby Steeper, Committee member

10:20 – 10:35 Morning Tea

10.35 – 11.15


Australian Healthcare Association (Submission 169)
Ms Prue Power, Executive Director
Ms Deb Green, President
Mr Brian Johnston, Council Member

11.15 – 11:50


Australian Psychological Society (Submission 50)
Professor Lyn Littlefield OAM FAPS, Executive Director
Mr David Stokes, Manager, Professional Issues
Ms Amanda Gordon, President (TBC)

11:50 – 12:30


Public Health Association of Australia (Submission 212)
Ms Pieta Laut, Executive Director
Ms Valerie Gerrand, Convenor, Mental Health Special Interest Group
Ms Susan Humphries, Mental Health specialist

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 2:15


Consumers and Carers from the NSW Far South Coast  (Submission 5)
Mr John Olsen, consumer
Mr John Skelton, carer

2:15 – 2:50


Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Submission 295)
Mr Paul Simmons - National Councillor (SA)
Mr Denis Leahy - Alternate National Councillor (NSW)
Ms Khin Win May - Policy Officer, National Secretariat

2:50 – 3:30


Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform (Submission 319)
Mr Brian McConnell
Mr Bill Bush

3:30 – 3:45 Afternoon Tea

3:45 – 4:25


Ms Helen McKenzie, consumer from Victoria (no submission)

Ms Isabell Collins, advocate from Victoria

For further information, contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899