Committee membership

Committee membership

Committee Members

Senator Cory Bernardi (LP, SA) (Chair)
Senator Judith Adams*(LP, WA) (24/11/08 to 25/11/08 and from 12/05/09)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT) (from 1/12/08) 
Senator Glenn Sterle (ALP, WA) (from 1/12/08)
Senator the Hon. Judith Troeth (LP, VIC)
Senator John Williams (NATS, NSW)

Substitute Members for this inquiry  

*Senator Stephen Parry replaced Senator Adams (26/11/08 to 4/12/08)
*Senator Michaelia Cash replaced Senator Adams (4/02/09 to 12/05/09)

Participating Members for this Inquiry

Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (LP, NSW)
Senator Julian McGauran (LP, VIC)
Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (LP, VIC)


Committee secretariat

Mr Chris Reid, Committee Secretary
Mr Derek Abbott, Principal Research Officer
Ms Candice Lester, Executive Assistant (from 11/08)
Ms Cassimah Mackay, Executive Assistant (from 03/09)
Mrs Dianne Warhurst, Executive Assistant (from 04/09)

Committee address

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Tel:  02 6277 3559
Fax: 02 6277 5775

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