select lucas

On 15 August 2000, the Senate referred issues relating to the above matter to the Select Committee for an Inquiry into the Contract for a New Reactor at Lucas Heights.

The Select Committee will examine and report by 4 December 2000 on the following matters:

(1) That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee for an Inquiry into the contract for a new reactor at Lucas Heights, be appointed to examine and report by 4 December 2000, on the following matters:

(a) the need for a new research reactor, including:

(b) the process leading up to the signing of a contract in June 2000 with INVAP of Argentina for the construction of a new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights, with particular reference to:

(c) the nature of the contractual commitments entered into and the degree to which they are binding on the Commonwealth, including in the event that not all approvals are obtained and all other preconditions met, or that a future Government decides not to proceed with the reactor, with particular reference to:

(d) whether the preconditions set by previous inquiries and assessments into this proposal have been adequately met prior to the contract being entered into, with particular reference to:

(e) the adequacy of proposed fuel and waste management provisions in the contract (or yet to be finalised), with particular reference to:

(iv) whether the new reactor is subject to negotiation of satisfactory contracts for international reprocessing of spent fuel rods; and, if so, which countries will be involved and will these contracts be subject to a provision which requires the return of Australian waste as is the case with some of the existing Lucas Heights fuel rods, and

(v) the timing of any requirement for the provision of an Australian long-term waste storage facility for rods from a new reactor.

How to prepare a submission