

[1] Committee Hansard, Nhulunbuy, 25 August 2004, p. 2.

[2] Commissioner Alison Anderson, Proof Committee Hansard, Alice Springs, 20 July 2004, p. 48, reading from Central Remote Regional Council, Submission 52.

[3] Peter Howson, 'The 2004 election and Aboriginal Policy', Quadrant November 2004, republished by the Bennelong Society

[4] This information was supplied by OIPC.

[5] Professor Dodson, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 33.

[6] Mr Glanville, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 35.

[7] Professor Dodson, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 41.

[8] ATSIC, Submission 202, p. 17.

[9] See for example: Ms Logan, Submission 6, p. 1; Pat Andruchow, Submission 14, p. 1; Ms Hines, Submission 36, p. 2; Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, Submission 99, p. 1.

[10] Hon John Hannaford, Convenor, ATSIC Review Panel, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 22.

[11] ibid, p. 36.

[12] OIPC, Submission 128, p. 10.

[13] For details of this difficulty, see Mr Clarke, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 2. See also documents tabled by Mr Clarke.

[14] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 32.

[15] See, for example, the Second Reading Speeches.

[16] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 32.

[17] This history is heavily drawn from 'The end of ATSIC and the future of administration of Indigenous affairs', Current Issues Brief No. 4 2004-05, 9 August 2004, Angela Pratt and Scott Bennett; also from 'Make or Break? A Background to the ATSIC Changes and the ATSIC Review', Current Issues Brief, No. 29 2002-03, 26 May 2003, Angela Pratt.

[18] Sections of this paper, particularly those dealing with the history and development of ATSIC, are drawn from Make or Break? A background to the ATSIC changes and the ATSIC Review, Angela Pratt, Parliamentary Library, May 2003.

[19] Lowitja O'Donoghue, 'The Uses and Abuses of Accountability', ATSIC News, August 1998, pp. 12-13.

[20] Dr Will Sanders, 'Reconciling Public Accountability and Aboriginal Self-Determination/Self/Management: Is ATSIC Succeeding?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 53, no. 4, December 1994, p. 487.

[21] Department of Aboriginal Affairs, The Role of the National Aboriginal Consultative Committee – Report of the Committee of Inquiry, AGPS, 1976, p. viii.

[22] T. Rowse, Obliged to be Difficult: Nugget Coombs' Legacy in Indigenous Affairs, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2000, p. 185.

[23] Sen. the Hon. Susan Ryan, 'Summary of the ALP's Election Commitments to Aboriginal Affairs', 10 February 1983, Parliamentary Library Collection.

[24] H. C. Coombs, The Role of the National Aboriginal Conference: Report to the Hon. Clyde Holding, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, 1984, p. 14.

[25] The Hon. A. C. Holding, 'Ministerial Statement: National Aboriginal Conference', House of Representatives, Hansard, 17 April 1985, p. 1266.

[26] ibid.

[27] W. Sanders, op. cit., p. 475.

[28] The Hon. G. L. Hand, 'Speech: Foundations for the Future', House of Representatives, Hansard, 10 December 1985, p. 3152.

[29] The Hon. G. L. Hand, 'Speech: Foundations for the Future', House of Representatives, Hansard, 10 December 1985, p. 3152.

[30] The Hon. G. L. Hand, 'Speech: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Bill 1988: Second Reading', House of Representatives, Hansard, 24 August 1988, p. 251.

[31] The Hon. G. L. Hand, 'Speech: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Bill 1989: Second Reading', House of Representatives, Hansard, 4 May 1989, p. 1994.

[32] ATSIC, Annual Report, 1993-94, p. 27.

[33] The Hon. Philip Ruddock, Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, 'Good Governance and Conflicts of Interest in ATSIC', Media Release, 17 April 2003.

[34] See, for example, Gary Johns, “Aboriginal Separatism has Failed – so Let’s Stop Funding it”, The Australian, 20 June 2003, subsequently published by the Bennelong Society.

[35] 'ATSIC Split Labelled a "Backward Step"', ABC Online, 15 May 2003.

[36] Report to the Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia 1993.

[37] Report to the Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia 1993, p. 14.

[38] To paraphrase the Second Reading Speech: '... we have no intention of repeating the failed ATSIC experiment'. See also transcript of Press Conference with the Prime Minister and Minister Vanstone, Parliament House, 15 April 2004.

[39] University of Technology Sydney, Submission 191, p. 12.

[40] ibid, pp. 8-9.

[41] ibid, p. 9.

[42] 'SACs generally comprise all Commissioners and Regional Council Chairpersons within a State/Territory. Though they have no legislative basis, they have been an expedient [vehicle] to consider State-wide policy issues and projects; negotiate with State/Territory governments; and pursue State/Territory-based strategic alliances. In some states these committees have consolidated into significant lobby groups.' See ATSIC Annual Report 2002-2003, Commonwealth of Australia 2003, p. 25.

[43] University of Technology Sydney, Submission 191, p. 9.

[44] ibid, p. 11.

[45] Second Reading speech (40th Parliament) p. 2.

[46] Paragraph 2.18.

[47] UTS, Submission 191, p. 3.

[48] UTS, Submission 191, p. 9.

[49] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005,p. 29.

[50] Michele Ivanitz and Ken McPhail, 'ATSIC: Autonomy or Accountability?', in Ian Holland and Jenny Fleming (eds), Government Reformed: Values and New Political Institutions, Aldershot, 2003, p. 193.

[51] In the Hands of the Regions – A New ATSIC; Report of the review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Commonwealth of Australia, November 2003, p. 29.

[52] ibid, p. 31.

[53] ibid, p. 28.

[54] OIPC, Submission 128, p. 2.

[55] UTS, Submission 191, p. 35.

[56] Objectives, ATSIC Act.

[57] ibid, p. 29.

[58] UTS, Submission 191, p. 8.

[59] I. Anderson and W. Sanders, Aboriginal Health and Institutional Reform within Australian Federalism, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper 117, Australian National University, Canberra, 1996, p. 23.

[60] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding 2001, Canberra, 2001, chapter 4.

[61] ibid, p. 57.

[62] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding 2001, Canberra, 2001, chapter 4, p. 57.

[63] Larissa Behrendt, 'ATSIC Bashing', Arena Magazine, 67, October-November 2003, p. 28.

[64] Fred Chaney, 'Alan Missen Memorial Lecture [Delivered at Parliament House, Canberra, 27 August 1997]', Melbourne Journal of Politics, Volume 25 1998, pp. 9-20.

[65] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 33.

[66] See, for example, Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 9.

[67] ATSIC, Submission 202, p. 4.

[68] Northern Land Council, Submission 193, pp. 6-7.

[69] Cairns and District Regional Council, Submission 217, p. 1.

[70] Mr Clarke, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 4 February 2005, p. 9.

[71] Professor Altman, Submission 206, p. 2.

[72] ibid, page 30. See also ATSIC SA Regional Councils, Submission 220, pp. 8-9; and Public Discussion Paper, Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, ATSIC Review Panel, June 2003, p. 33.

[73] Second Reading Speech, p. 2.

[74] Mr Geoff Clarke, Submission 182, p. 3.

[75] ibid, p. 28.

[76] Mr Norman Fry, Darwin, Committee Hansard, 24 August 2004, p. 66.

[77] Mr Clinton Hoffman, Nhulunbuy, Committee Hansard, 25 August 2004, p. 15.

[78] Mr Troy Austin, ATSIC's unique voice and record of achievement, Media Release, ATSIC News Room, 22 April 2004.

[79] Professor Altman, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 2.

[80] Dr Sanders, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 3.

[81] ATSIC, Submission 202, p. 4.

[82] ibid.

[83] UTS, Submission 191, p. 4.

[84] ATSIC, Submission 202, p. 4.

[85] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 37.

[86] Dr Paul David, Cairns, Committee Hansard, 27 August 2004, p. 26.

[87] Mr Martin Dore, Cairns, Committee Hansard, 27 August 2004, p. 21.

[88] Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission 196, p. [2].

[89] Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Submission 198, p. 2.

[90] ibid, p. 3.

[91] ibid.

[92] ibid, pp. 5-6.

[93] Coordinator Arts and Cultural Services, City of Yarra, Submission 222, p. 2.

[94] Professor Altman, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 2; Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 5.

[95] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 5.

[96] Hon John Hannaford, ATSIC Review Panel Convenor, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 25.

[97] Second reading speech (40th Parliament), p. 1.

[98] Senate Hansard, 1 December 2004, p. 1.

[99] Mr Gibbons, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 26.

[100] Note that Mr Vaughan, Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, in his statements during a hearing mistakenly reverses which class of asset goes to which body: Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 9.

[101] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 3, Item 48.

[102] Mr Gibbons, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 23; see also DIMIA and OIPC Submission 128A, pp. 2-3. Although decisions have been made to divest these shares to other Indigenous organisations, the Committee understands implementation is being delayed by taxation issues.

[103] OIPC, Submission 128B, Q.3.

[104] Submission 144, p. 11.

[105] OIPC, Submission 128B, Q.3.

[106] Mr Larkin, AIATSIS, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, pp.28–9; Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Estimates Hansard, 27 May 2004, pp. 60–1.

[107] ATSIC Act 1989, S.76.

[108] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 2, Item 1; Mr Vaughan, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 38.

[109] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 2, Item 1.

[110] 'In the Hands of the Regions', Recommendation 54.

[111] Submission 179a, p. 15, footnotes in original omitted.

[112] Submission 179a, p. 8.

[113] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report of the Indigenous Funding Inquiry, Vol. 1, pp. 59–61.

[114] Ms Weepers, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 36.

[115] See, for example, comments regarding Native Title Representative Bodies: Mr Vaughan, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 37.

[116] OIPC Submission 128B, Q16, provides some budget data, but it is not able to be used for comparisons of the old and proposed new arrangements for OEA.

[117] ATSIC Act S.191Q.

[118] ATSIC Act S.191N; See also Mr Vaughan, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p.7.

[119] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Item 136.

[120] In a related manner, the Committee notes that the retention of the phrase ', as the case may be,' in subsection 42(3) of the AIATSIS Act will make no sense if the Bill proceeds in its current form.

[121] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Item 133.

[122] Mr Vaughan, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 27.

[123] Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p.37. See also ILC, Submission 228, p. 1.

[124] Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p.42.

[125] Mr Galvin, Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p. 45.

[126] One Board member is required to be a Commissioner under the ATSIC Act 1989, s.191X(5). This subsection is proposed to be repealed under the Bill.

[127] ATSIC Act 1989, S.148.

[128] ibid, S.151.

[129] ibid, S.150.

[130] ibid, S.154.

[131] ibid, S.153.

[132] Submission 130, p. 7.

[133] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Item 112.

[134] Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 27.

[135] ATSIC Act 1989, S.12(1)

[136] ibid, S.67(5).

[137] Submission 130, p.10.

[138] Submission 130, p.7.

[139] John Uhrig, Review of the Corporate Governance of Statutory Authorities and Office Holders, June 2003, p. 12,

[140] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Items 135.

[141] OIPC Submission 128B, Q.18.

[142] OIPC, Submission 128B, Q.19.

[143] Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p.102.

[144] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Items 121, 140.

[145] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 4, Item 17.

[146] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 4, Item 23.

[147] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 4, Item 24. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act retains provisions that the Commissioner may conduct consultations with Indigenous community organisations etc.

[148] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 4, Item 26.

[149] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Schedule 1, Item 108.

[150] NACCHO Submission 179a, p. 9.

[151] NACCHO, Submission 179a, p. 5.

[152] Hon John Howard MP, Joint Press Conference with Senator Amanda Vanstone, Parliament House, Canberra, 15 April 2004.

[153] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Item 2.

[154] Hon John Howard MP, Joint Press Conference with Senator Amanda Vanstone, Parliament House, Canberra, 15 April 2004.

[155] House of Representatives Hansard, 2 June 2004, p. 29858.

[156] ATSIC Amendment Bill, Second reading speech, Senate Hansard, 1 December 2004, p. 1.

[157] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 21.

[158] The Hon Gary Hardgrave MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 27 May 2004, p. 29316.

[159] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 5.

[160] ibid.

[161] ibid, p. 7.

[162] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 30.

[163] Submission 243, p. 2.

[164] Submission 242, 'The Steps Taken'.

[165] Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation, Submission 55, p. 2.

[166] ACT Chief Minister, Submission 169, p. 2.

[167] ATSIC Wunan Regional Council, Submission 107, p. 2.

[168] Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Submission 185, p. 5.

[169] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, p. 17.

[170] Melbourne Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace, Submission 173, p. 7.

[171] Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Submission 144, p. 14.

[172] ATSIC NT North Zone Commissioner Hill, Submission 100, p. 4.

[173] Combined Aboriginal Organisations, Submission 51, p. 3.

[174] Central Remote Regional Council, Submission 52, pp. 1–2.

[175] Australian Council of Social Services, Submission 157, p. 6.

[176] United Nations website: (accessed 1 March 2005).

[177] Mr Glendinning, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 59.

[178] Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, Submission 191, p. 4.

[179] Professor Behrendt, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 22.

[180] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Submission 3, p. 9.

[181] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Submission 3, p. 11.

[182] See generally FAIRA, Submission 242, p. 10; ATSIC, Submission 202, p. 7 and the discussion of Mr Malezer, Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p. 47.

[183] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[184] Mr Glendinning, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 60.

[185] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[186] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[187] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[188] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[189] These bodies are in Sweden, Norway and Finland.

[190] Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, pp. 57, 60–61.

[191] (accessed 1 March 2005).

[192] Ms Anderson, Committee Hansard, Alice Springs, 20 July 2004, p. 53.

[193] 'In the Hands of the Regions", p. 8.

[194] Formerly the Steering Committee from the National Indigenous Leaders Meeting. See also Prof Dodson et al, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 30–44.

[195] National Indigenous Leaders Meeting Summary Report: see Reconciliation Australia, Submission 225a, p. 17.

[196] Will Sanders, Prospects for regionalism in Indigenous Community Governance, AIATSIS Seminar, 27 April 2004, (accessed 1 March 2005).

[197] See for example, the models of regional governance put forward by: The Combined Aboriginal Organisations – Alice Springs, Submission 51; Yamatji Marpla Barna Baba Maaja Aboriginal Community, Submission 87A; Wunan Regional Council, Submission 107 & 107A; Southwest Aboriginal Land Sea Council, Submission 175; Murdi Paaki Regional Council, Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, pp. 8-18; Miwatj Provincial Regional Council, Committee Hansard Nhulunbuy, 25 August, pp. 2-13.

[198] Murdi Paaki Regional Council, Submission 141, p. 5.

[199] Committee Hansard, Broome, 22 July 2004, p. 32.

[200] Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 24.

[201] ATSIC Regional Councils of South Australia, Nulla Wimila Kutju Regional Council, Patpa Warra Yunti Regional Council, Wangka Wilurra Regional Council, Submission 220, pp. 8–9.

[202] See for example Binaal Billa Regional Council, Submission 213, pp. 4–5; ATSIC Yilli Reeung Regional Council, Submission 152, pp. 5–6; Central Remote Regional Council, Submission 52, pp. 6–8.

[203] Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 3.

[204] Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, p. 13.

[205] Mr Clark, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 4 February 2005, p. 11.

[206] Dr Cooper, Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 2 February 2005, p. 71.

[207] Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 19.

[208] Councillor Wunungmurra, Committee Hansard, Nhulunbuy, 25 August 2004, p. 9.

[209] The Hon. Gary Hardgrave, House of Representatives Hansard, 27 May 2004, p. 29316.

[210] Prof. Behrendt, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 28.

[211] Submission 141, pp. 5–6.

[212] Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p. 8.

[213] Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, p. 59.

[214] Mr Anthony Dennison, Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, pp. 82–3.

[215] Prof. Behrendt, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, pp. 26–7.

[216] Mr Munro, Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, p. 79.

[217] Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 19. A similar view was put to the Committee by Mr Malezer from the Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action, who argued that the emergence of a new national representative organisation was essential for government and would inevitably re-emerge. Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p. 52.

[218] Mr Tapim, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, p. 8.

[219] Mr Gibbons, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, pp. 28-29.

[220], accessed 28 February 2005.

[221] ibid.

[222] Mr Yates, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 2.

[223] Mr Dore, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, p. 21.

[224] Mr Fry, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 74.

[225] See, for example, Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding 2001; Productivity Commission, Overcoming Indigenous DisadvantageKey Indicators 2003, Canberra.

[226] Productivity Commission, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage-Key Indicators 2003, Canberra.

[227] ibid, pp. 1-17. See, for example, p. 17, where Indigenous Australians are reported to be 17 times more likely to be incarcerated than non-Indigenous Australians as at June 2002.

[228] In the Hands of the Regions – A New ATSIC; Report of the Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Commonwealth of Australia, November 2003.

[229] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding, 2001.

[230] "In the Hands of the Regions', p. 21.

[231] Ms Delaney-Thiele, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 69.

[232] Dr Robyn Sheen, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 6.

[233] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 2.

[234] ibid.

[235] ibid.

[236] Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Management Advisory Committee, Connecting Government: Whole of Government Responses to Australia's Priority Challenges, Canberra, p. 1.

[237] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 2.

[238], accessed 28 February 2005.

[239] ibid.

[240], accessed 28 February, 2005.

[241] ibid.


[243] Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage – Key Indicators 2003, p. i.

[244] Mr Banks, speech to the conference Pursuing Opportunity and Prosperity, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economics and Social Reform/The Australian, Melbourne, 13 November 2003, p. 12.

[245] ATSIC Yilli Rreung Regional Council, Submission 152, p. 8.

[246] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 24.

[247] ibid, p. 3.

[248] DIMIA, Submission 128, p. 24.

[249] ibid, p. 46.

[250] ibid, p. 46.

[251] ibid, pp. 30-31.

[252] ibid, p. 2.

[253] DIMIA, Submission 128, p. 40.

[254] DIMIA, Submission 128, pp. 52 & 64.

[255] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, February 8 2005, p. 30.

[256] DIMIA, Submission 128, p. 31.

[257] ibid, pp. 39-40.

[258] DIMIA, Submission 128, see for example, pp 31, 36, 45, 47 & 62.

[259] ibid.

[260] Chairperson Ella-Duncan, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 90. Please note that in subsequent correspondence to the Committee, the rent collection requirement was listed as being 90%.

[261] NACCHO, Submission 179, p. 14.

[262] Mr Monaghan, Proof Committee Hansard, Alice Springs, 20 July 2004, p. 2.

[263] DIMIA Submission 128A, p. 28.


[265] ACTU Submission 158, p. 15.

[266] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 27.

[267] Hon. John Hannaford, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 23.

[268] ACTU, Submission 158, p. 15.

[269] Professor Altman, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, pp. 7-8.

[270] Reconciliation Australia, Submission 225, p. 4.

[271] Hon. John Hannaford, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 23.

[272] ACTU, Submission 158, p. 15.

[273] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 7.

[274] ACTU, Submission 158, p. 16.

[275] Whitehorse Friends for Reconciliation, Submission 55, p. 4.

[276] ATSIC Board of Commissioners, Submission 202, p. 6.

[277] Commissioner Williams, Proof Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 31 January 2005, p. 4.

[278] Professor Dodson, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 15.

[279] Mr Geoff Scott, Submission 233, pp. 15-16.

[280] Mr Calma, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 15.

[281] ibid, pp. 11-12.

[282] ibid, pp. 17-18.

[283] See for example, Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 2.

[284] Mr Trevena, Proof Committee Hansard, Broome, 22 July 2004, p. 16.

[285] ibid.

[286] Dr Sanders, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 9.

[287] Response to Question on Notice 4(c), received 22 February 2005.

[288] Mr Hannan, Proof Committee Hansard, Moree, 1 February 2005, pp. 72-73.

[289] See New arrangements in Indigenous Affairs, Australian Government, November 2004, p. 18.

[290] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 24.

[291] Dr Ryan, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, pp. 29-30. See also Northern Land Council, Submission 193, p. 7.

[292] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 14.

[293] ibid.

[294] ibid, p. 15.

[295] Professor Altman, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 10.

[296] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 14.

[297] ibid, pp. 3 & 18.

[298] ibid, p. 3.

[299] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 15.

[300] Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, Submission 181a, p 7.

[301] This was an agreement reached with the community, whereby the community 'agreed' to ensure children washed their faces twice a day, in order to reduce the prevalence of trachoma in the community. In return, the government would install for the community two petrol bowsers.

[302] Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, Submission 181a, pp 7-8.

[303] Mr Dore, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, pp. 21-23.

[304] Mr Hunter, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 60.

[305] Mr Hunter, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 59.

[306] ATSIC NSW Eastern Zone, Submission 142, pp.12-13.

[307] Professor Dodson, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 36.

[308] Australian Public Service Commission, State of the Service Report 2003-2004, Chapter 8.

[309] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 13.

[310] For details, please consult the Public Service Commission website -

[311] ANTaR, Submission 181a, p. 5.

[312] Mr Hunter, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, pp. 59-60.

[313] Commissioner Hill, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 11.

[314] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding (2001). See, for example, Central Land Council, Submission 194; ATSIC Board of Commissioners, Submission 202.

[315] Commonwealth Grants Commission, Report on Indigenous Funding, 2001, Vol. 1, p. 59.

[316] ATSIC Board of Commissioners, Submission 202, p. 21.

[317] Central Land Council, Submission 194, p. 14.

[318] Senator Amanda Vanstone, Deeds more important than words, 9 July 2004, accessed at on 16 February 2005.

[319] Reconciliation Australia, Submission 225, p. 5.

[320] Mr Fry, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 71. See also Northern Land Council Submission 193, p. 9; Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Submission 185, p. 9; ATSIC NSW Eastern Zone, Submission 142, p. 12.

[321] ibid.

[322] Mr O'Brien, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 45.

[323] Professor Altman, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 3 February 2005, p. 8.

[324] Mr Pilot, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, p. 10.

[325] Mr Monaghan, Committee Hansard, Alice Springs, 20 July 2004, p. 5. On the practical difficulties faced by ICC managers, see also Commissioner Hill, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2004, p. 11; Mr Yeatman, Committee Hansard, Cairns, 27 August 2004, p. 49.

[326] Commissioner Hill, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 24 August 2005, p. 11.

[327] Hon John Hannaford, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 18 February 2005, p. 23.

[328] Sydney Regional Council, Submission 204, p. 3.

[329] Professor Behrendt, Proof Committee Hansard, Sydney, 2 February 2005, p. 27.

[330] Hon. Mr Howsen, Submission 235, p. 1.

[331] 'In the Hands of the Regions', p. 80.

[332] ATSIC NT North Zone Commissioner Hill, Submission 100, p. 10. See also Mr Des Rogers, Submission 57, p. 1.

[333] Mr Yates, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 29 June 2004, p. 2.

[334] See The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, HREOC, Social Justice Report 2002, pp30-47.

[335] See Committee Report, chapter 2, pp.6-11.

[336] For example the Bowraville property which MiiMi Mothers Aboriginal Corporation had been granted ATSIC approval to acquire.

[337] FACS, answer to questions on notice, 4 February 2005.

[338] See paras 3.20 to 3.38.

[339] Howson, Submission 235, p. 1

[340] AIATSIS, Submission 144, p. 16

[341] Reconciliation Australia, Submission 225, p. 3

[342] National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Submission 179a, p. 10.

[343] ibid, p. 9.

[344] ibid

[345] Dr Shergold, Proof Committee Hansard, Canberra, 8 February 2005, p. 2.