Terms of Reference

Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities

Terms of Reference

Extract from Journals of the Senate
No. 9 dated 19 March 2008

  1. That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities, be appointed to inquire into and report on:
    1. the effectiveness of Australian Government policies following the Northern Territory Emergency Response, specifically on the state of health, welfare, education and law and order in regional and remote Indigenous communities;
    2. the impact of state and territory government policies on the wellbeing of regional and remote Indigenous communities;
    3. the health, welfare, education and security of children in regional and remote Indigenous communities; and
    4. the employment and enterprise opportunities in regional and remote Indigenous communities.
  2. That the committee report to the Senate on 30 September 2008, 30 March 2009 (amended to 15 June 2009), 30 September 2009 (amended to 26 November 2009), 30 March 2010 (amended to 13 May 2010) and 30 September 2010 (tabled out of session on 24 September 2010).

Appointment of the committee

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