Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Witnesses who appeared before the committee at public hearings

Monday 24 August 2009

Karrayili Adult Education Centre, Fitzroy Crossing WA

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Scullion (Chair)
Senator Adams
Senator Siewert
Senator Moore


Fitzroy Futures Governing Committee
Mr Joe Ross

Western Australia Country Health Service
Mr Bert Dorgelo
Ms Genevieve Hawkes

Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre, Mobile Playgroup Unit
Ms Helen Fitzgerald
Ms Christine Gray

Kurungal Council
Ms Rhonda Wilcomes
Mr Gerrard Lawford

Shire of Derby/West Kimberley
Ms Elsia Archer
Mr Shane Burge
Ms Annette Kogolo
Mr Andrew Twaddle

Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services
Mr Patrick Davies
Ms Trish Muir

Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre
Ms Christine Gray
Ms Olive Knight

Marra Worra Worra Inc.
Mr Harry Yungabun

Karrayili Adult Education Centre
Ms Carolyn Davey
Ms Irene Jimbidie
Mr William Shaw
Ms Tamela Vestergaard
Mr Philip Hams (private capacity)

Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre
Mr Joe Brown
Mr Neil Carter
Mr Matt Dawson
Mr Wes Morris

Leedal Pty Ltd
Mr Patrick Green
Mr John Rodrigues

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Halls Creek Recreation Centre, Halls Creek WA

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Scullion (Chair)
Senator Adams
Senator Siewert
Senator Moore 


Shire of Halls Creek
Mr Warren Olsen

Warmun Community (Turkey Creek) Inc.
Mr Chris Clare

Kimberley Language Resource Centre
Mrs Patsy Bedford
Ms Vikki Butters
Ms Siobhan Casson
Ms Olive Knight
Mr Stewart Morton

Yarliyil Art Centre
Ms Bonnie Deegan
Ms Thelma McGinty
Ms Lulu Trancollino
Ms Jane Butters (private capacity)

Halls Creek People's Church
Mr Henry Ahchoo
Mr Jamie Elliot
Mrs Kathleen Bates
Pastor Jonathan Bates
Ms Laura Florisson
Mr Robert Reichel

Halls Creek Aboriginal Corporation
Ms Mildred Hills

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council
Ms Valma Banks
Ms Eva Johnson

Yura Yungi Aboriginal Medical Services
Mr Chris Loessl
Ms Virginia O'Neil
Mr Franky Sampi
Dr David Shepherd (private capacity)

Taylor's Store
Mr Stephen Barnes

Ngaringga Ngurra Aboriginal Corporation Safehouse
Ms Joan Bedford
Mrs Dale Reichel

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Nirrumbuk Skills Centre, Broome WA

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Scullion (Chair)
Senator Adams
Senator Siewert
Senator Moore


Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia
Mr Dominic Brunello
Mr Peter Collins

Kimberley Land Council
Mr Tom Birch
Mr Nolan Hunter

Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council
Ms Maxine Armstrong
Ms Lynette Masuda

Nirrumbuk Skills Centre
Mr William Clements
Mr Bob Mahony
Ms Tehani Mahony

Mamabulanjin Aboriginal Corporation
Mr Neil Gower
Mr Thomas King

Shire of Broome
Mr Graeme Campbell
Mr Kenneth Donohoe

Catholic Diocese of Broome
Father Matthew Digges

Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation
Ms Caroline Sibosado

Western Australia Police
Inspector Garry Annetts
Inspector James Cave

Thursday 8 October 2009

Narrogin Town Hall, Narrogin WA

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Johnston (Acting Chair)
Senator Pratt (Acting Deputy Chair)
Senator Siewert
Senator Adams


WA Country Health Service
Mr Sean Conlan, Acting Director of Wheatbelt Population Health
Mr Tim Free, Regional Director
Mr Paul Seats, Operations Manager Southern Wheatbelt
Ms Alison Woods, Acting Manager, Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health Service
Ms Dee Hollett, Acting Manager, Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health Service
Ms Meredith Freebairn, Team Leader, Great Southern Mental Health Service

South West Aboriginal Medical Service
Mr Quenten Jackson, Health Service Manager
Mr Paul Snellgrove, Social Worker

Mr Darryl Kickett (private capacity)

Associate Professor Ted Wilkes (private capacity)

Mr Darrell Henry (private capacity)

Narrogin Police
Senior Sergeant Martin Voyez
Inspector David Picton-King

Wheatbelt Development Commission
Mr Grant Arthur
Mr Graham Ellis-Smith 

Narrogin Aboriginal Reference Group
Ms Priscilla Kickett
Mr Basil Kickett

Narrogin Elders Group
Mr Les Eades, Elders Group
Mrs Murrel Bolton, Elders Group

Kooraminning Aboriginal Corporation
Mr Murray Riley
Mr Dean Colbung 

District Education Office
Ms Erica McGuire

Friday 9 October 2009

Legislative Council Committee Office, Perth WA

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Johnston (Acting Chair)
Senator Pratt (Acting Deputy Chair)
Senator Siewert
Senator Adams


Legal Aid WA
Mr Lex Payne, Director Regional
Ms Anna O'Connor, Lawyer, Acting Solicitor in Charge of the Goldfields Regional Office
Mr Malcolm Bradshaw, Director Business Services

WAITCH project
Ms Kadambii Barnao
Mr Vasudeva Barnao
Elder Ken Colbung Nundjan Djiridjakin
Mr Dennis Simmons Kaiber
Ms Tracy Gilbert
Mr Shannon Kearing

Commissioner for Children and Young People
Ms Michelle Scott, Commissioner

Liquor Commission
Mr Jim Fremantle, Chairman

Department for Child Protection
Mr Terrence Murphy, Director General
Mr Ross Councillor, Manager Consulting Services

Desert Knowledge Australia
The Hon Fred Chaney AO, Chair

Department of Corrective Services
Mr Neil Fong, Assistant Commissioner
Ms Jacqueline Tang, Deputy Commissioner, Offender Management and Professional Development

Department of the Attorney General
Mr Andrew Marshall, Manager, Research and Analysis

Department of Indigenous Affairs
Mr Patrick Walker, Director General
Ms Noela Taylor, Executive Director, Policy and Reform
Mr Duncan Ord, Executive Director, North

WA Police
Acting Commander Darryl Gaunt
Mr Robert Skesteris, Executive Manager of Indigenous and Community Diversity Unit
Detective Inspector Steve George
Detective Inspector Darren Seivwright

Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)
Mr Bill Mitchell, President
Ms Jody Holbrook, Policy Manager Community

Thursday 15 October 2009

Masonic Centre, Sydney NSW

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Scullion (Chair)
Senator Moore (Acting Deputy Chair)
Senator Adams
Senator Payne


Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (NSW)
Ms Sylvia Ghaly, Manager of Policy and Membership

Women's Legal Service NSW
Ms Donna Hensen, Coordinator of the Indigenous Women's Program
Ms Natascha Rohr, Acting Supervisor, Solicitor of Women's Legal Resource Centre

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research
Dr Don Weatherburn, Director

Mission Australia (NSW)
Ms Anne Hampshire, National Manager, Research & Social Policy
Mr Phillip Leslie, State Director for the NT

Ms Kathy Rankin, General Manager, Training and Education Support
Mr Paul Callaghan, Institute Director, New England Institute of TAFE
Mr Tony Dreise, Director Aboriginal Learning Partnerships, North Coast Institute,

UnitingCare Children, Young People & Families Services (NSW)
Ms Jane Woodruff, Direct of Uniting Care Children, Young People and Families
Ms Rita Perkons, Director of Social Justice, partnerships and communication
Ms Liz Price, Acting Manager of Orana Far West Area
Ms Servena McIntyre, Manager of Child Family Team

NSW Department of Corrective Services (NSW)
Mr Luke Grant, Assistant Commissioner, Offender Services and Programs
Ms Rhonda Booby, Executive Director, Offender Services and Programs
Ms Susan Wojciechowski, Senior Project Officer

Department of Aboriginal Affairs
Ms Jody Broun, Director-General

Housing NSW
Mr Mike Allen, Chief Executive

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