List of Recommendations

List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.42    The committee recommends that COAG consider at its first meeting in 2010 how communication and consultation with all relevant stakeholders in the delivery of the COAG targets can be improved. Furthermore, progress in improving communication and consultation should be publicly reported.

Recommendation 2

2.68       The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government take a more active role in driving reform of the criminal justice system with the aim of reducing the alarmingly high level of contact of Indigenous Australians, particularly Indigenous young people.

Recommendation 3

3.142    While recognising that some measures contain specific strategies to address workforce shortages, the committee recommends that the Commonwealth and Northern Territory governments develop a comprehensive strategy to address workforce shortages in all areas associated with the NTER measures.

Recommendation 4

3.143    The committee also recommends that progress made in addressing workforce shortages should be included in the Monitoring Report.

Recommendation 5

4.22    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth support the Western Australian Police in continuing to ensure that the message to use greater discretion in policing in remote communities is communicated to and well understood by officers in the field and that they have the appropriate guidelines, training and support to do so.

Recommendation 6

4.46    The committee recommends that all Commonwealth, state and territory government departments provide appropriate remuneration packages to staff in remote communities in order to attract and retain a skilled workforce.

Recommendation 7 

4.55    The committee recommends that the Western Australian government consider conducting a comprehensive analysis of non-custodial sentencing options to reduce the unacceptably high incarceration rates in regional and remote Indigenous communities, with particular attention to the social and economic costs and benefits of alternatives and the factors driving significantly high rates of reoffending.

Recommendation 8

4.66    The committee recommends that the Western Australian government consider undertaking an audit of the substance and scale of rehabilitation programs and post-custodial release programs to address the unacceptably high rate of Indigenous recidivism in the state.

Recommendation 9

4.67    The committee recommends that the Western Australian government consider developing a comprehensive, culturally appropriate strategy to address Indigenous incarceration rates and recidivism that is based on sound international and domestic evidence.

Recommendation 10

4.78    The committee recommends that COAG increase the level of consultation and engagement with local governments in formulating its strategy to deliver cost-effective and appropriate municipal services to remote communities and develop an explicit communication strategy to ensure that local government in Western Australia is aware of is responsibilities.

Recommendation 11

4.102    As a matter of urgency, the committee recommends that all levels of government clarify who is to provide municipal services to remote Indigenous communities and arrange for the adequate resourcing of these services.

Recommendation 12

4.157    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth work with the Western Australian government to support the development of an explicit plan to ensure that alcohol restrictions in regional and remote communities, including Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek, be supported by adequate rehabilitation and community support services to address alcohol addiction and problem drinking.

4.158    The committee further recommends that the plan include a consistent approach to alcohol management that includes effective community consultation and decision making.

Recommendation 13

4.163    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments work together to ensure that adequate and long term funding and support for the for the youth service in Balgo is provided.

Recommendation 14

4.184    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth considers the development of a communication strategy to provide simple, practical advice to parents and guardians caring for a child with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and that the status of FASD as a recognised disability is clarified to ensure that parents, caregivers, schools and communities are able to provide adequate support to children with FASD.

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