Senate Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities
Media release - Press statement
The Senate Select Committee inquiring into Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities will be visiting Indigenous organisations and talking with community representatives in Fitzroy Crossing, Balgo and Derby between 19-22 August 2008.
The committee intends to gather first-hand evidence on a range of problems and challenges encountered in these communities, focussing initially on the most pressing and urgent needs and to learn more about what is working well in local communities.
The outcomes and experiences of the committee during these visits will be incorporated into the committee's first report due to be tabled in the Senate on 30 September.
The select committee was established in March this year and is required to report to the Senate twice yearly until the end of the current parliament on four broad issues, including the impact of state and territory government policies on the wellbeing of regional and remote indigenous communities, the health, welfare, education and security of children in these communities, employment and enterprise opportunities as well as the effectiveness of Commonwealth Government policies following the Northern Territory Emergency Response.
The committee has received a number of submissions which are all publicly available on its website Further submissions from Indigenous people, communities and organisations, local, state, territory and Commonwealth governments, non-government organisations and other interested people are welcome.
More information about the committee and its terms of reference are available on its website or by ringing 1800 728 963.
The committee is chaired by the Opposition Shadow Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, Senator the Hon David Johnston.
Other members of the committee include:
Northern Territory Labor Senator Trish Crossin (Deputy Chair)
Northern Territory CLP Senator Nigel Scullion
Western Australian Liberal Senator Judith Adams
Queensland Labor Senator Claire Moore
Western Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert
Media contact
Committee Secretary 0419 292 755
Senator Johnston's Office: Ms Rebecca Horton 0427 449 120
Terms of Reference
Extract from Journals of the Senate
No. 9 dated 19 March 2008
That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities, be appointed to inquire into and report on:
the effectiveness of Australian Government policies following the Northern Territory Emergency Response, specifically on the state of health, welfare, education and law and order in regional and remote Indigenous communities;
the impact of state and territory government policies on the wellbeing of regional and remote Indigenous communities;
the health, welfare, education and security of children in regional and remote Indigenous communities; and
the employment and enterprise opportunities in regional and remote Indigenous communities.
That the committee report to the Senate on 30 September 2008, 30 March 2009, 30 September 2009, 30 March 2010 and 30 September 2010.
Although the first round of submissions were due by 30 May 2008, the committee will accept further submissions at anytime throughout the course of its inquiry.
For further information, contact:
Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600