Appendix 1 - Submissions Received

Appendix 1 - Submissions Received

Number                Submitter

  1. Mr Campbell Simpson
  2. Professor Peter Newman
  3. & 3a Ms Betty E Moore
  4. Mr Colin Cook
  5. Mr Peter Donald
  6. Ms Joy Wii
  7. International Association of Public Transport
  8. Ms Petrina Van Reyk
  9. Australian Institute of Urban Studies, Queensland Division
  10. Mr Geoff Holman
  11. Professor Patrick Troy AO
  12. Sustainable Population Australia Inc, Tasmania Branch
  13. Dr Elizabeth Karol & Dr Margaret Giles
  14. Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia
  15. Local Government Association of Tasmania
  16. Mr Hugh Stretton AC
  17. Housing Industry Association
  18. Queensland Community Housing Coalition
  19. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
  20. Urban Development Institute of Australia, South Australia
  21. Housing & Urban Research Institute of Western Australia
  22. Mr Terence Booth
  23. Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Bayside Branch
  24. Urban Development Institute of Australia, Queensland
  25. Mr Paul Pollard
  26. Dr Rowland Atkinson
  27. Professor Gavin Wood
  28. Nature and Society Forum
  29. Mr Stephen McIntosh
  30. Master Builders Australia
  31. Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
  32. Urban Research Centre, University of Western Sydney
  33. Associate Professor Kath Hulse & Professor Terry Burke
  34. The Salvation Army
  35. Municipal Association of Victoria
  36. Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union
  37. Brisbane City Council
  38. City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales
  39. Tasmanian Liberals
  40. Australian Council of Social Service
  41. Gecko - Gold Coast & Hinterland Environment Council
  42. Shelter WA
  43. Planning Institute of Australia
  44. Urban Development Institute of Australia (National)
  45. Urban Development Institute of Australia Western Australia
  46. Real Estate Institute of Australia
  47. Dr Nicole Gurran
  48. Mr Loris Hemlof
  49. Urban Development Institute of Australia, New South Wales
  50. Adjunct Professor Tony Sorensen
  51. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
  52. Abacus - Australian Mutuals
  53. Real Estate Institute or Western Australia
  54. Australian Association of Social Workers
  55. Mr Vince Mangioni
  56. The Australia Institute
  57. National Shelter
  58. Mr Robert Mostafavi and Mrs Soghra Lashkenarie
  59. City of Port Phillip
  60. Association to Resource Co-operative Housing
  61. Mr Phil Williams
  62. Dr Shann Turnbull
  63. Cr Julie Burke
  64. Mr Geoffrey Alexander
  65. Associate Professor Angelo Karantonis
  66. Northern Rivers Social Development Council
  67. The Mercury Centre
  68. Northern Territory Government
  69. Mr Richard Stone
  70. Mr John McAuley
  71. Local Government Association of Queensland
  72. Ballina Shire Council
  73. Fair Access to Initial Real Estate
  74. Dr Brett Edgerton
  75. ACT Government
  76. Tweed Shire Council
  77. St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia
  78. Mr Craig Gedye
  79. Mr Tony Powell AO
  80. Mr David Van Der Klauw
  81. Tasmanian Government
  82. The Village Building Co.
  83. Professor Robert Stimson & Dr Alistair Robson
  84. Property Council of Australia
  85. City of Greater Geelong
  86. Community Housing Coalition of WA
  87. Western Australian Government
  88. South Australian Government
  89. NT Shelter
  90. New South Wales Government
  91. Hon Catherine Cusack, MLC
  92. Pilbara Community Legal Service
  93. Pilbara Area Consultative Committee
  94. Real Estate Institute of Western Australia, Pilbara Division
  95. Pilbara Association of Non Government Organisations
  96. Pilbara Regional Council
  97. Anglicare Tasmania
  98. Launceston City Council
  99. Tassie Home Loans
  100. Infrastructure Partnerships Australia
  101. AussieBuild 3000
  102. Professor Andrew Beer, Dr Emma Baker, Dr Selina Tually & Dr Debbie Faulkner
  103. Confidential
  104. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
  105. The Hon Danna Vale MP

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