31 March 1999 the Senate referred the provisions of bills relating to Commonwealth-State
financial relations, luxury cars and the wine equalisation tax to the Select Committee
on a New Tax System for inquiry and report by 30 April 1999. The details of these
bills are set out above in the terms of reference. In its First Report
the Select Committee considered the economic modelling and projections underpinning
the Howard Government's tax reform package outlined in the document Tax Reform:
not a new tax, a new tax system. This report was tabled on 18 February 1999.
The Committee then examined the broader economic effects of the Government's
taxation reform package with regard to the fairness of the tax system; the living
standards of Australian households, especially those on low incomes; the efficiency
of the economy; and future public revenues. These matters were reported on in
the Committee's main report tabled on 19 April 1999. The Committee received
a total of 1441 submissions and 112 supplementary submissions during the course
of the inquiry. A full list of the submissions is detailed in the Main Report.
Submissions received since that report was tabled are set out in Appendix I. The
Committee had already received submissions and conducted hearings in relation
to the three matters specifically referred on 31 March 1999. To ensure that all
groups were aware of the 31 March 1999 reference the secretariat contacted all
inquiry participants affected by the bills referred. All were asked if they wished
to supplement their submissions. This final report takes such contributions into