17 December 1998 – Canberra


Mr Greg Smith, Executive Director, Budget Group, Treasury

Dr Ken Henry, Executive Director, Economic Group

Mr John Jepsen, Chief Adviser, Commonwealth-State Financial Reform, Treasury

Mr Paul McCullough, General Manager, Indirect Tax and Payment Design Division, Treasury

Mr Peter Simpson, Second Commissioner, Australian Taxation Officer

Mr David Tune, Executive Director, Department of Family and Community Services

Dr Neil Warren

Associate Professor of Economics, Australian Taxation Studies Program, University of NSW

18 December 1999 - Canberra

Dr David Johnson

Deputy Director, Institute of Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne

Professor Peter Dixon

Director, Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University

Mr Colin Hargreaves

Director, Economic Modelling Bureau of Australia and Editor of the Asia Pacific Economic Review

Queensland Treasury

Mr Gerard Bradley, Under Treasurer

Mr Mark Gray, Deputy Under Treasurer

28 January 1999 – Canberra

National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM)

Professor Ann Harding, Director, NATSEM, University of Canberra

National Farmers Federation Association

Mr Ian Donges, President

Dr Wendy Craik, Executive Director

Mr Bob Douglas, Director, Rural Policy

Mr Mark Grimson, Deputy Director, Rural Policy

St Vincent de Paul Society

Mr John Moore, President, National Council of Australia

Mr Terry B McCarthy, Chairman, National Steering Committee on Public Affairs

Mr John Wicks, Society Member

Tax Reform Ltd

Dr Glen Sheil, Director

Mr John McRobert, Director

Mr Derek Smith, Chairman

Professor Peter McDonald

Head, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University

Master Builders Association

Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, Deputy National Executive Director

Mr John Murray, National Executive Director

Road Transport Forum

Mr Andrew Higginson, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Robert Gunning, Member of Taxes, Charges and Roads Key Result Area

Mr Michael Apps, General Manager, Government Relations


Mr Greg Smith, Executive Director, Budget Group

Mr Bruce Quigley, Assistant Commissioner, Goods and Services Tax Legislation

Mr Peter Downes, Special Adviser (Microeconomic Modelling), Domestic Economy Divison

Mr Phillip Gallagher, Manager, Retirement and Income Modelling Unit

Mr John Jepson, Chief Advisor, Commonwealth State Financial Reform

Mr Paul McCullough, General Manager, Indirect Tax and Payment Design

Department of Family and Community Services

Mr David Tune, Executive Director

2 February 1999 – Melbourne

Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees Association

Mr Ian Blandthorn, National Assistant Secretary

Corporate Tax Association Inc

Mr Romano Nenna, President

Mr Frank Drenth, Executive Director

Australasian Railway Association Inc

Mr John Kirk, Executive Director

Mr David Hill, Research Officer

Mr Brian Williams, Manager Programs

Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr Steven Shepherd, Director, Policy and Communications

Mr Con Hristodoulidis, Senior Economist

Mr Steven Wojtkiw, Manager, Economics and Research Services

Municipal Association of Victoria

Councillor Brad Matheson, President

Mr Rob Spence, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Sarah Hunt, Senior Policy Adviser - General

Mr Rob Spargo, Member, Tax Reform Working Party

Victorian Council of Social Service

Mrs Dimity Fifer, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Gavin Dufty, Policy Officer

3 February 1999 – Melbourne

Professor Peter Dixon

Director, Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University

Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants

Ms Angela Ryan, Director, Taxation

Mr Paul Drum, Senior Tax Counsel

Ms Joycelyn Morton, National Vice President Intellectual Capital

Mr Ken Claughton, Member, Melbourne Indirect Tax Cell of the Taxation Centre of Excellence

Professor John Quiggin

Business Coalition for Tax Reform

Mr Fergus Ryan, Chairman

Dr Peter Burn, Secretary

4 February 1999 – Sydney

Tourism Task Force Ltd

Mr Christopher Brown, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Karl Flowers, Managing Director, Decisive Tourism Consulting

Mr Nick Hill, Taxation Adviser

Australian Food and Grocery Council

Mr Mitch Hooke, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

Mr Geoff Carmody, Consultant

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Ms Jennie George, President

Mr Grant Bellchamber, Senior Research Officer and Advocate

Australian Council of Social Service

Mr Michael Raper, President

Mr Peter Davidson, Social Policy Officer

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Mr Tim Skinner, Deputy Australian Statistician

Mr Rob Edwards, First Assistant Statistician, Economic Accounts Division

Mr Harry Kroon, Director, Household Income and Expenditure Section

Mr Keith Woolford, Director, Prices Development Section

5 February 1999 – Sydney


Mr Chris Murphy

Tourism Council of Australia

Mr Don Larkin, Deputy National President

Mr Warwick Ryan, Ernst & Young

Mr Stephen Albin, National Policy Manager

Mr Geoff Carmody, Access Economics

Inbound Tourism of Australia

Mr Laurie Stroud

Ms Bee Ho Teow

Mr Andrew Burns

Housing Industry Association

Dr Ron Silberberg, Managing Director

Mr Shane Goodwin, A/g Executive Director, Services and Policy

Mr Glenn Simpson, A/g Director, Industrial Relations and Legal Services

Ms Ruth Morschel, Director, Research and Policy

11 February 1999 – Canberra

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Mr Hank Spier, General Manager

15 February 1999 – Canberra


Mr Chris Murphy

Professor Peter Dixon

Director, Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University