Appendix I

Appendix I

List of Released Submissions & Papers

National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, University of Canberra, An Introduction to Microsimulation Models of Tax Reform, by Ann Harding and Neil Warren.

National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, University of Canberra, Distributional Impact of Possible Tax Reform Packages, by Neil Warren, Ann Harding, Martin Robinson, Simon Lambert and Gillian Beer.

Peter B.Dixon & Maureen T.Rimmer, The Government's Tax Package: Further Analysis based on the Monash Model.

A'Beckett, Mr Leslie, Rockhampton, QLD 176

A.R.Grieve & Associates, Lilydale, VIC 335

Abbeyfield Society (Australia) Ltd, Collingwood, VIC 780

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, Casuarina, NT 801

Aboriginal Co-ordinating Council, Cairns, QLD 1367

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the Northern Territory (AMSANT), Parap, NT 1396

ACROD, Curtin, ACT 606

ACT Monaro District Golf Association, Fisher, ACT 1092

Action for Public Transport, Haymarket, NSW 695

ACTU, Carlton South, VIC 383

Adams, Mr W, Granville, NSW 1420

Adelaide Central Mission, Adelaide, SA 866

Adelaide City Council, Adelaide, SA 1407

Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons Inc, Adelaide, SA 405

Adelaide Justice Coalition, Halifax St, SA 483

Adrian & Fellows, Solicitors, Sydney South, NSW 402

Adult Learning Australia Inc, Jamison Centre, ACT 852

Advance Australia Party, Wollongong, NSW 498

Advance Personnel (Canberra) Inc, Phillip, ACT 37

Advanced Fuels Technology Pty Ltd, Tullamarine, VIC 181

Advertising Federation of Australia Ltd, North Sydney, NSW 1065

Affiliated Park Residents' Associations of NSW - Inc, Nelson Bay, NSW 449

AFS Intercultural Programs Australia, Strawberry Hills, NSW 706

Aged Care Australia, South Melbourne, VIC 364

AGL Gas Networks Limited, Frenchs Forest, NSW 630

Ahrens, Ms Elsie, Leabrook, SA 178

Alcohol Advisory Council of Western Australia, Perth, WA 258

Alcohol and Drugs Council of Australia, Woden, ACT 696

Alexandrina Council, Goolwa, SA 1409

Allambie TV Service, Allambie Heights, NSW 1413

Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association Qld Inc, Margate, QLD 821

Alliance Française de Brisbane Incorporated, Brisbane, QLD 5

Anderson, Mr B, Terrigal, NSW 520

Andrew, Mr John, Maaroom, QLD 512

Andrews, Mr Mark, Clarence Park, SA 1315

Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Qvb Post Office, NSW 1019

Anglican Counselling Centre, Ashfield, NSW 678

Anglicare Australia Inc, West Melbourne, VIC 624

Anglicare Tasmania Inc, Hobart, TAS 237

Angus & Coote (Holdings) Ltd, Sydney, NSW 908

Animal Liberation, Newtown, NSW 986

Antiques and Old Ware, Hampton, VIC 1011

Apprentices Trainees Employment Ltd, Wodonga, VIC 984

Apps, Professor Patricia, Sydney, NSW 74

Archie, Mrs Dorothy, Ormiston, QLD 1231

Ardern, Mr Gray, Lower Templestowe, VIC 27

Ardern, Mrs Elsa, Warrandyte, VIC 28

Armidale Air Quality Group 1041

Armidale Cyclists and Cycleway Users Association, Armidale, NSW 744

Arnold, Mr Clive John, Mortdale, NSW 297

Arnoldt, Mr Peter, Rostrevor, SA 1398

ARPA Over 50s Association Ltd, Melbourne, VIC 239B

ARPA Over 50s Association Ltd, Melbourne, VIC 239

ARPA Over 50s Association Ltd, Melbourne, VIC 239A

Arthur Andersen, Sydney, NSW 927

Arthur, Mr D H, Hawthorn East, VIC 1347

Arts Industry Council (South Australia) Inc, Station Arcade, SA 974

Arts Industry Council (Vic), Southbank, VIC 1016

Arts Law Centre of Australia, Woolloomooloo, NSW 941

Arts Law Centre of Australia, Woolloomooloo, NSW 941A

Association Combined Civil Marriage Celebrants ACT and NSW Inc, Dundas, NSW 1001

Association for National Equality, Woodridge, QLD 1388

Association of Civil Marriage Celebrants of Queensland Inc, Bracken Ridge, QLD 155

Association of Civil Marriage Celebrants of South Australia Inc, Melrose Park, SA 286

Association of Civil Marriage Celebrants of Victoria Inc, North Balwyn, VIC 570

Association of Consulting Engineers Australia, North Sydney, NSW 1319

Association of Heads of Australian University Colleges & Halls, Inc, Canberra, ACT 689

Association of Independent Retirees, Inc, Buderim, QLD 305

Association of Major Community Organisations in South Australia, Adelaide, SA 906

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies Inc, West Perth, WA 1346

Association of Neighbourhood Houses & Learning Centres Inc, Melbourne, VIC 627

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Ltd, Sydney, NSW 739

Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Leichhardt, NSW 920

Atkinson Bridgman & Associates Pty Ltd, Ivanhoe, VIC 307

Attreed, Ms Jenny, Yeronga, QLD 1133

Aubrey Brown Partners, Toukley, NSW 398

AUSTAR Entertainment Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 834

Australasian Fleet Managers Association, Melbourne, VIC 735

Australasian Natural Gas Vehicles Council, Kew, VIC 208

Australasian Railway Association Inc, Melbourne, VIC 83A

Australasian Railway Association Inc, Melbourne, VIC 83

Australasian Soft Drink Association Ltd, Pagewood, NSW 708

Australia Council for the Arts, Strawberry Hills, NSW 298B

Australia Council for the Arts, Strawberry Hills, NSW 298A

Australia Council for the Arts, Strawberry Hills, NSW 298

Australia Council of Universities of the Third Age Inc, Ormond, VIC 804

Australia Institute Ltd, Lyneham, ACT 120A

Australia Institute Ltd, Lyneham, ACT 120

Australia Institute; Australian Conservation Foundation & Australian Medical
Association, Canberra, ACT 1415

Australian Academy of the Humanities, Canberra, ACT 699

Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA), West End, QLD 662

Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA), West End, QLD 662A

Australian Association of Christian Schools, OConnor, ACT 858

Australian Association of Occupational Therapists, Fitzroy, VIC 616

Australian Association of Social Workers, Kingston, ACT 1067

Australian Association of Teachers of English, Norwood, SA 1029

Australian Automobile Association (AAA), Canberra, ACT 1076

Australian Bankers' Association, Sydney, NSW 641

Australian Beef Association, Toowoomba, QLD 459A

Australian Beef Association, Toowoomba, QLD 459

Australian Booksellers Association, Carlton, VIC 705

Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Sydney, NSW 574

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Belconnen, ACT 731

Australian Business Ltd, North Sydney, NSW 870

Australian Cancer Society, Sydney, NSW 873

Australian Caption Centre, Haymarket, NSW 891

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Canberra, ACT 602

Australian Catholic Health Care Association (ACHCA), Red Hill, ACT 683

Australian Catholic Health Care Association (ACHCA), Red Hill, ACT 683A

Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, North Sydney, NSW 558

Australian Catholic Social Welfare Commission, Curtin, ACT 1034

Australian Cemeteries & Crematoria Association (ACCA), West Melbourne, VIC 1402

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kingston, ACT 864

Australian Chemical Trauma Alliance, Gladstone, QLD 220

Australian Citizens Committee for Civil Concerns, Rosebery, NSW 991

Australian Coalition for Economic Justice, Buranda, QLD 1300

Australian College of Clinical Psychologists, Canberra, ACT 133

Australian College of Clinical Psychologists, Canberra, ACT 133A

Australian Community Safety & Research Organisation Inc. 994

Australian Companies Institute Ltd, Sydney, NSW 694

Australian Confederation of Child Care & Association of Child Care Centres of NSW
, Canberra, ACT 594

Australian Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes, Annandale, NSW 432

Australian Conservation Foundation, Fitzroy, VIC 932

Australian Consumers Association (ACA), Marrickville, NSW 928

Australian Consumers Association (ACA), Marrickville, NSW 928A

Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Hindmarsh, SA 949

Australian Council for Infrastructure Development Ltd 1020

Australian Council for Overseas Aid, Deakin, ACT 621

Australian Council of First Aid and Emergency Care Providers, Linley Point, NSW 877

Australian Council of Housing Societies Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 571

Australian Council of National Trusts, Civic Square, ACT 704

Australian Council of Public Sector Retiree Organisations Inc, Hawker, ACT 564

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), Strawberry Hills, NSW 68

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), Strawberry Hills, NSW 68A

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), Strawberry Hills, NSW 68B

Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), Strawberry Hills, NSW 68C

Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc, Curtin, ACT 824

Australian Curriculum Studies Association Inc, Deakin West, ACT 636

Australian Dance Council - Ausdance Inc, Braddon, ACT 820

Australian Democrats (Gold Coast Branch), Bonogin, QLD 1213

Australian Dental Association Inc, St Leonards, NSW 654

Australian Duty Free Association, Alexandria, NSW 645

Australian Education Union Tasmanian Branch, North Hobart, TAS 1356

Australian Education Union, South Melbourne, VIC 626

Australian Equipment Lessors Association Inc, Sydney, NSW 751

Australian Family Association, North Melbourne, VIC 803

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Darlinghurst, NSW 680

Australian Federation of University Women Inc, Adelaide, SA 831

Australian Federation of University Women-South Australia Inc Trust Fund, Adelaide, SA 831A

Australian First Aid Pty Ltd, South Melbourne, VIC 148

Australian First Aid Pty Ltd, South Melbourne, VIC 148A

Australian Fleet Lessors Association, Sydney, NSW 807

Australian Food and Grocery Council, Kingston, ACT 340

Australian Food and Grocery Council, Kingston, ACT 340A

Australian Fresh Stone Fruit Growers' Association Inc, Cavan, SA 85

Australian Funeral Directors Association, Kew, VIC 919

Australian Gas Association, Canberra, ACT 648

Australian Greens (SA), Adelaide, SA 495

Australian Greens, Hobart, TAS 865

Australian Healthcare Association, Deakin West, ACT 657

Australian Hotels Association (NSW), Sydney, NSW 759

Australian Industry Group, Canberra, ACT 1383

Australian Information Industry Association, Sydney, NSW 833

Australian Institute of Company Directors, Sydney, NSW 589

Australian Institute of Management, St Kilda, VIC 838

Australian Investors Association Ltd, Yeronga, QLD 464

Australian Joint Council of Teacher Professional Associations, Brisbane, QLD 90

Australian Lactation Consultants' Association Inc, Mawson, ACT 745

Australian Library and Information Association, Kingston, ACT 703

Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association Ltd, Redfern, NSW 792

Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union - NSW Branch,
Haymarket, NSW 582

Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union - WA Branch,
Subiaco, WA 1122

Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, Haymarket, NSW 793

Australian Local Government Association, Deakin, ACT 631

Australian Local Government Association, Deakin, ACT 631A

Australian Major Performing Arts Group (AMPAG), Sydney, NSW 1038

Australian Major Performing Arts Group (AMPAG), Sydney, NSW 1038A

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Retired Members Association (Sydney Branch),
Engadine, NSW 357

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, Chippendale, NSW 198

Australian Medical Association Limited, Kingston, ACT 613

Australian Music Therapy Association Inc, Turramurra, NSW 719

Australian National Memorial Theatre Ltd, St Kilda South, VIC 934

Australian Natural Therapists Association Ltd, Caloundra, QLD 575

Australian Nursing Federation, North Fitzroy, VIC 612

Australian Nursing Homes and Extended Care Association Ltd, Strawberry Hills, NSW 918

Australian Olympic Committee Inc, Sydney, NSW 829

Australian Opal and Gem Industry Association Ltd, Sydney, NSW 467

Australian Options, Goodwood, SA 1063

Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association, Melbourne, VIC 1094

Australian Parents Council, North Sydney, NSW 555

Australian Parents Council, North Sydney, NSW 763

Australian Pensioners' & Superannuants' League, Qld, West End, QLD 106

Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Inc (APMA), North Sydney, NSW 725

Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Inc (APMA), North Sydney, NSW 725A

Australian Physiotherapy Association, Melbourne, VIC 667

Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association, Sydney, NSW 685

Australian Private Hospitals Association, Curtin, ACT 607

Australian Psychological Society Ltd, Carlton South, VIC 733

Australian Publishers Association, Ultimo, NSW 1037

Australian Quadriplegic Association Ltd, Matraville, NSW 652

Australian Retailers Association, Sydney, NSW 439

Australian Retirement Income Streams Association Ltd, Sydney, NSW 857

Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation, Glebe, NSW 871

Australian School Library Association NSW Inc, Parramatta, NSW 748

Australian Science Teachers Association, Deakin West, ACT 137

Australian Secondary Principals' Association, North Melbourne, VIC 493

Australian Shipping Federation, Port Melbourne, VIC 788

Australian Shipping Federation, Port Melbourne, VIC 788A

Australian Small Business Association Ltd, Adelaide, SA 1343

Australian Society for Music Education Inc, West Leederville, WA 990

Australian Society for Music Education, NSW Chapter, Kingswood, NSW 578

Australian Society of Authors Ltd, Strawberry Hills, NSW 905

Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants, Melbourne, VIC 205

Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Inc, St Leonards, NSW 192

Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Inc, St Leonards, NSW 192A

Australian Stock Exchange Ltd, Australian Square, NSW 747

Australian Taxi Industry Association, Stones Corner, QLD 1268

Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd, Meadowbank, NSW 253

Australian Veterans and Defence Services Council, Sydney, NSW 219

Australian Veterinary Association Ltd, Artarmon, NSW 933

Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Canberra, ACT 827

Australian Writers' Guild, Kings Cross, NSW 851

Australian Youth Policy & Action Coalition Inc, Ainslie, ACT 784

Autism Association of NSW, Forestville, NSW 898

Avery, Mr Barry, Taree, NSW 132

Avis Australia, Hertz Australia, Thrifty Car Rental, Sydney, NSW 716

Avis, Mr Ronald, Mortdale, NSW 445

Ayres, Mr Frederick Allen, Bendigo, VIC 42

Ayres, Mrs June, Para Hills, SA 80

B J Cole & Co, Tamworth, NSW 315

Backbone Youth Arts Inc, Brisbane, QLD 890

Bailey, Mrs L, Gymea, NSW 215

Bailey, Ms Catherine, Avoca Beach, NSW 1158

Baird, Mr Colin, Maroubra, NSW 1123

Baker, Mr J A, North Rockhampton, QLD 1163

Baker, Mr J A, North Rockhampton, QLD 1163A

Baking Industry Association (NSW Employers), St Leonards, NSW 923

Balance Research, Footscray, VIC 1306

Banana Sectional Group Committee of Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers,
Brisbane Market, QLD 713

Banfield, Mr Keith, Mitcham, SA 1099

Bange, Jane &, Blake, Anthony, Kangaroo Valley, NSW 1221

Bannon, Mr M.J., Redlynch, QLD 1226

Baptist Care - WA Baptist Hospital & Homes Trust Inc, Applecross, WA 672

Baptist Community Services, Eastwood, NSW 1053

Bardley, Mr G.C., Bowraville, NSW 1130

Barker, J A, North Rockhampton, QLD 584

Barling, Mr C.R., Warrimoo, NSW 955

Bathurst Meals on Wheels Inc, Bathurst, NSW 1406

Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd, Toongabbie, NSW 1066A

Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd, Toongabbie, NSW 1066B

Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd, Toongabbie, NSW 1066

Bayside Adolescent Boarding Incorporated, Wynnum, QLD 1031

Beardsmore, Mr Ralph, Hallett Cove, SA 1301

Beaton, G & JEB, Coleraine, VIC 197

Beatty, Mr Bob, Camira, QLD 47

Beaumont, Mr & Mrs R & N, Rothwell, QLD 1389

Beck, Dr Geoffrey W., Pullenvale, QLD 248

Beckwith, Dr Ralph, Fulham Gardens, SA 1418

Beckwith, Dr Ralph, Fulham Gardens, SA 1418A

Bell, Ms Helen, Chatswood, NSW 1312

Bellhouse, Mr William J., Cromer, VIC 23

Benjamin D.O., Mr Rowland, West Leederville, WA 504

Bennett, Mr Tom, Gorae West, VIC 499C

Bennett, Mr Tom, Gorae West, VIC 499

Bennett, Mr Tom, Gorae West, VIC 499B

Bennett, Mr Tom, Gorae West, VIC 499A

Bercene, Mr Patrick G, Yanchep, WA 1251

Bessen Consulting Services, Freemantle, WA 496

Bestfit Accounting and Taxation Services, Neutral Bay, NSW 573

Bestfit Accounting and Taxation Services, Neutral Bay, NSW 573A

Better Hearing Australia, Templestowe, VIC 221

Beuchat, Mr Michel, North Balwyn, VIC 264

Bicycle Federation of Australia, Footscray, VIC 479

Bicycle Industries & Traders' Association Inc, Alphington, VIC 370

Bicycle Queensland Inc, Woolloongabba, QLD 961

Bicycle Tasmania, Glenorchy, TAS 1005

Bicycle Transportation Alliance Inc, Perth Business Ctr, WA 1017

Biggs, Mr Gary 33

Biggs, Mr Gary 33A

Birnbrauer, Dr Jay, Cottesloe, WA 1196

Black, Mrs Margaret, Benalla, VIC 19

Black, Ms Sharyn, Bendigo, VIC 1323

Blackwood, Mr David, Geeringong, NSW 1193

Blake, Mrs Jenny, Lennox Head, NSW 126

Bleach, Mr Darryl, Orelia, WA 1327

Blue Mountains Conservation Society, Wentworth Falls, NSW 844

Boarding House Owners and Managers Association & Supported Accommodation Providers
Association Inc, New Farm, QLD 557

Boarding House Owners and Managers Association & Supported Accommodation Providers
Association Inc, New Farm, QLD 557A

Boarding House Project, Fortitude Valley, QLD 811

Bolt, Mr Laurence, Liverpool, NSW 1194

Bolte, Mr Robert, Barrack Heights, NSW 154

Bond, Ms Sue, Indooroopilly, QLD 1433

Bone, Mr Ron, Jandakot, WA 14

Boral Energy, Adelaide, SA 753

Borowiak, Mr Jean-Pierre, Portland, VIC 1317

Bowditch, Mr Ian, Batemans Bay, NSW 251

Bowes, Mrs Dorothy, Margate, QLD 956

Boyd, Mr David, Wattle Park, SA 1062

Boyle, P J, Mosman, NSW 123

Boystown Family Care, Milton, QLD 962

Brambles Australasia Ltd, North Sydney, NSW 830

Bramex Super Pty Ltd, Canberra, ACT 775

Brand, Mr Paul, Glen Waverley, VIC 1121

Brennan, Ms Betty, Carseldine, QLD 561

Breslin, Dr & Mrs J K & M C, Stafford Heights, QLD 171

Bricknell, Mr R. L., Yatala, QLD 367

Brinton, Mr R. A., Avoca Beach, NSW 540

Brisbane South Area Consultative Committee, Springwood, QLD 1025

Broad, Mr S F, Keysborough, VIC 146

Bromage, Mr David 1297

Brooks, Mr Norman, Charlestown, NSW 108

Brooks, S, Molong, NSW 89A

Brooks, S., Molong, NSW 89

Brotherhood of St Laurence, Fitzroy, VIC 848

Brownlee, Mr Raymond, North Balwyn, VIC 598

Bryan, Mr Michael, Cairns, QLD 503

Bryson, Ms Fran, Carlton, VIC 466

Bryson, Ms Fran, Parkville, VIC 466A

Building and Construction Council NSW Inc, Ultimo, NSW 415

Bulmer Australia Ltd, Campbelltown, NSW 714

Bundaberg Distilling Company Pty Ltd, Bundaberg, QLD 879

Bundaberg Distilling Company Pty Ltd, Canberra, ACT 879A

Burch, Mr Nigel, Kinglake, VIC 118

Burleigh Town Village Occupiers' Association Inc, West Burleigh, QLD 407

Burley, J, Wynn Vale, SA 13

Burnet, Ms Carmen 1232

Burnett, Mrs V D, Avocavale Via Linville, QLD 130

Burnside, Parramatta, NSW 1376

Bus Industry Confederation Inc, North Parramatta, NSW 218

Business Coalition for Tax Reform, Melbourne, VIC 104A

Business Coalition for Tax Reform, Melbourne, VIC 104

Business Council of Australia, Melbourne, VIC 903

Butler, Mrs Dawn, Eglinton, NSW 73

Butterworth, Eric & Beryl, Terrigal, NSW 522

Byrne, Ms Beryl, Wagga Wagga, NSW 454

Bywater, Mr Ernest, Queanbeyan, NSW 63

C.G. Jung Society of Sydney Inc, Bronte, NSW 1296

Cahill, Mr John P., East Geelong, VIC 1098

Caldecott, Mr John E., Henley Beach, SA 819

Caldecott, Mr John, Henley Beach, SA 819B

Caldecott, Mr John, Henley Beach, SA 819C

Caldecott, Mr John, Henley Beach, SA 819A

Calnan, Ms Judith, Caringbah, NSW 51

Calvert-Smith, Mr Paul, Ridgeway, TAS 1381

Campbell, D. Craig, Clayton, VIC 385

Campbell, Dr Patrick, Bondi, NSW 1215

Campbell, Mr Graeme, Kalgoorlie, WA 1355

Campbell, Mr R A, Indooroopilly, QLD 1107A

Campbell, Mr R A, Indooroopilly, QLD 1107

Campbell, Mr R A, Indooroopilly, QLD 1107B

Campbell, Ms Fiona, Stanmore, NSW 1260

Cansdale, Ms Joan, Cairns, QLD 274

Caravan & Relocatable Park Residents' Association, Ballina, NSW 440

Caravan and Mobile Home Residents Association of Queensland Inc, Wynnum, QLD 996

Carden, Dr P O, Berry, NSW 418

Carden, Dr P O, Berry, NSW 418A

Career Network Inc Board of Management, Karratha, WA 1419

CareFlight, Westmead, NSW 1077

Carers Association of Australia Inc, Weston, ACT 433

Carers Association Victoria, Melbourne, VIC 659

CARPRA, South Tweed Heads, NSW 377

Carrington, Bernie 442

Carter Newell, Brisbane, QLD 488

Carter, Mr N B, Cooma, NSW 1403

Cassar, E.J., Coombabah, QLD 1106

Castle, Mr Owen, Kalamunda, WA 1118

Catholic Care, South Perth, WA 671

Catholic Diocesan Centre, Adelaide, SA 1024

Catholic Social Response, Brisbane, QLD 469

Catholic Social Services, Alphington, VIC 929

Catholics in Coalition for Justice & Peace, Auburn, NSW 375

Centacare Catholic Family Services, Townsville, QLD 1009

Centacare Catholic Family Services, Bowen, QLD 1009A

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association, Alice Springs, NT 977

Central Coast (North) Park Residents Association, Lake Munmorah, NSW 1145

Central Coast Park Residents Association, Terrigal, NSW 517

Central Committee The Voice of the Elderly, Peakhurst, NSW 484

Central Sydney Region PublicTenants Council, Darlinghurst, NSW 328

Central West HACC Forum Group, Orange, NSW 195

CFMEU-Forest-Tas, Launceston, TAS 982

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia, East Perth, WA 1045

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia Inc, Perth, WA 937

Chamen, R.G., Vincentia, NSW 232

Chartered Institute of Transport in Australia Inc, Sydney, NSW 970

Chatto, Mr Graham, Glen Waverley, VIC 271

Chinner, Mr Dennis, Ocean Shores, NSW 52

Chinner, Mr Dennis, Ocean Shores, NSW 52A

Christian McGregor, Diana Gibson &, South Coogee, NSW 1218

Christie Whyte Moore Pty Ltd, West Perth, WA 311

Chronic Illness Alliance Inc, Melbourne, VIC 254

Church and Charitable Private Hospitals Association Inc, Clifton Hill, VIC 668

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Kalgoorlie, WA 1333

City of Mitcham, Torrens Park, SA 113

City of Mount Gambier, Mount Gambier, SA 1363

City of Playford, Smithfield, SA 1331

City of Prospect, Prospect, SA 255

City of Tea Tree Gully, Modbury, SA 1320

Clark, Mr John B, Waroona, WA 310

Clarke, Mr Brian, Guildford, VIC 1416

Clarke, Mr Jeremy, Salisbury East, SA 409

Clarke, Mrs Ros, Ingle Farm, SA 26

Clarke, Mrs S, Terrigal, NSW 535

Clarkson, Mr John, Speers Point, NSW 1431

Classical Languages Teachers' Association Inc, Beecroft, NSW 806

Cleary, Mr & Mrs I.M & T.W., Toronto, NSW 506

Clifford, Ms Joy, Elizabeth, SA 1120

Clifford, Ms Margot, Nedlands, WA 1197

Clifton, Mr Allan Albert, Seven Hills, NSW 381

Clutterbuck, Ms Julie, Ainslie, ACT 1258

Coad, Mr Gordon, Dee Why, NSW 299

Cochlear Ltd, Lane Cove, NSW 348

Cole, Mr Eric W., Belair, SA 165

Cole, Mr G.J, Numulgi, NSW 1217

Collins, M, Raymond Terrace, NSW 1428

Colquhoun Murphy, Braddon, ACT 11

Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Assoc of New South Wales Inc & Aust Pensioners'
Superannuants' Federation, Surry Hills, NSW 850A

Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Assoc of New South Wales Inc & Aust Pensioners'
Superannuants' Federation, Surry Hills, NSW 850

Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Assoc of New South Wales Inc, Surry Hills, NSW 850B

Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of New South Wales - St Georges
Basin & Districts Branch, Basin View, NSW 867

Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of New South Wales Inc.
(Port Macquarie Branch), Port Macquarie, NSW 373

Comdisco Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 835

Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union (Communications Division),
Carlton South, VIC 874

Community & Public Sector Union State Public Services Federation Group, Sydney, NSW 917

Community Aid Abroad Trading Pty Ltd, Kilkenny, SA 359

Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, Alexandria, NSW 601

Community Child Care Co-operative Ltd (NSW), Newtown, NSW 342

Community Coalition Against the GST 839

Community Development Organisation, Bardwell Park, NSW 1079

Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation Inc, Mission Beach, QLD 843

Community Housing Federation of Australia, Woden, ACT 677

Community Housing Federation of Australia, Woden, ACT 677A

Community Information Project on Sustainable Energy, Sydney, NSW 882

Community Information Victoria (Inc), Melbourne, VIC 1274

Company B Belvoir St Theatre, Surry Hills, NSW 1050

Complementary Healthcare Council (Tasmanian Retailer Division), Deloraine, TAS 1170

Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia, Deakin West, ACT 637

Confederation of Australian Sport Inc, Curtin, ACT 186

Congregation of Religious Sisters of Charity of Australia, Paddington, NSW 1393

Congregational Fellowship, The Rock, NSW 351

Connolly, P.F., Mt Gravatt, QLD 128

Conroy, Mr Joshua, Aranda, ACT 438

Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra Inc, Canberra, ACT 947

Conservation Council of Western Australia 1093

Construction and Mining Equipment Association of Australia, Artarmon, NSW 625

Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union (CFMEU), Sydney, NSW 1089

Consumers' Health Forum of Australia, Lyons, ACT 609

Consumers' Telecommunications Network, Petersham, NSW 840

Conway-Jones, Mr Arthur, Biggera Waters, QLD 214

Cook, Mr Colin, Bangalow, NSW 143

Cook, Mr Colin, Bangalow, NSW 69

Cook, Mr N.J., Terrigal, NSW 518

Cooke, Mr Stan Jamce, North Melbourne, VIC 1310

Coorong District Council, Meningie, SA 1408

Copelen Council of Management, North Caulfield, VIC 1361

Corkish, Dr Richard, Lidcombe, NSW 1178

Corner, Ms Margaret, Arrawarra, NSW 1141

Cornish, Mr Jon 1211

Corporate Tax Association of Australia Inc, Melbourne, VIC 343

Corporation of the Town of Gawler, Gawler, SA 1362

Corpus Christi Community, Greenvale, VIC 116

Cotgrove, Mr R.D., Hobart, TAS 223

Council for Homeless Persons Australia, Melbourne, VIC 783

Council of ACT Education Associations (COACTEA), Canberra, ACT 8

Council of Australian Humanists Societies, Melbourne, VIC 124

Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc (CAPA), South Melbourne, VIC 741

Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations Inc (CAPA), South Melbourne, VIC 741A

Council of Capital City Lord Mayors, Brisbane, QLD 596

Council of Community Clubs of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, NSW 785

Council of DSC Funded Agencies, West Perth, WA 925

Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis Australia, Newton, TAS 270

Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis Australia, Nightcliff, NT 686

Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis Australia, Seaford Rise, SA 244

Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis Australia, Waterford West, QLD 720

Council of Retired Union Members Associations of New South Wales, Burwood, NSW 356

Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Ltd., Kingston, ACT 1368

Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS), Surry Hills, NSW 640

Council on the Ageing, Melbourne, VIC 795

Council on the Ageing, Melbourne, VIC 795A

Country Public Libraries NSW, Queanbeyan, NSW 1432

Cowden, Mr Ian 206

Cox, Mr Norman, Swanbourne, WA 180

Craft Australia, Surry Hills, NSW 892

Craig, Mr William, Woodbine, NSW 1272

Craig, Mr William, Woodbine, NSW 1272A

Cramer, Mr Rod, Alice Springs, NT 513

Crawford, Mr David, Dee Why, NSW 291

Credit Union Services Corporation 946

Crews, Mr Arthur H., Arrawarra, NSW 1142

Crews, Mrs Lynette, Arrawarra, NSW 1191

Cribbin, M, Bracken Ridge, QLD 10

Crick, Mr Ian 100

CSR Limited, Chatswood, NSW 976

Cullen, Mr Terry, Mooloolah, QLD 1012

Cummins, D G, Coombabah, QLD 434

Curtis, Ms S. M., Terrigal, NSW 533

Customs Brokers Council of Australia Inc, Hamilton, QLD 781

Cyclists' Action Group, Cottesloe, WA 1004

Dairy Farmers, Sydney, NSW 1039

Daly, Mr Roland, Condell Park, NSW 320

Dante Alighieri Society Inc, Brisbane, QLD 457

Davies, Mr Robert, Kindred, TAS 147

Davies, Ms Dorothy, Rosanna, VIC 53

Davis, Ms Kathy, Charnwood, ACT 229

de Jang, Ms Helen, Flagstaff Hill, SA 21

Deaf Society of New South Wales, Parramatta, NSW 572

Deafness Forum of Australia, Deakin, ACT 344

Debaters Association of Victoria Inc, North Melbourne, VIC 501

Debit Tax Council of Australia Inc, Scarborough, QLD 551

Debit Tax Council of Australia, Booval, QLD 252A

Debit Tax Council of Australia, Booval, QLD 252

Della, Mr Lew, Broadbeach Waters, QLD 1243

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and Others, Melbourne, VIC 855

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Melbourne, VIC 836

deMunck, Ms Carlene, Bunbury, WA 1399

Dengate, Ms Lyn, Inala, QLD 1234

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Canberra, ACT 1350

Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra, ACT 1282

Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, Canberra, ACT 1338

Department of Family and Community Services, Canberra Mail Centre, ACT 603

Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, ACT 682

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Adelaide, SA 885

DFS Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 904

Diabetes Australia, Braddon, ACT 634

Dickinson, Mrs Marie, Mundaring, WA 119

Dietitians Association of Australia, Deakin, ACT 796

Direct Selling Association of Australia Inc, Langwarrin, VIC 390

Direct Selling Association of Australia Inc, Langwarrin, VIC 390A

Disability Council of NSW, Sydney, NSW 209

Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Inc, South Melbourne, VIC 643

District Council of Renmark Paringa, Adelaide, SA 1303

Dixon, Mr Peter, Macleod, VIC 204

dLux media arts, Paddington, NSW 815

Dolphin, Mr Andrew, Beechboro, WA 301

Donovan, Mr John R., Clontarf, QLD 257

Dorling, Mr & Mrs Alan, West Burleigh, QLD 416

Douglas, Mr Phil, Ringwood, VIC 334

Downey, CR & BD, Terrigal, NSW 587

Downey, Mr Robert, Clayfield, QLD 61

Doyle, Mr Ron, Toongabbie, NSW 1101

Duckworth, Mr G.E., Hackett, NSW 1134

Duhigg, Mr Richard, Macquarie, ACT 566

Dulwich Hill Public School P&C Association, Dulwich Hill, NSW 1032

Dupont, Mr Patrick, Broadway, NSW 462

Dwyer, Dr Terry, Pearce, ACT 693

E.F. Hoskin & Associates Pty Ltd, Campbelltown, NSW 331

Earl, Ms Karina, Waterloo, NSW 110

Earl, T.R., Bunbury, WA 1329

Early Childhood Education Council of NSW Inc, Leichhardt, NSW 468

Eckstein, Mr Eric, Dandenon, VIC 1175

Economic Modelling Bureau of Australia, Canberra, ACT 1052

Economic Reform Australia, Balmain, NSW 752

Econtech, Kingston, ACT 57

Edgar, Ms Ruth, Avoca Beach, NSW 534

Edge, Mr John 3

Edwards, Mr Michael, Healesville, VIC 1286

Edwards, S., Bedford, WA 200

Effem Foods Pty Ltd, Sassafras, VIC 1023

EGAN National Valuers (SA), Adelaide, SA 318

Egmond, Mr John van 92

Ego Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Braeside, VIC 1010

Eiseman, Allan & Kay 162

Eiseman, Ms Kelly 161

Electricity Supply Association of Australia Ltd (ESAA), Sydney South, NSW 760

Electricity Supply Association of Australia Ltd (ESAA), Sydney South, NSW 760A

Eliason, F.O, Weston, NSW 1190

Elliott, Dr Charles, Northgate, QLD 1156

Elliott, Mr Scott, Ballajura, WA 275

Elliott, Ms Therese, Cremorne, NSW 1283

Ellis, K.W., Noble Park, VIC 1102

Ellis, Mrs Norma, Happy Valley, SA 482

Emerald Club for Hope and Outreach Inc, Emerald, VIC 199

Emerald Shire Council, Emerald, QLD 721

Emu Point Sporting Club, Emu Point, WA 374

Enders, Mr Peter, Monash, ACT 336

Ennew & Hunt Valuers Pty Ltd, Lismore, NSW 312

Entertainment Industry Employers Association, Melbourne, VIC 948

Environment Australia, Canberra, ACT 931

Environment Victoria, North Melbourne, VIC 384

Epilepsy Association of NSW, Epping, NSW 608

Epilepsy Queensland Inc, Brisbane, QLD 679

Ernst & Young Perth, Perth, WA 670

Everingham, Hon Doug, Middle Park, QLD 339

Everingham, Hon Doug, Middle Park, QLD 339A

Fabrikant, Maurie, Noble Park, VIC 1096

Fancutt, Mr Charlie, Brisbane, QLD 869

Farrelly, Mr Reuben, Sunbury, VIC 1252

Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Canberra, ACT 639

Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) Inc, Melbourne, VIC 448

Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia Inc, Adelaide, SA 1006

Federation of Natural & Traditional Therapists Ltd, North Adelaide, SA 424

Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales, Darlinghurst, NSW 1013

Fellows, J.O.C., Sydney South, NSW 1204

Fellowship of Australian Writers (Vic) inc, Kensington, VIC 758

Financial and Consumer Rights Council Inc, Melbourne, VIC 710

Financial Services Consumer Policy Centre, Surry Hills, NSW 1074

First Valuation Group, Caulfield South, VIC 329

Fischer, Professor Dr Wolfgang, Townsville, QLD 18

Fix Australia Fix The Roads, West Perth, WA 740

Fleming, Joel & Belinda, Tyagarah, NSW 1262

Flinders Council, Flinders Island, TAS 757

Foley, Mrs Agnes, Gympie, QLD 67

Foran, Mr David, Mentone, VIC 1244

Formby, Mr Frank, Grays Point, NSW 456

Foster, Mrs J., Kincumber, NSW 1161

Four Winds Marine, Geelong, VIC 979

Fowles, Ms Lindsay, The Univ Of Queensland, QLD 1241

Franklin, J & J, Avoca Beach, NSW 588

Frater, Ms Cecilie, Kincumber, NSW 586

Freehill Hollingdale & Page (Perth Office), Perth, WA 1436

Freehill Hollingdale & Page, Melbourne, VIC 1430

French, Mr Patrick J, Mayfield, NSW 1269

Friday, Mr S.C., Coombabah, QLD 1375

Friends of the ABC (Vic) Inc, Melbourne, VIC 975

Friends of the Earth, Sydney South, NSW 346

Friends of the Earth-Brisbane, West End, QLD 766

Fry, N D, Hamlyn Heights, VIC 1198

Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd, North Ryde, NSW 860

Fundraising Institute Australia Inc & Third Sector Management Services Pty Ltd,
Chatswood, NSW 800

Funnell, Mr David, Camden, NSW 4

Gabriel, W J, Morningside, QLD 55

Gagerlund, Mr & Mrs N R & B J, Avoca Beach, NSW 541

Gaitskell, Mr Charles, Stanthorpe, QLD 1401

Gardner, Mr Alex, Perth, WA 1285

Garrett, Mr Clinton, Whyalla, SA 1162

Geelong Catholic Social Justice Committee, Geelong, VIC 304

Geelong Catholic Social Justice Committee, Ocean Grove, VIC 304A

Genge, Mr Ronald, Forbes, NSW 326

Geoff Ross and Associates, Phillip, ACT 314

Geography Teachers' Association of NSW, Gladesville, NSW 401

Gerardson, Mr Fred, Lower Plenty, VIC 1115

Geriaction, Chatswood, NSW 1131

Gerlach, E.E., Gawler, SA 319

Gibney & Gunson, Lavington, NSW 912

Gibson, Mr D.W.R., Pambula Beach, NSW 246

Gibson, Mrs M., Delaneys Creek, QLD 296

Gilbert, Robyn, Sydney, NSW 1307

Gillies, Ms Rosemary, Wagga Wagga, NSW 140

Gilligan, W., Swansea, NSW 29

Gilmore, Mr Rodney Blair, Dee Why, NSW 1135

Gippsland Carers Association Inc, Moe, VIC 278

Giudice, Mr Bartholomew, Burwood, VIC 1111

Gladstones, Dr John, City Beach, WA 692

Glambedakis, Mr Tony, Dulwich Hill, NSW 563

Gleeson, Mr Maurice, Woy Woy, NSW 266

Glen Street Theatre, Frenchs Forest, NSW 810

Glen, Ms Vanessa, The Gap, QLD 1242

Glover, Mr Peter, Wynnum, QLD 1377

Gold Coast & Hinterland Environment Council Assoc Inc, Currumbin, QLD 1002

Goldberg, Dr John, The Univ Of Sydney, NSW 1072

Goldfields Age Pensioners Association, Kalgoorlie, WA 1304

Goldfields Esperance Development Commission 1281

Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service, Collingwood, VIC 619

Goodwood Mass Congregation, Adelaide, SA 428

Goss, Mr Daryl, St Agnes, SA 317

Grace, Mr Geoff, Hunters Hill, NSW 142

Graeme-Evans, Mr Alex, Woodbridge, TAS 1358

Graham, Mr Ken, Townsville, QLD 1173

Grant-Curtis, Ms Barbara, Port Macquarie, NSW 397

Greater Lithgow and District Bicycle Advocacy Group, Wallerawang, NSW 1027

Greater Northern Sydney Park Residents Association, Dural, NSW 1137

Greater Western Sydney Natural Gas Vehicle Project Task Force, Kingswood, NSW 709

Green, Mr & Mrs M & Maureen, Terrigal, NSW 544

Greenpeace Australia, Canberra, ACT 776

Greypower, Doug & Betty, Nedlands, WA 1273

Griffith Co-Operative Housing Society, Griffith, NSW 242

Grimm, Mr Robert J., South Caulfield, VIC 450

Group Training Australia, Sydney, NSW 263

Grundy, Mr David, Camden, NSW 1209

Gus, 238

H.C.A.P. Macquarie Fields, Macquarie Fields, NSW 285

Hackett, Father Rex, Casino, NSW 102

Hadrill, Mrs Irene, Terrigal, NSW 525

Hammond Village - Park Ridge, Park Ridge, QLD 475

Handreck, C.P., Ringwood, VIC 1148

Hannaford, Mr Bruce, Elizabeth Grove, SA 48

Harding, Mr Colin, Sussex Inlet, NSW 550

Hardwick, Mr Robert E., Karrinyup, WA 6

Hargrave, Mr Lloyd, Macedon, VIC 86

Hargreaves, Mr Luke, Mackay, QLD 951

Harrington, Mr Col, Kedron, QLD 1222

Harris, Mr Frank, Woy Woy, NSW 294

Harris, Mr S, West Burleigh, QLD 419

Harvey, Mr H L 366

Harvey, Ms Dianne, North Ryde, NSW 1257

Hatch, Mr Ralph G., Happy Valley, SA 82A

Hatch, Mr Ralph G., Happy Valley, SA 82

Head Injury Council of Australia Inc (HICOA), Mawson, ACT 673

Heads of Workers Compensation Authorities (HWCA), Brisbane, QLD 1022A

Heads of Workers Compensation Authorities (HWCA), Brisbane, QLD 1022

Healey, A E, Katoomba, NSW 1189

Health Care of Australia; Ramsay Health Care Ltd & Alpha Healthcare Ltd,
North Sydney, NSW 378

Hearn, Mr Graeme, Daglish, WA 46

Hegney Property Valuations, Subiaco, WA 293

Heilbronn, Mr Stan, Townsville, QLD 1169

Heinemann, Mr H, Fairfield, NSW 1313

Heintun, Ms Shirley, Bundaberg, QLD 486

Helm Wines, Murrumbateman, NSW 235

Hemingway, Mr Norman, Bulleen, VIC 1328

Hermann, Mr Robert, Bexley North, NSW 101

Hermiston, Mr Jim, Gold Coast, QLD 1179

Herring, Mr John, Queens Park, WA 12

Hewett, Mr Bob, Sommerton Park, SA 1372

Hickman, Dr David, Eltham, VIC 1181

Higgs, Mr Jack, Wamberal, NSW 196

Higham, Mr Andrew, West Perth, WA 1233

Hire and Rental Association of Australia Inc, Elanora Heights, NSW 241

Hitachi Data Systems Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 965

Hocking, Ms Barbara, Toorak, VIC 1278

Hockley, Mr Sam, Murrumbeena, VIC 109

Hodge, Ms Mary M., Brisbane, QLD 1224

Hodgens, Mr Howard, Burwood, VIC 1127

Holbert, Mr & Mrs R.H., Nelson Bay, NSW 289

Holder, Mr Harold, Ramsgate, NSW 245

Holderness-Roddam, Mr Bob, Austins Ferry, TAS 125

Holliday, Dr Simon, Lansdowne, NSW 477

Holliday, J C, Nathan, QLD 1386

Home Economics Institute of Australia Inc, Subiaco, WA 988

Horgan, Mr Denis, Fremantle, WA 103

Horner, Mr J.B., South Yunderup, WA 349

Horner, Pen, Sturt, SA 231

Hotel Motel & Accommodation Association of Australia Ltd, St Leonards, NSW 856

Housewives Association of Tasmania, Derby, TAS 1309A

Housewives Association of Tasmania, Derby, TAS 1309

Housing for the Aged Action Group Inc, Melbourne, VIC 786

Housing Industry Association Ltd, Canberra, ACT 592

Housing Industry Association Ltd, Canberra, ACT 592A

Housing Industry Association Ltd (HIA), Canberra, ACT 592B

Howard Smith Limited, Sydney, NSW 1325

Hudson, Ms Kelly, Perth, WA 280

Hurley, Adelie, Coffs Harbour, NSW 1143

Hyles, Mr Graham David, Belconnen, ACT 149

Illawarra Legal Centre Tenancy Service, Warrawong, NSW 284

IMPCO Technologies Pty Ltd, Cheltenham, VIC 916

Importers' Association of Western Australia Inc, East Perth, WA 447

Inbound Tourism Organisation of Australia Ltd, Woolloomooloo, NSW 471

Incorporation of NSW and ACT Performing Arts Centres, Frenchs Forest, NSW 809

Independent Education Union of Australia, South Melbourne, VIC 930

Independent Living Centre NSW Inc, Putney, NSW 620

Independent Wineries Association (IWA), Kingston, ACT 386A

Independent Wineries Association (IWA), Kingston, ACT 386

Industry Funds Forum, Melbourne, VIC 936

Ingle, P.A., Katandra West, VIC 500

Inglewood Lions Club Inc, Inglewood, VIC 1412

Inns, Mr Allan, Kinkumber, NSW 1160

Institute of Chartered Accountants, Sydney, NSW 1033

Institute of Consulting Valuers Co-operative Ltd, Baulkham Hills, NSW 330

Institute of Technology Education, Chatswood, NSW 736

Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, ACT 1270

Insurance Council of Australia Ltd, Sydney, NSW 964

Interchange Bega-Eden Respite Care Inc, Merimbula, NSW 1057

International Association of Public Transport (Australia/New Zealand), Tuggeranong, ACT 628

International Banks and Securities Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW 429

International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, South Hobart, TAS 224

International Bottled Water Association - Australian Chapter Inc, Sydney, NSW 1336

International Social Service Australia, Sydney, NSW 868

International Subscription Agencies Pty Ltd, Toowong, QLD 698

Investment & Financial Services Association Ltd, Sydney, NSW 691

Irvine, Mr Alan, Riverton, WA 446

Irvine, Mr Lachlan, Applecross, WA 489

Irvine, R.A., Gladstone, QLD 217

Isedale, Ms Ellen, Deagon, QLD 1284

Islanders Board of Industry and Service, Thursday Island, QLD 700

Isolated Children's Parents' Association of Australia Inc, Brewarrina, NSW 1014

Ison, Mr Keith, Oakville, NSW 1200

James, Ms Judith, Belmont, NSW 1186

Janz, Mr Stephen, Kenmore, QLD 337

Jeffrey & Reid Valuations Pty Ltd, Port Macquarie, NSW 313

Jenkins, J C, Turramurra, NSW 1223

Jenkins, Mrs L, Terrigal, NSW 519

Jewellers Association of Australia Limited, Deakin West, ACT 997

John Fairfax Holdings Ltd, Rural Press Ltd, APN News & Media Ltd and West Australian
Newspapers Ltd, Sydney, NSW 854

Johnson, Mr Brian, Gladesville, NSW 954

Johnston, Mr Scott, Brisbane, QLD 256

Joint Council of NSW Professional Teachers' Associations, Leichhardt, NSW 902

Jones, Mr Fred, Woolgoolga, NSW 1139

Joseph Kenna & Co, Rockhampton, QLD 581

Junee Shire Council, Junee, NSW 243

Justice for Veterans Association, Carlton, NSW 156

Justice for Veterans Association, Carlton, NSW 156A

Justice for Veterans Association, Carlton, NSW 156B

Justice for Veterans Association, Carlton, NSW 156C

Justice for Veterans Association, Carlton, NSW 156D

Kain, Mr Spencer Sidney, Caringbah, NSW 167

Kalgoorlie Amateur Swimming Club Inc, Kalgoorlie, WA 1357

Kalgoorlie Taxi Car Owners Association, Kalgoorlie, WA 1353

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc, Kalgoorlie, WA 1354

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc, Kalgoorlie, WA 1354A

Katz, Mr Rod 1236

Keane, Mr David, Gosnells, WA 515

Keane, Mr David, Gosnells, WA 159

Keating, M, Lambert, S, Canberra, ACT 463

Keenan, Mr E.G., Lara, VIC 1188

Keenan, Mr Shayne T., Horsham, VIC 152

Keenan, Mr Shayne, Horsham, VIC 39

Kellion, Mr Don, Mackay, QLD 1394

Kempster, T.E., Beaumaris, VIC 222

Kemsley, Mr F L, Mudgeeraba, QLD 141

Kenna, J.J., Ainslie, ACT 265

Kennedy, L.N., Biggera Waters, QLD 30

Kennedy, L.N., Biggera Waters, QLD 30A

Kennedy, Mr & Mrs William & June, Granville, NSW 276

Kenos JP, Mr A T, Niddrie, VIC 15

Keough, Ms Lenore, Red Hill, QLD 435

Kindergarten Parents Victoria Inc, Northcote Dc, VIC 909

King, Mr Roy, Wellington, NSW 150

King, Mr Tom, Elanora, QLD 406

Kirkpatrick, Margharete 76

Kirkup, Mr Bob, Swansea, NSW 230

Kissick, Mr Arnold Gregory, Reservoir, VIC 1248

Kohler Bird Appraisals, North Parramatta, NSW 414

Koorong Books Pty Ltd, Farrer, ACT 1429

Labor Council of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 942

Lacey, Ms Jan, North Melbourne, VIC 1293

Laird, Dr Philip, Wollongong, NSW 341

Lake's Folly Vineyards, Pokolbin, NSW 259

Lamont, Mr Denis Anthony, Bradbury, NSW 1015

Land Value Taxation Society of Australia, Castle Hill, NSW 875

Land Values Research Group, Melbourne, VIC 635

Landers, Mr Peter, Glenelg East, SA 1405

Langby, Mr John, Picton, NSW 277

Langsam, Mr David, Flemington, VIC 1056

Larsen, Mr Conrad, The Gap, QLD 389

Last, RP & JL 58

Latten, Mr Jozef, Highgate Hill, QLD 388

Latten, Mr Jozef, Highgate Hill, QLD 1195

Launceston Community Legal Centre Inc, Launceston, TAS 995A

Launceston Community Legal Centre Inc, Launceston, TAS 995

Law Council of Australia, Canberra, ACT 944

Lawson, Mr & Mrs Ken & Josie, Wakeley, NSW 1105

Lawtie, Mr Eddie, Donnybrook, WA 1184

Le Couteur, Ms Caroline, Garran, ACT 1291

Le Quesne, Mr Ross 361

Leach, S & L, Glen Iris, VIC 595

Leavesley, Ms Barbara, Aireys Inlet, VIC 1219

Leayr, Mr Kevin, Dungog, NSW 514

Lederer, Mr Vic, Curtin, ACT 1100

Lee, Mr John, Como, NSW 362

Lee, Mr John, Elermore Vale, NSW 425

Leichhardt/Annandale Branch Greyhound Owners, Trainers and Breeders Association NSW,
Drummoyne, NSW 617

Lend Lease Corporation Limited, Sydney, NSW 728

Leo, Mr Geoffrey, Trevallyn, TAS 491

Lestrange, Mr Allan, Terrigal, NSW 531

Levi, Mr Sol, Randwick, NSW 31

Lidbetter, Mr Robert G, The Entrance North, NSW 24

Lifeline Australia Inc, Parramatta, NSW 642

Lifeline Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore, QLD 888

Lightfoot, Mr Frank, Gympie, QLD 288

Liner Shipping Services Ltd, Sydney, NSW 915

Linfox, Clayton South, VIC 283

Lloyd, Mr John, Cronulla, NSW 444

Local Community Services Association Inc, Surry Hill, NSW 1070

Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW, Sydney, NSW 887

Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW, Sydney, NSW 887A

Local Government Associations of: Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia;
Tasmania; Western Australia, Adelaide, SA 701

Lockett, A R & R E, Toronto, NSW 382

Lockyer, Mrs S, Terrigal, NSW 549

Loftus-Hills, Lois, Lower Plenty, VIC 168

Logan City Council, Woodridge, QLD 911

Logan's Hero's, Browns Plains, QLD 99

Louis Vuitton Australia Pty Ltd, Chatswood, NSW 889

Luchetti, Dorre 1311

Lutheran Community Care, Blair Athol, SA 765

Luxton, Mr Ron, Wangi Wangi, NSW 170

Luxury Motor Vehicle Lobby 715A

Luxury Motor Vehicle Lobby 715

Lyndon, Mr Stuart, Taringa, QLD 1235

Mace, Mr F.W., Rye, VIC 22

Mackay Conservation Group Inc, Mackay, QLD 138

Mackay Regional Housing Interest Network, Mackay, QLD 1051

Mackay Sugar Co-operative Association Ltd, Mackay Mail Centre, QLD 1275

Mackenzie, D., Mawson, ACT 96

Mackenzie, M., Mawson, ACT 97

Maclean Shire Council, Maclean, NSW 403

Macleod, Mr Michael, St Kilda South, VIC 421

Macquarie Bank Ltd, Sydney, NSW 1078

Madden, Mr T.C., Karana Downs, QLD 1110

Madgwick, Mr Edward, Avoca, NSW 1153

Magazine Publishers of Australia (MPA), North Sydney, NSW 707A

Magazine Publishers of Australia, North Sydney, NSW 707

Mainstar One Holdings Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 1308

Manly Art Gallery & Museum, Manly, NSW 1047

Manners, Mr Eric, Woolloongabba, QLD 1238

Manning, Mr R, Narrandera, NSW 1136

Mares FCA, Mr Gary, Glenhaven, NSW 465

Marr, Mr Sidney, Yeppoon, QLD 1316

Marrickville Area Community Housing Co-operative Ltd, Newtown, NSW 507

Marrickville Legal Centre, Marrickville, NSW 913

Marshall JP, Mr R., Coffs Harbour, NSW 953

Master Builders Australia Inc, Turner, ACT 338

Mathematical Association of New South Wales, Inc, North Ryde, NSW 969

Matheson, Mrs Elina, Terrigal, NSW 528

Maxwell, Mr Neil, Hackett, ACT 1104

Mayhew, Mr Paul, Albany Creek, QLD 1116

McAlister, Mr Fred, Blackburn, VIC 213

McAuley, Mr Ian, Belconnen, ACT 458

McAuley, Mr John, Turramurra, NSW 62

McDonald's Australia Limited, Pennant Hills, NSW 552

McDonald, Professor Peter, Canberra, ACT 79

McGee, Mr Brian, Balgowlah, NSW 1103

McGrath, Mr Paul, Lautoka, FIJI 1349

McGuire, Mr Marc, Coffs Highway, NSW 478

McIntosh, Mr David, Gordon, ACT 43

McIver, Mr Doug 260

McIver, Ms Jan, Curtin, ACT 189

McKellar, Lindsay, Bathurst, NSW 105

McKeon, Mr John, Camira, QLD 1168

McLaren, Dr John, North Carlton, VIC 1068

McLeod, Mr Bruce, Randwick, NSW 1166

McMonigal Valuations, The Entrance, NSW 323

McMurdie, Mr Don, Surrey Hills, VIC 1114

McMurdie, Mr Ian, Blackburn, VIC 1112

McNally, Mr Des, Lidcombe, NSW 1187

McPhate, Dr Alan, Mount Martha, VIC 400

Meader, Mr & Mrs G & E M, Avoca Beach, NSW 1183

Media Entertainment And Arts Alliance, Strawberry Hills, NSW 921

Medibank Private Limited, Griffith, ACT 661

Medical Consumers Association of NSW, Balgowlah, NSW 417

Medical Industry Association of Australia Inc, Roseville, NSW 1330

MediHerb Pty Ltd, Warwick, QLD 950

MediHerb Pty Ltd, Warwick, QLD 950A

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions Industry Council (MICE),
Spit Junction, NSW 1264

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Research Institute, Camperdown, NSW 422

Melbourne City Mission, Fitzroy North, VIC 1064

Melbourne Theatre Company, Department of the University of Melbourne, Southbank, VIC 886

Mental Health Co-ordinating Council Inc, Rozelle, NSW 650

Meredith, Ms Glyn, Gilles Plains, SA 1280

Merkle, Mr Wilhelm, Mermaid Waters, QLD 87

Merory, Mr John, Ivanhoe, VIC 1255

Merrick, Darcy, Ashmore, QLD 54

Michael Sands Associates, Sydney, NSW 779

Middlerock Village Park Residents Liaison Committee, Mile Beach, NSW 1144

Migrant Resource Centre Forum of New South Wales, Rockdale, NSW 778

Mildura Rural City Council, Mildura, VIC 910

Miles, Dr Roger, Sutton, NSW 1212

Millar, Mrs E.K., Lithgow, NSW 1129

Millard, Mr Mark 1314

Miller Health Management, Jamison Centre, ACT 1046

Miller, Mr D, Ashfield, NSW 1366

Miller, Mr Scott, Gladstone, QLD 1201

Milton, R., Belmont, NSW 1150

Mina, Mr John, Lithgow, NSW 1192

Minerals Council of Australia, Dickson, ACT 1044

Minister for Commerce and Trade, Regional Development and Small Business, Perth, WA 1265

Mirvac Limited, Transfield Pty Ltd, Walker Corporation Ltd and Australand Holdings Ltd,
Sydney, NSW 853

Mission Australia, Sydney, NSW 681

Mission Beach Meals on Wheels Inc, Mission Beach, QLD 372

Missions Interlink, Mitcham, VIC 333

Mitchell, Dr Cynthia, Sydney, NSW 437

Mitchell, Mrs A.G, Coffs Harbour, NSW 1180

Mobile Homes (Qld) Occupiers Association Inc, Caloundra D C, QLD 408

Mochelle, Mr Richard, Clayfield, QLD 387

Monck, S T F, Fairview Park, SA 1427

Moore, Mr Bob, Eimeo, QLD 1373

Morawetz, Dr David, Canterbury, VIC 50

Morgan, Ms Elizabeth 1240

Morris, Mr Chris 1426

Mortgage Industry Association of Australia; Aussie Home Loans and Others, Sydney, NSW 638

Morton, Mr Anthony, Parkville, VIC 1294

Morton, Mr Anthony, Parkville, VIC 1294A

Morton, Mr M, Terrigal, NSW 538

Mosselman, Mr John, Cranbourne, VIC 1337

Mount Isa City Council, Mount Isa, QLD 321

Mountains Community Resource Network Inc, Lawson, NSW 837

Mt. St. Michael's College, Ashgrove, QLD 193

Muldoon, Mrs Jean, Terrigal, NSW 539

Mulhern Waste Oil Removal Pty Ltd, Wingfield, SA 234

Mulqueen Family Funeral Directors, Bendigo, VIC 306A

Mulqueen Family Funeral Directors, Bendigo, VIC 306

Multicultural Arts Alliance, Darlinghurst, NSW 805

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW Inc, Parramatta, NSW 651

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia (Inc.), Bentley Dc, WA 1369

Mulvihill, Mr Brian, Beverly Hills, NSW 460

Mungavin, Mr Tony, Brisbane, QLD 1360

Municipal Association of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC 605

Munro, Mr Rod 1254

Munro, Mr Steve, North Warrandyte, VIC 281

Murdoch University Guild of Students, Murdoch, WA 353

Murphy, Mr Frank, Ayr, QLD 1423

Murphy, Mr Richard, Lavington, NSW 17

Music Council of Australia, Neutral Bay, NSW 1018

Music Council of Australia, Neutral Bay, NSW 1018A

Musicians' Union of Australia, Strawberry Hills, NSW 972

NARGA Australia Pty Ltd, Blacktown, NSW 207

Narkaling Inc, Midland, WA 1374

Narkaling Inc, Midland, WA 845

Narrabri Community Tenancy Scheme Inc, Narrabri, NSW 282

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Deakin West, ACT 510

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), Potts Point, NSW 828

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), Potts Point, NSW 828A

National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), Potts Point, NSW 828B

National Association of Community Based Children's Services, Northcote, VIC 822

National Association of Tenant Organisations, Millers Point, NSW 789

National Brain Injury Foundation Inc, Hughes, ACT 1335

National Catholic Education Commission, Canberra City, ACT 560

National Centre for Research into the Prevention of Drug Abuse, Curtin University,
Perth, WA 791

National Centre For Vocational Education Research Ltd, Canberra, ACT 787

National Children's Services Forum (NCSF), Watson, ACT 1410

National Council of Independent Schools' Association, Deakin West, ACT 773

National Council of Massage & Allied Health Practitioners, South Yarra, VIC 40

National Council of Women of Tasmania Inc, Mount Stuart, TAS 987

National Council on Intellectual Disability Inc, Fyshwick, ACT 600

National Credit Union Assn Inc, Indooroopilly, QLD 712

National Education Forum, University Of Canberra, ACT 352

National Ethnic & Multicultural Broadcasters Council Inc, Collingwood, VIC 1321

National Family Day Care Council (Aus) Inc, Gosford, NSW 1332

National Farmers' Federation Australia, Kingston, ACT 98

National Farmers' Federation, Kingston, ACT 98A

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Inc, Civic Square, ACT 240

National Foster Care Forum, Giralang, ACT 1421

National Herbalists Association of Australia, Canberra, ACT 226

National Institute of Accountants, Hotham Hill, VIC 1263

National Legal Aid, Darwin, NT 967

National Meals on Wheels Association Inc, Glenorchy, TAS 556

National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia, Toorak, VIC 1344

National Outside School Hours Services Association (NOSHSA), Torrensville, SA 1378

National Parks Australia Council Inc, Denmark, WA 981

National Rail Corporation Ltd, Parramatta, NSW 174

National Rail Corporation Ltd, Parramatta, NSW 756

National Rural Health Alliance, Deakin West, ACT 732

National Scholarly Communications Forum, Canberra, ACT 1380

National Seniors Association, Brisbane, QLD 734

National Shelter Inc, Hackett, ACT 633

National SIDS Council of Australia, Royston Park, SA 365

National Small Wineries Coalition, Bicheno, TAS 1322

National Tax & Accountants Association Ltd, Melbourne, VIC 1395

National Tertiary Education Industry Union, South Melbourne, VIC 1095

National Union of Students Inc, Carlton South, VIC 1073

National Youth Coalition for Housing, Canberra, ACT 653

Nelson, Ms Mavis, Happy Valley, SA 461

NETA, Phillip, ACT 38

Netball Australia, Parramatta, NSW 1404

Neverfail Springwater Co Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 907

New England Regional Art Museum, Armidale, NSW 1075

New Horizons Enterprises Ltd, North Ryde, NSW 41

Newcastle Trades Hall Council, Newcastle West, NSW 993

Newman, Mr Joseph, North Bondi, NSW 16

Newman, Mr Joseph, North Bondi, NSW 16A

News Limited, Sydney, NSW 1090

Nhulunbuy Corporation Ltd, Nhulunbuy, NT 1091

Nichols, Mr Peter, Wynnum, QLD 1171

Nightingale, Lee, Brisbane, QLD 490

Noad, Mr Brian, Surrey Hills, NSW 188

Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Australia Ltd, St Leonards, NSW 722

North East Community Support Group Inc, Zillmere, QLD 212

North Queensland Conservation Council Inc, Townsville, QLD 1069

North Shoalhaven Meals Co-operative Ltd, Vincentia, NSW 34

North Sydney Council, North Sydney, NSW 790

North, Colin & Barbara, Belmont Nth, NSW 91

Northcott Society, Parramatta, NSW 267

Northern Land Council, Casuarina, NT 1387

NORWEST Industrial Real Estate Pty Ltd, Castle Hill, NSW 262

NRMA, Sydney, NSW 1384

NSW Association of Agriculture Teachers, Orange, NSW 1003

NSW Association of Community Adult Education Centres, Barraba, NSW 878

NSW Council of Adult and Community Education 1352

NSW Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis, Chatswood, NSW 585

NSW Council of People with Multiple Sclerosis, Chatswood, NSW 441

NSW Council of Senior Citizens Associations, Northwood, NSW 497

NSW Family Therapy Association, St Marys, NSW 989

NSW Federation of Housing Associations Inc, Surry Hills, NSW 849

NSW Health Industry Council, Sydney, NSW 1036

NSW Residential Care Association, Silverwater, NSW 629

NSW Retired Teachers Association, Mona Vale, NSW 485

NSW Writers' Centre Inc, Rozelle, NSW 754

Nuance Global Traders Pty Ltd, Alexandria, NSW 690

Nursing Mothers Association of Australia, East Malvern, VIC 1390

O'Connor, Mr Alwyn, Gorokan, NSW 369

O'Flynn, Mr Michael, Dangar Island, NSW 81

O'Hearn & Bilinsky, Wallsend, NSW 884

O'Mahoney, Mrs E, Longford, TAS 111

O'Meara, Valerie & Raymond, Avoca Beach, NSW 1199

Oakes, Mr A.R., Morphett Vale, SA 1364

Oakes, Mr F. G., Avoca Beach, NSW 524

Ogden, Mr J M, Gilgandra, NSW 71

Older Women's Network (Australia) Inc, Sydney, NSW 861

Older Women's Network-Sydney, Millers Point, NSW 480

Oliver, Mr Bruce, Bowral, NSW 94

Omni Leisure Operations Limited, Surfers Paradise, QLD 1342

Open Learning Australia, Melbourne, VIC 210

OPSM Protector Limited, Canberra, ACT 644

Optical Distributors and Manufacturers Association of Australia Ltd, North Sydney, NSW 726

Orchin, L, Avoca Beach, NSW 529

Ord, Mr Frederick, Blackburn South, VIC 129

Orff-Schulwerk Association of NSW Inc, Strathfield, NSW 579

Orica Limited, Melbourne, VIC 943

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish The Entrance, The Entrance, NSW 939

Pace, Mr Michael 20

Pacific Solar Pty Ltd, Botany, NSW 823

Page, Mrs Eveanne, Avoca Beach, NSW 1146

Pakis, E.G., Oyster Bay, NSW 177

Palliative Care Victoria, East Melbourne, VIC 772

Palmer, Mr Claude, Goonellabah, NSW 66

Palms Avoca Village Residents' Council, Avoca Beach, NSW 1177

Parallelo, Station Arcade, SA 1061

Park and Village Service, Surry Hills, NSW 350

Park Residents Association, Redhead, NSW 371

Parker, Denys & Kay, Everton Park, QLD 1117

Parker, Ms Helen, North Parramatta, NSW 580

Parr, James & Miriam, Avoca, NSW 532

Parramatta City Council, Parramatta, NSW 914

Parris, Mr Joshua James, Elwood, VIC 1292

Parry, Mr Robert, Yarrambat, VIC 1228

Pashallis, Mr S, Box Hill North, VIC 45

Pastalatzis, Mr Nick, West Sunshine, VIC 1172

Pavils, John & Phyllis, Surat, QLD 1348

Pearee, Ms Lynda, Kinkora, QLD 1279

Peebles, G D, Barry, J M, Moorabbin, VIC 187

Pennington, Mr J.D., Birkdale, QLD 1205

Pensioners' Action Group Inc, Morley, WA 427

People for Public Transport, Adelaide, SA 1035

People with Disabilities (NSW) Inc, Strawberry Hills, NSW 656

People with Disabilities (WA) Inc, Nedlands, WA 797

Perera, Ms D, North Balwyn, VIC 394

Perry, Ms Carole, Victoria Park, WA 355

Petrie, Ms Karin, New Farm, QLD 127

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Curtin, ACT 273

Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Deakin West, ACT 622

Phillip Morris (Australia) Ltd; Rothmans of Pall Mall (Australia) Ltd;
WD & HO Wills (Australia) Ltd, Southbank, VIC 559

Phillips, Ms Norma, Terrigal, NSW 537

Phoenix Society Inc, Marleston, SA 1425

Photo Marketing Association International - Australia Division, Brisbane, QLD 1435

Physical Disability Council of NSW Inc, Sydney, NSW 666

Pickin, Mr Joe, Footscray West, VIC 114

Pickstone, Ms Joan, Taree, NSW 191

Pihl, Mr Eric 261

Pine Rivers Shire Council, Strathpine, QLD 145

Pittendreigh, Mr John, Paddington, QLD 1250

Pola, Mr Tony, Warrnambool, VIC 960

Polley, Mrs Joy, Avoca Beach, NSW 1147

Polonski, Mr Jozef, Kilkenny, SA 505

Pope, D & M, Ferndale, WA 1339

Port Adelaide Central Mission Inc, Port Adelaide, SA 738

Port Stephens Park Residents Association, Anna Bay, NSW 1060

Portus, Mr Barry, Waratah, NSW 166

Pratt, Mr Ron 1299

Printing Industries Association of Australia, St Leonards, NSW 567

Probst, Mr Scott 1298

Procter, Mrs C.I., Clayfield, QLD 316

Progressive Labour Party, Frenchs Forest, NSW 618

Property Council of Australia Ltd, Sydney, NSW 926

Proprietary Medicines Association of Australia Inc, Canberra, ACT 794

Prouds Jewellers Pty Ltd, Sydney, NSW 723

PSA Of NSW Retired Associates Group, Sydney, NSW 173

Psaltiras, Mr Louie, Richmond, VIC 455

Psychotherapy Association of Australia, Eastwood, NSW 554

Psychotherapy Association of Australia, Eastwood, NSW 554A

Public Health Association of Australia Inc, Curtin, ACT 895

Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Sydney, NSW 1071

Public Transport Users Association, Melbourne, VIC 883

Pullinger, Mrs L.E., Terrigal, NSW 526

Purvis, Mrs H, North Rockhampton, QLD 511

Putland, Dr Gavin R., Calamvale, QLD 185

PwMS-v Inc, Toorak, VIC 813

Queensland Community Housing Coalition Ltd, West End, QLD 798

Queensland Conservation Council 1030

Queensland Country Women's Association, Brisbane, QLD 1371

Queensland Cultural Centre, South Brisbane, QLD 894

Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD 1088

Queensland Meals on Wheels Services Association Inc, Brisbane, QLD 287

Queensland Police Credit Union Limited, Brisbane, QLD 591

Queensland Police Credit Union Limited, Brisbane, QLD 591A

Queensland Public Tenants Assoc Inc, Mackay, QLD 966

Queensland Rail, Brisbane, QLD 802

Queensland Shelter, Stones Corner, QLD 750

Queensland Sugar Corporation; Canegrowers & Australian Sugar Milling Council,
Brisbane, QLD 1086

Quesada, Mr Michael, Dorrigo, NSW 1239

Quiggin, Professor John, Canberra, ACT 78

Quiggin, Professor John, Townsville, QLD 78A

Raftery, Mr Francis, Elizabeth Grove, SA 481

Rail 2000 Inc, Adelaide St Arcade, SA 901

Rail Tram and Bus Union, Redfern, NSW 565

Rainbow Power Company Ltd, Nimbin, NSW 983

Ramsay Health Care Australia Pty Ltd, St Leonards, NSW 548

Rasmussen, Mr Andrew, West End, QLD 1289

Ravenshoe Community Centre, Ravenshoe, QLD 924

Raymond, Mr A W, Highvale, QLD 75

Real Estate Institute of Australia Ltd, Deakin West, ACT 749

REAMP (Re-Employ Active Mature People), Macgregor, ACT 379

Recruitment & Consulting Services Association 687

Recruitment & Consulting Services Association 687A

Red Meat Advisory Council Limited & Meat and Livestock Australia,
Jamison Centre, ACT 1365

Red Meat Advisory Council Limited & Meat and Livestock Australia,
Jamison Centre, ACT 1365A

Redfern Legal Centre, Redfern, NSW 769

Regional Arts Development Program, Glen Innes, NSW 770

Regional Development Council of Western Australia, Perth, WA 1042

Regional Victorian Rural Disability Association, Moe, VIC 963


Relationships Australia, Curtin, ACT 799

Renowden, Dr Peter, North Carlton, VIC 1370

Restaurant & Catering Australia, St Leonards, NSW 697

Retail Traders Association of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 1266

Retired Union Members' Association of S.A. Inc, Adelaide, SA 269

Retirement Village Association of Australia, Melbourne, VIC 649

Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch), Brisbane, QLD 568

Returned & Services League of Australia Ltd, Canberra, ACT 396

Reynolds, Mr Tim, Floreat, WA 1230

Richardson ND MCMA, Ms Janet E., Gawler, SA 225

Richardson, L.G., Gaven, QLD 279

Richardson, Mr & Mrs M. & R, Moto, NSW 1202

Richardson, Mr Graham, Gaven, QLD 516

Richmond Fellowship of W.A. 1324

Richmond, Mr Peter, Beecroft, NSW 64

Riding for Disabled Association of Queensland Inc, Kenmore, QLD 404

Road Transport Forum, Canberra, ACT 302

Robb J.P, Mr William, Warners Bay, NSW 44

Robinson Education Centre Inc, Broken Hill, NSW 360

Robinson, D.A., Kincumber, NSW 1151

Robinson, Mr Brian, Vermont, VIC 247

Rockhampton City Council, Rockhampton, QLD 688

Rodrigues, R.G., Cronulla, NSW 443

Roelofs, Mrs Kerry, Joondalup, 160

Rogers, Mr Cameron, Cooma, NSW 1164

Ronalds, Mr Owen, Yeppoon, QLD 1256

Roth, Mr Michael, Highgate Hill, QLD 163

Rourke, D & M, Terrigal, NSW 542

Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, NSW 676

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Melbourne, VIC 658

Royal Automobile Association of South Australia Inc, Adelaide, SA 952

Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Ltd, Melbourne, VIC 1345

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, Parramatta, NSW 674

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, Parramatta, NSW 674A

Royal Life Saving Society of Australia; Surf Life Saving Australia & St John Ambulance
Australia, Brighton Le Sands, NSW 452

Royal WA Institute for the Blind, Maylands, WA 669

RSPCA Australia, Kingston, ACT 1417

Russell, Mr Kevin, Corlette, NSW 172

Russell, Ms Judith, Lilyfield, NSW 393

Rutland, Ms Marcia, Avoca Beach, NSW 1155

Ryan, Mr John, Hughes, ACT 1080

Ryan, Mrs Marian, Flagstone Creek, QLD 1185

SA Government Superannuated Employees Association Inc (SAGSEA), Broadview, SA 1414

Sargeant, Mr & Mrs J & L, Durack, QLD 423

Sauer, Alfred & Linda, Frankston North, VIC 36

Schorel, Mr G.H., Berriwillock, VIC 7

Schroeder, Mr Walter, Hallett Cove, SA 436

Schulz, Erich &, Cousens, Kylie, Lake Munmorah, NSW 1245

Science Teachers Association of NSW (STANSW) 136

Scott, Mr Mark, Robertson, QLD 1247

Scott, Ms Jessie, Woodridge, QLD 426

Scott, R C, Bracken Ridge, QLD 411

Scouts Australia and Guides Australia, Kent Town, SA 746

Scouts Australia NSW Branch, Haberfield, NSW 1340

Scovell, Mr E, Cowra, NSW 295

Screen Producers Association of Australia, East Sydney, NSW 1087

Secondhand Booksellers Association of SA 184

Securities Institute Education, Sydney, NSW 832

Seiler, Mr Craig, Coconut Grove, NT 1124

Selover, Mr Neil, Vermont, VIC 65

Seniors Economic Forum, Panania, NSW 347

Senserrick CPA, Mr Peter, Dean, VIC 684

Shanahan, Lindsay & Nancy, Cobar, NSW 35

Sheard, Mr Grant 1288

Shelter SA, Adelaide, SA 876

Shelter Tasmania Inc, North Hobart, TAS 660

Shelter Victoria, Moonee Ponds, VIC 675

Shelter WA Inc & Tenants Advice Service WA, East Perth, WA 664

Shine, Mrs B, Kedron, QLD 327

Shinton, Mr K, Terrigal, NSW 530

Sholl, Mr Alister, East Malvern, VIC 1246

Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association, Melbourne, VIC 553

Shrimpton, V & W, Anna Bay, NSW 420

Siddons, Mr John, Lower Plenty, VIC 1182

Simon Dunkerley Pty Ltd, Blackburn, VIC 1400

Sinclair, R, Doonan, QLD 272A

Sinclair, R.P., Doonan, QLD 272

Sir Leslie Morshead War Veterans' Home, Canberra, ACT 1058

Site Revenue Society (QLD) Inc, Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD 957

Slazenger OM, Mrs Regina, Queanbeyan, NSW 1113

Sleep Apnoea Association Inc (ACT), Tuggeranong, ACT 358

Small Business Council of Tasmania Inc, Hobart, TAS 1267

Small Retailers Association of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 1341

Smallbone, Mr David Andrew, Sydney, NSW 1203

Smith CPA, Mr A.W.J., Geraldton, WA 88

Smith Family, Camperdown, NSW 655

Smith, JG, Kincumber, NSW 590

Smith, Lindsay I., Kings Meadows, TAS 1165

Smith, M, Wyong, NSW 1149

Smith, Mr B.M., Warwich, QLD 1128

Smith, Mr Eric, West Hobart, TAS 107

Smith, Mr Raymond, Port Noarlunga South, SA 25

Smith, Mr Robert, Highton, VIC 1434

Smith, Mrs Anita, Karuah, NSW 1207

Smith, Mrs Leone, Castle Hill, NSW 60

Smith, Ms Julie, Watson, ACT 1043

Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW, Kensington, NSW 614

Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia, South Melbourne, VIC 623

SOLA Optical Australia, Lonsdale, SA 737

Sole Parents' Union, Mascot, NSW 1048

Somerville, Mr Wayne, Kyogle, NSW 144

South Australian Council of Social Service Inc, Adelaide, SA 922

South Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc, Unley, SA 881

South Australian Financial Counsellors' Association Inc, Adelaide, SA 808

South Coast Park Residents Association, Windang, NSW 453

South East Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils, Brisbane, QLD 816

South East Queensland Youth Accommodation Coalition, Brisbane, QLD 761

South Lake Child Care Centre, South Lake, WA 470

South Sydney City Council, Beaconsfield, NSW 562

South West Environment Centre, Bunbury, WA 1054

Sowton, Mr Adrian, Heathmont, VIC 70

Spastic Centre of New South Wales, Brookvale, NSW 1028

Sprawson, Mr Forbes, Hampton, VIC 194

Sprawson, Mr Forbes, Hampton, VIC 194A

Squire, Mr Charles, Terrigal, NSW 543

St George Migrant Resource Centre Inc, Rockdale, NSW 998

St Vincent de Paul Society, Summer Hill, NSW 300

Stanger, Mr Aidan, Hallett Cove, SA 1237

Stanhope, Mr Jack, Parkdale, VIC 1424

Stanton OAM, Rosemary, Via Moss Vale, NSW 227

Stanuovo, Ms Val, Plympton, SA 1132

Star, Ms Jan, Jarrahdale, WA 1229

State Chamber of Commerce (New South Wales), Sydney, NSW 825

State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 249

State School Teachers' Union of WA Inc, East Perth, WA 841

Steele, Mr Cameron, Bannockburn, VIC 1220

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9A

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9B

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9C

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9D

Steele, Mr Donald R, Brisbane, QLD 9E

Steele, Mr Donald R, Brisbane, QLD 9F

Steele, Mr Donald, Brisbane, QLD 9G

Stephens, Mr Edward, West End, QLD 201

Stephens, Ms Ann, West End, QLD 175

Stevens, Mr M, Cabramatta, NSW 431

Stewart, Dr Betty, Cheltenham, VIC 112

Stoneham, Ms Brenda, Terrigal, NSW 521

Story, J.E., Avoca Beach, NSW 1138

Streamliner Supershuttle Ferries Pty Ltd, Gosford, NSW 577

Streamliner Supershuttle Ferries Pty Ltd, Gosford, NSW 577A

Strnad, Mrs H, Box Hill South, VIC 494

Strutt, Mr Brian, Hughes, ACT 134

Students Representative Council of the University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 1225

Students' Association of Flinders University, Adelaide, SA 1059

Styles, Mr Edmund, Armidale, NSW 492

Sullivan, Mr J, Dapto, NSW 131

Sumner, Mrs Eleanor, Watsonia, VIC 95

Sunnybank Family Support Inc, Sunnybank Hills, QLD 980

Sunshine Coast Environment Council Inc, Nambour, QLD 846

Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association Inc, Canberra, ACT 771

Supported Residential Facilities Association-South Australia Inc, Seacliff Park, SA 724

Supported Residential Facilities Unit Office for the Ageing (Dept of Human Services SA) 1026

Sustainable Energy Industry Association Australia Ltd, Dickson, ACT 702

Swan, Mr James, Karuah, NSW 1206

Sydney Opera House Trust, Sydney, NSW 774

Sykes, Mr Edward, Toronto, NSW 1176

Symphony Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, Ultimo, NSW 945

Tanner, Mr R.J., Cremorne, NSW 250

Tapp, Mr Gregory, Semaphore South, SA 487

Taranto, Mr Vince, Roselands, NSW 182

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd, Hobart, TAS 818

Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS), Battery Point, TAS 872

Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS), Battery Point, TAS 872A

Tasmanian Council of State School Parents & Friends Associations Inc, Hobart, TAS 1351

Tasmanian Duty of Care Alliance, Hobart, TAS 1397

Tasmanian Government, Hobart, TAS 1411

Tasmanian Independent Wholesalers, Launceston, TAS 782

Tasmanian Secondary Principals Association (TSPA), Hobart, TAS 1385

Tax Reform and Community Sector Alliance, Deakin, ACT 992

Tax Reform Australia Inc, Melbourne, VIC 203

Tax Reform Limited, Brisbane, QLD 164B

Tax Reform Limited, Brisbane, QLD 164A

Tax Reform Ltd, Brisbane, QLD 164

Taxation Institute of Australia, Sydney, NSW 899

Taxi Industry Council of Australia & Taxi Drivers Association of Victoria Inc,
Carlton South, VIC 236

Taylor, Mr Colin, Glenside, SA 473

Taylor, Mr Daniel, Sydney, NSW 395

Taylor, Mr Geoff, Riverton, WA 1214

Taylor, Mr Malcolm, Mount Pleasant, WA 117

Taylor, N, Camperdown, NSW 1

Tease, Mr John W, Warilla, NSW 49

Technology Education Federation of Australia, Belconnen, ACT 354

Tenant and Community Initiatives Program, Sydney, NSW 777

The Absolutely Fabulous Shoppe, Warrnambool, VIC 363

Thomas, Mr William, Sheffield, TAS 1249

Thompson, Mr Paul, Bellevue Heights, SA 1261

Thompson, Mr W.L., Glass House Mountains, QLD 1253

Thompson-Menheere, Ms Erica, Ocean Grove, VIC 1108

Thomson, Mr Ross, Warradale, SA 1109

Thorn Australia Pty Ltd, Canberra, ACT 647

Thorne, Mr Eric, Mackenzie, QLD 59

Tidd, Mr & Mrs D.E. & M.K., Elizabeth East, SA 502

Tilley, Mr John, Avoca Beach, NSW 547

Timbercorp Eucalypts Ltd, West Perth, WA 862

Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park, Cairns, QLD 1391

Tollefsen, Mr Ray, Willetton, WA 139

Tonge, Mr G.F., Darawank, NSW 508

Toowoomba and Region Environment Council Inc, Toowoomba, QLD 325

Tourism Council Australia, Kings Cross, NSW 718

Tourism Task Force Ltd, Sydney, NSW 472

Tourle, Mr Edgar, South Hurstville, NSW 292

Town and Country Planning Association, Footscray, VIC 717

Townsend, Mr Philip, Canberra, ACT 345

Tracey, Mr John, Balmain, NSW 1126

Transport Workers' Union of Australia, Carlton South, VIC 985

Treasury, Parkes, ACT 121

Trenta Pty Ltd, Graceville East, QLD 569

Trevor Andrews, Gosford, NSW 399

Trezise, Mr Matthew, Cairns, QLD 958

Tricon Restaurants Australia Pty Ltd, Frenchs Forest, NSW 859

Truscott Electronics Pty Ltd & P.G.A. & Associates Pty Ltd, Adelaide, SA 897

Trustee Corporations Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW 743

Tubb, Mr Brian, Happy Valley, SA 430

Tunbridge, J., St Georges Basin, NSW 1326

Underwood, Mr Geoff 1259

Unemployed Peoples Embassy, Sydney South, NSW 412

Unemployment Networking, Gerringong, NSW 56

UnitCare Services, Belair, SA 971

United Consumer Awareness Network Inc, Mudgeeraba, QLD 847

United Healthcare Network, Brisbane, QLD 663

United Trades & Labor Council of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 940

Uniting Church Children's Services Forum, Roseville, NSW 727

Uniting Church in Australia Goulburn Parish Council, Goulburn, NSW 169

Uniting Community Services Australia, Mawson, ACT 935

Unity Action Group For Retirees, Sans Souci, NSW 290

University Co-operative Bookshop Ltd, Broadway, NSW 593

University of Queensland Veterinary Students Association, St Lucia, QLD 216

Upper Hunter Credit Union Ltd, Muswellbrook, NSW 817

Urban Development Institute of Australia, Brisbane, QLD 509

van Heusden, Mr Berend, Coolaroo, VIC 183

van Lieven, Mr Wayne, Mundaring, WA 1290

Vasey Housing Association NSW, Sydney, NSW 826

Verrall, Mr Bernard, Hackett, ACT 211

Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals, North Melbourne, VIC 999

Victorian Bicycle Coalition, Brunswick, VIC 764

Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS), Melbourne, VIC 604

Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI), Hawthorn, VIC 122A

Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hawthorn, VIC 122

Victorian Federation of State School Parents' Clubs Inc (VFSSPC), Abbotsford, VIC 1382

Victorian Independent Funeral Directors Association Inc, Cheltenham, VIC 978

Victorian Local Governance Association, Melbourne, VIC 742

Victorian Rural Fire Brigades Association Inc, Gisborne, VIC 973

Victorian Wine Grape Growers' Council Inc, Mildura, VIC 1359

Victorian Wine Industry Association Inc, South Melbourne, VIC 1437

Victorian Writers' Centre, Fitzroy, VIC 1021

Vietnam Veterans' Federation, Parramatta, NSW 1055

Village Life Ltd, Annerley, QLD 93

Vineyards Association of Tasmania Inc, Launceston, TAS 84

Volunteering S.A Inc, Adelaide, SA 1305

W & M Hamill, Wollongong, NSW 597

W. Ross McLennan Real Estate Valuer & Consultant, Orange, NSW 324

Walker, Mr David, Terrigal, NSW 536

Walliss, Mrs Pamela, Burleigh Waters, QLD 474

Walpole, Mr Michael, Sydney, NSW 1392

Walshaw, Mr Timothy, Waramanga, ACT 77

Walshaw, Mr Timothy, Waramanga, ACT 77A

Walshaw, Mr Timothy, Waramanga, ACT 77B

Wanless, Mr David, West Moonah, TAS 476

War Widows' Guild of Australia NSW Ltd, Sydney, NSW 190

Ward, Mr Arnold, Novar Gardens, SA 158

Ware, M G, Gatton, QLD 1227

Warren Blackwood Personnel, Bridgetown, WA 1210

Warren, Mr Rex, Gladstone, QLD 1097

Warren, Mr Rex, Gladstone, QLD 1097A

Warrendine Nursery, Forbes, NSW 228

Waterford, Mr W.B, Robertson, QLD 380

Waterford, Mrs Ann, Robertson, QLD 376

Waters, K.N., Maida Vale, WA 157

Watkins, Chris, Clovelly, NSW 1295

Watson, Mr C, Terrigal, NSW 527

Wattle Range Council, Millicent, SA 268

Watts, Mr & Mrs Edwin & Gwenda, Terrigal, NSW 545

Waverley Council, Bondi Junction, NSW 762

Webber, Mr Ray, Toowoomba, QLD 1140

Weightman, Mr Peter, Mt Gravatt, QLD 368

Weissmann, Mr Gerard, Adelaide, SA 392

Wellspring Publishers Pty Ltd, North Sydney, NSW 755

Wesley Central Mission Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 896

Wesley Mission Sydney, Sydney South, NSW 1271

West Australian Small Business and Enterprise Association Inc, West Perth, WA 332

Western Australian Deaf Society Inc, Leederville, WA 632

Western Australian Municipal Association, West Perth, WA 900

Western District Valuation Services, Warrnambool, VIC 413

Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd, Blacktown, NSW 893

WESTHIRN, Harris Park, NSW 309

Whan, Mr S, Canberra, ACT 599

White, Mr & Mrs Wallin & Maud, Terrigal, NSW 546

White, Mr David George, Fernvale, QLD 1119

Whitmore Square Residents Association, Adelaide, SA 1208

Wicks, Mr Les, Bondi Junction, NSW 32

Wigg, Mr Hugh, Gilberton, SA 1216

Wild, Mr Brian, Brungle, NSW 1422

Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Caloundra Area Inc), Caloundra, QLD 410

Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Bayside Branch (Qld) Inc, Capalaba, QLD 115

Wilkinson, Mr John, North Bondi, NSW 202

Wilkinson, Mr Ray, Orange, NSW 151

Willersdorf, Mr Bruce, Mt Waverley, VIC 179

Williams, Mr H., Mentone, VIC 233

Willoughby City Council, Chatswood, NSW 308

Wilmot, P D & Knight, J L, Doubleview, WA 1174

Wilmott, Richard & Joyce, Karuah, NSW 1167

Wilson, Mr Andrew, Nundah, QLD 153

Wilson, Mr Keith, Terrigal, NSW 523

Wilson, Mr R H, Salter Point, WA 72

Wilson, Mr Richard, Mona Vale, NSW 1125

Wilson, P.E., Belmont, NSW 1157

WiN Support Services, Footscray, VIC 812

Windshuttle, Richard & Marie, Avoca Beach, NSW 1159

Winegrape Growers' Council of Australia Inc, Magill, SA 880

Winemakers Federation of Australia Inc, Canberra, ACT 938

Winemakers Federation of Australia, Magill, SA 938A

Winemakers Federation of Australia, Magill, SA 938B

Winmill, Mr Clive, Chewton, VIC 1276

Winton Shire Council, Winton, QLD 968

Women's Action Alliance (Australia) Inc, Camberwell, VIC 814

Women's Coalition against the GST 1008

Women's Economic Think Tank, Glebe, NSW 1007

Women's Electoral Lobby Australia Inc, Civic Square, ACT 767

Women's Electoral Lobby WA 391

Women's Housing Association Inc, Kilburn, SA 665

Womensport Australia, Deakin, ACT 1000

Wood, Mrs Gwen, Anna Bay, NSW 1152

Woolnough, Mr Michael, Port Lincoln, SA 1277

World Vision, Burwood East, VIC 863

Wragg, Ms Cheryl, North Fitzroy, VIC 959

Wren Oil, Picton, WA 303

Wyles, Mr Andrew, Artarmon, NSW 1287

Wyong Shire Council, Wyong, NSW 842

Yates, Mr Gary, Frenchs Forest, NSW 576

Youth & Family Service (Logan City) Inc, Woodridge, QLD 615

Youth Performing Arts Australia, Southbank, VIC 768

Yule, Ms Valerie, Mount Waverley, VIC 451

YWCA - Canberra, Kingston, ACT 610

YWCA of Australia, Dickson, ACT 611

Form letters included: