Chapter 12

Chapter 12


12.1 The Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee took evidence on the impact of the Government's proposed GST package on the Environment. This section represents an edited extract from the References Committee Report. The findings of the References Committee are set out in Chapter 1.

12.2 Most submissions relevant to the committee's terms of reference called for a review of the proposed new tax system with a view to implementing long-term environmental strategies based on ecological sustainability and more efficient use of natural resources. The most significant issue to emerge was the proposed reduction in diesel fuel excise.

12.3 Submissions from public interest groups, academics, research organisations and government agencies generally addressed the broader impacts of the reduction in diesel fuel excise. Australia's international treaty obligations including the International Framework Convention on Climate Change and `the overseas experience' were also canvassed.

12.4 Greenpeace Australia argued that the proposed new tax system would result in Australia losing a rare opportunity to change the tax system to one that would result in our being more ecologically sustainable. Greenpeace favours a three-tiered approach to tax reform: first, the removal of subsidies promoting the exploitation of fossil fuels, secondly, the application of a genuine polluter pays principle and thirdly, the removal of barriers to renewable energy and the provision of flexible incentives to accelerate the phase-in of sustainable forms of energy generation. [1]

12.5 The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) presented a similar view. [2] The ACF believes that the proposed new tax system would encourage pollution, waste and other unsustainable practices.

12.6 Other evidence supported these views, suggesting that the opportunity to implement ecological tax reform should not be lost when such far-reaching new tax proposals were on the national agenda. The ACF and the Nature Conservation Council of NSW referred the Reference Committee to examples of ecological tax reform undertaken in other OECD countries, and to Australia's `spectacular failure to implement ecological tax reform'. [3] The ACF stated that:

This tax reform package is the only example in recent years of an OECD country introducing a net reduction in fuel and energy related taxes and charges. Even the conservative International Energy Agency has urged Australia to increase fuel taxes to curb energy consumption. [4]

12.7 The conclusion reached by the Australia Institute was that the general effect of the tax package would be to lead to an overall increase in greenhouse gas emissions and urban air pollution. The Australia Institute's submission provided a detailed analysis of two major energy sectors:

stationary energy, which includes electricity, gas and non-transport use of fossil fuels as well as renewable energy and energy efficiency; and

transport energy, which is divided into freight (road and rail), business transport, private transport and public transport. [5]

12.8 The Local Government and Shires Association of NSW asked the References Committee to investigate ways to bring about environmental benefits without compromising the other goals of the proposed new tax system. The Association pointed out that councils' opportunities to reward environmentally appropriate behaviour are limited not by will but by their statutory charter, which limits the tools and resources available to them. The Association believes that there is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to use its considerably broader financial powers to provide incentives for the national community, in the same way that councils have pursued this `innovative' approach with their local communities. [6]

Reduction in Diesel Fuel Excise

12.9 Diesel excise is currently set at 43.355 c/L. This excise forms a substantial portion of the costs of diesel fuel, currently around 70 c/L at the retail pump and 60 c/L for large fleet operators.

12.10 Under the Government's proposed tax package 10 percent GST is to be imposed from 1 July 2000 on all fuel sales whether the fuel has previously been subject to excise (e.g. petrol, diesel) or is not subject to excise (e.g. LPG). At the same time the GST is introduced, the government proposes to “reduce excises on petrol and diesel so that the pump price of these commodities for consumers need not rise [7]

12.11 All GST registered businesses will then effectively pay less for petrol and diesel because they will be able to claim input tax credits for the GST payable on fuel used for business purposes. Some GST registered businesses will receive further rebates of diesel excise they have paid through a new diesel fuel credit scheme which is to be “delivered through the GST system” [8]

12.12 This new diesel credit scheme will reduce the effective rate of tax on diesel fuel used in `heavy transport' (defined as vehicles with a gross vehicle mass over 3.5 tonnes) and rail to 18 cents per litre. [9] GST registered businesses which purchase diesel and like fuels for off-road business use (including light fuel oil for marine business use, and bunker fuel) will qualify for a full rebate of all the excise paid [10]

12.13 In several industries, such as the primary industries, diesel fuel has been either completely or virtually excise-free due to the operation of the Commonwealth diesel fuel rebate scheme. However, in a number of other industries such as manufacturing, tourism, buses, taxis, road and rail freight, the full rate of diesel excise has been paid. Thus, to date, in those industries there has been a considerable incentive to substitute tax-free gaseous fuels (mainly LPG but to some extent CNG) for the more highly taxed liquid fuels. [11] Under the proposed new tax system, the price differential between gaseous fuels and conventional fuels would narrow substantially.

12.14 The submissions and evidence received by the References Committee indicated that the reduction in diesel fuel went beyond the economic to include environmental, social and health issues. Private sector organisations and industry groups focused on issues relevant to their own particular industry sectors, including:

12.15 The common argument which emerged from the inquiry was that the proposed effective reductions in the taxation of diesel fuel would lead to an increase in the use of environmentally unfriendly and highly polluting fuels (diesel) at the expense of less polluting fuels (NG, LPG). Most of the evidence suggested that this would not only have major economic benefits for the road transport and stationary energy sectors, but would also have a significant detrimental affect on the environment and human health.

12.16 Based on the fundamental economic principle that when you change prices in an economy, people's behaviour changes (the law of demand), Dr Clive Hamilton, Executive Director of the Australia Institute, said that the principal effect of these price changes would be fourfold:

an increase in freight transport and a shift from rail to road transport;

a general increase in business transport and a shift to diesel within that away from petrol;

an increased use of private vehicles, partly at the expense of public transport; and

the probable collapse of the gas-powered vehicle industry in Australia. [12]

12.17 The Institute's submission stated that the decrease in the price of both road and rail freight as a result of the tax package would produce a 2.0 per cent increase in demand for rail and a 7.3 per cent increase in demand for road freight. Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics figures suggest that by 2010, demand for heavy road and rail freight is expected to reach 175 and 137 billion tonne kilometres respectively. The tax package would increase those figures by 12.8 and 2.7 billion tonne kilometres for road and rail respectively.

12.18 Based on these figures, fuel consumption for road freight would increase as a result of the tax package by 430 million litres per annum above expected growth, and rail freight consumption by 20 million litres. [13] In spite of this overall increase in demand, road would take the majority of the contestable freight, causing the complete cessation of some interstate rail freight services. [14]

12.19 Dr Paul Mees, President of the Public Transport Users Association, told the References Committee that as currently structured, the Government's package:

is going to provide a substantial net further incentive to people to use environmentally polluting modes of transport rather than less environmentally polluting modes of transport. That is the opposite direction from the one in which transport policy should be moving. [15]

12.20 There is no doubt that the Government's tax proposals would significantly increase the use of diesel, at the expense of less polluting fuels. Mr Craig Marschall, Managing Director of IMPCO Technologies Pty Ltd, told the References Committee that the removal of diesel excise in New Zealand had led to a 130 per cent increase in the use of diesel over ten years. There had been a 66 per cent reduction in gaseous fuel use and the natural gas vehicle fleet had been reduced from 130,000 vehicles to 20,000 vehicles. [16]

12.21 Although the Australia Institute focused on energy used in the transport and stationary sectors, their analysis indicates that the impact of the proposed reduction in diesel fuel excise goes well beyond the economics of these sectors. The Institute estimated that atmospheric emissions in the transport sector would increase, with CO2 up 4.5 per cent by around the year 2010 and particulates, the most damaging form of air pollution, increasing significantly.

Particulates and Health

12.22 Diesel has a high level of sulphur and results in a much higher level of particle emissions than gaseous fuels. The most readily inhalable particles are extremely small and carry toxins deep into the respiratory system. According to National Environment Protection Council estimates, 1,062 people die each year from particulate exposure. [17] The Australia Institute told the References Committee that an increase in particulates as a result of the Government's proposed tax package would produce an increased rate of mortality in Australian cities:

We estimate that at least 65 more people will die each year in Australia as a result of the increase in urban air pollution and traffic accidents if the GST package goes ahead as proposed. These will be predominantly young children and the elderly. This is a very conservative estimate; I suggest the true figure will be perhaps four or five times higher than that. These factors are crucial to a proper assessment of the implications of the new tax package. [18]

12.23 Others were also vitally concerned with human health issues. Mr James Whelan, Clean Air Campaigner for the Queensland Conservation Council, gave evidence suggesting that the most important issue was the adverse health effects of particle pollution, with diesel emissions figuring most prominently. [19] The submission of the Catholic Diocesan Centre in Adelaide was one of a number which echoed these concerns, referring in particular to the potential increase in sulphur di- and trioxides. [20]

12.24 A significant factor in the level of particle emissions is the sulphur content of fuels. Mr Whelan told the References Committee that:

modern diesel vehicles fitted with catalytic converters operate efficiently using very low sulphur fuel. Once that sulphur level increases, the catalytic converters fail, resulting in much higher particle output. [21]

12.25 Ms Bronwen Machin, Clean Air Campaigner for Environment Victoria, stated that Australia's standard for sulphur is ten times more lenient than the European standard. The European Union has a maximum sulphur content in diesel fuel of 0.05 per cent. In Australia the maximum is 0.5 per cent. [22] Low sulphur fuels are available, and have been legislated in some European countries. However, Australia continues to allow the emission of damaging particles.

12.26 Mr Whelan provided the References Committee with research which demonstrated the decreasing level of particle emissions that can be achieved with the use of low sulphur and gaseous fuels.

12.27 Mr Whelan referred to research undertaken by Dr Lydia Morawska of the Queensland University of Technology, recognised for her work on respirable particles with the World Health Organisation. Mr Whelan said that Dr Morawska's findings suggest that the current levels of particle pollution are responsible for over a thousand premature deaths across Australia each year, and in south-east Queensland the current estimate is 250 premature deaths per annum. [23]

12.28 Mr Whelan also drew the References Committee's attention to a study of a major Brisbane traffic corridor, which demonstrated that people living in the densely populated area 150 metres either side of the main road are exposed to levels of particle pollution likely to trigger adverse health effects for the old, the young and any person with existing respiratory or cardiovascular ailments. [24]

12.29 Dr Hamilton of the Australia Institute said that:

It is particularly important to point out here a fact that is rarely recognised; that is, poor families will suffer most from these health impacts because they tend to live in areas where pollution is worst. If you are a wealthy family, you do not live on a busy road. [25]

12.30 Dr Morawska's work suggests that in the case of respirable particles, PM2.5 and PM0.1, the smallest and most dangerous according to the National Environment Protection Council, [26] anyone living within 200 metres of a major roadway is at risk. The Government's proposal to reduce excise and encourage the greater use of diesel in public transport and road haulage is a potential threat to the health of up to twenty per cent of the Australian population. [27]

12.31 Medical evidence linking particulates from diesel engines with conditions like asthma are translating into social costs which some reports rate as high as $2 billion per year. [28] Dr David Brand, President of the Australian Medical Association, has stated that:

Medical evidence is mounting on the dangers of fine particles in diesel exhausts. I am particularly concerned by the evidence that these fine particles may lead to the premature deaths of 1,000 Australians every year. My medical colleagues have linked these particles to increased risk of lung cancer and a variety of respiratory disorders. The Government should take heed of these medical indicators and take steps to reduce, not increase the use of diesel in our cities. [29]

12.32 Mr David Langsam provided the References Committee with details of his research, which included the following report of scientific evidence of links between vehicle emissions and respiratory illness:

Monash University senior lecturer in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Dr Michael Abramson, says that the evidence is building that transport emissions are a significant factor in respiratory illness.

12.33 `About 13 per cent of hospital admissions from asthma can be attributed to high ozone levels. Motor vehicles, especially diesels, emit particulates and PM10 and they have been shown to be associated with death and respiratory illness in overseas studies,' Dr Abramson said.

12.34 University of New South Wales Professor Adrian Bauman says air quality is a factor in triggering asthma symptoms, but is a more obvious factor in other respiratory illnesses. About 1.4 million Australians have asthma, including one in five children under the age of 12. Asthma killed 825 people 1994. The medical cost of asthma to Australia is about $320 million with a further $400 million lost in work productivity. [30]

12.35 The References References Committee found the evidence presented on the health impacts of diesel fuels profoundly disturbing. There is a significant problem to be addressed in relation to the current level of diesel use, let alone the likely further impacts which would follow from a lowering of the diesel excise and the resulting disincentive to explore other fuels. The Government's proposal concentrates on short-term, short-sighted economic outcomes which would have serious long-term social and economic effects.

Gaseous Fuels

12.36 The Australian Gas Association (AGA), the Australasian Natural Gas Vehicles Council (ANGVC) and the Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (ALPGA) each provided the References Committee with individual submissions. At the References Committee's Adelaide hearing, however, the three organisations appeared together as an industry group, representing gas suppliers, vehicle suppliers, component manufacturers and refuelling equipment suppliers. [31]

12.37 The industry group argued that the successful development of the gaseous transport fuels industry in Australia – both CNG and LPG – could have a positive effect on our environment, health and economy. Support for this industry in its formative stages would result in Australia:

achieving cleaner air quality;

meeting its international emission reduction targets;

providing choice and efficiency for transport operators;

maximising the utilisation of existing energy infrastructure; and

reducing Australia's dependence on imported fuels. [32]

12.38 The industry group believes that the flow-on effects of the diesel excise reduction would be significant. One result would be the demise of the gaseous transport fuels industry and the collapse of the Government's policy to encourage the use of CNG in Sydney and Melbourne. [33] The industry group provided the References Committee with a number of pieces of evidence in support of its view.

12.39 Streamliner Ferries is proposing to run a high-speed (commuter and tourist) ferry service between the central coast of NSW and Sydney. After spending three years developing the NG system and gaining regulatory approvals, Streamliner Ferries is concerned that `the rug has been pulled' out from under them:

We will be in a situation where running on compressed natural gas will put us behind any other competitor and it will cost us more to do so with the reduction in diesel fuel excise. [34]

12.40 Streamliner Ferries seeks the maintenance of the price differential between NG and diesel and assistance with capital costs. They argue that capital cost is one of the main disincentives for fleet operators to use CNG, whether they are marine or land based. [35]

12.41 Mr Whelan of the Queensland Conservation Council told the References Committee that in 1998 Brisbane City Council called for tenders for ultra low emission buses and received tenders from suppliers of CNG and LPG buses. However, the proposed tax package would encourgae Brisbane Transport to continue to use its current fleet of ageing and highly polluting diesel buses, saving three to four million dollars annually. [36]

12.42 The References Committee heard similar evidence regarding the situation in other parts of Australia.

12.43 The Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union told the References Committee that the State Transit Authority of New South Wales, the largest bus operator in Australia, operates a fleet of 1,200 buses:

The present indications are that if this current package goes ahead, regardless of whether or not the vehicles are manufactured overseas, regardless of whether or not there is increasing engine efficiency because of improvements in technique, they will probably stop their proposal to convert a quarter of their fleet from current diesel to CNG/LPG. [37]

12.44 The References Committee also heard that as a result of the tax proposals, and the decision of International Trucks to suspend CNG developments, Unley Council in South Australia had only recently abandoned its plan to introduce eight gas-powered garbage compactors. [38]

12.45 The References Committee heard evidence that the weight of CNG cylinders significantly reduces the number of passengers that gas fuelled buses can carry, and that that is a significant commercial barrier to their introduction. [39] However, the References Committee was told in later evidence that while this might have been true ten years ago, advances in cylinder design meant that cylinders were now one third of their former weight and that the latest CNG buses weighed no more than equivalent diesel buses and could carry a similar passenger load. [40]

12.46 Given the serious health and environmental implications of the continuing use of diesel powered buses and trucks in the major cities, considered above, particularly the use of an ageing and highly polluting vehicle fleet, the References Committee found the evidence in relation to gas fuelled buses and trucks very persuasive. There are also compelling economic reasons to continue to support the development of the gaseous fuels industry, and it is clear that the Government's tax proposals would have a serious impact on that industry.

12.47 At the References Committee's Canberra hearing, gas industry representatives specifically focussed on the light vehicle market, where petrol is the main fuel. The industry is concerned that the growth of gaseous fuel use in light vehicles would decline as a result of the reduction in diesel fuel excise. Summarising the extent of the industry, Mr Ian Maloney, Chairman of the Autogas References Committee of the Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association, said that:

Ten per cent of petrol use has now been replaced by LPG. We have almost 500,000 vehicles in Australia running now on LPG. Only 16,000 or so of those are taxis – virtually all are not taxis. We have over 3,500 retail outlets spread around Australia in the capital cities and with extensive representation in rural and regional Australia.

12.48 We have an extensive supply network. The supply network for automotive LPG is integrated with the supply network for LPG, which is a major rural fuel, as you would appreciate. The total investment in this industry is over $1.5 billion. This has also provided a base for a growing export industry in dispensing and conversion equipment – now over $10 million per annum. [41]

12.49 Mr Maloney said that the industry had achieved this position through bipartisan political support for LPG to remain excise-free and thus provide savings to the user. The industry assessment is that the new tax proposals would mean that the payback distance to recover the additional cost of running a light vehicle on gas as opposed to petrol would increase by about 24 per cent. As a consequence, the expected reduction in the current annual conversion rate of new vehicles from petrol to LPG would be from 60,000 to 40,000. Mr Maloney said that the impact of that reduction would result in about 2,000 job loses:

That loss of jobs would close about 400 of the over 1,000 small businesses that are the backbone of the automotive LPG industry. Our proposed solution to prevent that happening is an environmental grant of $400 for each vehicle converted. [42]

12.50 In summary, gas industry representatives believe that they have become an unintended casualty of the government's broader tax policy, making the industry uncompetitive. [43]

Road and Rail Transport

12.51 The References Committee heard from a number of witnesses (including the Road Transport Forum) that diesel use in rail transport is at least three times more efficient per tonne kilometre than in road transport. [44] The submissions and evidence received by the References Committee suggested that the impact of the proposed new tax system would be likely to foster road freight at the expense of rail. The Road Transport Forum (RTF) was the sole exception to this view. [45]

12.52 The rail industry's fundamental concern is that the Government's proposed tax package would create an even more unlevel playing field than currently exists and result in a modal shift from rail to road, contributing significantly to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions:

Road transport requires three times more fuel for the same freight task than rail. Cheaper fuel will benefit road more than rail, because the relative costs of road would be reduced more than those for rail. In other words, efficient users of fuel will be penalised. [46]

12.53 The Australasian Railway Association (ARA), the peak industry body for Australia and New Zealand, argued that the Government's proposals would:

cause the cessation of some interstate rail services;

increase fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions;

increase heavy vehicle traffic that would increase the potential for truck related crashes;

increase urban air pollution from increased car use;

increase urban road congestion; and

increase urban land use transport requirements because of increased car use. [47]

12.54 In total, modal shift to roads because of the proposed changes to diesel fuel excise will cause an additional 500 to 600 semitrailer movements per day between east coast capital cities. This will increase transport fuel use and greenhouse emissions and will increase pressure for federally funded road improvements. [48]

12.55 The ARA said that the air pollution, noise, congestion and accident costs of road transport are already around $12 billion per year. [49]

12.56 The Association also told the References Committee that over the last twenty years factors such as massive government spending on roads, a relative decline in funding of rail infrastructure, the introduction of increased mass limits for trucks and inappropriately low registration charges had combined to give road an ever increasing advantage over rail on routes under 1,000 kilometres. [50]

12.57 The National Farmers Federation (NFF) expressed support for the imposition of the GST to replace indirect taxes estimating that this would increase return to farmers of about $900 million per annum. The NFF policy calls for removal of all fuel excises and the introduction of efficient road user charges. [51] The NFF referred to `gross over-recovery of costs from vehicles operating in rural regions' of approximately $1.5 billion. [52]

12.58 Professor Laird, however, argued that National Road Transport Commission charges tend to under-recover road system costs, at the expense of lighter and/or short distance trucks, along with other road users and tax payers, [53] and quoted Professor Fred Hilmer's view that:

The road sector does not fully pay for the road damages and externality costs … and this may affect potential intermodal competition with rail especially. [54]

12.59 Professor Laird argued that the highest level of under-recovery is from B-doubles, which are now the major competitors for rail freight. (B-doubles are articulated trucks with a prime mover and two trailors. A fully laden nine-axle B double has a gross vehicle mass of 62.5 tonnes.) There was agreement from witnesses that a fully laden B-double causes 20,000 times the road damage of a family car. [55] Professor Laird said that if articulated vehicles were to bear their full costs road transport costs would have to rise and that this could produce a shift from road to rail. [56]

12.60 National Rail Corporation's (NRC) main business is interstate freight. On the issue of competition with road transport, Mr Fred Affleck, General Manager, Corporate Affairs said:

To summarise broadly, the effect of a reduction for both road and rail to 18 cents would be, according to this independent analysis we have had done, that in a worse case scenario we, National Rail, could expect to lose 850,000 tonnes of freight, concentrated on the Melbourne-Adelaide, Melbourne-Sydney and Sydney-Brisbane corridors primarily. In a best case scenario, we would lose somewhat more than half a million tonnes. Translating that worst case into a loss of revenue, it could amount to as much as $27 million loss of revenue or, in a best case, $16 million in revenue. [57]

12.61 Mr Affleck said that NRC's submission had attempted to translate the shift in freight from rail to road into fuel consumption:

In a worst case scenario, for us anyway, where we are losing, say, 850,000 tonnes across the board, that amounts to approximately 17 million litres more fuel consumed as a result of that going onto road. So the net difference between the fuel that we cease to consume and the new fuel that road adds to its consumption is plus 17 million litres of fuel.

12.62 If you translate that into greenhouse gases, in our submission I have listed the quantities of tonnages of various gases – for example, 40,000 additional tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum as a result in that shift from rail to road. [58]

12.63 The References Committee found the evidence to be overwhelming that a significant cut to diesel excise would encourage a greater use of diesel, with a number of associated problems, quite apart from any increase in economic growth. As for other fuels, while it is often true that new technology is adopted as it becomes available, the evidence already cited in this report suggests that the proposed cut in diesel excise would significantly impede the development of such technology and make it more expensive relative to conventional technology, and therefore less attractive. Further, not only the rail industry itself but independent authorities confirm that there would be a significant shift of freight from rail to road. There would be a very significant increase in road transport at the expense of rail, with serious consequences in a number of areas. The direct result of the Government's proposals would be increasing environmental costs of road transport which Australia cannot afford.

Public Transport

12.64 Public transport operators (buses, trains, and ferries) currently pay the full excise on the fuels they use. However, the vehicles used in public transport are not subject to sales tax, unlike private and commercial motor vehicles. The proposed new tax system would therefore reduce the cost of purchasing a private vehicle relative to a public transport vehicle but would maintain the cost of petrol used in that private vehicle. On the other hand, the public transport system would receive tax credits for all fuel used in their operations but fares would be subject to the GST.

12.65 There was general agreement in evidence to the References Committee that the proposed tax changes would have a serious, detrimental effect on public transport and an increase in the use of private motor vehicles. The International Association of Public Transport told the References Committee that:

We would argue that all the work that has been put in over the past 10, 15 or 20 years to move people away from the private motor car will be eroded by the imposition of these new taxes. [59]

12.66 The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) argued that Treasury estimates of price increases for bus and rail passenger transport were too low, and added that since the cost of being a motorist would be reduced by the Government's package the real increase in public transport costs relative to travelling by car would be ten per cent. [60]

12.67 The Australasian Railway Association told the References Committee that Australia already has very low public transport patronage, only one third that of European cities and one of the lowest in the OECD. The Association argued that the effect of the proposed tax package would be to increase car use in urban areas at the expense of public transport, stating that:

Policies favouring motor cars over public transport contribute to the significant social and environmental costs of motor cars by increasing road demands, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, road accidents, urban congestion and transport land use requirements. Roads and car parks already comprise one third of Australia's cities. [61]

12.68 The Association gave examples of the benefits of public transport, citing the City of Toronto's Go Transit commuter system, which moves approximately 30,000 people per hour into the Toronto CBD, replacing an estimated six six-lane freeways. Closer to home, the double-track railway and double decker trains on Sydney Harbour Bridge have the equivalent capacity per hour of the parallel eight lane road. Similarly, in Perth, the northern suburbs railway, which runs down the centre of the Mitchell Freeway, has the equivalent capacity of that freeway.

12.69 So, basically, using urban rail has advantages over providing increased land use for freeways. It removes congestion, saves on land use and is a much safer way of moving people around. [62]

12.70 The Australia Institute argued that increases in public transport fares arising from the GST could reduce demand, especially when coupled with the fall in prices of cars and the fall in the real price of petrol. [63] Reducing the diesel excise would also see significant disincentives to shift to gas-powered buses. The projected increase in private car travel and the shift from gas to diesel buses would increase greenhouse gas emissions by around 190 kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. Urban air pollution would also worsen. [64]

12.71 The Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union argued that the tax reform proposals would result in a decline in bus and rail public transport in major metropolitan cities, leading to an increase in congestion and pollution. [65] The Union recommended that:

the GST should not apply to public transport, as it is a basic necessity of life;

measures be put in place to increase the use of public transport;

the proposed fuel taxes should be hypothecated to railway investment; and

a carbon tax should be introduced in line with worldwide trends.

12.72 The References Committee heard evidence that, on a per capita basis, buses reduce congestion by about 13 times and are about six times more fuel efficient than private cars. [66] Industry views suggest that there is scope in the urban public transport area to redress the imbalance between private motor vehicles and buses and other forms of urban public transport. [67]

Renewable Energy

12.73 The References Committee was told that the sustainable energy industry is a growing and strategically important industry for Australia. Mr Alan Pears, Policy Convenor for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association stated that the industry is essential if Australia is to meet its international greenhouse obligations but that it is struggling to reach its potential in a very distorted and imperfect market:

Indeed, one of the problems we now face is that the proposed GST and tax package, we believe, will further tilt an already steeply sloping playing field against sustainable energy. [68]

12.74 The proposed new tax system would see a 10 per cent GST levied on all goods and services unless GST-free or input taxed. The Australia Institute and others argued that the renewable energy sector would be disadvantaged by the proposed system, with prices rising by six to nine per cent compared to 4.6 per cent for coal-fired electricity. The price of solar hot water systems is expected to rise by around four per cent relative to the prices of similar gas or electricity hot water systems. [69]

12.75 In addition, most sustainable energy systems involve extra up-front purchase costs which are repaid through savings over time. However, consumers tend to discount future savings at a high rate, resisting the extra initial cost despite the prospect of future savings. The imposition of a GST would add to the initial cost and further increase consumer resistance. [70]

12.76 Pacific Solar Pty Ltd sells grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV systems sit on urban rooftops and are connected to the electrical wiring within a house. If the household uses less electricity than the PV system is producing, the surplus flows back to the grid. If the household uses more, for example, at night, the electricity is provided from the grid. PV systems generate clean, green electricity. There is no pollution, no noise and virtually no maintenance. [71]

12.77 PV systems currently do not attract wholesale sales tax. Pacific Solar expressed concern that under a GST the cost of their systems would rise between eight and nine per cent, whereas the cost of electricity produced by conventional means would rise by approximately 6.6 per cent. There would be a higher up-front capital cost for anyone wishing to install a rooftop PV system.

12.78 The effect of the GST on PV systems would therefore extend the payback period relative to the price of electricity. Solar Pacific suggested that one solution would be to exclude PV systems from the GST and to address the metering anomaly that (gross amount rather than the net amount) of electricity drawn from the grid would be subject to GST [72]

12.79 The Local Government and Shires Association of NSW asked the References Committee to recommend GST-free status for renewable energy technology, such as solar panels, water heaters, wind power, low energy light bulbs, insulation, emission fuels and other `green' materials. [73]

12.80 The renewable energy sector has significant export potential. Mr Peter Lawley, Business Development Manager for Pacific Solar, provided the References Committee with a paper demonstrating the world leadership that Australia currently has in PV development, and the potential for the PV industry to generate revenue in excess of $1 billion per year. [74]

12.81 The References Committee found evidence in relation to the impact of the tax proposals on the renewable energy sector compelling. The industry is not only of major importance in reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions but also has the potential to generate significant export revenue. Any negative effect on the industry relative to conventional energy production must be addressed.

Recycled Oil

12.82 The References Committee heard compelling evidence from oil recyclers suggesting that the reduction in diesel fuel excise would bankrupt the sector and completely undermine the positive environmental impacts of the industry.

12.83 Mr Fred Wren, the Managing Director of Wren Oil in Western Australia, told the References Committee that approximately 540 million litres of new oil was sold in 1996, of which about 149 million litres, or 28 per cent, was collected for recycling. [75]

12.84 In broad terms, oil recyclers collect waste oil from all sources, clean or re-refine it and then, place the product back into the marketplace. The main product is diesel extender. With current excise arrangements, re-refined oil can be sold competitively for blending with diesel to run remote power stations. The removal of diesel excise without compensation for oil recyclers would make new diesel cheaper and the existing market would be lost. [76]

12.85 The Committee was disturbed by the evidence it received in relation to waste oil and believes that there are profound implications for the environment if the tax package is implemented as proposed. Quite apart from the economic effect on oil recycling businesses, and the associated job losses, there would be a massive increase in the volume of waste oil to be disposed of. The Committee considers that waste oil should be regarded as a retrievable energy source and that its processing should attract appropriate government support.

Overseas Initiatives

12.86 As indicated earlier in this report, the Australian Conservation Foundation, said in evidence that the proposed new tax system is the only example in recent years of an OECD country introducing a net reduction in fuel and energy related taxes and charges. The ACF said that the International Energy Agency has urged Australia to increase fuel taxes to curb energy consumption. The ACF also urged the References Committee to examine the California Air Resources Board report on diesel exhaust. [77]

12.87 The ACF summarised the overseas initiatives:

Ecological tax reform is proceeding apace in several OECD countries virtually as we speak. Italy has just introduced ecological tax reform aimed at reducing employment charges. While the cost of most fuels will progressively increase in Italy until 2005, and the money derived therefrom will be used for employment and anti-pollution initiatives, the cost of LPG – one of the fuels used in Italy – will fall.

12.88 Germany has embarked on a comprehensive program of ecological tax reform under its new Green-SPD coalition. This tax reform will occur in three consecutive steps, each yielding about 0.8 per cent reduction of labour costs. The reform will be in harmony both with overall state revenue neutrality – which, of course, is pertinent to a federal system like Australia – and with social justice. All these principles have been supported fully by the German environmental movement and progressive companies in Germany, as well as the trade unions in Germany. Even the Clinton administration has announced tax credits for energy saving homes, appliances and vehicles, in an announcement made earlier this year. [78]

12.89 In the early 1980s, the New Zealand Government embarked on a program to introduce gas as an alternative fuel for vehicles. After reaching a level of world's best performance, the sudden removal of the price differential between gas and diesel saw a dramatic reduction in gaseous fuel use. The New Zealand Government has since initiated diesel tax increases, although some believe that the gaseous fuel industry has still not recovered. [79]

Australia's International Treaty Obligations

12.90 Australia is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992). Article 2 of the Convention states that the objective of the Convention is the stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

12.91 Article 4 requires all parties to take climate change considerations into account, to the extent feasible, in their relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions, and to commit themselves specifically to identify and review their own policies and practices which encourage activities that lead to greater levels of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

12.92 Australia has signed, but not yet ratified, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention. Article 2 of the Protocol states that parties will implement and/or further elaborate measures in accordance with its national circumstances, such as the progressive reduction or phasing out of market imperfections, fiscal incentives, tax and duty exemptions and subsidies in all greenhouse gas emitting sectors that run counter to the objective of the Convention, and apply market instruments.

12.93 Many of those making submissions were concerned that Australia's Kyoto obligations would be compromised by the reduction in Australia's fuel costs. Dr Clive Hamilton of the Australia Institute summed up the events in Kyoto:

The issue of Article 2 was a very interesting one in the negotiations. I was present at the negotiations, not at the private negotiations but as an observer at Kyoto and Buenos Aires, and in Bonn prior to Kyoto. Several of the major parties were particularly concerned to insert Article 2 into the protocol. It is known as `policies and measures'. Article 2 does not impose any binding obligations on parties to the protocol to undertake any particular measures. The wording of the articles says that each party shall `implement policies and measures as such', and it goes on to list them, including the phasing out of duty exemptions and subsidies in all greenhouse gas emitting sectors.

12.94 A large cut in the price of fuels is clearly contrary to the intent and purpose of that. As I say, there is no legal obligation for Australia to follow those policies and measures, but there is a strong moral obligation. In other words the other parties expect countries broadly to follow those principles. [80]


[1] Mr Ian Higgins, Greenpeace Australia, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 277.

[2] In addition to giving evidence, the ACF provided the References Committee with a two-part discussion paper, Ecological Tax Reform in Australia, released in August 1998. This paper contains detailed findings in support of the ACF's evidence.

[3] Mr Michael Krockenberger, Australian Conservation Foundation, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, pp 3-4; Mr John Connor, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 442.

[4] Mr Michael Krockenberger, Australian Conservation Foundation, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 2.

[5] Australia Institute, Submission 120, p vi.

[6] Councillor Peter Woods, New South Wales Local Government Association, Hansard, 3 March 1999, pp 505-506.

[7] ANTS p. 86.

[8] ANTS p. 86

[9] This amount is to be regarded as a road user charge rather than as a tax and is based upon various estimates made by the Inter-State Commission and the Overarching Group on Road Cost Recovery, which indicate that 18 cents per litre would be a suitable road user charge. The Government has also applied the same 18 cents per litre charge to railways.

[10] ANTS p. 86

[11] A significant number of private motorists have also converted to LPG, see Australian Petroleum Gas Association, Submission 792, pp 1-3.

[12] Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 262.

[13] Australia Institute, Submission 120, p 21.

[14] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 34.

[15] Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 21.

[16] Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, pp 52-53. Also, letter from Professor Trevor Cairney, Greater Western Sydney Natural Gas Vehicle Task Force, to Senator Meg Lees, 22 October 1998.

[17] Dr Ian Hamilton, Australia Institute, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 264.

[18] Dr Ian Hamilton, Australia Institute, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, pp 264-265.

[19] Hansard, 3 March 1999, p 541.

[20] Catholic Diocesan Centre, Submission 1024, p 1.

[21] Hansard, Brisbane, 3 March 1999, p 544.

[22] Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 110; Mr David Langsam, supplementary material, 16 March 1999, attachment: The Republican, 11 April 1997, p 7.

[23] Hansard, Brisbane, 3 March 1999, pp 541-542; Dr L Morawska, Dr N Boffinger, Dr Z Ristovski et al, Comprehensive Characterisation of Emissions of Small Particulates from Motor Vehicles, September 1997, prepared for Environment Australia.

[24] Hansard, Brisbane, 3 March 1999, p 551.

[25] Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, pp 266-267.

[26] Dr Clive Hamilton, Australia Institute, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 266.

[27] Mr James Whelan, Queensland Conservation Council, Hansard, Brisbane, 3 March 1999, p 552.

[28] Mr Peter Blackband, AGL Gas Networks, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 431.

[29] Australian Conservation Foundation, Taking your breath away How the Tax Reform Package affects Air Pollution and Human Health, March 1999.

[30] Mr David Langsam, supplementary material, 16 March 1999, attachment: The Republican, 11 April 1997, p 7.

[31] Australian Gas Association (AGA), Submission 648; Australian Natural Gas Vehicle Council (ANGVC), Submission 208; Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (ALPGA), Submission 792; Gaseous Transport Fuels Position Paper, Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, combined industry group paper tabled in evidence, Adelaide, 24 February 1999.

[32] Gaseous Transport Fuels Position Paper, Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, combined industry group paper tabled in evidence, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 1.

[33] Australian Natural Gas Vehicle Council, Submission 208, p 6.

[34] Mr Greg Cox, Steamliner Supershuttle Ferries, Hansard, Sydney 2 March 1999 p. 403

[35] Mr Greg Cox, Streamliner Supershuttle Ferries, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 404.

[36] Hansard, Brisbane 3 March 1999, pp541-542

[37] Mr Roger Jowett, Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 419.

[38] Mr Oliver Clark, Australian Natural Gas Vehicles Council, Hansard, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 143.

[39] Mr William Todd, Bus Industry Confederation, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 421.

[40] Dr Hien Ly, AGL Gas Networks, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 437.

[41] Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, pp 325-326.

[42] Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 326.

[43] Gaseous Transport Fuels Position Paper, Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, combined industry group paper tabled in evidence, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 2.

[44] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 34; Mr Mark Carter, Rail 2000 Inc, Hansard, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 181. Also, Mr John Apelbaum, Road Transport Forum, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 306.

[45] Mr Andrew Higginson, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 300.

[46] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 34.

[47] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 34.

[48] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, pp 34-35; Also, Mr Roger Jowett, Australian, Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 414.

[49] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 35.

[50] Mr David Hill, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, pp 37-38.

[51] Dr Wendy Craik, National Farmers Federation, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, pp 369-370.

[52] National Farmers Federation, Submission 98A, p 23.

[53] Professor Philip Laird, University of Wollongong, supplementary material, 12 March 1999, p 2.

[54] Professor Philip Laird, University of Wollongong, Submission 341, attachment, p 8.

[55] Professor Hi\\Philip Laird, Handsard Sydney 2 March 1999, p 426; Mr David Hill, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999,p 41.

[56] Professor Laird, University of Wollongong, supplementary material, 5 March 1999: submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications, Transport and Microeconomic Reform.

[57] Hansard, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 203.

[58] Hansard, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 206-207.

[59] Mr Peter Moore, International Association of Public Transport, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 292.

[60] Dr Paul Mees, Public Transport Users Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, pp 18-19.

[61] Mr John Kirk, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 35.

[62] Mr David Hill, Australasian Railway Association, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 42.

[63] Australia Institute, Submission 120, p vii.

[64] Australia Institute, Submission 120, p 32-33.

[65] Mr Roger Jowett, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 414.

[66] Mr Robert Gunning, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 415.

[67] Mr Robert Gunning, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March 1999, p 416.

[68] Mr Alan Pears, Sustainable Energy Industry Association, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 316.

[69] Submission 120, p vi.; Mr Alan Pears, Sustainable Energy Industry Association, supplementary material, 8 March 1999, p 2.

[70] Mr Alan Pears, Sustainable Energy Industry Association, Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 317.

[71] Pacific Solar Pty Ltd, Submission 823.

[72] Mr Peter Lawley, Pacific Solar Pty Ltd, Hansard, Sydney, 2 March, 1999, p 396.

[73] Hansard, Sydney, 3 March 1999, p 506.

[74] Pacific Solar Pty Ltd, Submission 823, attachment.

[75] Hansard, Perth, 26 February 1999, p 230.

[76] Mr Fred Wren, Wren Oil, Hansard, Perth, 26 February 1999, pp 234, 239.

[77] Mr Michael Krockenberger, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 2.

[78] Mr Michael Krockenberger, Hansard, Melbourne, 23 February 1999, p 2.

[79] Gaseous Transport Fuels Position Paper, Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, combined industry group paper tabled in evidence, Adelaide, 24 February 1999, p 2.

[80] Hansard, Canberra, 1 March 1999, p 270.