

Chapter 2 - Chronology of the committee's examination of recent resource taxation reform and the request for responses to questions taken on notice by the Department of the Treasury

[1]        Department of the Treasury, 'Australia's future tax system', (accessed 26 July 2010).

[2]        Department of the Treasury, 'Australia's future tax system', (accessed 26 July 2010).

[3]        For a full timeline of events surrounding the release of the Henry Review and the government's response see, Department of the Treasury, 'Australia's future tax system: Timeline' (accessed 21 July 2010).

[4]        The Honourable Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, and the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer, 'Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future', Media Release, 2 May 2010.

[5]        The Honourable Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, 'Transcript of joint press conference with Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan', Interview, Parliament House, Canberra, 24 June 2010, (accessed 19 July 2010).

[6]        Senator Mathias Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Ken Henry AC, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 9.

[7]        Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 43.

[8]        Mr David Parker, Executive Director, Revenue Group, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 15.

[9]        Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 15.

[10]      Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 3 'MRRT/PRRT –revenue by geographic region', 5 July 2010 (received 9 July 2010).

[11]      Dr Rosemary Laing, Clerk of the Senate, Letter to Senator Mathias Cormann, 12 July 2010, p. 2. See appendix 9.

[12]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Letter to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP, 12 July 2010, p. 1. See appendix 10.

[13]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Letter to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP, 12 July 2010, p. 1. See appendix 10.

[14]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 31.

[15]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 31–33.

[16]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 33.

[17]      The Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer and the Hon. Lindsay Tanner MP, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Economic Statement July 2010, p. iv.

[18]      The Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer and the Hon. Lindsay Tanner MP, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Economic Statement July 2010, Appendix C.

[19]      The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and  Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Media Release, 2 July 2010, (accessed 2 July 2010).

[20]      Alexandra Kirk, 'Budget update: booming commodities key to new mining deal and bigger surplus', PM with Mark Colvin, ABC News Radio National, 14 July 2010, (accessed 27 July 2010).

[21]      Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 2, 13 July 2010 (received 16 July 2010).

[22]      The Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer and the Hon. Lindsay Tanner MP, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Economic Statement July 2010, p. 5.

[23]      Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 15.

Chapter 3 - The Henry Tax Review, the government's initial response and Australia's energy and fuel security

[1]        Department of the Treasury, Australia's future tax system: Timeline, (accessed 7 June 2010); and Department of the Treasury, Australia's future tax system: Terms of reference, (accessed 7 June 2010).

[2]        Department of the Treasury, Australia's future tax system: The Review Panel, (accessed 7 June 2010).

[3]        Department of the Treasury, Australia's future tax system: Timeline, (accessed 7 June 2010).

[4]        The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, and the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer, 'Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future', Media Release, 2 May 2010.

[5]        Woodside Energy Ltd, Submission H8, p. 1; and Energy Supply Association of Australia (ESAA), Submission H10, p. 1.

[6]        Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 4.

[7]        Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA), Submission H17, p. 1.

[8]        APPEA, Submission H17, p. 2.

[9]        APPEA, Submission H17, p. 2.

[10]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 87.

[11]      Australian Government, Resource Exploration Rebate, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[12]      Australian Government, Resource Exploration Rebate, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[13]      Australian Government, Resource Exploration Rebate, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[14]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, p. 22.

[15]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, pp 22‑23.

[16]      The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, p. 1, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[17]      Australian Geothermal Energy Association (AGEA), Submission H6, pp 2‑3.

[18]      AGEA, Submission H6, p. 4.

[19]      Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association (ACAPMA), Submission H5, p. 2.

[20]      New South Wales (NSW) Government, Submission H20, p. 2.

[21]      Australian Workers' Union (AWU), Submission H18, p. 8.

[22]      BP, Submission H19, pp 1-2.

[23]      Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, APPEA, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 22-23.

[24]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 5.

[25]      Mr Simon Bennison, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Association of Exploration and Mining Companies (AMEC), Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 98.

[26]      Mr Mike Young, Managing Director, BC Iron, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 102.

[27]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, pp 46-47.

[28]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 45.

[29]      Mr Stephen Pearce, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 77.

[30]      Senator Mathias Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Bennison, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 98.

[31]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 89.

[32]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, p. 21.

[33]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, p. 21; and Australian Government, Resource Super Profits Tax, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[34]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, p. 21; and Australian Government, Resource Super Profits Tax, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[35]      Australian Government, Resource Super Profits Tax, Fact Sheet, pp 3‑4, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[36]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, p. 21; and Australian Government, Resource Super Profits Tax, Fact Sheet, pp 1 and 6, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[37]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 3.

[38]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 4.

[39]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 5.

[40]      Mr Michael Barnes, Acting Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 3.

[41]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 7.

[42]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 8.

[43]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 9.

[44]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 15.

[45]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 3.

[46]      BP, Submission H19, pp 1-2.

[47]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 3.

[48]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 3.

[49]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 3.

[50]      Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Submission H3, p. 2; See also, Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), Submission H1, p. 2.

[51]      AEMC, Submission H1, p. 2.

[52]      ESAA, Submission H10, p. 1.

[53]      AEMO, Submission H3, p. 2.

[54]      AEMO, Submission H3, p. 2.

[55]      Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), Submission H14, p. 1.

[56]      ATSE, Submission H14, p. 1.

[57]      Woodside Energy Ltd, Submission H8, p. 1.

[58]      Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 73.

[59]      AWU, Submission H18, p. 5.

[60]      Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 66.

[61]      ATSE, Submission H14, p. 1.

[62]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 4.

[63]      ATSE, Submission H14, p. 1.

[64]      Griffin Energy, Submission H9, p. 2.

[65]      BlueScope Steel, Submission H13, p. 1.

[66]      AGEA, Submission H6, p. 2.

[67]      ACAPMA, Submission H5, p. 2.

[68]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 4.

[69]      BP, Submission H19, p. 2.

[70]      AGEA, Submission H6, pp 2‑3.

[71]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 30.

[72]      Griffin Energy, Submission H9, pp 1‑2.

[73]      BP, Submission H19, p. 2.

[74]      APPEA, Submission H17, p. 4.

[75]      ESAA, Submission H10, p. 2.

[76]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 86.

[77]      Australian Government, Cutting the Company Tax Rate, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[78]      The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, p. 1, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[79]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 89.

[80]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, pp 6 and 21‑22; and Australian Government, State Infrastructure Funding, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[81]      Australian Government, Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future, May 2010, pp 6 and 21‑22; and Australian Government, State Infrastructure Funding, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 6 May 2010).

[82]      Australian Government, Regional Infrastructure Fund, Fact Sheet, p. 1, (accessed 10 July 2010 and 26 July 2010).

[83]      Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 3.

[84]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 2.

[85]      Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 3.

[86]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 89.

[87]      Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 47.

[88]      Australia's Future Tax System Review Panel, Australia's future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, p. 93.

[89]      The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, and the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer, 'Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A tax plan for our future - Attachment', Media Release, 2 May 2010.

[90]      ACAPMA, Submission H5, p. 2.

[91]      Mr Mike Harris, Chief Executive, Australian Automobile Association, 'Henry Report Recommendations', Media Release, 2 May 2010.

[92]      Richard Webb, Excise taxation: developments since the mid‑1990's, Parliamentary Library Research Brief, No. 15, 2005‑06, 13 April 2006, (accessed 2 June 2010).

[93]      LPG Australia, Submission H11, p. 4.

[94]      LPG Australia, Submission H11, pp 3‑4.

[95]      BOC, Submission H16, p. 2.

[96]      LPG Australia, Submission H11, pp 3‑4.

[97]      BOC, Submission H16, p. 2.

[98]      LPG Australia, Submission H11, pp 4‑5.

[99]      LPG Australia, Submission H11, pp 4‑5.

[100]    'List of projects shelved or under review', The Age, 3 June 2010, (accessed 22 July 2010).

Chapter 4

[1]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, p. 1, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[2]        'What's changed: mining tax plans compared', Australian Financial Review, 2 July 2010, (accessed 9 July 2010).

[3]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, p. 1, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[4]        A Policy Transition Group, to be led by Resources Minister Martin Ferguson AM, Mr Don Argus AC, and comprising selected industry leaders, will oversee the development of more detailed technical design to ensure the design principles become effective legislation. The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, Attachment, 2 July 2010, p. 4, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[5]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, p. 1, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[6]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, 2 July 2010, pp 1 and 3, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[7]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, Attachment, 2 July 2010, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[8]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, Attachment, 2 July 2010, p. 3, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[9]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon. Martin Ferguson MP, Minister for Resources and Energy, 'Breakthrough agreement with industry on improvements to resources taxation', Press Release, Attachment, 2 July 2010, p. 4, (accessed 21 July 2010).

[10]       Senator Mathias Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 52–53.

[11]       Mr Simon Bennison, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC), Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 81.

[12]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Mike Young, Managing Director, BC Iron Limited on behalf of AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 86.

[13]       Mr David Flanagan, Managing Director, Atlas Iron Limited on behalf of AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 90.

[14]       Mr Young, BC Iron Limited and AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 86.

[15]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury and Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 45.

[16]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 46.

[17]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 49.

[18]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr David Parker, Executive Director, Revenue Group, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 21.

[19]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 32.

[20]       Senator Ian Macdonald, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 30.

[21]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Stephen Pearce, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 78.

[22]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 38.

[23]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 77.

[24]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Flanagan, Atlas Iron Limited and AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 89.

[25]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Flanagan, Atlas Iron Limited and AMEC,, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 87.

[26]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Young, BC Iron Limited and AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 90.

[27]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Bennison, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 101.

[28]       Mr Young, BC Iron Limited and AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 102.

[29]       Mr Bennison, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 100.

[30]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 40.

[31]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Michael Barnes, Acting Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 14.

[32]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 79.

[33]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Graeme Davis, Manager, Business Tax Division, the Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 20.

[34]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 6 'RSPT – revenue shares from iron ore and coal', 5 July 2010 (received 9 July 2010).

[35]       Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 14.

[36]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 14.

[37]       Senator Cormann, Chair, and Senator Macdonald, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 43.

[38]       Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 16.

[39]       Senator Cormann, Chair, and Senator Macdonald, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 40‑41.

[40]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, pp 15‑16.

[41]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 3 'MRRT/PRRT – revenue by geographic region', 5 July 2010 (received 9 July 2010).

[42]       Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 15.

[43]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 31.

[44]       Department of the Treasury, Treasury Macroeconomic (TRYM) Model Documentation, Part 2, pp 4.7‑4.8, (accessed on 22 July 2010).

[45]       Department of the Treasury, Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2010, p. 3, (accessed on 26 July 2010).

[46]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 9.

[47]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 9.

[48]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 35.

[49]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 2, 13 July 2010 (received 16 July 2010).

[50]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 37–38.

[51]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 5, 13 July 2010 (received 16 July 2010).

[52]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 38–39.

[53]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 6, 13 July 2010 (received 16 July 2010).

[54]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 62–63.

[55]       Mr Young, BC Iron Limited and AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 85–86.

[56]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 5.

[57]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 6.

[58]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 7.

[59]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 6.

[60]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 44.

[61]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 13 'Change in growth dividend', 5 July 2010 (received 9 July 2010).

[62]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 3.

[63]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 4.

[64]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, p. 4.

[65]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 8.

[66]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 48.

[67]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Bennison, Mr Flanagan and Mr Young, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 81–83.

[68]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 67.

[69]       Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 2–3.

[70]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 73.

[71]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Bennison and Mr Flanagan, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 94–95.

[72]       Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 2.

[73]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes and Mr Mark Altus, Director, Revenue and Intergovernmental Relations, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 10 -11.

[74]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 5.

[75]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 5.

[76]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 14.

[77]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, pp 15–16.

[78]       Premier of Western Australia on behalf of the Western Australian Government, Submission H21, p. 1.

[79]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 62.

[80]       Department of the Treasury, answers to questions on notice, Question 21, 13 July 2010 (received 16 July 2010).

[81]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 51.

[82]       Dr Henry, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 51‑52.

[83]       Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 3.

[84]       Mr Barnes, Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 8.

[85]       The Steel Index, Iron Dore Daily Edition: July 12, 2010, (accessed 27 July 2010).

[86]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Mr Young and Mr Flanagan, AMEC, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, pp 84–85.

[87]       Mr Pearce, FMG, Committee Hansard, 13 July 2010, p. 80.

[88]       Senator Cormann, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, and Dr Henry and Mr Parker, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 5 July 2010, pp 40–41.