Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Submissions received

Sub No. Submitter
1 Mr Mark Minnis
2 Mr Paul Greig
3 Ms Carol O'Donnell
4 People for Ecologically Sustainable Transport
5 Mr David Archibald
5A Mr David Archibald
5B Mr David Archibald
5C Mr David Archibald
6 Australian Lot Feeders' Association
7 Ms Christine White-Heal
8 Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club
9 Smithson Planning
10 TNT
11 UnitingCare Wesley
12 Law Council of Australia
13 Mr Leon Voesenek
14 DomGas Alliance
15 Gil J May
16 Meals on Wheels Association
17 WA Sustainable Energy Association Inc.
18 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
18A Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
18B Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
19 The West Australian Farmers Federation Inc.
20 National Civic Council (WA)
21 Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union
22 Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc.
23 Gippsland Resources Group
24 Australian Pork Limited
26 Biofuels Association of Australia
27 WA Department of Agriculture and Food
28 Mr Danny Stewart
30 Sustainable Transport Coalition of Western Australia
31 The Royal Automobile Club of Queensland Limited
32 Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA
33 Mr Bob Fozzard
33A Mr Bob Fozzard
34 Australian Pipeline Industry Association
35 Mr John Morrissey
36 Energy Strategies Pty Ltd
37 Eastern Star Gas Limited
38 Resources and Chemistry Precinct, Curtin University of Technology
39 Mr Alan Harris
40 National Civic Council Sugar Industry Reform Committee
41 Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited
42 Mr J Hanrahan
43 Mr Peter Hulme
44 National Farmers Federation
45 Post Office Agents Association Limited
46 Motor Trades Association of Australia
46A Motor Trades Association of Australia
47 South Australian Farmers Federation
48 Commonwealth Fisheries Association
49 Mr Geoff Ward
50 Dept of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
51 Mrs M. Isobel Jones
52 Western Power
52A Western Power
53 LPG Australia
54 Mr Denis and Mrs Raelene Auberson
55 Cement Industry Federation
56 South West Group
57 Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
58 Virgin Blue
59 Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP)
60 Shell Australia
61 Leighton Holdings Limited
62 Spitfire Oil Pty Ltd
63 Qantas Airways Limited
64 Tourism Western Australia
65 ABARE (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics)
66 ExxonMobil Australia Pty Ltd
67 Hon Wilson Tuckey MP, Member for O'Connor
68 BP Australia Ltd
69 Energy Networks Association Ltd
70 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
71 Plantation Energy Australia Pty Ltd
72 Mr Barry Campbell
73 The Australian Workers' Union
74 Energy Supply Association of Australia
75 Griffin Energy
76 ATSE Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
77 Queensland Resources Council
78 Hydro Aluminium Kurri Kurri Pty Ltd
79 ResourcesLaw International
80 Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited (GAPDL)
81 Mackay Sugar Limited
82 Futureworld National Centre for Appropriate Technology Inc.
83 Mackay Conservation Group
84 Mackay Tourism
85 Mr Ralph Davies
86 Mackay Whitsunday Regional Economic Development Corporation (REDC)
87 Mackay Area Industry Network Cooperative (MAIN)
88 Renewable Fuels Australia (RFA)
89 Gippsland Area Consultative Committee Inc (GACC)
90 Wollongong City Council

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