Public hearing - Canberra, Wednesday 7 April 2010

Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy

Public hearing - Canberra, Wednesday 7 April 2010

Committee Room 2S1

2.30pm – 6.30pm


2.30 – 3.30pm

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics  (Submissions 65 and 65a)
Dr Terence Sheales, Chief Economist
Ms Jane Melanie, Manager Resources, Energy and Trade Branch
Mr Alan Copeland, Manager Mineral Resources Section

Geoscience Australia
Dr Clinton Foster, Chief of Division, Petroleum and Marine Division
Mr Andrew Barrett, Group Leader, Petroleum & Greenhouse Gas Advice
Dr Lynton Jaques, Chief Scientist
Ms Leesa Carson, Principal Advisor, Energy Minerals

3.30 – 3.45pm

Afternoon Tea

3.45 – 6.30pm

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Ms Mary Wiley-Smith, Assistant Secretary, Community and Industry Partnership Branch,   Renewables Energy Efficiency Division
Mr Hilton Taylor, Assistant Secretary, Appliance Energy Efficiency Branch, Renewables Energy Efficiency Division
Mr Robert Raether, Assistant Secretary, Renewables and Reporting Branch

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts  (Submission 50)
Mr Paul Kesby, Acting Assistant Secretary Environment Standards Branch

Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
Ms Tania Constable, Acting Head Resources Division
Mr Martin Squire, General Manager Offshore Resources
Mr Michael Sheldrick, General Manager Fuels & Uranium
Mr Brendan Morling, Head of Energy & Environment Division
Mr Paul Johnson, General Manager, Industrial Energy Efficiency Branch
Mr Richard Niven, Manager, Transport Fuels
Mr Douglas Cooke, Acting General Manager, Energy Security Branch

Department of the Treasury  (Submission 127)
Ms Christine Barron, General Manager, Indirect Tax Division
Mr Glen McCrea, Manager Indirect Tax Unit, Indirect Tax Division
Mr John Burch, Manager Regulation and Markets Unit
Mr Jason McDonald, Senior Advisor Tax System Division, Revenue Group



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