Appendix 5

Appendix 5

Index of documents tabled at public hearings


Monday, 17 November 2008

Mr Stuart Hohnen, Chairman, DomGas Alliance
Western Australian natural gas demand expected to double by 2015,
Media Release, 10 November 2008

Mr Stuart Hohnen, Chairman, DomGas Alliance
Natural Gas Demand Outlook for Western Australia and Economic Impact,
Report by Economics Consulting Services, October 2008

Mr Gavin Forrest, Manager Strategy, Western Power
Your Electricity Network, Brochure
Dr Michael Ottaviano, Managing Director, Carnegie Corporation

Wave Energy Overview, Presentation Slides, November 2008
Dr David Worth, Committee Member, Sustainable Transport Coalition
World Energy Outlook 2008, print out of webpage, (accessed 17 November 2008)


Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd
Existing and Committed LNG Plants, Map

Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd
Existing LNG Plants, Map

Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd
Existing, Committed and Proposed LNG Plants, Map

Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd
List of LNG Projects

Ms Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd
Illustrative LNG Cash Flow, Chart

Mr Andrew Farlow, Sustainable Development Policy Manager, Cement Industry Federation
Graphs relating to the Cement Industry


Monday, 8 December 2008

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Nuclear Power Relieves Climate Change, Chart

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Table 2 - Identified Resources, taken from 'Uranium 2007: Resources, Production and Demand'

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Outlook for the Uranium Industry: Evaluating the economic impact of the Australian Uranium Industry to 2030, Report, April 2008, Deloitte

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Australia's uranium export potential: economic and climate outcomes, Table


Monday, 2 February 2009

Mr John Boshier, Executive Director, National Generators Forum
National Generators Forum Statement, Opening Statement

Mr Andrew Blyth, Chief Executive, Energy Networks Association
The Financial Investor Group, Presentation to the AER Forum

Mr Owen Pascoe, Climate Change Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation
The impact of industry assistance measures under the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Research Note, Innovest, 2008, Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne


Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Dr John Burgess, Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Energy Technology for Climate Change: Accelerating the Technology Response, Report, 2008, ATSE


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Mr Shane Cremin, Market Development Manager, Griffin Energy
Opening Statement

Mr Thyl Kint, Chief Executive Officer, Spitfire Oil
Spitfire Oil's Proposed Salmon Gums Mine and Lignite-to-Value (L2V) Coal to Liquids Process, Presentation

Mr Leon Bradley, Climate Change Spokesperson, WA Pastoralists and Graziers Association
Graphs relating to IPCC forecasts


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Ms Fiona Wain, Chief Executive Officer, Environment Business Australia
Foresight, strategy and action to build new remarks, new industries, new jobs, Synopsis of recommendations on the White Paper

Mr Bradley Crofts, Environmental Economist, Australian Workers' Union
Paul Howes' Opening Statement, Monday 02/02/09

Mr Bradley Crofts, Environmental Economist, Australian Workers' Union
Over the CPRS Horizon: Balancing the impacts of the global financial crisis with the introduction of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Position paper

Mr Bradley Crofts, Environmental Economist, Australian Workers' Union
Briefing on the CPRS

Mr Stephen Woodward, Chief Executive Officer, Australian LPG Association Australia's LPG Contributing to a Lower Carbon Future: A presentation to the Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy


Friday, 20 February 2009

Mr Simon Thorpe, General Manager Safety Systems, Virgin Blue
Opening Statement

Mr Michael Roche, Chief Executive Officer, Queensland Resources Council
Opening Comments

Mr Bruce Harrison, Chief Executive Officer, Biofuels Association of Australia Biofuels Association of Australia, Presentation


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Dr Judy Messer, President, Futureworld
My Good Home Guide, Booklet

Mr Stephen Gale, Board Member, Futureworld
Using the Marginal Abatement Cost Curve Approach to Identify Efficiency Opportunities, Paper

Mr Noel Cornish, Chief Executive, BlueScope Steel
Opening Statement

Dr David Hamill, Chairman, Envirogen
Act on Granting Priority to Renewable Energy Sources, German legislation

Dr David Hamill, Chairman, Envirogen
Act revising the legislation on renewable energy sources in the electricity sector, German legislation

Dr David Hamill, Chairman, Envirogen
What is at stake? Paper

Dr David Hamill, Chairman, Envirogen
Typical Costs and Revenues for 20MW WCMG Power Station, Table


Thursday, 2 April 2009

Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director, Australian Coal Association
Emissions Trading; risks to jobs, regional economies and investment in the Australian Coal Industry 

Mr Daniel Price, Director, Frontier Economics
Alternative approaches to carbon reduction schemes


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Mr Stuart Ritchie, National Sustainability Manager, Cement Australia
Opening Statement


Friday, 26 June 2009

Dr Clinton Foster, Chief, Petroleum and Marine Division, Geoscience Australia
Geoscience Australia presentation to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Fuel and Energy
, Presentation

Mr Amarjot Singh, Data Audit and Compliance Manager, Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator
Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator Information Paper to Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Information paper

Mr Bob Gordon, Executive Director, Renewable Fuels Australia
Opening Comments

Mr Bob Gordon, Executive Director, Renewable Fuels Australia
The race is on to create a new world of energy, Opinion article by Shell's global Chief Executive, Mr Jeroen van der Veer


Monday, 29 June 2009

Mr Dunston Hartley, Executive Member, National Civic Council
'A dash of alcohol makes auto engines more climate friendly'

New Scientist, 30 May 2009, p. 16, Article

Mr John Barich, State President, National Civic Council
Green Energy, Green Car,
Policy paper booklet

Professor Raymond Wills, Chief Executive Officer, Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association
Energising WA: Sustainable Energy for this Century, Magazine


Friday, 25 September 2009

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Best Practice Regulation and the Queensland Ban on Uranium Mining
, Analysis paper

Mr Michael Angwin, Executive Director, Australian Uranium Association
Submission to Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission review of Victoria’s environmental legislation
, Submission


Thursday, 12 November 2009

Dr Stephen Schuck, Manager, Bioenergy Australia
Bioenergy Options for Australia
, Presentation

Dr Stephen Schuck, Manager, Bioenergy Australia
Steve Schuck's Notes for 12 November 2009
, Notes

Dr Ron Cameron, Executive General Manager, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Opening Statement by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Mr Cameron O'Reilly, Executive Director, Energy Retailers Association of Australia
Energy Retailer Compliance Obligation arising from Climate Change
, Information sheet

Mr Cameron O'Reilly, Executive Director, Energy Retailers Association of Australia
Breakdown of a Typical Bill for a Domestic Customer
, Chart


Monday, 14 December 2009

Mr Ross Carter, First Assistant Secretary, Renewables and Energy Efficiency Division, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Opening Statement

Dr John Tamblyn, Commission Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission
The role of the AEMC in respect of fuel and energy security
, Presentation

Mr David Swift, Executive General Manager, Corporate Development, Australian Energy Market Operator
Evidence to the Australian Senate's Select Committee on Fuel and Energy
Opening Statement


Friday, 26 February 2010

Ms Anne Pellegrino, National Government Business Manager
Energy Efficiency Council
Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Presentation


Monday, 29 March 2010

Mr Tim Nelson, Head of Carbon and Sustainability, AGL Energy
Opening Statement

Associate Professor Keith Lovegrove, Australian Academy of Science
We are in the middle of an Energy Revolution, Presentation

Mr John Chapman, Executive Director, Motor Trade Association of South Australia
Opening Statement

Mr Mark Henley, Manager, Advocacy and Communication, UnitingCare Wesley


Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Dr Lynton Jaques, Chief Scientist, Geoscience Australia
Summary: Australian Energy Resource Assessment, Presentation


Monday, 5 July 2010

Dr Ken Henry AC, Secretary, Department of the Treasury
Budgetary impacts of the changes to the Government's tax reform agenda


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Mr Michael Barnes, Acting Under Treasurer, Western Australia Department of Treasury and Finance
Western Australian Share of Commonwealth Resource Rent Tax – Explanation of Calculation
, Note

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