

[1] Journal of the Senate, No.126 dated 11 February 2004

[2] Although the Committee Chair proposed numerous hearing dates in the month of April while the Senate was not sitting, agreement could not be reached to hold hearings on those days as a number of senators were not available.

[3] See Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, pp.18 - 67

[4] See Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, pp. 1-42

[5] See Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, pp. 1-73

[6] Some economists contend that a 'preferential' agreement is, by its very nature, also 'discriminatory' that is, discriminatory against all those countries that are not included in the FTA.

[7] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade at

[8] Minister for Trade (Hon. M. Vaile, MP), Media Release, 21 June 2001

[9] Prime Minister (Hon. J. Howard, MP) House Hansard, 30 August 2001, p.30678

[10] Minister for Trade (Hon M Vaile MP) Media Release, 3 March 2003

[11] Transcript of Evidence, Senate Committee Inquiry Voting on Trade, 2 October 2003, p.460 (Deady, DFAT)

[12] Transcript of Evidence, Senate Committee Inquiry Voting on Trade, 2 October 2003, p.481 (Deady, DFAT)

[13] Transcript of Evidence Senate Committee Inquiry Voting on Trade, 22 July 2003, pp. 196, 197, 198, 199, 100 (Garnaut)

[14] Submission 54, Senate Committee Inquiry Voting on Trade p.40 (DFAT)

[15] Capling, A Trade, the USA and Down Unders Tyranny of Size The Sydney Papers Autumn 2001, p.180

[16] Capling, A Trade, the USA and Down Unders Tyranny of Size The Sydney Papers Autumn 2001, p.177

[17] Available at

[18] Hamilton, C Free trade deal wont produce the goods Australian Chief Executive (CEDA) April 2003, p.29

[19] Quoted in Inside US Trade, 16 May 2003.

[20] Australian Foreign and Trade Policy White Paper Advancing the National Interest Canberra (2003) p.(xvi)

[21] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Background Paper, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Background Paper, p.2

[22] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Background Paper, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Background Paper, p.4

[23] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AUSFTA - Frequently Asked Questions, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, FAQ, p.1

[24] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement - Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, p.1

[25] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement - Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, p.1

[26] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Free Trade Agreements and Multilateral Negotiations, p.2

[27] Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Voting on Trade The General Agreement on Trade in Services and an Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, November 2003, Appendix 3, pp. 168-71

[28] WA Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 14 July 2004

[29] State Premiers and Chief Ministers, Media Release, 21 October 2003

[30] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.40 (Oxley, AUSTA)

[31] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, (Cameron, AMWU)

[32] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement Key Outcomes, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Key Outcomes, pp.1-2

[33] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement Key Outcomes, Annexure to Interim Report by the Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, Chapter 4, Key Outcomes, pp.4-6

[34] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004

[35] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p:vii

[36] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.vii

[37] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.xi

[38] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.ix

[39] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.ix

[40] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.ix

[41] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.ix

[42] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, p.xi

[43] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, pp: xii and xiii

[44] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, pp:vii and viii

[45] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, April 2004, pp.ix and x

[46] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.3

[47] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.3

[48] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.4

[49] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, pp.4 and 7-9, Tables 2 and 3

[50] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p. 9

[51] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p. 9

[52] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.10

[53] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.10

[54] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.10

[55] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.11

[56] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.11

[57] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, pp.11-12

[58] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, pp.12-13

[59] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, pp.13-15

[60] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, pp.13-14

[61] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.14

[62] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.14

[63] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.20

[64] Garnaut, Professor Ross, Notes on CIE Report for DFAT on US FTA for Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Supplementary Submission No.160.2, pp:2.

[65] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.25

[66] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.32

[67] Dee, Dr Philippa, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, Australian National University, June 2004, p.35

[68] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.26 (Oxley, AUSTA)

[69] Quotes selected from USTR website at

[70] USTR Press Release

[71] USTR Press Release

[72] USTR Press Release

[73] JSCOT Report No.61 : The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement June 2004, p. 2

[74] See Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties, November 1995, pp:45. Chapter 4 of this report discusses in some detail the constitutional power to enter into and implement treaties, as well as the history of the executive power to make treaties.

[75] Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties, November 1995, pp:46. Chapter 5 of this report discusses the evolution of the High Courts interpretation of the external affairs power.

[76] DFAT, Australia and International Treaty Making Information Kit (2002), p.4

[77] DFAT, Australia and International Treaty Making Information Kit (2002), p.5

[78] DFAT, Australia and International Treaty Making Information Kit (2002), p.5

[79] See DFAT, Australia and International Treaty Making Information Kit (2002), pp.2134 for a detailed discussion and evaluation of the reforms undertaken in 1996.

[80] This section on the role of JSCOT is drawn from the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties web page detailing the establishment, role and history of the Committee, at, accessed 29 October 2003.

[81] The report was tabled in November 1995 and is available at

[82] See Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties, November 1995, chapter 14. This Chapter also considers whether there could be said to be a democratic deficit in the current processes, coming to a conclusion that there probably wasnt sufficient evidence to indicate that this was the case.

[83] Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties, p. 239

[84] Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties, p. 246

[85] Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties p. 247

[86] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT), Report 42: Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, September 2001. Available at, accessed 31 October 2003

[87] JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, p.68

[88] JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, pp:68, 69

[89] JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, p.68

[90] Government Response to Report 42 of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, 29 August 2002, available at at 31 October 2003.

[91] Queensland Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 19 July 2004

[92] Queensland Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 19 July 2004

[93] Queensland Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 19 July 2004

[94] WA Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 14 July 2004

[95] WA Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 14 July 2004

[96] WA Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 14 July 2004

[97] Queensland Government, Answers to Questions on Notice, 19 July 2004

[98] The Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Report Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties at pages 232-233 refers to evidence from Professor de Q Walker of the University of Queensland, who argues that even the most important treaties lack anything resembling a mandate from the electorate, giving the example of the Closer Economic Relations (CER) treaty with New Zealand. The CER had a major impact on the economy but was not mentioned in any partys campaign during the federal election prior to its ratification.

[99] Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Resolution of Appointment. See, accessed 31 October 2003.

[100] See JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, Recommendation 6, p.69

[101] Description provided at, accessed 29 October 2003

[102] Garnaut, R. Vital Issues Seminar, Parliamentary Library, 17 June 2004

[103] JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, Recommendation 1, p.26

[104] JSCOT, Whos Afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation, Recommendation 2, p.33

[105] DFAT, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Guide to the Agreement, March 2004

[106] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.225

[107] WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use, Chapter 1, p. 3 in Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.226

[108] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.226

[109] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.226

[110], accessed on 7 June 2004, in Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.226

[111] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.1. The following section of Chapter 3 draws heavily on this paper.

[112] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.3

[113] See, for example, Submission 164, (Linux Australia).

[114] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.3

[115] Submission 26, p. 2 (Geist)

[116] Australia is a net importer of IP as measured by the value of goods and services with IP content among Australia's imports and exports: D Richardson, Department of Parliamentary Services, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, footnote 26, p.23

[117] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.9-10

[118] For example, see Submission 336, p.4 (Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee)

[119] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.4

[120] D Richardson, Parliamentary Library, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.21

[121] Submission 26, p.2 (Geist). The Committee notes in this context that Canada has consistently refused to extend duration of copyright beyond the Berne Convention requirement, despite a long record of bilateral trade agreements with the United States.

[122] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.104, (Deady, DFAT)

[123] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.104, (Harmer, DFAT)

[124] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.105, (Deady, DFAT)

[125] Centre for International Economics, Economic analysis of AUSFTA: Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Canberra and Sydney, April 2004, at, p.39 (accessed 3 June 2004)

[126] Centre for International Economics, Economic analysis of AUSFTA: Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Canberra and Sydney, April 2004, at, p.39 (accessed 3 June 2004)

[127] Centre for International Economics, Economic analysis of AUSFTA: Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Canberra and Sydney, April 2004, at, p.39 (accessed 3 June 2004)

[128] Centre for International Economics, Economic analysis of AUSFTA: Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, Canberra and Sydney, April 2004

[129] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.27 (Rimmer)

[130] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.6 (Rimmer)

[131] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.26 (Rimmer)

[132] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.6 (Rimmer)

[133] Investigation No. TA-2104-11, Publication 3697, May 2004

[134] US International Trade Commission, U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects, Investigation No. TA-2104-11, Publication 3697, May 2004, pp.116-117

[135] Industry Functional Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Rights for Trade Policy Matters (IFAC-3), The U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) The Intellectual Property Provisions, 12 March 2004, p.8, at (accessed 28 June 2004)

[136] IFAC-3, The U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) The Intellectual Property Provisions, 12 March 2004, p.10, at (accessed 28 June 2004)

[137] IFAC-3, The U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) The Intellectual Property Provisions, 12 March 2004, p.10, at (accessed 28 June 2004)

[138] Submission 183, p.61, (Rimmer)

[139] D Richardson, Department of Parliamentary Services, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.2

[140] Submission 336, p.4, (Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee)

[141] Submission 220, p.7, (Music Council of Australia)

[142] Submission 163, p.18, (Australian Writers Guild, Australian Screen Directors Association, Screen Producers Association of Australia)

[143] Answer to Question on Notice, 4 May 2004, p.2, (Australian Writers Guild)

[144] Submission 298, p.5 (Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee)

[145] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.91 (Gallagher, Inquit Pty Ltd)

[146] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.94 (Gallagher, Inquit Pty Ltd)

[147] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.92 (Gallagher, Inquit Pty Ltd)

[148] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.92 (Gallagher, Inquit Pty Ltd)

[149] Submission 299, p. 6, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[150] Submission 294, p.4 (Weatherall)

[151] Submission 294A, p.4 (Weatherall)

[152] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, pp.5-6

[153] Submission 294, p.4 (Weatherall)

[154] Submission 294, p.4 (Weatherall)

[155] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.101 (Harmer, DFAT)

[156] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.102.(Hammer, DFAT)

[157] See, for example, Submission 183, pp:25-26, (Rimmer)

[158] See, for example, Submission 183, p.12, (Rimmer)

[159] Intellectual Property and Competition Review Committee, Review of intellectual property legislation under the Competition Principles Agreement, September 2000, p.13

[160] Government Response to Intellectual Property and Competition Review Recommendations - Information Package, at, p.1, accessed 7 June 2004

[161] Submission 294, p.12, (Weatherall)

[162] Australian Financial Review, 'Mickey Mouse holds key to the future', 8 December 2003

[163] Submission 459, p.8, (Create Australia)

[164] Submission 220, p.7, (Music Council of Australia)

[165] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.33, (Fraser, Copyright Agency Limited)

[166] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.45, (Fraser, Copyright Agency Limited)

[167] The Allen Consulting Group, Copyright Term Extension: Australian Benefits and Costs, July 2003, at accessed 23 June 2004

[168] Submission 309, p.3, (Copyright Agency Limited)

[169] Submission 183, p.29, (Rimmer)

[170] L Lessig, 'Copyright Term Extension: does a bad report cost more than a good report?', at accessed 22 June 2004

[171] L Lessig, 'Copyright Term Extension: does a bad report cost more than a good report?', at accessed 22 June 2004

[172] L Lessig, 'Copyright Term Extension: does a bad report cost more than a good report?', at accessed 22 June 2004

[173] L Lessig, 'Copyright Term Extension: does a bad report cost more than a good report?', at accessed 22 June 2004

[174] M Lee, 'Copyright Term Extension: the pressure rises', The Australian Digital Alliance Monthly Intellectual Property Wrap-Up, October 2003, at accessed 23 June 2004

[175] Submission 462, p.3, (Australian Copyright Council).

[176] Submission 520, p.2, (Viscopy)

[177] Submission 520, p.2, (Viscopy)

[178] Submission 178, p.4 (Business Software Association of Australia)

[179] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.35, (Fraser, Copyright Agency Limited)

[180] See, for example, Attorney General, the Hon Philip Ruddock MP, 'Opening Address Australian Centre for IP and Agriculture Conference: Copyright: Unlucky for Some', accessed 16 June 2004.

[181] D Richardson, Department of Parliamentary Services, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.10

[182] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.17, (Deady, DFAT)

[183] Submission 336, p.5, (Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee)

[184] Submission 336, p.5, (Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee)

[185] Submission 299, p.4, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[186] Submission 298, p.8, (Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee)

[187] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.104, (Harmer, DFAT)

[188] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.104, (Harmer, DFAT)

[189] Submission 183, p.43, (Rimmer)

[190] P Dee, The Australia- US Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, June 2004, p.31

[191] P Dee, The Australia- US Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, June 2004, p.22

[192] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.17, (Brown, DFAT)

[193] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.231

[194] (2003) 123 S. Ct. 769

[195] Eldred v Ashcroft (2003) 123 S. Ct. 769 at 806.

[196] Eldred v Ashcroft (2003) 123 S. Ct. 769 at 813.

[197] Eldred v Ashcroft (2003) 123 S. Ct. 769 at 801

[198] Submission 183, p.17, (Rimmer)

[199] Submission 183, p.24, (Rimmer)

[200] Attorney General, the Hon Philip Ruddock MP, 'Opening Address Australian Centre for IP and Agriculture Conference: Copyright: Unlucky for Some', accessed 16 June 2004.

[201] Submission 183, p.37, (Rimmer)

[202] Submission 183, p.37, (Rimmer)

[203] D Richardson, Department of Parliamentary Services, Intellectual property rights and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper No. 14 2003-04, 31 May 2004, p.10.

[204] Answer to Question on Notice, 4 May 2004, p.2, (Australian Writers Guild)

[205] Submission 298, p.7, (Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee)

[206] Submission 299, pp.6-7, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[207] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p:59, (Britton, Australian Consumers' Association)

[208] Submission 282, p.8, (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[209] Submission 294A, p.13, (Weatherall)

[210] Submission 282, p. 8, (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[211] Submission 282, p.8, (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[212] Submission 183, p.39, (Rimmer)

[213] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.6, (Rimmer)

[214] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.40, (Rimmer)

[215] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, p.1

[216] Submission 341, p.3, (Select Audio-Visual Distribution Company)

[217] Submission 341, p.3, (Select Audio-Visual Distribution Company)

[218] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.29, (Rimmer)

[219] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.105, (Harmer, DFAT)

[220] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, p.3

[221] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, p.40

[222] Submission 294, p.17, (Weatherall)

[223] See Desktop Marketing Systems v Telstra Corporation (2002) 119 FCR 491

[224] See Feist Publications Inc v Rural Telephone Service 499 US 340 (1991)

[225] Submission 183, p.40, (Rimmer); Submission 294, p.17, (Weatherall)

[226] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.12, (Rimmer)

[227] Submission 294, p.17, (Weatherall)

[228] Submission 336, p.3, (Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee)

[229] Submission 522, p.11, (Australian Consumers' Association)

[230] Submission 294, pp.17-18, (Weatherall)

[231] Submission 183, pp.40-41, (Rimmer)

[232] Submission 183, p.41, (Rimmer); Submission 294, p.18, (Weatherall)

[233] Copyright Law Review Committee, Simplification of the Copyright Act 1968 Part 1: Exceptions to the Exclusive Rights of Copyright Owners, September 1998, Recommendation 2.03

[234] Submission 294A, p.6, (Weatherall)

[235] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.93, (Harmer, DFAT)

[236] Submission 294A, p.6, (Weatherall)

[237] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.102, (Creswell, Attorney-General's Department)

[238] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, pp:1-2

[239] Submission 294, p.18, (Weatherall)

[240] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.14, (Rimmer)

[241] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.60, (Britton, Australian Consumers' Association)

[242] Submission 299, p.7, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[243] Submission 520, p.4, (Viscopy)

[244] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.15, (Fraser, Copyright Agency Ltd)

[245] Submission 133A, p.2 (Australian Record Industry Association)

[246] Submission 133A, p. 2 (Australian Record Industry Association)

[247] Submission 522, p.13, (Australian Consumers' Association)

[248] W M Landes and R A Posner, Indefinitely Renewable Copyright, University of Chicago Law School, John M Olin Law and Economics Working Paper, No. 154 (2D Series), 2002

[249] The Allen Consulting Group, Copyright Term Extension: Australian Benefits and Costs, July 2003, Appendix A1, p.38, at accessed 23 June 2004

[250] in Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.236

[251] in Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.236

[252] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.237

[253] Transcript of Evidence, 3 June 2004, p.66, (Deady, DFAT)

[254] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2004, p.51 (Harmer, DFAT)

[255] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.93, (Harmer, DFAT). Although the Committee notes the response to a question on notice from DFAT in relation to the operation of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

[256] Submission 294A, p.9, (Weatherall)

[257] P Dee, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, p.14

[258] See DFAT, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Guide to the Agreement, para. 5.3

[259] Copyright Law Review Committee, Copyright and Contract, October 2002, Recommendation 7.49.

[260] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.14, (Rimmer)

[261] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, p. 4

[262] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.14, (Rimmer)

[263] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.10

[264] DFAT, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Guide to the Agreement, para. 5.3

[265] Submission 299, p.8, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[266] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review: Report and recommendations, January 2004, at accessed 7 June 2004

[267] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review: Report and recommendations, January 2004, at accessed 7 June 2004

[268] Submission 294, p.20, (Weatherall)

[269] J Varghese, Parliamentary Library, Guide to Copyright and Patent Law Changes in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004, Appendix 3, p.29.

[270] J Varghese, Parliamentary Library, Guide to Copyright and Patent Law Changes in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004, Appendix 3, p.30.

[271] J Varghese, Parliamentary Library, Guide to Copyright and Patent Law Changes in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004, Appendix 3, p.30.

[272] Submission 299, p.5, (Australian Digital Alliance)

[273] Attorney-General's Department, Review of Copyright Digital Agenda reforms, at accessed 7 June 2004.

[274] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 15 July 2004, p.5

[275] Submission 178, p.3, (Business Software Association of Australia)

[276] Submission 309, p.8, (Copyright Agency Ltd)

[277] Submission 300, p.11, (Australian Film Industry Coalition)

[278] P Dee, The Australia US Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, June 2004, p.13

[279] Submission 164, pp.8-9, (Linux Australia)

[280] Submission 26, p.1, (Geist)

[281] Submission 164, p.10, (Linux Australia)

[282] Submission 294, p.24, (Weatherall)

[283] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, pp:3-4 (Scott)

[284] Submission 299, p.8 (Australian Digital Alliance)

[285] Submission 299, p.8 (Australian Digital Alliance)

[286] Submission 298, p.9 (Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee)

[287] Submission 522, p.13 (Australian Consumers' Association).

[288] Submission 294, p.21 (Weatherall)

[289] Explanatory Memorandum to the Parallel Importation Bill 2001 (Cwlth)

[290] Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 'Consumers Lose in Playstation Decision', 31 July 2003, at accessed 7 June 2004.

[291] Submission 522, p.16 (Australian Consumers' Association)

[292] Submission 522, p.16 (Australian Consumers' Association)

[293] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.197 (Harmer, DFAT)

[294] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.197 (Harmer, DFAT)

[295] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.122 (Deady, DFAT)

[296] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.14

[297] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.91-92 (Cordina, DCITA)

[298] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.92 (Harmer, DFAT)

[299] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p. 95 (Harmer, DFAT)

[300] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, pp.8-9

[301] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, (Russell, Linux Australia)

[302] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.11

[303] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.7

[304] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.7

[305] Transcript of Evidence, 3 June 2004, p.66 (Deady, DFAT)

[306] Transcript of Evidence, 3 June 2004, p.67 (Deady, DFAT)

[307] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.102 (Harmer, DFAT)

[308] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.106 (Harmer, DFAT)

[309] Submission 299, p.9 (Australian Digital Alliance)

[310] Submission 282, p.12 (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[311] Submission 282, p.14 (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[312] Submission 493, p.4 (The University of Melbourne)

[313] Submission 493, p.5 (The University of Melbourne)

[314] Submission 299, p.14 (Australian Digital Alliance)

[315] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.85 (Coroneos, Internet Industry Association)

[316] Submission 298, p.14 (Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee)

[317] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.85 (Coroneos, Internet Industry Association)

[318] Intellectual Property and Competition Review Committee, Review of intellectual property legislation under the Competition Principles Agreement, September 2000.

[319] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.4

[320] See, for example, Submission 294, pp:27 (Weatherall); Submission 282, p.12 (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[321] See, for example, Submission 294, pp:27 (Weatherall); Submission 282, p.12 (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[322] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review: Report and recommendations, January 2004, at accessed 7 June 2004

[323] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.7 (Flahvin, AVCC)

[324] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.83 (Coroneos, Internet Industry Association)

[325] For example, Submission 301 (Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia); Submission 178 (Business Software Association of Australia); Submission 520 (Viscopy).

[326] Transcript of Evidence, 8 June 2004, p.4 (Williams, Australian Film Industry Coalition)

[327] Transcript of Evidence, 8 June 2004, p.4 (Williams, Australian Film Industry Coalition)

[328] Transcript of Evidence, 8 June 2004, pp.5-6 (Speck, Music Industry Piracy Investigations)

[329] Transcript of Evidence, 8 June 2004, p.13 (Speck, Music Industry Piracy Investigations)

[330] Transcript of Evidence, 8 June 2004, p.15 (Williams, Australian Film Industry Coalition).

[331] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Transcript of Evidence, 2 April, p. 69 (Harmer, DFAT)

[332] Minister for Communications, the Hon Daryl Williams AM QC MP, 'The Year Past and the Year Ahead for the Internet: the Government's perspective', Internet Industry Association (IIA) annual gala dinner, at,,0_7-2_4011-4_117825,00.html accessed 14 July 2004

[333] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement, June 2004, p.242

[334] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review: Report and recommendations, January 2004, p.95 at accessed 7 June 2004

[335] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review: Report and recommendations, January 2004, p.98 at accessed 7 June 2004

[336] H Ergas, 'Patent protection an FTA complication', Australian Financial Review, 24 February 2004

[337] H Ergas, 'Patent protection an FTA complication', Australian Financial Review, 24 February 2004

[338] H Ergas, 'Patent protection an FTA complication', Australian Financial Review, 24 February 2004

[339] Submission 282, p.14 (Electronic Frontiers Australia)

[340] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.49 (Russell, Linux Australia)

[341] Submission 164, p.1 (Linux Australia)

[342] Submission 164, pp.17-18 (Linux Australia)

[343] Submission 164, p.18 (Linux Australia)

[344] Transcript of Evidence, 17 May 2004, p.105 (Scott)

[345] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.105 (Harmer, DFAT)

[346] DFAT, Answers to Questions on Notice, 13 July 2004, p.8

[347] See further J Varghese, Parliamentary Library, Guide to Copyright and Patent Law Changes in the US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004, Appendix 3.

[348] See Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004

[349], accessed 26 July 2004

[350] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's Health 2004, p.237

[351] Productivity Commission, International Pharmaceutical Price Differences, Research Report, July 2001, p.6

[352] Congressional Record House, 14 July 2004, p. H5717 (Mr Tom Allen)

[353] Congressional Record Extensions of Remarks, 16 July 2004, pp.E1397-E1398 (Mr Henry A. Waxman)

[354] Congressional Record Extensions of Remarks, 16 July 2004, p.E1399 (Mr Mark Udall)

[355] See House Hansard, 26 May 2003, p. 14869 (Vaile) and House Hansard, 13 August 2003, p.18408 (Vaile).

[356] Transcript of the Prime Minister the Hon John Howard MP, Ryde Business Forum, Sydney, 21 November 2003, found at: accessed 26 July 2004

[357] Senate Hansard, 2 December 2003, p. 18638 (Campbell)

[358] Chief Negotiator Mr Stephen Deady told this committee that, 'discussions' on the PBS commenced in the first round of negotiations in March 2003. Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.23 (Deady).

[359] According to the AMA, their expressions of concern early in the piece that the PBS was on the table in the FTA negotiations were met with denials that the PBS was part of the negotiation process. Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.30 (Haikerwal, AMA).

[360] (US) Trade Act of 2002, 107-210, 2102(b)(8)(D). Deputy Trade Representative Josette Sheeran Shiner confirmed that this section applies to pharmaceuticals in evidence before a Joint Session of the (US) Senate Finance Committee, Subcommittees of Health and Trade, April 27 2004, "International Trade and Pharmaceuticals", p.5

[361] Productivity Commission, International Pharmaceutical Price Differences, Research Report, July 2001, pp.4-5 (footnotes omitted)

[362] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.12 (Deady, DFAT)

[363] Submissions relating to the PBS were received from, among others (submission numbers in brackets): the Doctors Reform Society (407), the Australian Consumers Association (522), the Australia Institute (171), the Public Health Association of Australia (369), Dr Thomas Faunce et al (129), Dr Ken Harvey (80), the Australian Medical Association (105), Catholic Health Australia (405), the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (445), Healthy Skepticism (467), Generic Medicines Industry Association (75), Medicines Australia (140), Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (349), National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (175), Australian Nursing Federation (147), Queensland Nurses Union (54).

[364] New South Wales Government (Submission 69), Queensland Government (Submission 66), Victorian Government (Submission 66), Western Australian Government (Submission 142)

[365] See, for example, Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.87 (Harvey)

[366] Dr Ken Harvey, Answer to question on notice, 4 May 2004, no.2

[367] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p. 19 (Lopert, DoHA)

[368] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p. 19 (Lopert, DoHA)

[369] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.9 (Faunce)

[370] Transcript of Evidence,4 May 2004, p.91 (Harvey)

[371] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.42 (Lopert, DoHA)

[372] "Pact with US approved but drug scheme doubts", The Weekend Australian, 17 July 2004

[373] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.13 and p.16 (Deady, DFAT) and Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.18 (Lopert, DoHA)

[374] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.38, p.39 (Deady, DFAT)

[375] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, pp.51-52 (Lopert, DoHA)

[376] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.41 (Deady, DFAT)

[377] Australian Medical Association Federal Council Resolution of 28 May 2004

[378] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, Recommendation 5, p.90

[379] Minister for Trade, Side letter to AUSFTA of 18 May 2004, 1(d)

[380] DFAT and DoHA, Answer to Question on Notice, 7 July 2004

[381] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.80, (Lopert, DoHA)

[382] Minister for Health and Ageing, AUSFTA Implementation of the Obligations to Improve Transparency of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: Public Consultation Document, 25 July 2004, p.5

[383] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.37 (Lopert, DoHA)

[384] DFAT and DoHA, Answer to Question on Notice, 7 July 2004

[385] DFAT and DoHA, Answer to Question on Notice, 7 July 2004

[386] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.37, (Deady, DFAT)

[387] See, for example, Submission 508, Queensland Government, p.8

[388] Submission 369, Public Health Association of Australia, p.2

[389] Submission 105, Australian Medical Association , p.2

[390] Submission 142, Western Australian Government, p.4

[391] Submission 44, Professor Peter Drahos, Dr Thomas Faunce, Martyn Goddard and Professor David Henry, p.42

[392] DFAT, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Guide to the Agreement, March 2004, p.11

[393] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.101 (Lopert, DoHA and Myler, DFAT)

[394] DFAT, Answer to question on notice, 7 July 2004

[395] DFAT, Answer to question on notice, 7 July 2004

[396] Dr Ken Harvey, Answer to question on notice, 4 May 2004, no. 19

[397] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.89 (Faunce)

[398] Josette Sheeran Shiner, Evidence to a Joint Session of the (US) Senate Finance Committee, Subcommittees of Health and Trade, April 27 2004, "International Trade and Pharmaceuticals", p.5

[399] Congressional Record Senate, 15 July 2004, p.S8208 (Senator Kyl)

[400] Submission 105, Australian Medical Association, p.3

[401] Congressional Record House of Representatives, 13 July 2004, p.H5615 (Mr Brown)

[402] Congressional Record Senate, 15 July 2004, p.S8208 (Senator Kyl)

[403] Transcript of Evidence, 15 June 2004, p.30 (Garnaut)

[404] Deputy US Trade Representative Josette Sheeran Shiner confirms that "the US-Australia FTA [is] the first to include special provisions addressing market access for pharmaceuticals". Testimony before a Joint Session of the (US) Senate Finance Committee, Subcommittees of Health and Trade, April 27 2004, "International Trade and Pharmaceuticals", p.5

[405] Submission no. 142, WA Government, p.5

[406] Submission 142, WA Government, p.5

[407] Submission 142, WA Government, p.5

[408] Submission 171, Australia Institute, p.2. No source is given in the submission for this statement.

[409] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA, report prepared for DFAT, April 2004, p.42

[410] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA, report prepared for DFAT, April 2004, p.42

[411] Dr Buddhima Lokuge, Dr Thomas Faunce, Richard Denniss, "A backdoor to higher medicine prices? Intellectual property and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement", Australia Institute, November 2003, (Submission no. 171b), p.23

[412] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.97 (Deady, DFAT)

[413] DFAT, Answer to question on notice, 18 May 2004, no. 22

[414] This is explained in more detail in Appendix 4, Dr Kate Burton and Jacob Varghese, The PBS and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Parliamentary Library Research Note no. 3, 21 July 2004

[415] Dr Kate Burton and Jacob Varghese, The PBS and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Parliamentary Library Research Note no. 3, 21 July 2004 (Appendix 4)

[416] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, pp.4-6 (Faunce, Lokuge)

[417] This number refers to the draft text, which was renumbered as 17.10.4 in the final text.

[418] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association, p.2

[419] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association, p.2

[420] Transcript of Evidence, 21 July 2004, p.5 (Faunce)

[421] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association, p.2

[422] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association, p.2

[423] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association,, pp.2-3

[424] Submission 75, Generic Medicines Industry Association, Attachment, p.ii

[425] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.5 (Faunce)

[426] The amendments to the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 are found in Schedule 7 of the US Free Trade Implementation Bill 2004

[427] The maximum penalty is a fine of 1,000 penalty units, which is currently $110,000

[428] According to the Explanatory Memorandum, the Criminal Code Act 1995 (the Criminal Code) provides that 'recklessness' is the necessary mental element which would apply to the false or misleading nature of the certificate provided by the applicant Recklessness can be established by proving intention, knowledge or recklessness. (See subsections 5.6(2) and 5.4(4) of the Criminal Code). US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, para 225.

[429] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.82 (Deady, DFAT)

[430] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.83 (Lopert, DoHA)

[431] FTA Implementation Bill 2004, Schedule 7 part 6

[432] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.97 (Deady, DFAT)

[433] Submission 140, Medicines Australia, p.21

[434] Dr Kate Burton and Jacob Varghese, The PBS and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Parliamentary Library Research Note no. 3, 21 July 2004 (Appendix 4)

[435] Dr Buddhima Lokuge, Dr Thomas Faunce, Richard Denniss, "A backdoor to higher medicine prices? Intellectual property and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement", Australia Institute, November 2003, (Submission 171b), p.8

[436] Dr Philippa Dee, Supplementary note prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, 15 July 2004, p.7

[437] DFAT, Answer to question on notice, 7 July 2004

[438] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.100 (Deady, DFAT)

[439] US International Trade Commission, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects, USITC Publication 3697, May 2004, p.115.

[440] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.97 (Deady, DFAT)

[441] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.98 (Deady, DFAT)

[442] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.6 (Faunce)

[443] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.17 (Deady, DFAT)

[444] For example, Mattias Ganslandt and Keith E. Maskus, "Parallel Imports of Pharmaceutical Products in the European Union", World Bank Research Working Paper no. 2630, 1999, accessed 16 July 2004 at:

[445] Dr Kate Burton and Jacob Varghese, The PBS and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Parliamentary Library Research Note no. 3, 21 July 2004 (At Appendix 4)

[446] See, for example, Congressional Record, House, 14 July 2004, pp.H5968 H5720

[447] Congressional Record, House, 14 July 2004, p.H5699 (Mr Stark)

[448] Patents Act 1990 s133(2)

[449] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.7 (Faunce)

[450] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.18 (Deady, DFAT)

[451] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.53 (Deady, DFAT)

[452] TRIPs Article 31.

[453] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p. 6 (Faunce)

[454] Transcript of Evidence, 21 June 2004, p.17 (Deady, DFAT)

[455] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.129 (Quinn, DFAT)

[456] US International Trade Commission, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects, USITC Publication 3697, May 2004, pp.115-116

[457] Submission 143, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, p.6

[458] Submission 69, New South Wales Government, p.3

[459] Submission 143, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, p.9

[460] Submission 143, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, pp.9-10

[461] Submission 143, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, p.4

[462] Submission 69, New South Wales Government, p.3

[463] Submission 143, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, p.5

[464] DFAT, Fact Sheet Health,, accessed 30 April 2004

[465] Transcript of Evidence, 22 June 2004, p.40 (Coy, Baxter Healthcare)

[466] >Market Access and Biosecurity - accessed 6 July 2004

[467] > Market Access and Biosecurity - accessed 6 July 2004

[468] AQIS's quarantine operations at airports and seaports include the use of Quarantine Officers, specially trained sniffer dogs, and sophisticated imaging machines, all of which are designed to detect unauthorised importations of quarantineable material. This quarantine service has approximately 700 officers and a range of officers in state government departments. The Australian governments and the industries that benefit from international trade contribute to the cost of maintaining an effective quarantine service in Australia.

[469] > content > publications - accessed 6 July 2004

[470] -accessed 25 May 2004

[471] accessed 7 July 2004

[472] >documents > market access > biosecurity - accessed 26 May 2004

[473] For more information see www.codexalimentarius

[474] For more information see

[475] For more information see

[476] -"Guidelines for Import Risk Analysis - Draft September 2001" p.3

[477] > Market Access and Biosecurity accessed 7 July 2004

[478] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.4, (Greville, DAFF)

[479] Submission 291, p.19, (Australian Pork Limited)

[480] Submission 153, p.3, (NFF)

[481] Transcript of Evidence, 15 June 2004, (Webster - Horticulture)

[482] Submission 291, p.19, (Australian Pork Industry)

[483] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.7, (Gosper, DFAT)

[484] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.25, (Deady, DFAT)

[485] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.5, (Greville, DAFF)

[486] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.6, (Greville, DAFF)

[487] Submission 528, p.9, (FASTS)

[488] See Submissions - Chicken (108); Pork (291), FASTS (534)

[489] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Transcript of Evidence, 14 May 2004, p.66, (Greville, DAFF)

[490] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.32, (Greville, DAFF)

[491] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.25, (Deady, DFAT)

[492] Submission 528, p.9, (FASTS)

[493] United States International Trade Commission, "US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects"' May 2004, pp.54, 56, 59

[494] Submission 108, p.7, (Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc)

[495] Submission 291, p.19, (Australian Pork Limited)

[496] Submission 307, pp.3-5, (Professor Weiss & Dr Thurbon)

[497] Submission 307, pp.3-5, (Professor Weiss & Dr Thurbon)

[498] Submission 142, p.2, (WA) & Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Submission 66, p.5 (NSW) & 206, p.9, (QLD)

[499] Submission 153, pp.5-6, (NFF)

[500] > Trade Facts, p.2, 8 February 2004

[501] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.7, (Gosper, DFAT)

[502] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.55, (Greville, DAFF)

[503] Submission 108, p.7, (Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc)

[504] The four objectives are outlined in DFAT " Guide to the Agreement", March 2004, p.126

[505] Transcript of Evidence, 18 May 2004, p.39, (Sparkes, DFAT)

[506] Submission 291, pp.18-19, (Australian Pork Limited)

[507] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.7, (Greville, DAFF)

[508] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.3, (Greville, DAFF)

[509] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.3, (Greville, DAFF)

[510] AUSFTA Chapter 11 Investment, Article 11.3 - Investment Non-Conforming Measures

[511] AUSFTA Chapter 10 Cross-boarder Trade in Services, Article 10.6 Services Non-Conforming Measures

[512] Non-conforming measures are those that are identified in the relevant schedule that do not conform with the obligations on national treatment, most-favoured nation treatment, performance rights, market access, local presence and senior management and boards of directors.


[514], accessed 8 June 2004

[515] Australian Film Commission, Annual Report 2002-2003,, accessed 10 June 2004

[516] accessed 10 June 2004

[517] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.2 (Elliott, AWG)

[518] Minister for Trade, Hon. Mark Vaile MP, Speech to the Business Breakfast Roundtable on USAFTA, 20 February 2004, p.5

[519] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.2, (Elliott, MEAA)

[520] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, pp.2-3, (Elliott, MEAA)

[521] Supplementary Submission 85, pp.8-9, (MEAA)

[522] Submission 130, pp.8-9, (ABA)


[524] Submission 459 , p.13, (Create Australia)

[525] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.17, (Harris, MEAA)

[526] Supplementary Submission 85, p.9, (MEAA)

[527] Transcript of Evidence, p.17, (Elliott, Brown, MEAA)

[528] Transcript of Evidence, p.19, (Herd, MEAA)

[529] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61, The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, p.181

[530] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61 The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement, p.178

[531] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.20, (Harris, MEAA)

[532] Supplementary submission 85, p.9, (MEAA)

[533] Supplementary submission 85, p.9, (MEAA)

[534] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.22, (Herd, MEAA)

[535] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, pp.21-22, (Harris, MEAA)

[536] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.21, (Brown, MEAA)

[537] Transcript of Evidence, 4 May 2004, p.21, (Brown, MEAA)

[538] Second supplementary submission 85, p.5, (MEAA)

[539] Supplementary submission 85, p.9, (MEAA)

[540] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.121, (Churche, DFAT)

[541] Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade, Budget Estimates, Transcript of Evidence, 3 June 2004, p.69, (Deady, DFAT)

[542] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, p.121, (Churche, DFAT)

[543] Submission 130, p.2, (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

[544] Submission 130 , p.2, (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

32 Supplementary Submission 85, p.10, (MEAA)


[546] Australian Bureau of Statistics - International Trade in Goods and Services - 5368.0 - February 2004

[547] Australian Bureau of Statistics - International Merchandise Trade - 5422.0 - March Quarter 2003

[548] See US Office of Trade and Economic Analysis's "TradeStats Express" website at

[549] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.86

[550] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.93

[551] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.84

[552] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, pp.86-87

[553] National Institute of Economic and Industry Research, A report for the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) An assessment of the direct impact of the Australian-United States Free Trade Agreement on Australian trade, economic activity and the costs of the loss of national sovereignty May 2004, p.(v)

[554] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.122

[555] Centre For International Economics, Economic impacts of an Australia - United States Free Trade Area, June 2001, p.43

[556] Centre For International Economics, Economic impacts of an Australia - United States Free Trade Area, June 2001, p.40

[557] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.125

[558] Centre for International Economics Economic analysis of AUSFTA, April 2004, p.124

[559] Bachelard M, "Holden Dumps Its Aussie Glass Firm", The Australian, 12 February 2004, p.4

[560] Stephen J. Collins, 'Trade pact with Australia will help autos and Michigan' Detroit News, 16 July 2004

[561] Representative Joe Knollenberg, Speech on United States-Australia Free Trade Implementation Act, US Congress, 14 July 2004

[562] Allen Consulting Group, The Australia United States Free Trade Agreement: Potential Impacts on South Australia, October 2003, p(viii)

[563] Transcript of Evidence, 24 June 2002, p.13 (Upton, FAPM)

[564] Transcript of Evidence, 24 June 2002, p.13 (Upton, FAPM)

[565] Transcript of Evidence, 24 June 2002, p.10 (Upton, FAPM)

[566] Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Submission to JSCOT, p.2

[567] Submission 204 (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia) p.1

[568] Australian Industry Group Submission to JSCOT, pp.8-9

[569] Submission 204 (Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia) p.2

[570] Submission 463 (Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)

[571] Submission 463 (Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)

[572] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p25 (Bell, Qenos Pty Ltd)

[573] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.22 (Winstanley, Australian Vinyls Corporation)

[574] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.34 (Winstanley, Australian Vinyls Corporation)

[575] Transcript of Evidence, July 2004, p.56 (Deady, DFAT)

[576] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.26 (Buckley, Tim Fischer Centre)

[577] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.26 (Oxley, AUSTA)

[578] Submission 463, p.22 (Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)

[579] Submission 161, "Regulation Impact Statement", p.22 (DFAT)

[580] Submission 463, p.22 (Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)

[581] Transcript of Evidence, 6 July 2004, pp:55-56 (Deady, DFAT)

[582] Transcript of Evidence, 24 June 2004, p.49 (McKellar, FCAI)

[583] Transcript of Evidence, 24 June 2004, p.4 (Upton, FAPM)

[584] Australian Industry Group Submission to JSCOT inquiry, p.8

[585] Australian Government Solicitor, 'Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement' Commercial Notes Number 10, June 2004

[586] AMWU Discussion Paper: The implications of the AUSFTA for Government Procurement: What Will Australia Win and Lose pp:4-5

[587] Dee, P The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, Paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee, July 2004

[588] Australian Government Solicitor, 'Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement' Commercial Notes Number 10, June 2004, p.9

[589] Australian Government Solicitor, 'Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement' Commercial Notes Number 10, June 2004, p.9

[590] AMWU Discussion Paper: The implications of the AUSFTA for Government Procurement: What Will Australia Win and Lose, p.15

[591] Australian Government Solicitor, 'Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement' Commercial Notes Number 10, June 2004, p.9

[592] David Sundin, President and Chief Executive Officer, DSI Fluids, Tyler, Texas, on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Testimony Before the Full Committee of the House Committee on Ways and Means June 16, 2004

[593] DFAT, AUSFTA - Frequently Asked Questions

[594] Extract from

[595] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, March 2004, "Australia United States Free Trade Agreement A Guide to the Agreement", p.53

[596] Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America, Interim Report, June 2004, pp.39-40

[597] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) Advancing Australia's Economic Future, p.4

[598] United States Trade Commission, May 2004, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects, USITC Publication 3697, p.xxvii

[599] Commonwealth Government's AUSFTA Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) March 2004, p.8

[600] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.31

[601] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.34

[602] Quiggin, J "Downside of the FTA" Australian Financial Review, 6 May 2004, p.70.

[603] Dee, P, June 2004, The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, pp. 29-30

[604] Submission 161b, p.12 (DFAT)

[605] Transcript of evidence, 18 May 2004, p.60. (Kennedy)

[606] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.17

[607] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.18

[608] See Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, table 3.5, p.21

[609] Source: Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.78

[610] Submission 161a, p.2 (DFAT)

[611] Dee, P, June 2004, The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement An Assessment, pp.31-32

[612] Transcript of Evidence, 7 June 2004, p.78 (Brain)

[613] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.22 ( Garnaut)

[614] Senate Economics Legislation Committee Transcript of Evidence, 13 October 2003, p.14 (Smith)

[615] Senate Economics Legislation Committee Transcript of Evidence, 19 February 2004, p.88 (Legg)

[616] Submission 161b, pp:12-13 (DFAT)

[617] FIRB Annual Report 2002/03, p.3

[618] This is not a complete list of FIRB review thresholds, but these are central to the AUSFTA

[619] Senate Economics Legislation Committee Transcript of Evidence, 19 February 2004, p.84 (Legg). It should be noted in this context that Mr Legg is also on the Foreign Investment Review Board

[620] Senate Economics Legislation Committee Transcript of Evidence, 19 February 2004, p.85 (Legg)

[621] Senate Economics Legislation Committee Transcript of Evidence, 19 February 2004, p.86 (Legg)

[622] Submission 392, p. 11 (Australian Councils of Trade Union)

[623] Submission 463, p.20 (AMWU)

[624] Transcript of Evidence, 15 June 2004, pp.35-36 (Smith)

[625] Submission 392, p.11 (Australian Councils of Trade Union)

[626] United States Trade Commission, May 2004, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Potential Economywide and Selected Sectoral Effects, USITC Publication 3697, p.106

[627] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.25

[628] Centre for International Economics, April 2004, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, p.34

[629] Transcript of evidence, 15 June 2004, p.23. (Garnaut)

[630] DFAT, Answers to Question on Notice, 6 July 2004, pp.8-9

[631] Commonwealth Government Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) 30 April 2004, p.10

[632] Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies, media release, 15 June 2004

[633] Submission 528, FASTS, p.1

[634] DFAT Frequently Asked Questions on AUSFTA

[635] Commonwealth Government Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) 30 April 2004, p.10

[636] Committee Hansard 5 May 2004, pp.23-24 (Drake-Brockman, ASR)

[637] Committee Hansard 5 May 2004, p.24 (Drake-Brockman, ASR)

[638] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.27 (Oxley, AUSTA)

[639] Transcript of Evidence, , 5 May 2004, p.129 (Corish, NFF)

[640] Transcript of Evidence, 16 June 2004, p.20 (Barnard, Meat and Livestock Australia)

[641] Transcript of Evidence, 22 June 2004, p.14 (Keir, Australian Meat Holdings)

[642] Submission 406, p3 (Cattle Council of Australia)

[643] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.3 (Kerr, Dairy Products Foundation)

[644] Transcript of Evidence, 15 June 2004, p. 2 (Webster, Horticulture Australia)

[645] Transcript of Evidence, 10 May 2004, pp.47-48 (Gosper, DFAT)

[646] Minister for Trade, Hon Mark Vaile MP, Trade 2004, pp. 23-24

[647] Transcript of Evidence, 10 May 2004, p.48 (Gosper, DFAT)

[648] Transcript of Evidence, 10 May 2004, p.50 (Deady, DFAT)

[649] Transcript of Evidence, 10 May 2004, p.51 (Deady, DFAT)

[650] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Guide to the Agreement, 1st Edition, March 2004, p.79

[651] Transcript of Evidence, 5 May 2004, p.147 (Corish, NFF)

[652] Australian Financial Review,24/1/2004, 'Sugar Doubts Could Kill Trade Talks'.

[653] Hansard 21 June 2004 pp. 25 & 48 respectively.

[654] Hansard 21 June 2004 p. 16

[655] Hansard 21 June 2004 pp. 31-4

[656] Hansard 21 June 2004 p. 18

[657] Hansard 21 June 2004 p. 16

[658] Hansard 21 June 2004 p. 32

[659] Hansard 21 June 2004 p. 57

[660] Public Citizen"The Other Drug War 2003: Drug Companies Deploy an Army of 675 Lobbyists to Protect Profits" Congress Watch, June 2003

[661] Colebatch T, "Bush wants end to medicine subsidies", The Age 24 October 2003

[662] Families US Foundation"Profiting from Pain Where Prescription Drug Dollars Go" Families USA Publication No. 02-10-2002

[663] Harvey, K et al, "For Debate: Will the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme", MJA August 2004

[664] Harvey, K et al, "For Debate: Will the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme", MJA August 2004

[665] Dr Kate Burton and Jacob Varghese, The PBS and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Parliamentary Library Research Note No. 3, 21 July 2004

[666] Harvey, K et al, "For Debate: Will the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement undermine the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme", MJA August 2004

[667] John Quiggin, A completely misleading description, Evatt Foundation Paper, 16 June 2004

[668] See Transcript of Evidence, Tuesday 4 May 2004 (Elliott)

[669] See Senate Hansard, 30 March 2004

[670] See Transcript of Evidence, Tuesday 4 May 2004 (Herd/Harris)

[671] See Transcript of Evidence, Tuesday 4 May 2004 (Elliott)

[672] Submission 165 Appendix 2, Mr R Russell, p.1

[673] Submission 297, Mr B Scott, p.1

[674] Submission 165a, Mr R Russell, p.13

[675] Submission 307, Professor Weiss and Dr Thurbon, p.2

[676] Submission 416, AFTINET, p.19

[677] Submission 416, AFTINET, p.16

[678] Eccleston, Roy "US Trade Supremo Boasts of 'Con Job'", The Australian 11 March 2003, p.8

[679] Eccleston, Roy "US Trade Supremo Boasts of 'Con Job'", The Australian 11 March 2003, p.8

[680] George Monbiot, The Guardian, September 2003.

[681] AustraliaUnited States Free Trade Agreement, Washington, 18 May 2004 [2004] Australian Treaties Not yet In Force 6.

[682] AustraliaUnited States Free Trade Agreement, Washington, 18 May 2004 [2004] Australian Treaties Not yet In Force 6.

[683] SingaporeAustralia Free Trade Agreement, Singapore, 17 February 2003 [2003] Australian Treaty Series 16 (Entry into force: 28 July 2003).

[684] Survey on Implementation of WCT and WPPT, Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, World Intellectual Property Organisation, Geneva, 25 April 2003, pp. 88283.

[685] Attorney-Generals Department, Report on Performers Protection, Copyright Law Review Committee, Canberra, 1989 (hereafter CLRC).

[686] These arguments are summarised in J. Lahore and W Rothnie, Copyright and Designs: Volume 1Commentary, 3rd revised edition, Butterworths, Australia, 2003, p. 54,044 [54,035].

[687] Lionel Bowen, Attorney-General, Second Reading Speech: Copyright Amendment Bill 1988, House of Representatives, Debates, 3 November 1988, p. 2392.

[688] CLRC, op.cit, pp.4872.

[689] Attorney-Generals Department and Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Discussion Paper: Performers Intellectual Property Rights, Canberra, December 1997.

[690] Department of Communciations, Information Technology and the Arts, Performers Rights,,,0_1-2_12-3_470-4_106178,00.html, accessed on 28 July 2004.

[691] Liberal Party of Australia and National Party of Australia, Arts for All, Melbourne, October 2001. pp. 2021,

[692] See page 24 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B0200000008000000060000004200650072006E0065000000

[693] See Lahore and Rothnie, op. cit., pp. 28,40228,454 [28,45528,560E] for a detailed description of this scheme.

[694] ibid.

[695] Commercial Television Australia, Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties AustraliaUnited States Free Trade Agreement Inquiry, Sydney, 20 April 2004, p. 8.

[696] ibid.

[697] Sections 196197, Copyright Act.

[698] See definition of author in s. 10, Copyright Act.

[699] Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886 (as subsequently revised), Stockholm, 14 July 1967 [1972] Australian Treaty Series 13.

[700] Centre for International Economics, Economic Analysis of AUSFTA: Impact of the bilateral free trade agreement with the United States, prepared for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra and Sydney, April 2004, p. 37.

[701] Dr Philippa Dee, AustraliaUnited States Free Trade Agreement: An Assessment, Paper prepared for the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and United States, Canberra, June 2004, pp. 2325.

[702] See K. Weatherall, Supplementary Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, Melbourne, 2004, p. 14.

[703] In the criminal offence, recklessness as to knowledge is sufficient. In the civil action, knowledge can be implied if the person ought reasonably to have known that they would induce, enable, facilitate or conceal infringement of copyright.

[704] Item 141 is consequential to the extended definition of ERMI only insofar as its proposed sub-sections 132(5C) and (5D) are concerned. These proposed sub-sections would not make any other significant substantive change to the offences.

[705] Proposed subsection 132(5DA).

[706] Phillips Fox, Digital Agenda Review, Report and Recommendations, Report commissioned by the Attorney-Generals Department, Sydney, January 2004, p. 115.

[707] The public institutions include non-profit libraries, archives, educational institutions and public non-commercial broadcasting entities.

[708] See K. Weatherall, Weatheralls Law, website,, accessed 28 July 2004.

[709] Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 61: AustraliaUnited States Free Trade Agreement, Parliament House, Canberra, June 2004, p. 238 (hereafter JSCOT).

[710] A broadcast decoding device is a device designed to enable a person to obtain unauthorised access to pay TV content.

[711] A channel provider packages a channel for broadcast by a broadcaster over an encoded service.

[712] From s. 5.4, Criminal Code Act 1995:

A person is reckless with respect to a result if:
(a) he or she is aware of a substantial risk that the result will occur; and
(b) having regard to the circumstances known to him or her, it is unjustifiable to take the risk.

[713] Notably, very similar words are currently used in relation to civil device liability (s. 135ANA(1)(d)) which says the person knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the broadcaster had not authorised the person to gain access to the broadcast by so using, or authorising the use of, the device.

[714] Phillips Fox, op. cit., p. 54.

[715] ibid., p. 111.

[716] For a discussion of this issue see W. P. Knight, Chapter 23.1: Copyright in Law Book Company, The Laws of Australia, Law Book Company, 2003, [23.1.46].

[717] (2002) FCA para 173 (per Lingred J with whom French J agreed).

[718] See Australian Video Retailers Association Ltd v Warner Home Video Pty Ltd (2001) 114 FCR 324.

[719] See Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment & Ors v Eddy Stevens, op. cit., for an example of this interaction.

[720] . Phillips Fox, op. cit., p. 94.

[721] Named from Article 13 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886 (as subsequently revised), Stockholm, 14 July 1967 [1972] Australian Treaty Series 13. See Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Bill 2004: Explanatory Memorandum, Canberra, 2004, p.148.

[722] M. Priest, ISP standards to prevent piracy liability, Australian Financial Review, 29 April 2004, p. 43.

[723] Caching is defined as the reproduction of copyright material on a system or network controlled or operated by or for a carriage service provider in response to an action by a user in order to facilitate efficient access to that material by that user or other users.

[724] See US Copyright Office, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998: US Copyright Office Summary,, accessed on 27 July 2004.

[725] Trade Minister Mark Vaille to Mr Robert Zoellick, Side letter on ISP liability, 18 May 2004, accessed on 27 July 2004.

[726] Darryl Williams, The Year Past and the Year Ahead for the Internet:
the Governments perspective, Speech to Internet Industry Association (IIA) annual gala dinner, 12 February 2004,,,0_7-2_4011-4_117825,00.html, accessed on 27 July 2004.

[727] P Coroneus, Chief Executive Officer of IAA, Minister's Comments to Internet Industry on Free Trade Agreement 'Significant and Reassuring', Media Release, 16 February 2004., accessed on 28 July 2004.

[728] Phillips Fox, op. cit., pp. 85-86.

[729] Sarah Deutsch, comments at The US-Australia Free Trade Agreement and Intellectual Property A Symposium Baker and MacKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 28 April 2004., accessed on 28 July 2004.

[730] Phillips Fox, op. cit., p. 54.

[731] 17 United States Code 1201 (a)(1)(B) (Copyright Act (US).)

[732] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Answers to questions on notice from the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, Canberra, 6 July 2004, p. 11., accessed on 28 July 2004.

[733] D Richardson, Intellectual Property Rights and the AustraliaUS Free Trade Agreement, Research Paper, no. 14, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 200304.

[734] Linux Australia, US-Australia Free Trade Agreement and Open Source, Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, p. 9.

[735] Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, Interim Report, Parliament House, Canberra, 24 June 2004, p. 27.

[736] (1994) 122 ALR 417.

[737] Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property, Marrakesh, 14 April 1994 [1995] Australian Treaty Series 38, Article 27 (entry into force, 1 January 1995).

[738] P. Drahos, T. Faunce, M. Goddard and D. Henry, The FTA and the PBS, Submission to Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, Canberra, 2004, p. 13.

[739] Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association, Position Statement: AustraliaUS Free Trade Agreement, Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States, Canberra, 2004.

[740] See K.Weatherall, op.cit. (Submission) for further discussion of this issue.

[741] 17 United States Code 107 (Copyright Act (US))

[742] . JSCOT, op. cit., 233238.