Public hearings and transcripts

Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America

Public hearings and transcripts

Date Location Programs Transcript
04/05/04 Sydney (PDF 150KB) (PDF 820KB)
05/05/04 Canberra (PDF 145KB) (PDF 950KB)
10/05/04 Canberra (PDF 100KB) (PDF 322KB)
17/05/04 Canberra (PDF 138KB) (PDF 704KB)
18/05/04 Canberra (PDF 127KB) (PDF 705KB)
07/06/04 Melbourne (PDF 33KB) (PDF 689KB)
08/06/04 Canberra (PDF 34KB) (PDF 617KB)
15/06/04 Canberra (PDF 25KB) (PDF 430KB)
16/06/04 Canberra (PDF 22KB) (PDF 187KB)
21/06/04 Canberra (PDF 19KB) (PDF 419KB)
22/06/04 Canberra (PDF 22KB) (PDF 265KB)
23/06/04 Canberra (PDF 18KB) Cancelled
24/06/04 Canberra (PDF 22KB) (PDF 406KB)
06/07/04 Canberra (PDF 129KB) (PDF 828KB)


For further information, contact:

Mr Brenton Holmes
Committee Secretary
Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3527
Fax: +61 2 6277 3830