Recommendation 1: That it should be an offence to use a computer
service to transmit, obtain possession of, demonstrate, advertise or request
the transmission of material equivalent to the RC, R and X categories.
(para. 3.14).
Recommendation 2: That the Government give consideration to making
the use of strong cryptography by service providers obligatory as a means
of overcoming perceived enforcement problems with section 85ZE of the
Crimes Act 1914. (para. 3.23).
Recommendation 3: That subject to the making of contractual arrangements
with access providers/service providers to require their compliance with
the law, network operators should bear no responsibility or liability
for material which passes over their networks. (para. 3.34).
Recommendation 4: That Access and Service Providers be required
to verify the identity of all clients and that all clients are over the
age of 18 years. (para. 3.40).
Recommendation 5: In any offence provision, a clear distinction
must be drawn between the liability of the originator of objectionable
material and a carrier of that material, in the manner of section 85ZE
of the Crimes Act 1914. (para. 3.49).
Recommendation 6: That where Service Providers can demonstrate
that action had been taken in good faith to restrict access to objectionable
material they should have a defence from liability for carriage of such
material.(para. 3.54).
Recommendation 7:
(a) That a system of self-regulation be instituted for the on-line
industry based on codes of practice and the establishment of an independent,
authoritative complaints body with a capacity to impose realistic sanctions
over breaches of the codes, including on-the-spot fines;
(b) That the Telephone Information Services Standards Council and its
codes of practice provide a model for the proposed on-line services
complaints body;
(c) That 50% of the membership of the body should be user representatives,
with overall gender equity and with representation specifically from
the education sector. (para. 3.66).
Recommendation 8: That the Australian Government pursue at appropriate
international forums the concept of classification at source of all material
placed on-line, based on an agreed set of classification standards. (para