Inquiry into the Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy
Public Hearing - Canberra, Thursday 16 April 2009
Start 8.30am
Venue Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House
8.30am–9.15am |
Mr David Pearce
Centre for International Economics |
9.15am–10.00am |
Frontier Economics
Mr Matt Harris, Energy Practice
Mr Amar Breckenridge |
10.00am – 10.20am |
Morning tea |
10.20–11.00am |
Professor Warwick McKibbin
Executive Director, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, ANU |
11.05am–11.50am |
Professor Ross Garnaut
University of Melbourne |
11.50am–12.35pm |
Dr John Pezzey, Senior Fellow, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU |
12.35pm–1.30pm |
Lunch |
1.30pm–3.00pm |
Roundtable on Green Carbon
Dr Christine Jones, Soil Accreditation Scheme
Mr Bryan Clark, Industry Development Manager, Grain Growers Association
Ms Tara Taubenschlag, Communications Adviser, Grains Council of Australia
Dr Heather Keith, School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
Dr Judith Ajani, School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
Mr Andrew Grant, Chief Executive Officer,
C02 Australia
Dr Chris Mitchell, Executive Director, C02 Group
Mr Peter Cozier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists |
3.00pm–3.15pm |
Afternoon tea |
3.15pm–4.00pm |
Dr David Brockway, Chief of Energy Policy |
4.00pm–4.45pm |
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)
Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE
Mr Mark Gibbs, General Manager, Climate Change, DAFF
Dr Helal Ahammad, Branch Manager, Climate Change, ABARE
Ms Edwina Heyhoe, Section Head, Climate Change, ABARE |
5.30pm |
Adjournment |
For further information, contact:
Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600