

National Broadband Network





11 April

RFP issued - Submissions invited on regulation and the Australian Broadband Guarantee

23 May

Closing date for bond and confidentiality deed

30 June

Regulatory submissions available

26 November

Closing time for Proposals

December to January 2009

Assessment of Proposals


21 January

Scheduled identification of preferred proponent(s) by Expert Panel

7 April

NBN Announcement (RFP tender terminated)

7 April

Regulatory reform discussion paper released

8 April

Tasmanian first stage of NBN rollout announced

9 April

Establishment of the NBN Co Limited

23 April

Regional backhaul initiative consultation paper released

24 April

REOI for implementation study lead advisor released

12 May

Submissions to backhaul initiative due

13 May

Order of the Senate preventing the consideration of any NBN related legislation until after the production of RFP-related documents

19 May

Responses to implementation study REOI due

25 May

REOI short-listed applicants to be notified

29 May

Implementation study RFT documents to short-listed applicants


Request for Tender for backhaul initiative scheduled to be issued

3 June

Submissions to regulatory review due

12 June

Submissions on greenfields paper due

16 June

Implementation Study RFT closes

End of Winter sittings

First NBN legislation scheduled to be introduced including bill for greenfields proposal

25 June

First Government NBN bill introduced

1 July

Backhaul priority locations announced; tender issued

3 July

Release of discussion paper National Broadband Network: Regulatory Reform for 21st Century Broadband. Submissions also called for on governance arrangements for NBN Co

6 July

Implementation Study scheduled to commence

16 July

Establishment of NBN Tasmania (fully-owned subsidiary of NBN Co); first tender for the first Tasmanian stage of NBN released

24 July

Appointment of Executive Chair of NBN Co and Chair of NBN Tasmania announced

30 July

Submissions due on legislative framework for NBN


Negotiations and award of Lead Advisor contract(s) scheduled to be concluded

5  August

Responses to backhaul RFT due

6 August

Five new board members appointed to NBN Co

6 August

McKinsey-KPMG appointed Lead Advisor

13 August

Appointment of directors to NBN Tasmania

14 August

Establishment of Greenfields Stakeholder Reference Group announced

21 August

First board meeting of NBN Tasmania

10 September

Total full-time NBNCo staff now 12

15 September

Aurora Energy announces construction of backhaul  commences

15 September

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment


Inquiry into Telecommunications Legislation Amendment

8 October

Corning Cable Systems wins first supply contract for over 300km of backhaul fibre Tasmanian NBN

19 October

Full time employees of NBN Co now number 40

21 October

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment passed in House of Representatives

22 October

Communications Alliance releases Discussion Paper on High Level Architecture Option for the NBN

26 October

BCA Report released condemning the Government's lack of a cost-benefit analysis for the NBN

26 October

Expert Panel Report excerpts and ACCC Report tabled in the Senate

26 October

Inquiry Report on Telecommunications Legislation Amendment tabled in the Senate

26 October

Aurora Energy begins tender process for TES for its FTTP Access Nodes

29 October

Senate agrees to release Telecommunications Bill from the requirements of the Order of the Senate

29 October

Bidding process commenced for the 'Smart Grid Smart City' initiative

Late October

Productivity Commission tables Annual Report critical of no Cost-benefit analysis for NBN.


Fibre scheduled to be connected to first premises in Tasmanian roll out




Final report of Implementation Study due


First NBN services expected to be available in Tasmania

1 September

Trial network to be in place in Scottsdale, Midway point and Smithton (announced 30.9.09)

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