

Recommendation 1

2.152      That the Auditor General conducts a full review of the RFP process, to be commenced before the end of 2009.

Recommendation 2

2.154      That Infrastructure Australia be involved in the NBN process to the fullest capacity.

Recommendation 3

3.92      That the government:

Recommendation 4

3.94      That the government provide the committee with a copy of:

Recommendation 5

3.97      That, as soon as possible, but no later than the last sitting day of the Winter sittings, the government provide to the committee the following:

Recommendation 6

3.99      That those aspects of the Expert Panel and the ACCC reports that discuss or make any conclusions or recommendations about the existing regulatory framework and options for its reform be provided to the committee as soon as possible, but no later that the last sitting day of the Winter sittings.

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