Witnesses Who Appeared Before the Committee

Sydney, Tuesday 7 October 2008

BREALEY, Mr Michael, Manager, Public Policy
Vodafone Australia

BUDDE, Mr Paul, Managing Director
Paul Budde Communication Pty Ltd

CHAPMAN, Mr Alexander, Executive Officer, Policy and Strategy Coordinator
Australian Federation of Deaf Societies

CORBIN, Ms Teresa, Chief Executive Officer
Consumers Telecommunications Network

HICKS, Mr Gregory, Chairman
Adam Internet Pty Ltd

POOLMAN, Mr Clive, General Manager Strategy

SCHUBERT, Ms Georgia Kate, General Manager, Public Policy
Vodafone Australia

WALTERS, Ms Sheena, Manager, Interpreting and Advocacy
Deaf Society of New South Wales

WEIR, Ms Deanne, Group Director, Corporate Development and Legal Affairs
AUSTAR United Communications Ltd


Canberra, Wednesday 8 October 2008

COBCROFT, Mr Simon, Acting Assistant Secretary, Broadband Infrastructure Branch
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

COSGRAVE, Mr Michael, Group General Manager, Communications Group
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

DIMASI, Mr Joe, Executive General Manager, Regulatory Affairs Division
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

EGAN, Hon. Michael Rueben, Chairman
Terria Pty Ltd

FORMAN, Mr David, Executive Director
Competitive Carriers Coalition

HEALY, Mr Matthew, Chair
Competitive Carriers Coalition

KING, Ms Marianne, Assistant Secretary, National Broadband Network Taskforce
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

LYON, Mr Brendan Curtis, Executive Director
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia

LYONS, Mr Colin, Deputy Secretary, National Broadband Network Taskforce
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

SIMMONS, Mr Michael John, Managing Director
Terria Pty Ltd.

WAGG, Dr Michael, General Manager, Networks Strategy
Terria Pty Ltd.

WINDEYER, Mr Richard, Acting First Assistant Secretary, National Broadband Network Taskforce
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy


Melbourne, 28 October 2008

BARR, Professor Trevor Frank, Media and Telecommunications
Swinburne University of Technology

BHATIA, Mr Ravi, Chief Executive Officer
Primus Telecom

CONNOR, Mr Andrew, Spokesperson
Digital Tasmania

GANS, Professor Joshua
Private capacity

HORAN, Mr John, Regulatory and Legal Counsel
Primus Telecom.

KRISHNAPILLAI, Mr Maha, Director, Government and Corporate Affairs

MORGAN, Mr Kevin Leonard
Private capacity

RAICHE, Ms Holly, Executive Director
Internet Society of Australia

SHERIDAN, Mr Andrew, General Manager, Economic Regulation

SINCLAIR, Ms Rosemary Anne, Managing Director
Australian Telecommunications Users Group

WHITE, Mr Gerry, Director
Internet Society of Australia


Perth, Thursday 6 November 2008

BAIN, Mr Martin, Member and Representative
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia

BUCKINGHAM, Mr David, Chief Financial Officer
iiNet Ltd

CHENG, Mr Anson, Manager, Broadband Infrastructure
Western Australian Department of Industry and Resources

DALBY, Mr Stephen, Chief Regulatory Officer
iiNet Ltd

de JONG, Mrs Julie, Director for Innovative Industries
Western Australian Department of Industry and Resources

DIGNARD, Mrs Sharon Anne, Senior Adviser Industry Policy
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia

FRONTINO, Mr Anthony, Managing Director
CipherTel Pty Ltd

GREEN, Professor Walter Battman, Director
Communications Experts Group Pty Ltd

GROCOTT, Mr Stephen, General Manager, ICT, Biotechnology and Trade Services, Western Australian Department of Industry and Resources

HAILES, Ms Allison, Executive Manager
Western Australian Local Government Association

HILL, Mr Christopher Richard, Member and Representative
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia

MALONE, Mr Michael, Managing Director
iiNet Ltd

McGUIGAN, Mr Philip
Western Australian Local Government Association

MONKS, Mr Peter, Acting Chief Executive Officer
City of Perth


Canberra, Tuesday 11 November 2008

GALLAGHER, Mr William David, General Counsel, Public Policy & Communications, Telstra Corporation Limited

QUILTY, Mr David, Group Managing Director, Public Policy
Telstra Corporation Limited

WARREN, Dr Tony, Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs
Telstra Corporation Limited


Brisbane, Friday 21 November 2008

CHELLEW, Ms Linda, Manager
Indigenous Remote Communications Association

CLAPPERTON, Mr Dale, Spokesperson
Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc

JACKSON, Mr David Gavin, Manager, Economic Development
Brisbane City Council

KELSO, Dr Ross
Private capacity

McCARTHY, Mr Bernie, Chief Executive Officer
Torres Shire Council

STEPHEN, Councillor Pedro, Mayor
Torres Shire Council

SUZOR, Mr Nicolas, Vice Chair
Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc


Canberra, Monday 24 November 2008

PRICE, Mr Arthur R (Art), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Axia NetMedia Corporation

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