Appendix 1

Appendix 1

List of Submissions*

1.    Food Chain Intelligence

2.    Ms Elizabeth Lambert

3.    Mr Michael Sobb

4.    Mr R.J. Bennett

5.    Mr Geoff Ward

6.    FoodLegal

7.    Mr Chris Hilder

8.    Australian Lot Feeders' Association

9.    The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) WA

10.  Maribyrnong City Council

11.  NSW Irrigators' Council

12.  Ricegrowers' Association of Australia Inc.

13.  Mr Robert Lemon

14.  Mr Simon Emmott

15.  Australian Pork Ltd

16.  Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

17.  Ms Kate Lawrence

18.  MADGE Mothers are Demystifying Genetic Engineering

19.  Horticulture Australia Limited

20.  Enniskillen Orchard

21.  Canefarmers Association, Herbert Region

22.  Victorian Farmers Federation

23.  Growcom

24.  Australian Dairy Industry

25.  Curtin University of Technology

26.  Mr Michael Carmody

27.  CSIRO

28.  VicHealth

29.  Cattle Council of Australia, Australian Lot Feeders' Association, Sheepmeats Council of Australia, Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd

30.  Victorian Local Governance Association

31.  Mr Gavin Chirgwin

32.  Ms Madeleine Love

33.  Network of Concerned Farmers

34.  Australian Conservation Foundation

35.  Pure Harvest [Ceres Natural Foods Pty Ltd]

36.  Dieticians Association of Australia

37.  Ms Frances Murrell

38.  Population Health Queensland

39.  NSW Department of Primary Industries

40.  Sydney Food Fairness Alliance

41.  Ms Sue Wilmott

42.  The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation's

43.  Planning Institute Australia

44.  Mr Jeff Bidstrup

45.  Ms Janet Cox

46.  Ms Kirsten Larsen

47.  Professor Barry McGlasson

48.  Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Co. Ltd

49.  Mr Kevin Tresselaar

50.  Fonterra Australia Pty Ltd

51.  AG Force

52.  Mr David Byard

53.  Mr Louis R. Cook

54.  Mr Russell Holland

55.  Ms Estelle Ross

56.  Mr Murray Brooker

57.  David Sheil

58.  Ms Diane Evers

59.  Ms Bee Winfield

60.  Ms Susan Stewart

61.  The Environment Association Inc.

62.  Professor David L McNeil

63.  Mr Bob Loone

64.  Ms Prue Lee

65.  Ms Marilyn Carter

66.  Mr Marcus Kuhn

67.  Ms Sue Wilmott

68.  Ms Martine Traill

69.  Ms Susan Lyle

70.  Ms Julie Prowse

71.  Ms Sue Patchett

72.  Ms Pauline Roberts

73.  Mr Grant and Mrs Kaye Chambers

74.  Ms Colleen Gardner

75.  Mr John and Mrs Vicki Brassil

76.  Ms Lisa Barber

77.  Ms Margaret Wilmott, Wilmott Pastoral Pty Ltd.

78.  Ms Sue Cudmore

79.  Mr David Alderice and Mrs Marguerite Uther, DAMA Partnership

80.  Mr Rod and Mrs Kelly Grant

81.  Ms Petrina Ronald

82.  Mr Derek Blomfield

83.  Ms Susan Willis

84.  Ms Peta Craig

85.  Ms Rosemary Nankivell

86.  Mr David Moon, Moonrocks Australia

87.  Ms Phoebe Clift

88.  Ms Carol Mackerras, Mackerras Pastoral Co

89.  Dr Pauline Roberts

90.  Ms Patricia Duddy

91.  Mr David Cornish

92.  Mr Terry Bowring

93.  DAFF

94.  Cuthbertson Bros

95.  Mr Philip Henty

96.  Mr Geoff Brown

97.  Ms Wendy Bowman

98.  Rainbow 2000 Project

*This list includes all submissions lodged to date in relation to the committee's inquiry into food production

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