

Recommendation 1

3.34      The committee recommends that the states and territories should consider, as a matter of priority, adopting uniform description and labelling of fertiliser products to ensure consistency between jurisdictions.

Recommendation 2

3.35      The committee recommends that all state and territory agriculture departments should consider undertaking regular sample testing for specified ingredient levels, such as nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium (NPK) levels, in fertiliser products.

Recommendation 3

3.73      The committee recommends that the Commonwealth review Part IV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 relating to restrictive trade practices with a view to amending these provisions of the Act so as to more effectively regulate anti-competitive practices and prevent abuse of market power.

Recommendation 4

3.84      The committee recommends that ABARE:

Recommendation 5

3.102      The committee recommends that in the interests of transparency the industry improve its business practices to ensure that fertiliser companies:

Recommendation 6

3.103      The committee recommends that, wherever possible, supply agreements between suppliers and customers be more structured and equitable, and, where appropriate, include standard contractual terms and conditions.

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